• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 5,395 Views, 194 Comments

Diamond's Dusk - The Dragon Warlock

Rarity is “freed” from Nightmare Moon’s grasp, but must come to terms with what the spirit’s final strike has done to her.

  • ...


A strange beeping noise echoed in Rarity’s ears. She grunted and tossed around a little.

Is that one of those strange electronics that Button brings over to show Sweetie? she wondered. I’ll have to remind him to be sure to take them home, and for both of them to stay out of my room.

She snuggled against what felt like to be a very soft cloud, and let out a contented sigh. My goodness. I don’t remember my mattress feeling so divine and delicate.

She wearily opened her heavy eyelids and saw nothing but a big blur at first. She rubbed her eyes as she rose up, and everything started clearing up. She heard the beeping again and turned to see a heart rate monitor attached to her chest, and then looked around the rest of the room. The bed she was lying on was very large compared to the one at her boutique. She had a soft white cotton blanket covering her, and her head was resting against an equally soft pillow.

As Rarity looked around the dimly lit room, she noticed the room, she saw the walls had been painted dark blue and had suns and stars all over them. There were three large windows that had dark red curtains blocking the outside view, and nearby was a bed similar to the one she was resting in.

Rarity rubbed her head. “Oh, my. Where am I? More importantly... what happened?”

A rather loud creaking noise echoed through the room, and a bright light came from the left side of the room. Rarity closed her eyes and shielded them from the sudden brightness.

“Do you think she’s awake this time, sister?” a mare’s voice asked.

“We can only hope,” said another mare in a gentle voice. “Her friends have been worried sick about her.”

Rarity could hear hoofsteps, and the sound of a door closing. She let her hoof down and opened her eyes.

“Ah, it seems you’re finally awake.”

Rarity saw two tall ponies approach her from out of the shadows. She gasped as she saw Princesses Celestia and Luna both smiling at her. Rarity lowered her head to bow to the two of them briefly, and then looked up again.

“Good evening, Rarity,” said Luna. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up.”

Rarity smiled back at them, but then felt a stream of questions flood her thoughts. “What happened to me? Where are my friends? Where’s Spike?”

Princess Celestia raised a hoof. “Take it easy, Rarity,” she replied. “I know you have plenty of questions. Let me reassure you that your friends are okay. All of them have been worried sick about you, and have been waiting patiently for you to wake up.”

Rarity let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a bit.

“Do you remember what happened?” wondered Luna.

Rarity rubbed her chin and concentrated, but all she could see were some blurs. She shook her head and answered, “I’m afraid not. The last thing I can recall is a lot of pain and then everything is a blur.”

“Prince Blueblood assumed you were Nightmare Moon,” said Celestia. “After you and your friends defeated him and his army, you and Spike had quite the interesting conversation, so to say.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow, but then the memories clicked in her. She saw the kiss she shared with Spike in front of everypony. She felt heat build up in her face.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” assured Luna. “You told him how you felt from the bottom of your heart. There is no shame in showing how much you care about somepony, or in this case some dragon, you love.”

Rarity smiled softly and nodded. Another thought then hit her. “What happened then? I remember feeling pain, everything went blurry and then….darkness. How long have I been out?”

“Three days,” answered Luna.

Rarity looked shocked. “Three days?”

“Don’t worry, Rarity,” assured Celestia. “As soon as you fell unconscious, we both had you taken to our castle and placed you in an infirmary room that’s normally used for either myself, or Luna.”

“What about Prince Blueblood, Suri, and those other ponies?” wondered Rarity. “What happened to them?”

“They’re being dealt with,” answered Luna. “Thanks to Blueblood’s cohorts, we were able to find evidence of the corruption amongst each of them. Blueblood and Suri faced a different fate.”

“How so?” asked Rarity.

“Suri is being punished by Miss Photo Finish,” replied Luna. “From what I’ve heard, Photo is going to make Suri ‘clean up her act’ so to say.”

“And Blueblood?”

Celestia frowned and looked a bit depressed. “He’s doing better than a few days ago,” she said in a hollow tone. “He’ll spend some time in jail for what he’s done, and then undergo some rehab about what happened to him. Although I’m his aunt, I can’t overlook what he’s done to you and your friends.”

Rarity couldn’t help but feel pity for the solar princess. “I’m sorry you had to find out what he was doing.”

“Don’t be, Rarity,” replied Luna. “We thought if Blueblood didn’t know, he wouldn’t do anything to you. Even if we told him what happened to you, I don’t think it would’ve changed his mind. He probably would have still caused you trouble.”

A sudden thought clicked inside the unicorn. “That reminds me. What was causing that pain I felt before falling unconscious?”

“That’s a bit hard to explain,” said Luna. “Let’s just say something really came out of you.”

“I don’t understand,” said Rarity.

“Let me show you,” said Celestia.

She trotted over to one of the window curtains and used her magic to open it. Rarity could see the sky was dark and the moon was full.

“You turn into your ‘Nightmare Rarity’ form each night,” said the solar princess.

