• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
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Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


Applebloom and her foalsitter have become very close, but Applebloom is starting to act more on the affectionate side towards him. Ask her about her situation.

This is an "Ask" Format Story, meaning after every chapter, questions should be left in the comments to either Applebloom or her foalsitter and crush, Chrome Hoof (OC).

Prequel to "Ask Discorded Scootaloo"

New Cover-Art from: http://miz-jynx.deviantart.com/art/Ask-Lovey-Applebloom-494431102

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 84 )

So, Chrome Hoof, was it uncomfortable having Applebloom glued to you via honey?

For Applebloom: first rule is that you can't be so desperate. Take deep breaths and relax. Get to know him better, learn his interests and what he really wants in a mare.

For Chrome: A boxer, hmm? Just how did you get your name? When I heard the word "chrome" I figured there would be some more, um, "color" to your backstory so to speak

For Author: Seems like a very enjoyable story thus far. With the audience at just the right level of particapation, this could be great! In fact, the intro was enough to ,make me smile. Even though this is not really me genere, I will be sure to stick around.

For Applebloom: Bee taming, hmm? Woudn't you have more luck in somthing like apple bucking or cake creating? Well, I think Chrome might just have a sweet tooth for some apple pie! Well, I mean, who can dislike pie? You think you make give it a shot? It's a win-win. You get your cutie mark and Crome delights in your pie!

For Crome: You are aware of these little guys mission, right? Maybe you can help them out by telling them how you got your cutie mark. Unless it's somthing perverse or.. has to do with drugs or.. You know what? Just nevermind that. Also, be sure to keep that Applebloom in line. I hear she's a riot.

For Applebloom: Why not tell your friends? I'm sure Sweetie would be able to give you some advice, being Rarity's sister and all.


To Applebloom: Hello, I just want to warn you of what you've started. You, through a series of events outside of your control, have unintentionally started a string of bubbles( most likely exactly like this one) that will be delivered to you and your friends. These bubbles will not go away( wether you are O.K. with that or not, you will soon find out), and most of the time will try to help you out. I just wanted to give you a rundown of what will be happening for the foreseeable future. Oh, and before you ask, we aren't going to tell you how we got here, we just are, so get used to it.

To Chrome Hoof: Hello, if you want an explanation as to what's happening with the bubbles, just ask Applebloom. She got a basic rundown.

To Scootaloo: I am so, so sorry.

Dear Apple Bloom.
Have a stuffed tiger. :heart:

To Applebloom: For how long have you had this crush on Chrome? On a completely irrelevant note, do you plan on being married to him, do you Applebloom?

(Dear Author: You are awesome)

Applebloom:how about trying to be blunt, yet subtle?

You're going to tell your parents that he's a dangerous influence and has to be separated from you. OH WAIT YOU CAN'T :trollestia: :applecry:

Make more dieing to know what's going to happen next

For Apple Bloom: *LE GASP!* Apple Bloom! You should totally ask Chrome Hoof to coach you in boxing! Tell him you were really inspired by his story and you want to try your hoof at the business. You spend a lot more time with him, and get to learn what he looks for in a potential partner. It's perfect!

For Chrome Hoof: What made you go into foal sitting? It must be really hard and even frustrating at times looking after those, heh, "angels"

To Chrome Hoof: Do you have any boxer catchphrases? Also, don't take my advice on Scootaloo lightly. Really look after her.

To Appleloom: Why don't you try to see if you to have any common interests?

To Applebloom: Hello there! May I ask, how often does Chrome get hurt when he comes along in your adventures?

To Chrome: Have you ever faced a really tough opponent before? Like as in, you don't thing you could beat him?

To Big Mac: Can you see this message and how do you feel about Chrome?

To Sweetie Bell: Do you see Chrome as a big brother?

To Scootaloo: Is it true you have a crush on somepony?

For Appleloom: iz et okey if we start spellling werds wrong on purpose weth these qestions?

To Applebloom: How about you BUILD something for Chrome? You might, oh, I dunno, get your CUTIE MARK in the process? You AND your friends can. You know, Cutie Mark Crusader Construction Workers, YAY!

to applebloom: how about pretending that another filly likes another stallion to see if your friends think that your crush on chrome is weird

to scoot: remember that no matter what happens your friends love you just keep that in mind for the upcoming weeks

To Apple bloom: Try being nice to him, like giving him a present. ( that is when you found out what he likes). You could also give him a picture.

To Chrome: One, how about you give Apple Bloom something nice as a way to say thank you for the pie, like taking her for some candy. Two, heres something for you for there next crusade. *hands a protection suit*.

To Apple Bloom: Why cant you just tell the rest of the CMCs? If they are really your friends they wont be mean to you about it or leave you.

To Applebloom: You do realize the biggest obstacles of this relationship are more in the legal field... right?

To Chrome Hoof: Out of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, who do you like the most?

To Applebloom: Why don't you try using the potion you made for Cheerilee and Big Mac?

To Chrome Hoof: Have you ever fought Seikimatsu Kyuseishu? You know that one pony that has that super punching barrage and goes "ATATATATATATATATATATATA!"?

To Mr. and Mrs. Cake: *Hands two coupons for a free day at the spa followed by VIP tickets to the Wonderbolts display show*:Take the day off, Pinkie can hold the fort while you're gone

To Pinkie Pie: Yes, I am here on behalf of Chrome Hoof. He is showing Applebloom the ways of fine dining so that she can eat dinner with Sweetie Belle at Rarity's without upsetting her, in preparation, I am relying on you to set up ALL the tables to have on top of them, a vase of roses in between 2 candles all of the supplies will be available in the storage room Also, take this *puts Octavia's band in the room along with the sheet music to a romantic symphony*. I bid you adieu

To Applebloom: Hey, I'm sure that Chrome would love whatever you built him. He likes tough mares, what better way to prove it than to build something? It has to be awesome. AWESOME I SAY! Also, if you want to inflict less damage, I'd avoid the Everfree. Just sayin.

