• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 5,362 Views, 174 Comments

Amor Fati - BRyeMC

Clyde gained a "love of fate" attitude early in his life. How will fate treat him after joining Canterlot High?

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Pinkie's Balloon Pop II: Balloon Harder

The next morning at school, Clyde slumped down into his seat for home room and rested his head on his small desk. Due to the five-hour tryout session from the earlier night, Clyde was still tired and sore from the constant flow of Iron Will’s tests. As he closed his eyes, he heard the school’s intercom turn on.

“Good morning Canterlot High!” praised Principal Celestia. “I hope you all had a wonderful evening and morning, but I’m here with a special guest!” The intercom crackled for a few seconds before a loud and familiar voice yelled throughout the school.

Hellooooo!” yelled Pinkie Pie through the intercom, “today is a special day! Not only are we two weeks away from Halloween! We are EXACTLY two weeks away! That means, our school is in need of some Halloween decorations!”

Clyde sluggishly looked around his home room to see his fellow peers scratching their heads trying to figure out what the big deal was.

“I have great decoration ideas, but I might need help with them!” continued Pinkie, “Soooooo, I’ll be secretly picking a few students throughout the day to help with decorations! Bye...” Her voice trailed off as Celestia’s voice was faintly heard in the background. There was a faint door slam before Celestia returned to the microphone.

“Well, you heard her! Have a great day!” The intercom shut off and the bell rang.

Clyde slowly got up and began walking down the hallway to his first class of the day, dragging his feet and trying to wake himself up. He wasn’t really in the mood, both physically and mentally, for learning, as he just wanted sleep. He was so exhausted when he got home last night, he immediately fell asleep on his bed as soon as he flopped down on it.

As he walked by some students he never really bothered with before, they looked at him and nodded or waved at him. Clyde knew Iron Will made a school website announcement when the final roster for the team was chosen by him, but he never knew it would cause students to acknowledge him like that. He never even played a game yet.

He kept walking and passed an open door to an empty class before feeling a hand grab over his mouth and around his body. He attempted to struggle, but due to his fatigue, his effort slowly diminished and he let the hands drag him into the room. As the hand moved away from his mouth, he turned to see a person clothed in a black outfit, wearing a black ski mask. Clyde watched in confusion, and in fear, as this culprit slowly took off the ski mask. In a quick movement, a blob of pink hair "poofed" up and Pinkie stood there smiling.

“Hiya, Clyde! Long time no see!” Her big smile lit up the room.

“Pinkie?” asked Clyde in bewilderment. “Why are you wearing that outfit?”

“I don’t know! I thought it would be more fun to wear this and kidnap random students!” beamed Pinkie. “So, how have ya been?”

Clyde rolled his eyes, but gave a quick smile. “I’ve been good, just tired due to the tryout last night.”

“Oh! I heard Rainbow Dash made the team, too!”

“Yeah, she’s really good. Much better than me,” said Clyde. He wasn’t lying to her. Rainbow Dash was the only other person on the team that had any chance to compare to Tyrone. Clyde was happy enough he was able to make the starting lineup.

“Well, I’m sure you and her will soon be great friends!” replied Pinkie. “You’re already friends with me, but you’re also super good friends with Rarity! She talks about you all the time to us, you know.”

“R-Really?” asked Clyde, feeling his heart sink, “are they good things?”

Pinkie smiled. “I can’t say! It’s one of those secret girl-to-girl conversations that we always have. Besides, I ‘Pinkie Promised’!”

Clyde gulped. One thing he always hated was people talking about someone behind their back. He usually didn’t care what people thought about him, but since it was Rarity, he felt nervous about it. He thought the two of them grew close the past few weeks, but if she was saying bad things about him, he would be completely distraught.

“Don’t worry about anything, Clyde,” said Pinkie with a smile after noticing his worried look on his face, “it’s not anything bad!”

“That’s all I wanted to know,” said Clyde with a quick breath of relief. He looked around the classroom and wondered why it was the only empty room in the school. There was nothing in the room except a lone desk in the corner. “So Pinkie, what did you want me to help you with?”

Pinkie beamed again and showed a giant smile. “You really are going to help!”