Rarity nodded. “We already know this, as well as all of Equestria now.”

Luna then used her magic to levitate a small mirror off a nearby table, and show it to Rarity. “Why don’t you take a look at yourself now?” she offered.

Rarity frowned a little, but took the mirror anyway. She slowly held it up to her face, expecting to see the same face she’s seen every night. But upon looking at herself, the unicorn gasped and felt her heart nearly stop from the shock. If somepony was outside the room and heard Rarity’s scream, they would’ve thought that she was in big trouble. The unicorn had a big smile on her face as she touched her face, her mane, and even her eye, making her wince a little.

“My coat! My mane! My eyes!” she cried out in joy. “It’s….it’s….It’s just like how I’m supposed to look! I’m back to normal! I’m back to normal!”

Celestia and Luna smiled and chuckled.

“Indeed you are,” said Celestia. She looked over at her sister. “Why don’t you go get her friends? I think they’ll be happy to see Rarity is awake. That, and we do need to talk about one thing.”

Rarity stopped her cheering, and looked at the solar princess with a concerned look. “Talk? About what?” she wondered.

“Don’t worry for the moment,” said Luna. “We’ll explain everything when I bring in your friends.” She trotted over to the door and left to retrieve the others.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Rarity looked back at Princess Celestia. “Forgive me, your highness, but what is going on?” she wondered. “I thought you all would’ve been happy to know that this whole thing is over.”

“Don’t get me wrong, Rarity,” Celestia assured. “My sister and I are indeed happy you are finally free of this curse, but there’s one thing that’s been bothering me from the very beginning.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “That is?”

“I know you don’t remember it, but the last of Nightmare Moon’s spirit said something before she died,” replied Celestia.

Rarity thought back to that night in the hospital and what her friends were saying after Nightmare Moon had taken over her again. A sudden thought then hit her. “I think they said something about a riddle.”

Celestia nodded. “Exactly. While those flames burned around you, the same riddle was chanted the same thing we heard on the night of your transformation. Twilight and I have been thinking about it, and has taken into consideration about what you said, some of the things that have happened, and what Blueblood said. We think we finally know what the meaning was behind all of this.”

Rarity nodded. “Then let’s hear what she has to say.”

The door then opened again and the two ponies looked over. They both saw Princess Luna and Rarity’s friends walk in, each having a smile on their face. Rarity looked at Spike and saw he was holding a bouquet of red roses, and was carrying a brown messenger bag. She opened her arms to him, and the dragon raced over to her, and leaped towards her for a hug. They both snuggled against each other, and then looked at each other with loving eyes. They leaned in for a slow kiss.

“Um, not to break up the romance, but have you forgotten us?”

Rarity and Spike stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to see an irritated Rainbow, and the rest of their friends looking at them with blank expressions. They both blushed and moved away from each other.

“Hello, Spike,” greeted Rarity. “Hello to all of you.” She looked at each of them, but Rainbow caught her attention with something white strapped to her. “Rainbow, are you okay?”

The blue pegasus rubbed her wing. “I’ll be fine,” she said in a confident tone. “The blast hurt my side and hit part of my wing, but the doctors said I can have it removed soon. It just means no flying for at least a week.”

“I’m sorry to hear about that,” said Rarity.

Rainbow waved a hoof. “Ah, it’s okay. Thunderlane is not only taking over as manager for the time being, but is also taking care of me.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow and smiled smugly. “Can we take that as a confession then about how you feel towards him?”

Rainbow flinched and her face went red. “Um….well….I guess you can,” she said in a small voice. She saw her friends look around with smiles on their faces. “But that doesn’t mean I’m no longer the most awesome pony in Equestria!” she yelled in a huff.

Twilight chuckled a little. “Of course, Rainbow,” she said.

Applejack looked at Rarity. “How are you liking yourself now? I think we could hear you all scream in excitement.”

Rarity beamed. “Oh, it’s wonderful! No more sudden transformations, no more looking strange, and no more Nightmare Moon! It’s like the biggest weight in all of Equestria is off my back.”

Spike hugged Rarity again. “It’s good to have you back to normal,” he said. “If it helps, you didn’t look weird. You still looked beautiful.”

Rarity cooed and kissed Spike on the head. “You always know what to say to make a pony feel better, Spike.”


The group turned their heads to Twilight, who was looking a little impatient.

“Sorry to interrupt this again, Rarity, but we need to talk about something,” she said. “It’s about the curse and riddle we’ve been trying to figure out.”

“Princess Celestia did say you both did find a solution to this,” said Rarity.

Twilight nodded. “Indeed. Now, for the last couple of days, we’ve been stuck on this riddle. The princesses found nothing in the castle of the royal pony sisters, and it’s been bothering us. However, I think if we look at it again, we will finally know what the whole thing was about.”

“In her heart veiled, a secret scaled,

A dark unknown desire,

With my last spark, I made my mark,

This curse shall not expire.”

“A blight you'll be, when ponies see,

Your countenance at night,

Until revealed, this pain concealed,

Forever shall be your plight!”

