• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 5,395 Views, 194 Comments

Diamond's Dusk - The Dragon Warlock

Rarity is “freed” from Nightmare Moon’s grasp, but must come to terms with what the spirit’s final strike has done to her.

  • ...

Epilogue: A Love as Everlasting as a Diamond

Canterlot is usually a city where the upper crust of society mingle and things are, for the most part, quiet and calm. This night was a different story however. As the moon shined down upon the city, the backyard of an elegant mansion near the castle was bustling with ponies cheering, singing, and dancing. On top of a large wooden stage, accordion music and a smooth rock beat played, a pink mare singing to the crowd all the while. As the song began to wrap up, the crowd applauded and the pink mare, and an orange stallion carrying an accordion stepped forward.

The stallion grabbed a microphone. “Thank you, Canterlot!” he joyfully shouted. “I normally don’t do weddings, but how could I turn down throwing a party with the lovely and talented Pinkie Pie?!”

The pink mare giggled and blushed. “Aww, Cheese, I couldn’t have done it without you!”

Cheese leaned in and kissed Pinkie on the cheek. “Well let’s keep the party going! Ready?”

Pinkie nodded furiously. “I was born to party! Or... was it to throw parties?”

Cheese smiled and raised his accordion. “Let’s really kick it now, Canterlot!”

The music started playing again and the crowd in front of the stage started dancing again.

Past the large dance floor, there were ionic columns circling from the stage, to the marble brick wall. Each column had strands of flowers and little bells that were attached from one column to the next. There were several dozen round white-clothed tables with ponies sitting and talking to each other. At the back near the wall were a few long tables that were loaded with food, punch in a bowl, plates, utensils and, in the middle table, a large, towering, circular cake that had five tiers, with each of them getting smaller the further up it went. At the top portion of the tower were two miniature ponies. One being a white stallion with a neat blue mane and suit, and the other a white unicorn mare with a flowing pink mane and wedding dress.

A brown unicorn cut two slices of cake with his magic and put each piece on a plate. “Here you go, you two,” he said in a gentle voice. He levitated the two slices to a waiting Spike and Rarity.

Spike was wearing a black tuxedo and tie and a top hat. Rarity decided against designing new dresses since she felt the ones at the Canterlot Wedding were perfect enough, and elected to wear the one she wore at Shining and Cadence’s wedding.

Spike took his plate and smiled at the brown unicorn. “Thanks!” he said.

“Yes, thank you,” said Rarity.

The two of them heard some cheering and looked to see Cheese and Pinkie dancing with each other as they sang.

Spike smiled and looked at Rarity. “It seems those two are ready to throw a party of their own,” he chuckled.

Rarity smiled and looked around. “You can say the same for our friends,” she said. She pointed towards the tables and dance floor.

Spike had a look and saw all his friends doing various activities at the party.

Bulk, wearing a tuxedo similar to Spike’s, was holding Fluttershy closely and dancing together.

“Like this?” he asked nervously.

Fluttershy nodded. “You’re doing good, Bulk. Those dancing lessons paid off.”

Bulk blushed and continued dancing with Fluttershy.

Rainbow and Thunderlane, whose mohawk was parted on both sides and wearing a tuxedo, sat at a table, and both were blushing wildly.

“So are you sure you’re feeling okay?” asked Thunderlane as he pointed to Rainbow’s wing. “You’ve only been off those bandages for two days.”

Rainbow waved a hoof and flashed a confident smile. “It’s cool,” she answered nonchalantly. “The doctor says I’ll have to take it easy with flying for a while, though.”

“Well I can take care of the weather while you recover,” offered Thunderlane.

Rainbow smiled softly. “Thanks, but I’m going to be so bored in not doing anything for the next few weeks.”

Thunderlane frowned for a moment and said nothing. An idea then clicked in his head and he smiled. “How about if I take you out then every day until you’re feeling better?”

Rainbow blushed and smiled awkwardly. “Hey, you don’t need to do that,” she bashfully said. “I can hang out with Tank and read some Daring Do books. Besides, you have Rumble to look over.”

Thunderlane shook his head. “Not really,” he said. “Flitter and Cloudchaser have been really insistent on watching over him for some reason. He doesn’t seem to mind hanging out with them anyway. I did have two tickets to a Wonderbolts show, but Captain Spitfire gave some personal time off to somepony, and for a good reason.”

Thunderlane pointed behind Rainbow, and she turned around. They both saw Soarin in a navy blue tuxedo and Applejack cuddling against each other at another table, staring at each other with gentle smiles on their faces

Rainbow looked back and chuckled. “I never thought Applejack would have the nerve to finally ask him out.”

“Really?” wondered Thunderlane in a surprised tone. “I thought you and Soarin were… well… “

Rainbow laughed a little loudly. “HAH! Oh, don’t get me wrong. Soarin’s nice and all, but Applejack let us know pretty early she liked him.”


“Let’s just say Applejack’s not the best at keeping her crushes a secret,” laughed Rainbow.