Clyde blinked a few times. “I thought you wanted me to? That's why you kindapped me, right?”

“Not really! I kidnapped you just for fun! I was actually going to ask Fluttershy or someone else to help!” Pinkie playfully laughed as Clyde sighed.

“Oh, well, I guess I’ll be heading back to–”

“Wait! I was kidding! Help me!” yelled Pinkie. “Besides, I can get you out of all your classes today if you do help me...” She looked at him with lowered eyes, which he first thought of Rarity, as she started doing that to him more when she wanted something.

“You can? How?”

Pinkie shrugged. “I know a few people...”


“Trick question! I know everyone, silly!”

Clyde blinked again and rubbed his head to prevent her from messing with his already fatigued mind. “Can we please get started?” he quickly asked.

“Of course!” Pinkie grabbed her black outfit and ripped it off, revealing her normal attire and bounced to the hallways. Clyde followed her and watched her measure the length and width of the hallway with fingers and her hands. She opened up the closest locker and pulled out a box of orange and black streamers. She handed Clyde the black roll and some tape and pointed to the other end of the hallway. “Alright, Clyde! Go down there and start zigzagging your way to this end! I’ll do the same, but with orange!”

He nodded and walked to the end of the hallway. As he passed the classrooms, he glanced inside the rooms to see how the students were acting this early of the morning and most were either sleeping or apathetically looking at a textbook. Once he reached the end of the hallway, he began to tape up the streamer and zigzag his way to the end of the hall. After ten minutes, the two of them looked down the hallway and nodded in agreement at their work.

“Looks good! Only five more hallways!”

Clyde sighed and followed her to the next site. The two of them continued with the streamers, making all the hallways of the school filled with them. When Clyde taped the last streamer to the wall, he slumped down the wall and yawned. “I’m glad that’s over with...”

“We aren’t done yet!” said Pinkie sitting down across the hallway, “we only have the streamers up! We need more decorations! I’m thinking some fake cobwebs or a head on a string that falls down when someone walks near it.”

“What’s with the overkill on the decorations?” asked Clyde.

Pinkie gasped loudly in shock. “Decorations make the world spin, silly! Without them, parties or other festivities would be like a seal without a ball or a wasp without someone to sting!”

“Huh, that analogy was pretty good,” responded Clyde. "I guess decorations are really important."

Pinkie nodded and looked at him. “You know, I can finish the hallways. I have another thing we can do that shouldn’t take as much effort!”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah! Do you remember my balloon pop fundraiser I had weeks ago where you actually won a day to hangout with me, but actually didn’t hang out with me at all because Poncho and you mixed up the tickets and you actually spend the whole day with Rarity, and I spend mine with Poncho!”–she took a deep breath–”but anyways, I’m planning on making another one of those for the school’s Halloween event where we can dress up in costumes for a party!”

“What’s the prize this time?” asked Clyde.

“Well, I was thinking candy would be the minor prizes that most of these balloons would contain, but for the grand prize, I was feeling some movie tickets for a new upcoming movie!”

“That sounds pretty cool. How many balloons are you having to pop this time?”

Pinkie looked at him slowly and looked to her sides to check the surroundings. “About one-hundred thousand.”

“What!?” exclaimed Clyde in shock. “That’s going to take forever!”

“Forever? Don’t be silly! I have a balloon pump!” Pinkie happily laughed. “Could you imagine sitting there and blowing air into them one by one? You’re too funny...”

“Then why do you need my help for?”

“So you can help put the candy or tickets in the deflated balloons so I can blow them up with the air pump!” Pinkie jumped up and looked down at him. “To the janitor's closet!”

“Why are you–” Clyde stopped as he saw Pinkie run down the hallway and slide down the rail of the staircase. Clyde shook his head and slowly got up and began his slow and sluggish walk down the hallway. As he walked down the stairs and made a hard turn to the left, he crashed into someone and fell to the floor.

“Oh look who it is,” said Trenderfoot looking down at Clyde. He held out his hand to help Clyde up from the ground.

Clyde hesitantly grabbed his hand and jumped up from the ground. “Sorry about that, I was trying to find Pinkie.”