“Those are the word Nightmare Moon spoke before she died,” said Twilight. “We have figured out before that at night, you would turn into your nightmare form, and that this curse wouldn’t go away until this secret was revealed. However, we’ve gathered some information that may finally reveal what the first part meant.”

“What is it?” wondered Rarity.

“Applejack told me about something that happened on the train to Manehatten,” said Twilight. “Apparently, while you and Spike were hugging, you said you saw two ponies who seemed to disapprove of what they saw you doing, and that you quickly pushed Spike away.”

Rarity looked alarmed, but said nothing.

“I’m right, aren’t I?” wondered Twilight.

Rarity slowly nodded.

“I want to ask you something, Rarity,” said Princess Celestia.

“Ask me anything,” said Rarity.

“During the interrogation of Prince Blueblood, he told me that he believed you were a blight for apparently having feelings for Spike when he confessed on the roof of P&H Studios. He believed that if you returned his feelings, it would be wrong and shameful. Am I correct to assume this?”

Rarity nodded again. “Yes, your highness.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “I think I’m finally seeing the clear picture here. One more thing to ask. What kind of skin does Spike have?”

“What kind of question is that?” asked Rarity.

“Just answer the question,” she ordered.

“Well he’s got cute little scales on him all over that glisten in the sun and moon,” answered Rarity. “Why do you ask?”

Twilight and Celestia looked at each and nodded.

“What is it?” wondered Spike.

“We now know the truth behind this curse and riddle,” said the solar princess.

“Rarity, this curse Nightmare Moon placed on you was a result of your suppressing feelings towards Spike,” said Twilight.

Rarity’s eyes went wide, and everypony in the room gasped.

“You’re joking, right?” asked Rainbow.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” objected Spike as he waved his hands. “You mean to tell me that all of this mess was because of how Rarity felt towards me?”

Twilight nodded. “That seems to be the only answer the princess and I have come to.”

“How though?” wondered Fluttershy. “If it was really Spike all along, then why wasn’t this thought of earlier?”

Twilight’s face went red with embarrassment and rubbed her head. “To be honest, girls, I did have some thoughts that maybe it involved Spike’s crush on Rarity.”

“What!?” the group yelled in unison.

“So I was right about the whole creature and scale thing earlier,” said Pinkie. “But I thought Fluttershy said that wasn’t what Nightmare Moon meant.”

“You are correct, Pinkie,” said Twilight. “However, the reason why I never gave much thought to it was because, in all honesty, I thought Rarity had actually gotten over Spike’s crush on her, and moved on.”

Rarity looked at her friend with an irked look. “Now see here, Twilight, I have shown appreciation and love for what Spikey has done for me. It wasn’t like I was treating him like dirt or anything.”

Twilight frowned. “I’m not so sure about that. Spike told me about your ‘crush’ on Trenderhoof.”

The fashionista flinched a little. “Well… that’s in the past,” she argued. “I was just thinking of how handsome he was. That, and he’s a big name in Canterlot for his writing.”

Twilight shook her head. “This brings me to my next point. The reason why Rarity never acted on these feelings.”

“What was her reason?” wondered Applejack.

Twilight looked at the farmer pony and smiled. “You already gave the answer earlier.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “I… did?” she confusedly asked.

The unicorn nodded. “Yes. Remember what you told me about your talk with Rarity a few days ago?”

Applejack rubbed her chin as she thought back to a few days ago. A thought then crossed her mind and she gasped.

“You mean what she told me on the train?” she wondered.

Twilight nodded. “The very same. From what I understand and what you told me, I believe I know why Rarity never showed or acknowledged Spike’s feelings.”

Rarity bit her lip and looked away.

“It’s because she was afraid,” Twilight finished.

The others looked at each other with concern on their faces.

“That doesn’t make sense though,” argued Rainbow. “So she happens to like a dragon. Who cares?”

“The social elite, right?” asked Spike in a small voice.

Rarity felt her stomach tie up in a knot.

Twilight nodded again. “Correct. The ponies Applejack told me Rarity saw, and what Blueblood said were connected.”

“So it was all because of the social elite?” asked Fluttershy. “I thought all kinds of marriages were allowed here in Equestria.”

“Let me explain that,” offered Celestia. “While interspecies marriages aren’t illegal, they aren’t very popular amongst the social elite.”

“It’s still marriage regardless,” said Applejack.

“Well, to the elite, interspecies marriages are considered highly unnatural to them, and they don’t want to see other ponies get intimate with other species and have hybrids offspring, so to say.”

“You mean creatures that are part dragon and part unicorn?” asked Pinkie. “I thought Discord was something like that.”

“He’s a… different case,” said Celestia hesitantly. “During one of my first meetings with him since his reform, he told me some weird space adventures he had as some two legged creature called a human, or something.”

“A what now?” asked Twilight.

“It’s hard to explain,” replied Celestia as she rubbed her forehead. She looked at Rarity. “The point is that some ponies aren’t exactly ready for a hybrid creature. This also brings me back to what Blueblood said.”

