• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 5,364 Views, 174 Comments

Amor Fati - BRyeMC

Clyde gained a "love of fate" attitude early in his life. How will fate treat him after joining Canterlot High?

  • ...

The Prized Hangout

Clyde woke up at a quarter to noon the next day. He quickly took a shower and dressed before running downstairs to flip on the television before he had to leave for this hangout session with Pinkie Pie. After watching some sports highlights of early season football games, he turned it off and walked outside.

The day was bright and sunny, which wasn’t too much of an oddity during this time of year. Instead of hot temperatures, the cool autumn breeze smacked Clyde in the face. He shrugged it off and entered his car. After starting it up, he took another quick glance through the sports updates feed and drove off towards the location written on the small scrap of paper.

Once near the cafe, he parked in a nearby parking lot in the district and walked over to the restaurant. As he walked along the streets, he looked at all the stores he never knew existed. One of them was some music store that sold records, instruments, and other musical items. He took note of it and walked up to the cafe doors and opened them up, taking notice of the overhanging sign that read “Le Café Enchanteur”. After looking around, he noticed Pinkie wasn’t there. What he did notice, however, was a certain girl that was looking at him surprised, sitting at a nearby table.

“Clyde?” asked Rarity with a look of shock. “Whatever are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to meet Pinkie today?”

Clyde looked around in confusion. “Yeah, where is she?” He pulled out the small scrap of paper and looked at it. “This is where I was supposed to go.”

Rarity called him over to take a look at the paper. After Clyde handed her it, she took a glance at it and looked up at him. “I’m afraid this is the wrong location. She was to meet you at the Sweet Shoppe, not here.”

Clyde frowned and looked at the paper wondering what was going on. He tried to recall on how the mix up was even possible, but then a theory hit him. “I guess when Poncho and I ran into Coach, our papers fell to the floor and we took each other’s version. Since Poncho has Pinkie’s now, I guess I have...” He looked at Rarity.

“Looks like fate brought us together again,” she said with a smile. She kicked out a chair for Clyde to sit down, which he did. He sat there quietly looking at the other people in the cafe, not knowing what to say to her. Truthfully, before he even attempted the balloon pop, he hoped he would win the hangout session with Rarity, as he did find her attractive. He just never thought it would actually happen. Rarity noticied the awkward tension in the room between them so she gave a slight cough. “You know Clyde, I hope you don’t just sit there all day, not talking to me.”

Clyde blushed and rubbed his head. “Well, what do you want me to say?”

“Anything is fine.”

“How’s the weather?”

Rarity giggled. “How about I ask you questions instead? I hardly know you after all.”

Clyde managed to look at her without blushing and nodded. “Alright. Ask away.”

Rarity placed a finger on her lips and hummed. “Well, let’s start with the basics: how did you end up in Canterlot?”

Clyde looked at the table and frowned. “My brother and I moved here during the summer, due to the fact he was about to join the Guard. I live alone right now since he’s busy with training and all those sorts of things.”

“Alone?” asked Rarity curiously, “where are you parents at?”

Clyde frowned again, but hesitated on the answer. “When I was younger, my brother and I always played basketball. He even gave me the nickname of “Clyde” since I reminded him of one of his favorite players who also had a nickname of “Clyde”. After a while, even my parents began calling me that too.”

Rarity stared at him as he fumbled with a salt and pepper shakers on the table. “That’s wonderful, but you never really answered my question–”

Clyde looked up at her suddenly which startled her. “When I was ten, my parents died in a car crash after letting my brother watch me for the first time. He was so distraught, he kept blaming himself he caused their deaths, when he really didn’t. Nobody caused it. It was just bad fate that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Rarity looked at him stunned, but Clyde kept going. “We spent seven years at our uncle’s house. I was homeschooled as my brother began working with our uncle to pay for us two to live there. As we moved out in early summer, we ended up here, in which he wanted to join the Guard for self discipline.” Clyde placed the two shakers in their original position and sighed.