Trenderfoot brushed off some dirt on his sweater and adjusted his thick-framed glasses. “Not a problem, friend. Say, how have you been? I heard you and your egotistical friend made the basketball team.”

“Yeah, we did.” Clyde looked at Trenderfoot strangely. “So, uh, I’ve been good. How are you?”

“Very keen. I am also looking for Pinkie. I need a new article to write and since she’s in charge of nearly every event this school has, I figured writing about her party spirit would be an interesting read.”

“You write articles? What for?” questioned Clyde with a curious glance.

“I’m the head writer for the school newspaper,” replied Trenderfoot. He lifted his head to show his pride in his hobby. “My dream one day is to travel the world and become a famous writer about buildings, arts, cuisine, and any other topic people are rather interested in reading.”

“That’s a wonderful dream to have,” stated Clyde. “I would love to travel the world.”

“Indeed, actually, I leave for Prance next week for the rest of the school year to study abroad while learning and improving my writing. Hopefully my experience there will help my with my career. When I return, I will be transferring to Crystal Prep instead of coming back to this school.”

“Well, I wish you the best,” said Clyde. He himself felt a weird sensation of pride overcome him, but he ignored it.

“Thanks,” said Trenderfoot with a smile. “Now, let’s go find Pinkie.”

Clyde nodded and they walked through the bottom floor hallway of the school. After a few paces, they saw the janitor closet and walked up to it. Clyde opened the door and a deluge of dark orange and black balloons engulfed him and scattered throughout the hallway..

“Clyde!” yelled Pinkie with a balloon and the pump in her hands, “I was trying to keep them all in here to keep them from scattering around!” She sighed and frowned. “Looks like I have to start collecting them up again...”

Clyde pushed off some balloons on him and sat up. Wanting to repent his actions, he stood up and began moving the balloons with his foot back into the closet. “I got this,” said Clyde focused on the balloons.

“In the meantime,” began Trenderfoot, looking over at the saddened Pinkie Pie, “may I interview you, Pinkie?”

“An interview!” wondered Pinkie, “I’m not even dressed properly for one!”

“It’s not an interview, it’s more like a questioning. It shouldn’t take that long. I only need to ask you about your spirit of parties.”

Pinkie Pie beamed and showed her huge smile again. “Ooh! I can help you with that! I love parties!” Pinkie shot a look at Clyde. “Just put the balloons back in the closet. I’ll get back and we can resume filling them up!”

Clyde nodded and watched Trenderfoot pull out a small notepad from his sweater and lead Pinkie down the hall. He watched Trenderfoot try to ask questions to her, but she kept looking away or humming a song to herself. After a quick chuckle, Clyde looked at the sea of balloons.

He first tried to move them all by using his foot, but he couldn’t get them to stack on one another with his foot, so he then tried picking them up and throwing them in the closet. Pinkie must have bought super bouncy balloons, because every time a balloon touched another one, it would bounce back to the floor near his feet. After watching his small wall of balloons crumble down, he angrily threw a balloon into the closet, only to watch all of them engulf the floor again.

“This is pointless,” he said with a death glare towards the latex spheres filled with air. He closed his eyes to calm himself from popping all of them right on the spot, but quickly opened them when he heard the buoyant noise of Pinkie’s hops down the hallway.

“Hiya, I’m back!” said Pinkie in her normal gleeful tone. She looked at the balloons and frowned. “I guess these balloons are too tough for you, huh?”

“I tried. It’s just there’s no way to put these back into the closet.” Clyde gave a defeated sigh and looked at the clean tiles of the hallway.

Pinkie giggled and pulled out a broom from the closet and with one push, pushed the balloons into the closet and quickly slammed the door. “There!”

“How did you–”

“It’s easy! I’m a professional ‘Balloon Handler’ after all!”

“Is that even a real title?”

“I don’t know! Maybe!”

Clyde shrugged and laughed before falling down to the floor. Due to his rage of the balloons, he forgot he was still drained from Iron Will’s tryout. “So, what to next?” he weakly said.

“Hmm, well, I think you helped enough, I’ll let you return back to class!”

“Don’t you still have a ton of balloons to make though?”