“What is it?” asked Spike.

“He said Equestria would see Rarity as a blight upon the world,” answered the solar princess. “Rarity most likely had feelings for you, Spike, but never wanted to act on it in fear of what others would think.”

“She was afraid her social life would be destroyed,” Twilight added. “If anypony saw that she was dating a dragon, then her whole career may end, and she may never be truly accepted amongst the rest of Equestria.” She looked over to Rarity, who was hanging her head down. “I’m right aren’t I, Rarity?”

The fashionista said nothing.

“Rarity?” asked Spike.

“Looks like you figured it out, Twilight,” Rarity said meekly.

The group looked at their friend, and saw she had a sad smile on her face, and tears were running down her eyes.

Spike gasped and held Rarity’s hoof. “What’s wrong?” he wondered in a worried voice.

The fashionista wiped her eyes and shook her head. “There’s nothing wrong, Spike. I was just confirming what Twilight said is true.”

The dragon looked shocked. “So… everything was true then? The whole hidden feelings and all?”

Rarity nodded. “Indeed.”

“Rarity, you could’ve just talked to me about this,” argued Spike.

“I got to agree with Spike,” said Rainbow. “Couldn’t you guys do some secret relationship or whatever?”

“I never really thought of it,” said Rarity. “Even if I did, I don’t think it would work.”

“Why not?” asked Twilight. “We’re your friends, and you can trust us.”

Rarity shook her head. “It’s not that I don’t trust you girls. It’s just that my business and reputation had grown so fast over these years, I actually grew afraid; afraid of what others would say.”

“About how you feel towards Spike?” inquired Applejack.

The fashionista nodded again. “Yes. The more I went to events and mingled with the upper crust of Equestria society, the more afraid I grew of them finding out my relationship with Spike.”

Rainbow tilted her head. “Okay, this is really weird now. Did you never stop to think that everypony else already thought you were?”

Rarity rubbed the back of her head. “Well, no,” she muttered.

“Then what was the problem!?” demanded Rainbow. “I’m glad you’re back to normal, but maybe this whole mess could’ve been prevented had you said something sooner caring for Spike. There was nothing stopping you!”

Rarity raised her head up and had an angry, distraught look on her. “Do you think it’s that easy!?” she barked.

The room went silent as everypony looked at themselves with worried looks on them. Rarity panted angrily, but she felt something hold her. She looked down to see Spike, with a concerned look, holding her hoof. She felt her anger melt away and turn into remorse.

The fashionista let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, Rainbow,” she apologized. “I was just caught in the moment.”

“It’s alright, I guess,” said Rainbow. “But what did you mean when you asked if it was that easy?”

Rarity looked at her worried friends, and took a deep breath. “Gossip and mudslinging is so easy to spread amongst the social elite,” she explained. “Even the smallest thing somepony finds odd could be used to ruin or sling mud upon another pony’s image.”

“So if they saw you with Spike…” began Fluttershy.

“...They would take it the wrong way,” finished Rarity. “So as much as it pained me to, I had to hide those feelings.”

“But he didn’t let up though,” argued Twilight. “He kept being around you.”

The fashionista nodded. “I know, and it made it harder.”

Spike looked down and frowned.

“At first, I thought this would all blow over and he would move on to other mares,” explained Rarity. “However, the more he and I worked together, the more attracted I started to feel. I tried to tell myself it was nothing, but I knew it was the truth. However, with everything I just said, I was afraid of what could happen to me, and what could happen to Spike.”

The dragon looked up. “Me?” he wondered.

Rarity nodded. “Yes, Spikey, I was afraid what others could do to you.”

“What would they want with Spike?” asked Twilight.

The fashionista frowned. “Maybe they would go after him and hurt him. I didn’t want to risk the safety of him and have him face a swarm of paparazzi and ponies who didn’t approve of you falling for me.”

“So in a way, you kind of protected him and yourself?” inquired Pinkie.

Rarity nodded. “As much as it pained me to do it, I had to make a choice. Either pretend that my feelings for him were nothing, or to come out in public and risk the safety of both of us.”

Spike clinged onto the fashionista’s hoof. “Rarity...” he somberly whispered.

She looked down in shame. “I’m so sorry, girls.” Rarity then looked at Spike and nuzzled her head against him. “I’m especially sorry to you, Spikey Wikey. I played with your feelings like a toy, and ignored my own feelings for you so much, that I ended up not only hurting Spike, but myself, and all of you with this.”

Rarity looked back at her friends with a pitiful expression. “Can you all ever forgive me?”

The group looked at each other for a moment, and then looked back at Rarity. They all had smiles on their faces as they moved towards their friends. The fashionista suddenly felt the embrace of several hooves and snuggles, and looked with her eyes to see her friends hugging her. She felt her remaining sadness give way to delight and joy as she returned the hug. They stayed together for what seemed to be hours for Rarity, but after a minute the hug broke off and the friends looked at one another with smiles on them.