Rarity looked at him carefully and closed her eyes. “I’m truly sorry for all that has happened to you.”

“Thanks,” said Clyde with a fake smile. “I try not to dwell anymore on that stuff. Like I said, I couldn’t change the outcome, so I have to keep moving forward. Everything happens for a reason. I learned that the hard way.”

Rarity slowly nodded. “So, I’m guessing you kept the name of “Clyde” as a homage to them?”

“Sort of. It’s mostly because they called me that and because my brother and I bonded greatly over some blacktop basketball at our home. He’s the reason why I have a passion for basketball. It’s really the only thing I’m good at.” He looked down at the basketball logo on his black shirt, hiding behind his jacket.

“That can’t be true! You have to be good at other stuff!” Rarity looked at him who looked back at her. She saw that he wasn’t blushing anymore whenever she spoke to him. “You’re acting very calm over there whenever I speak to you now.” She gave a wink at him.

At the mention of that, Clyde blushed again. “I am? Anxiety has affected my stomach this whole time! I’ve never been this nervous before!”

Rarity laughed. “Well, there’s nothing really to be nervous about. This isn’t an official date or anything too serious.” She stroked her chin. “Speaking of which, did you enjoy your first Canterlot High Fall Formal dance? I didn’t see you there.”

“That’s because I wasn’t there. Tyrone invited us to his house since Trenderfoot and him got banned from the dance.” Clyde looked up at Rarity who had an angry expression on her face. “I’m sorry he made your date banned from the dance.”

Rarity angrily looked away. “It’s fine. He was only my date for that one minute I saw you two in the hallway. I realized after you walked away he only asked me because he’s mad at you for the whole gym scene. I didn’t know any better and because he called me pretty I fell for it.”

Clyde looked at her thoroughly and gave a laugh. “He downplayed that then. I wouldn’t say you’re pretty at all, you’re beautiful.” He saw Rarity’s mesmerizing blue eyes light up as she quickly looked at him. Nervous of the sudden direct eye contact, Clyde blushed again.

“I thank you dearly for your lovely comment,” said Rarity with a smile.

Clyde smiled back, trying to contain the redness on his face, but decided he didn’t care anymore. She knew now what he thought of her on the appearance level. Before he could speak again, he felt his phone vibrate constantly at the incoming group chat messages. Clyde pulled out his phone with a sigh and turned it on silent and placed it on the table. Rarity looked over at the screen at all the messages and looked at him.

“I see you’re famous.”

“I really wish I wasn’t put into this chat thing,” complained Clyde still looking at the horde of messages light up his screen, “but since it’s all my contacts on my phone, except my brother, in one chat, it does make it easier. It eats up my battery so much.”

“I understand,” agreed Rarity. “The five of us have a group chat too. Except, ours isn’t as crazy as that one.” She pointed to Clyde’s phone, which was still flashing up at the new messages. “Whatever are they talking about anyway?”

Clyde briefly scrolled through a group of messages on the screen. “Well, they talk about something, then five messages later, they switch topics to something unrelated to it.” He kept scrolling but stopped and looked up at Rarity. “Wait a minute, isn’t your table six girls? Who are you excluding?”

Rarity frowned and sadly looked at the table. “Well, it’s a long story....”

“I don’t mind. After all, we are supposed to “hangout” all day,” said Clyde putting extra emphasis on the word in a joking manner. He felt his stomach gurgle and looked nervously away as Rarity heard it too. She gave a small giggle. “Actually, I’m going to get something to eat first. Do you want anything?”

“I only want a salad and some tea. I’ll get in line with you.” As she started to stand up, Clyde shook his head.

“I’ll buy you lunch, just wait here.”

Rarity laughed. “Clyde, I do appreciate your manners of being a gentleman, but I can pay for myself. You’re the one who won the prize of spending the afternoon with me, even though you didn’t actually get my name. I have no trouble with buying my own lunch.”