To Chrome: I think that you should take Applejack on a date, that may probably solve your problems about the opposite sex, she was the one who gave you your Cutie Mark after all, what do you think?

To Chrome: Did you know Applebloom's cousin Babs Seed is training to be a boxer?
To Applebloom: You should ask Rarity for advice on how to get Chroms attention.
To Pinkie: Here is a secret apple cupcake recipe. *Hands it to her* You should make this for Applebloom.

To Applebloom: Hey! Listen! Ok...you know, I'm probably breaking WAY too many laws of time and space by telling you this...maybe I'm not... ugh, wibbly wobbly timey wimey. ANYWAY...
SPOILER ALERT, Chrome's taking you to Sugarcube Corner. I think this is the part where you make yourself look pretty.

To Chrome: Hey, there's no reason to be scared of Pinkie, she's a really sweet mare. Energetic, yes, but she means well and she only wants to make friends. But...and this is a big BUT so listen up, Boxer Boy. If she says anything like "your number is coming up" or if you see her mane go straight, run. Don't question me. Bucking RUUUUUUUUUN.


Okay guys, we've created a recipe for disaster. but at the same time, I can't help but feel we've forgotten something

Let's see:
Cakes out of the picture, effectively leaving no one to put an end to Pinkie's insanity, check
Pinkie making the place into a perfect area for a date and then having the perfectly made cupcake for Applebloom well in advanced of them getting there making it look like Chrome called ahead of time, check
Applebloom dressing all fancy, check

What's missing?

I know, we forgot to sneak an engagement ring into Applebloom's milkshake and say Chrome did it! (We'll save that for a later chapter, for now, we have to keep a low profile, just pull the strings at the right amount)

Hello, Scootaloo, I'll be blunt for a moment. We, these random text bubbles, follow some rules that you probably would be confused by. Anyhow, that prevents us from telling you things too important. So, here's a little advise; enjoy your friends. Bad things have a tendency to happen to the ponies who deserve it the least. Oh, and avoid hang gliding. I hear those things are dangerous.

Apple bloom: GUESS WHAT!?!?! Chromes gonna take you somewhere!! So you might wanna try and look nice but don't over do it. Some guys hate girls that over do it when they are going some where simple.

TO the CMCs: I am glad you guys were not mean to Applebloom about Chrome, she thought you guys would be mean about it.

To Chrome: Good for you. oh and give this to apple bloom and say it was from you * hands you flowers* You didn't see anything.

To pinkie pie: Be careful around chrome, he is coming and he is slightly scared of you. Well not Slightly a lot scared

To Chrome: Don't be scared of Pinkie pie, she justs wants to be your friend. Plus WHY are you scared of her?

To Scootaloo: Have you tried getting your cutie mark in jetpacking? Here * hands My First Jetpack kit*

Dear AppleBloom: I'm sure granny smith can mix up a, well, safer potion to get Chrome to notice you. She is the oldest pony in ponyville, I'm sure she must have used one on her crush. I had a pony use it on me once....Maybe I spoke too soon on this...Anywho, could you ask your granny about her filly crush by the way? Thankls! ~Professor.

To Chrome: Yo buddy! You said you have one heck of a right hook right? So I'm just wondering, is that all you can do with your right hoof?....If You know what I mean

4406604 oh, really, I leave ONE FREAKING COMMENT and suddenly I wake up and we have a conspiracy?

Let's do this shit.

To AB: The bubbles see all!!! and by that I mean I think Applejack knows you love chrome

Broke his right hoof and had to get whatever job he could...
Barely won against a pony who had previously killed 2 others in the ring?
Am I the only one who's noticed that Chrome is a reference to the 1930's boxer, Jim Braddock?

4427557 ...I legitimately thought no one would get that. Nice Job. :twilightsmile:

4427586 PFFT I got that easily :scootangel: dammit no i didnt

To Applebloom: Wow... You are already on your first date? You sure are making progress.
Just act natural. Make sure he has a good time. And try to compliment him without being too obvious, like saying you think he looks cute. And don't forget to tell him that you enjoyed this time and you would like to do it again sometime.

To Apple Horse JR- (aka Applebloom)- *poof* You now have three wishes. One catch they can't be used to make Chrome like you. And you can't wish for more wishes. That is all *poof*.

Dear genie speech bubble,
That's totally cheating, she's just gonna wish for a dang Cutie Mark!

4512349 I doubt that'll work...not even my power can grant cutiemarks.

Hey, Mr. Hoof, you got a mare? *Wink*

To Apple Bloom: Try to ask Rarity or Cadance, they know too much about love and can help you. Just look at Cadance, she is already married with Shining Armor. Or maybe Spike, he love Rarity and could tell you something.

Maybe you have a rival, you could need to check that, who knows, maybe Applejack or someone else could steal the love of Chrome... Or who knows... Are you sure he is not in Stallions?

To Sweetie And Scoots: You can try to help Apple Bloom and like that get the Cutie Mark of Love Helpers or Cupids. You did not have luck with Cherilee and Big Mac, but maybe you could get it this time.

To Chrome: Did you think about training with Bulk Biceps and Iron Will? They could help you. If you do not know who are them, ask to Applejack or Apple Bloom

To SheepcityUSA: Good fic

To Cheese Sandwich: There is something going on that has nothing to do with you. I'm not going to tell you where or when, but know that we follow it. You might be of need in the future, so I would hope that you could find it without any help what so ever, because I can't tell you. As to why THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, FIND US!!!

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