“You don’t need to apologize, Rarity,” said Twilight.

“Twi’s right,” agreed Applejack. “We had no idea what you were thinking, but you’re still our friend, and that’s all that matters.”

Twilight looked at Spike. “Isn’t that right?”

Rarity noticed the dragon seemed a bit dazed, and saw him snap out of it and nod.

“Yeah...you’re right,” he hesitantly said.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Are you alright, partner?”

Although Spike nodded, Rarity wasn’t convinced and saw him look a little upset.

“Girls,” said the fashionista. “I do appreciate your company, but I think it would be best to leave me and Spike alone.”

Rainbow smirked smugly. “Heh! You’re not wasting time with this whole romance thing, huh?”

Rarity felt heat build up in her face and she huffed. “Honestly, Rainbow, do you think that is what I want to do with him?”

“Maybe the audience does,” said Pinkie.

The group turned their heads at the party mare, who just smiled silly.

“What?” asked Pinkie nonchalantly.

Twilight shook her head. “Never mind.” She looked at Rarity. “What is this about?”

“It’s just a simple talk is all,” explained Rarity. “I think we both need to be alone for this.”

Luna’s ears perked as she heard a clock out in the hallway chime a few times. She looked at her sister. “Tia, we should probably respect Rarity’s wishes. It’s nearly time for the sun to rise anyway.”

The solar princess nodded. “Very well.” She looked at Luna. “Sister, open the middle window curtain. I don’t think Rarity will be going back to sleep any time soon.”

Luna nodded and looked at the red curtains. The drapes were glowing a blue aura as they were pulled back and revealed the night sky and parts of the castle.

Celestia then turned to the others. “I think we should give Rarity and Spike some time to themselves. Whatever it is they need to talk about,I think it should be for their ears only.”

“Aw, man!” whined Rainbow. “I was hoping to see what they would do.” She suddenly felt a hoof slap her injured wing, and her eyes widened. “Ouch!” she cried as she rubbed her wing. She looked over and saw an annoyed Applejack.

You’ve got to rest,” she berated. “Now either leave these two lovebirds alone, or I’ll hogtie ya and drag you out of this room.”

“Wouldn’t you want to do that with Soarin first?” teased Rainbow.

The farmer pony’s cheeks turned rosy red and she huffed at her friend. “Keep it up and maybe I’ll add Thunderlane as well. I’ll make you watch me have fun with the two of them.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fine,” she conceded. “I need to give Thunderlane an upcoming schedule anyway for the week ahead.”

“See you later,” said Twilight.

The group said their goodbyes and waved as they all left the room. The door then closed, leaving Rarity and Spike all by themselves. They both looked at each other with uncomfortable expressions, saying nothing. The only sound that rang out in the room was the heart rate monitor that was attached to Rarity.

Spike and Rarity looked at each other briefly, and then looked away. Spike twiddled his fingers and his eyes darted back and forth in Rarity’s direction. Rarity rubbed the back of her head and opened her mouth to say something, but couldn’t find the words.The sudden sound of Spike coughing a little made Rarity jump in surprise. The dragon flinched as he felt Rarity moved around. They looked at each other and blushed.

Finally, Spike broke the silence by asking timidly. “Um… are you okay?”

Rarity nodded. “I’m sorry, Spike,” she apologized. “That cough just really distracted me. Do you need a cough drop?”

Spike raised a claw and shook his head. “I’m alright. Honestly.”

They both looked away for a moment and each took a deep breath.



“We need to talk,” they both said in unison as they looked at each other.

They both looked surprised and fell silent for a moment.

“Why don’t you start?” offered Spike.

Rarity thought about declining it, but decided against it and nodded. “Alright then.”

Spike looked a little nervous. “So? What do you want to say?”

Rarity looked down. “To be honest, I’m not exactly sure. Let me begin by saying one thing though.”

“That is?”

Spike felt Rarity’s hooves wrap around him and embrace him into a hug. He looked a bit surprised at first, but he slowly returned the hug as well.

“I’m sorry,” said Rarity in a somber tone.

Spike raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Sorry?”

Rarity broke the hug and looked at Spike with a remorseful expression. “Yes, darling, I’m sorry for putting you and everypony through this whole mess. You in particular I hurt the most.”

Spike tilted his head in confusion. “I don’t get it.”

Rarity sighed and said, “You know that I am the Element of Generosity, and am well known for my, well, generous acts. However, I selfishly took your feelings towards me for granted and took advantage of your affection. I would thank you for everything, but I would continue to exploit your feelings while I supressed my own for you.”

“Don’t be like that, Rarity,” assured Spike as he held her hoof. “I honestly didn’t mind helping you out.”

“Yet I don’t give you all the credit you rightfully deserve,” Rarity shot back. “I took a lot from you, especially your love, but very rarely did I return my feelings towards you. All because I foolishly held onto the fear that if the world found out my feelings for you, they would reject me. For that, I deeply apologize for what I’ve done.”