Clyde shook his head again at her. “One thing my mother said to me when I was younger, was to always buy a girl anything she wants on a date.”

“This isn’t a date though,” said Rarity looking at him with curious eyes.

Clyde smiled. “From what I can tell, we are in a restaurant type of location and it’s just us two at a table.”

Rarity blinked. “Yes, but we still...actually, this sort of turned into a date now hasn’t it?”

Clyde nodded and laughed. “It’s whatever you call it as, but I’m treating this as one just so I don’t come off rude.” Rarity smiled at him and he walked over to stand in line.

After placing Rarity’s and his order, he was given a small ticket of his order number. He waited over by the pick up counter and looked over at Rarity. Her back was turned towards him, but he saw she was on her phone doing something. As he looked back at the counter, a tray of their food appeared and he walked back over to the table. As he sat down, Rarity put her phone away and smiled at him.

“Thank you very much, Clyde,” said Rarity as he slid the salad bowl and tea over to her. They began eating which Clyde slowed down than normal so he wouldn’t look like a complete savage to her.

“So,” said Clyde with a mouthful of food. He saw her look up at him with vexed eyes, realizing he was talking with food in his mouth. He quickly gulped it down and sheepishly coughed. As he looked back at Rarity, she gave him a smile to signal to continue. “Sorry, anyways, how about that tale of why you’re missing a person in your chat?”

Rarity ignored him for a few seconds to eat her salad. After taking some small bites, she sighed. “You probably wouldn’t believe me.”

“Oh. You could always try.”

Rarity sighed. “Fine.”

In ten minutes, Rarity explained the whole week of the Fall Formal, starting with Twilight and where she came from. She told him about why the crown was super important, why Sunset Shimmer wanted it, and the events of the dance itself. After she was done, Clyde took a drink of water and stroked his chin.

“So, this Twilight girl was from another universe where everyone are ponies?”

“I know it sounds weird, but...yes.”

Clyde shrugged. “Well, I’ll believe it.”

“Really?” said Rarity in shock. “I honestly didn’t think anyone would ever believe that. I couldn’t grasp it myself at first, but Twilight helped us all be friends again, so I believed her.”

Clyde looked out the window. “Well, I’ll take your word for it. It’s not the strangest story I’ve heard before.”

“Oh? Like?”

“It’s best if we don’t talk about it.”

“Alright,” said Rarity and that was the end of that.

They spent the next hour finishing their lunch and talking about hobbies and other activities. Rarity told him about her small fashion business which Clyde thought was interesting.

“I bet you have loads of inspiration, huh?” asked Clyde, looking at her clothes instead of her eyes for once.

“Hmm, sometimes. Most of the time I’m lacking motivation instead. I can make many forms of clothing, but what's the point if no one, or even myself, is motivated enough to wear them or make it?”

Clyde nodded. “That’s understandable.” Clyde looked at her a felt confidence within himself than before. Before today, he couldn’t look at her, let alone think about her, without blushing, but now, since they had this meeting, he no longer felt as nervous around her. “If you want, I could wear your clothes to promote them.”

Rarity looked at him and laughed. “That’s very sweet of you Clyde, but I’m afraid I don’t specialize in men’s clothing.” Clyde blushed due to embarrassment, but shrugged it off and laughed. “However, that doesn’t mean, down the line of course, I wouldn’t mind making matching outfits for my own outfits...” She looked away and looked outside the window, watching people walk down the streets.

Clyde understood the hint and wanted to say something, but decided not to. He too glanced outside the window and saw the sun was still shining with no clouds in the sky for miles. After a few moments of silence, Rarity looked at Clyde.

“So, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?”

“I have no idea. I didn’t know how this whole thing was going to go and last. We’ve been here for a good amount of time.”