Pinkie nodded. “I do! But, since the school event is still two weeks away, I have time! It’s gonna be super-duper great! The balloons will rain down on the party, which will cause mass chaos when I tell all the students that there are ten pairs of movie tickets to an upcoming movie hidden in the balloons! Everyone loves movies, especially FREE movies!”

“What movie is this anyways?” questioned Clyde. Ever since his trip to the movies with Rarity, he wanted to go back again. Of course, he knew who he would invite if he surely did win the tickets.

“It’s the new upcoming and hyped movie that’s taking the nation by storm: Trotsburg!”

“Trotsburg? I know about that one! It’s about some ghost hunt to an asylum or something, right? One of the main characters looks a lot like me.”

Pinkie blinked and stared at him like he was crazy. “Who?”

“I don’t know the characters names, but I swear, he resembles me extremely well. It’s like he’s my twin.”

Pinkie scratched her head and looked into the air. “I don’t see it. I’ve seen the previews many times and none of them look like you at all.”

“Really?” said Clyde disheartened.


“Oh, okay.” Clyde sadly turned around and headed for his math class. “Well, I guess I’ll see you at this party, if not earlier.” He began walking away from her and heard her call back to him.

“Cool! See ya there at approximately 8:27pm, Tuesday night, in exactly two weeks, or fourteen days if you like that better!”

Clyde stopped on his heel and spun around. “Wait, did you say the party is literally on Halloween night?”

“Well, yeah! Why?””

Clyde frowned. “I have a scrimmage game that night. It’s bad enough Iron Will is making us practice a month before the actual season starts, but he’s making us do full-contact scrimmages too. Guess I can’t win those tickets now.”

“Don’t worry, Clyde, maybe someone will win them for you!” said Pinkie with a smile.

“Hopefully, if not, I’ll just go buy the tickets and see it.”

“Yep!” Pinkie looked away from him and quickly back. “Say, how’s Poncho doing?”

“Poncho? He’s fine. I don’t talk to them as much as I use to other than at lunch. I left the group chat to save my phone from dying all the time.” Clyde looked at her curiously. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just every time I speak to him, he nervously looks away and tries to flee the scene. I think he’s scared of me.”

Clyde stared at her for a moment before bursting into laughter. “Ah. That’s just normal Poncho. He does that to everyone who talks to him that usually doesn’t.”

Pinkie Pie flashed her bright smile again. “Really! So, we are still friends and he isn’t afraid of me?”

“Well, he might still be slightly scared of you, as I sure am with your randomness sometimes, but you’re still a friend to him.”

Pinkie jumped into the air in slow motion. As she landed, she returned to normal speed. “Awesome! I’ll go ask him today if he’s coming to the Halloween party! Like I said, it’s gonna be super-duper, maybe even MEGA, fun!” The school bell suddenly rang and Pinkie smiled. “Well, looks like we can leave here. Thanks for helping me and for your volunteer work!”

“I didn’t–”

“Have fun on your date tonight, by the way!”

“Wait, what did you just say?”

“Oops! I said too much! I guess she didn't say anything to you yet! Bye!” Pinkie sporadically turned away and quickly ran down the hallway before giving one last wave. Clyde started in the distance confused. He continued his way back to his math class and felt his phone vibrate in his jacket pocket. Since leaving the group chat, the only messages he now got were either from Tyrone or Rarity.

“Hello, Clyde! I know you probably are still simply exhausted from last night, but did you want to join me for some ice cream tonight? It might make you feel better!” read Rarity’s text message.

He quickly began typing her back. “Sure, that sounds really wonderful.” He hit ‘Send’ and smiled to himself before walking into class.

Author's Note:

I'm extremely sorry for the delay, but here it is! I took a small break from writing this due to Finals for school and graduation, plus I wanted to chill around the house a bit. Hopefully, I'll be able to do more for this story as it's my only story I'm working on right now. Unless technical problems occur, expect another chapter soon! Sorry for making you lovely fans wait!

Enough of that, let's talk about this chapter! There's a few references in here. The most prominent one is Trotsburg, a fic my good friend, CogWing, is working on at the moment. Whenever it is released, be sure to read it! It's really good! Maybe Clyde in here was on to something about that story...

If anyone else thinks they know anymore references, let me know. I'll leave it as that. Thanks for reading!