Rarity lowered her head in shame and closed her eyes. She waited for Spike to say something to her. She could imagine it now; the dragon getting all angry and yelling at her for using him and playing with his feelings like a toy. She could see the infuriated expression on him as he lashed out his fury at her. Rarity couldn’t help but shake a little in fear of what was to come.

But then Rarity felt something that wiped away her fears; a pair of lips smooch her on the cheek. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Spike smiling softly at her. He embraced her for another hug, which the fashionista returned without hesitation. They stayed together like this for what seemed to be hours, but as quickly as it came, Spike broke it off after a couple of seconds.

“Rarity, I have to be honest with you about something.” said the dragon. “I was pretty upset about you playing around with my feelings.”

Rarity frowned and felt discouraged.

However, I can understand why you would be afraid of others, especially the social elite finding out.” Spike took off the messenger bag he was carrying and placed it in front of Rarity. “I’ve got the proof here.”

Rarity looked confused. “What is in that bag anyway? I never asked you that.”

Spike responded by opening the bag to reveal a bunch of papers in it and pulling some out. From what Rarity could see they looked like newspapers with the tiny font and some pictures on them.

“These are some of the newspapers that I’ve been collecting,” answered Spike. “They’re all about what happened two days ago.”

Rarity thought for a moment before it clicked in her head. “Oh, you mean like the kiss we had?”

Spike nodded and showed Rarity a paper. “Yeah, here’s one of them. It’s not about the kiss, but I think you’ll like this anyway.”

Rarity held the paper up and couldn’t help but smirk at the cover photo. The image showed the outside of P&H Studios, but Suri Polomare was standing around it with a sullen frown on her face. She was dressed in what looked to be a white janitor’s uniform and was holding a push broom, and had a large mobile garbage can next to her. Rarity held back a laugh as she read the headline.



Suri Polomare, former top fashion designer, is back in the world of clothing, but not for the right reasons. Two days after the incident at P&H Studios, Suri was punished personally by the CEOs of the studio; Photo Finish and Hoity Toity, for not only her past actions in stealing designs, but for her involvement in a conspiracy against another fashionista.

Suri was involved with a group of ponies, led by Prince Blueblood, who were under the impression that Nightmare Moon had returned and possessed the body of Ponyville’s own Miss Rarity. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have since cleared the matter up and explained how it all happened. Photo and Hoity have ordered that, with the permission of Princess Celestia, Suri will spend the next month in helping clean up P&H Studios for her role in the attack. The studio was heavily damaged by the assault Prince Blueblood’s forces caused. Photo and Hoity were more than willing to punish Suri for her role in sabotaging the fall fashion show, and vandalizing the studio. Suri may also face criminal charges, but Photo and Hoity opted to let the Manehatten Police deal with that matter at a later date.

When asked about what she and her fiance thought of the punishment, Photo said in a statement; “I am pleased with ze results. After this, Miss Polomare will never want to show her face in Manehatten ever again.

“It’s time Miss Polomare cleaned up her act,” said a pleased Hoity. “Perhaps this will make her a better mare. What happens to her after this will be none of our business, but as my marefriend said, she’ll probably never show her face in Manehatten again.”

Suri made no comment about Rarity, but did warn one thing to Prince Blueblood. “I’m going to make that royal screw-up’s face black and blue should I ever see him again.”

Prince Blueblood and his other accomplices are being held at Canterlot Penitentiary and being scheduled for their trials. Suri will spend a month in Manehatten’s Maximum Security Prison every night during serving her sentence, and a further three while awaiting further trial.

Rarity put the paper down and had a satisfied smile on her. “Well maybe Suri will learn quickly in prison that it’s not everypony for themselves.”

Spike laughed a little and pulled out another paper. “Well you’re going to probably love this one more,” he said. “It features our favorite prince.”

Rarity took the paper again and this time, she couldn’t hold back her laughter at the photo she looked at. There were four ponies in a line holding up boards with numbers on them. Three of them looked angry and disgusted, and the other pony looked shocked and distraught. After laughing for a minute, Rarity regained her composure to look at the headline.


Disgraced Prince of Equestria, Blueblood, has found himself in hot water again. Last night, (Pictured from left to right) Bit Bags, Golden Rule, Heavy Duty, and Prince Blueblood were arrested after causing an untold amount of destruction to P&H Studios, and the attempt and conspiracy on Miss Rarity’s life.

Miss Rarity was accused by the prince that she was Nightmare Moon and was going to take over Equestria. However, the princesses of Equestria told reporters that it was a big mistake. Miss Rarity was never Nightmare Moon, but instead cursed to look like her. They both explained what happened last week that resulted in full detail, even with all of Ponyville able to backup their claims.

Prince Blueblood and his other accomplices were taken to Canterlot Penitentiary, but the prince’s cohorts are all facing more charges. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have informed the public that Bit Bags, Golden Rule, and Heavy Duty are all facing corruption charges ranging from poaching, to embezzlement.