“You’re counting down the time so you don’t have to sit here with me anymore?” asked Rarity with a pout. She watched Clyde get all worked up and giggled. “Clyde, I’m joking. Say, I know what we can do!”

“What’s that?” asked Clyde rubbing his head and calming down.

“Have you explored Canterlot in fully yet?”

“Uh, not really. I only usually go to my house, the school, and the park.”

Rarity smiled. “Perfect! I can be your guide around the city! It’s the least I can do. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my car as I walked here because it was so gorgeous outside today.”

“I can drive mine. I live on the far side of town, so walking was not happening.” Rarity nodded and they left the cafe. After walking past the music store and into the parking lot, Clyde led Rarity to his matte black colored car. Upon reaching it, Clyde quickly opened the driver door and threw his backpack, which was in the passenger seat, to the back seats. He leaned across the seat and opened the passenger door as Rarity approached it.

Even though she was shorter than Clyde by a few inches, she still had to duck into the car due to the low suspension. As she put on her seat belt, she looked at the back seat and saw all of the junk piling up. “Clyde, you simply must clean out your car sometime,” she suggested to him.

Clyde smirked. “Yeah, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

“Your car does have quite the room in it,” said Rarity as she kicked her legs in her seat. “I bet the back has room too, but not in that condition,” she joked.

“Alright, alright, I’ll clean it,” said Clyde with a sigh.

“Good,” she said with a smile. “I always make sure my lovely convertible is perfectly clean inside. I have to take notice of the outside due to the weather, however.”

“A convertible?” said Clyde. “I could see you driving one of those. I like my sports cars though.”

“You and a million other boys your age.” She gave a sly grin and laughed. “Where would you like to go first?”

Clyde looked out the window. “It doesn’t matter to me. Just guide me through the city I guess.”

Rarity smiled and nodded. Rarity guided him through the city looking at the hotspots, like the stores, restaurants, post office, and whatever else there was. After cruising through downtown, they traveled to the bigger sites like the mall, the fairgrounds where carnivals, festivals, and trading fairs were held. Of course, he knew the school, but near it was a rather large pond and park Clyde never knew was there. It took nearly two hours to explore the city, but Clyde didn’t mind at all. Even Rarity seemed to enjoy the car trip from what he could tell.

The sun was in the process of setting by the time Clyde pulled up to Rarity’s store and home. They sat in silence for a minute listening to the radio, until Rarity looked at him.

“Well, Clyde, I must thank you for buying lunch for me today,” said Rarity sweetly, “it was also fun to get to know you more. I enjoyed today very much.”

“No problem and I did too, and to think, I thought I was going to talk to Pinkie today. I never would have guessed it would be you.”

“I’m betting you were extremely glad it was me, huh, darling?” asked Rarity with a wink.

“Uh...” Clyde quickly looked out his window to avoid her seeing another one of his many blushes. He realized he done it so much today, she knew exactly what to say to make him do it. He looked back at her after calming down. “So, I guess I’ll talk to you later, like in gym on Monday?”

Rarity stared out her window and shook her head. “Hmm, maybe even sooner.” She suddenly opened the car door and climbed out, leaving Clyde extremely confused. She shut the door and began walking up to the doors of her business home. Before she reached the door, she turned around and lifted up her pointer finger to signal to wait a moment. She pulled out her phone and began typing something. Once she was done, she looked back up at Clyde.

Clyde was going to lower the window to talk to her, but he felt a vibration from his phone go off in his pocket. He completely forgot he turned it back on to vibrate after walking back to his car after the cafe. Expecting a new group chat message, he pulled out his phone. Once he saw what the new text message on the screen said, he became even more confused.

Rarity now
Good night, Clyde. Also, you really should put a lock on your phone.
slide to reply

“How the–” Clyde quickly looked up at Rarity, who smiled and gave a wave before entering the building. Clyde sat there for a few moments before smiling to himself. He pulled away from the curb and drove to the nearest car wash and vacuum service station.