When asked what will become of her nephew, Princess Celestia said nothing major, but did hint at a possible jail sentence. Trial dates for the conspirators will be scheduled for later. The treasonous soldiers involved in the incident will also be court martialed and dealt with by General Shining Armor and the princesses. Suri Polomare, the other conspirator in this, will be dealt with by the owners of P&H Studios, Photo Finish and Hoity Toity for her role in vandalizing the studio.

After reading the article, Rarity smiled and let out a contented sigh. “I can only imagine just how much fun Blueblood is having right now. I think he’ll quickly learn things are going to be so much different for him.”

“You got that right,” said Spike. He pulled out yet another paper. “Now that you mentioned the kiss, I think it’s time I showed you a paper everypony has been grabbing and talking about.”

Rarity took the paper and saw a picture of herself, in her Nightmare Rarity form, kissing Spike on the lips. The headline below the picture read in big bold letters,


For the first time in the history of Equestria, there is a new kind of love: a dragon and a pony. Last night, fashion designer and bearer of an Element of Harmony, Rarity, confessed her feelings for one of her closest friends, Spike the Dragon, a well known hero to the Crystal Empire.

The news comes as a shocker after the chaos that was Rarity being mistaken as Nightmare Moon. She shared a kiss with Mr. The Dragon, which he seemed to return. Miss Rarity made a statement that she doesn’t care if anypony thinks otherwise about her love for the dragon. Before questions could be asked though, Miss Rarity fell unconscious. Details on the events are on page 5 of the paper.

Rarity looked amazed by the pic. “My word. I had no idea we were the first dragon and pony relationship in Equestria.”

“The paper doesn’t really tell much about what ponies think about us together,” said Spike. “However, some of the papers I did get had some… ponies who weren’t exactly happy.”

Rarity frowned again and sighed. “I figured as much, but as I said on that night, I don’t care what ponies think anymore.” She leaned in and kissed Spike on the head.

The dragon blushed a little. “Well while some ponies don’t really like the idea, there is one article I want you to see that I think you’ll like.”

Rarity waited while Spike went through his bag. After a couple of seconds, the dragon pulled out another paper and presented it to Rarity. She took the paper and looked at it. She was shocked to see four ponies she recognized, two stallions and two mares, smiling and standing together. She looked at the headline below and read it.


Since the ‘Kiss seen around the world’ incident, there are ponies who have taken sides about the first dragon and pony relationship in Equestria. While some have voiced opposition to it, there’s been growing support for the new relationship between Miss Rarity and Mr. Spike the Dragon. Key amongst the support are five ponies amongst the social elite in Equestria.

(Pictured from left to right) Fancy Pants, Fleur De Lis, Photo Finish, Hoity Toity, and (Not pictured) Sapphire Shores, have spoken about the new relationship. All five of these ponies know Miss Rarity from experience and have come to her defense from the small group of ponies criticizing her. Each pony gave their own statement about the relationship.

“Why should we judge who we fall in love with?” asked Fleur in her statement. “I’ve seen ponies fall in love with each other regardless of age. Does it honestly matter what species somepony falls in love with? I think not.”

“I’ve heard good things about Mr. The Dragon,” said Fancy Pants. “Rarity has told me about how devoted and helpful he is towards her. I’ve never had a proper chat with him, but just knowing about what he’s done for Rarity and how loyal he is to her is true love in my book.”

“Ve have no reason to judge,” stated Photo Finish. “Z’ere are ponies who love different species. Who Rarity falls in love with is nopony’s business but her own.”

“There have been cases of ponies falling for different species,” said Hoity Toity. “Far too often though, these ponies are generally shamed by the top ponies ranging from the Canterlot Elite, to some celebrities. It’s time for this to come to an end.”

Sapphire Shores (Who was on tour and unable to be at the conference) said in a statement, “I’m not one to spread rumors, but there has been talk that Princess Celestia and Discord have been secretly dating. If it’s true, will some in Equestria shun the love between those two as well like with Rarity and Spike? I certainly hope not! I, for one, am pleased to see such a sensational love story between these two and fully support them!”

When asked about the rumor, Princess Celestia did not comment, but did say she and her sister support both Miss Rarity and Mr. Spike the Dragon.

Rarity put the paper down and had tears in her eyes. But instead of feeling sorrow, she felt joy swell up in her like a balloon. Her sadness melted away into happiness as she let her tears rolled down her eyes and she quivered a smile. If she wasn’t connected to all the machines, and the fact that she is a lady, Rarity would squeal happily and bounce up and done in joy. Rarity felt Spike embrace her, and she returned the hug back, albeit she squeezed him a little harder.

Spike patted Rarity on the back rapidly. “I… am happy for you, Rarity,” he said in a strained voice. “But... can you not choke me?”

Rarity noticed the dragon’s face turning blue slowly, and quickly let go of him. Rarity couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment as Spike gasped for air.

“I’m dreadfully sorry about that, Spikey,” she apologized.

Spike held a claw up and panted. “That’s… okay,” he gasped. “At least I know you’re happy now.”

Rarity giggled innocently. “Just a little bit.”

“I wanted to show you those for a reason,” said Spike. “I wanted to show you that just because some ponies amongst the elite don’t approve of it, doesn’t mean everypony is against it. You have all five of those ponies there for you.”

Rarity nodded in agreement. “You do have a point.”

“You got your friends, the princesses, and, most importantly, you got me,” stated Spike. “Rarity, I will admit I was a bit upset that you didn’t tell me what was really going on, but I want you to know one thing now that everything’s been cleared up.”

“That is?”

Spike took Rarity’s hoof and smiled gently at her. “You’ll always have us to count on,” he said. “No matter how bad it gets, we’ll always be there for you. And should anypony come hurt you about our relationship, or anything else, you can bet that me and the rest of the girls will be there to help you to the very end.”

Rarity stared at Spike’s warm smile and felt happiness overcome her again. She pulled Spike in, not for a hug, but for a kiss on his lips. Spike returned the kiss by wrapping his claws around Rarity’s back and closing his eyes in bliss. Both felt like time had stop and the world around them had dissolved into nothingness as they held onto each other.

As quickly as it came though, they both moved away and stared at each other with hearts in their eyes. They stared at each other and said nothing. No words were needed for the passion and joy they had for each other, and they knew it. They had each other in their arms, and that was just perfect to them.

While Rarity held Spike, she thought to the article she read. I’ll have to thank all those ponies when I see them again, she told herself. I’ll have to ask Fancy Pants on some advice on… what… to… do… Rarity’s thoughts trailed off as she thought about Fancy. A thought then suddenly crossed her mind and she let out a horrified gasp.

Spike winced a little in surprise. “What’s wrong, Rarity?” he wondered in a worried voice. “Don’t tell me you’re going to be transforming again.”

“Worse than that, darling,” answered a petrified Rarity. “I just remembered the wedding!”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Wedding? What wedding?”

The fashionista grabbed him back the shoulders and shook him. “The wedding of Fancy and Fleur! There’s so much left to do!” She let go of Spike and curled herself up into a ball.

“Um… Rarity?” asked Spike.

“I got to hurry and finish Fancy’s suit!” she yelled. “Then I need to put together some dresses for me and the girls! All in a few days no less!”

“Rarity!” Spike yelled a little louder.

“I need to get out of here and get to work immediately!”

“Rarity, that’s enough!” barked Spike.

The fashionista stopped her rant and looked at Spike, who seemed a little exasperated.

“My apologies, Spike,” she said. “I just got so much to do in the next few days before the wedding.”

“That’s just it,” said the dragon. “There is no wedding.”

Rarity did a double take and looked shocked. “Don’t tell me Fancy and Fleur broke up.”

Spike shook his head. “No, no, no! They still want to get married,” he said. “Fancy came by yesterday to try to speak to you.”

“What did he say?” wondered Rarity.

“He wanted to let you, and all of us, know that the wedding will be postponed until you’re feeling better,” he answered. “He said he won’t have the wedding if one of his closest friends isn’t there for it.”

Rarity smiled softly. “Well that’s one less thing to worry about,” she said in relief.

A thought then clicked in Spike’s mind, and he looked at Rarity. “You wouldn’t know how many invitations Fancy gave you, do you?” he wondered.

Rarity rubbed her chin for a few seconds and slowly shook her head. “I do know he gave me a couple for me and my friends. Why do you ask?”

Spike’s face went red and he twiddled his claws. “Well… I was thinking that maybe I could be your… um, date?” he asked nervously.

Rarity smiled and used a hoof to lift his head to look at her. “Darling, you don’t need to be so nervous around me. I already told you how I felt about you after all. Now why don’t you ask me again?”

The dragon nodded and took a deep breath. “Would you like me to be your date at the wedding?” he asked in a calmer voice.

Rarity leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. “It’s a date,” she replied.

Spike smiled and nuzzled against Rarity.

Another idea crossed Rarity’s mind and she looked at Spike. “Spikey, I have a request for you.”

“Anything for you, Rarity,” he said.

“I don’t think we should be the only ones going out with each other to the wedding,” said the fashionista. “I think it’s only fair our friends get in on the fun too.”

Spike had to think for a moment before he the pieces fit in his head. His eyes widened in realization and he smiled. “I get it now,” he said. “If you want, I can go get a piece of parchment paper and ask Fancy about it.”

The dragon moved to get off, but Rarity pulled him back in and held him closely.

“Not right now,” she said. Rarity pointed out the window. “I think there’s something we should both see.”

Spike looked at where Rarity was pointing; a window across from her bed. They both saw the sky slowly turn yellow along the edges of a mountainous landscape in the distance. Slowly, the dark night sky shifted and the sky turned blue. A beam of light came from over the mountainous area and shined into the hospital room.

Spike and Rarity looked at each other again and smiled. They leaned in together and shared a kiss as the morning sun had vanquished the long, horrible nightmare.

Author's Note:

We're just about at the end, folks. The next chapter is already underway and should be done soon.

P.S. if you can get the reference in the last paragraph of the chapter, you're awesome.