Thunderlane chuckled awkwardly. “So… tomorrow a good night then?” he wondered.

“Yeah, yeah,” said Rainbow in a nonchalant tone. “Come by after you’re done with the weather.” She leaned in and was inches from Thunderlane’s face. “If you do a good job, maybe we can have a little fun,” she said in a rather seductive tone.

Thunderlane’s face went completely red. He muttered gibberish and he planted his face onto the table. Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh a little.

Twilight and Trixie walked close to each other and leaned their heads against one another. The magician was wearing a royal blue hat similar to what she normally would wear. It had small white sparkles on it that resembled Twilight’s own cutie mark. Her dress was rather simplistic in design, a stark contrast to the showmare’s usual show-off look. She had a silver cape with golden stars along the edges, and her cutie mark embroidered in gold on each side. She was wearing a white pearl necklace around her neck to hold the cape. Her mane was tied into a bun being held by a purple braid.

“So how has the new portion of your show going?” wondered Twilight. “Has Manehatten loved your telling of Rarity’s transformation?”

The stage magician nodded. “Oh, it was fantastic,” she proudly stated. “The crowd loved the effects Trixie used and the story Trixie told.”

“You didn’t make it about you saving the day, did you?” asked Twilight.

Trixie scoffed and said, “You presume so much about Trixie,” she said. “Trixie was as accurate as could be.” She looked at Twilight and blushed a little. “But there is one scene Trixie would like to add.”

“What is it?” wondered Twilight.

Trixie leaned in and winked. “Oh, just how a beautiful mare fell for somepony like Trixie.”

Twilight felt heat build up around her face and she smiled. “Oh… I see then.”

“Perhaps when I visit Ponyville again, I can show that off,” offered Trixie. “That is, if you want to be a part of the show.”

Twilight pecked Trixie on the cheek. “I’d love to,” she answered.

Spike and Rarity laughed and hugged each other.

“Oh, man, am I glad the girls brought their special someponies,” said Rarity.

“They certainly know how to make things more interesting,” a stallion with a Canterlot accent.

Rarity and Spike froze and slowly turned around. They both jumped a little in surprise to see Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis looking at the pair with smiles on their faces. Fancy was wearing a dark, royal-blue suit with a fluffy white cravat around his neck. He had a golden ring with a large white diamond in the middle on his horn.

Fleur was wearing an elegant, silky-white dress with golden trimmings along her dress, and a golden necklace around her neck. Just like Fancy, she was wearing a golden ring on her horn; only it had a red ruby on it instead of a white diamond.

Rarity looked a bit flustered. “Fancy, Fleur… how good to see you,” she said in a shaky tone.

Fancy laughed joyfully. “The feeling is mutual. I’m glad that I invited your friends and their special someponies. I always do like to let other members of Canterlot Nobility see ponies from different walks of life so they can understand them and respect them for what they do.”

“I should actually be thanking you for the extra invitations,” said Spike. “I was kind of worried the wedding would be big enough as it is.”

Fancy waved a hoof and smiled. “Think nothing of it, my boy,” he replied. “I was more than happy to grant you your request. You can also consider it my apology for how horrible I acted to you and Miss Twilight during that Canterlot summit.”

Spike frowned and kicked the dirt. “Well, to be fair, Twilight did tell me you were under pressure to make it go well,” he said meekly.

“That’s no excuse though,” said Fancy in a disappointed tone. “I should have planned things so much better instead of waiting until the day of the summit, and I was being very selfish. Demanding special privileges, being rude around everypony, and trying to harm Miss Twilight in a fit of violence.” He shuddered at those thoughts. “That was certainly not like me at all, and I never should’ve acted like that.”

“It’s okay,” assured Fleur as she kissed Fancy on the cheek. “We’ve all had our bad days. I’ll be here to make sure you stay the stallion I fell in love with.”

Fancy smiled softly and returned the kiss. “Well, my dear, what do you want to–”

“Excuse me!” a haughty and pretentious voice called out. “Make way! Coming through!”

The crowd muttered in discontent as a pony shoved their way through the crowd. Spike, Rarity, Fancy, and Fleur turned their attention to the pony that emerged from the crowd. It was a blue pegasus stallion with a fluffy gray mane and tail that looked like clouds. He was wearing an orange bowtie and had a gaudy white tuxedo on him. He looked at the group with a cocky smile on his face.

“Sorry I’m so late, Fancy,” he said. “Those ingrates just don’t know big shots like moi.”

Fancy shook his head and narrowed his eyes a little. “Mr. Fluffy Clouds, I understand you’re a big pony around here, but that’s no excuse to be acting so rude around the guests.”

Fluffy rolled his eyes and waved a hoof. “I’m sorry,” he said in an irritable tone. “I wanted to talk to you about the possible deal with my cloud factory.” He began walking towards the food table. “What do you say I grab some punch and we–oof!”

“Whoa!” shouted Spike as he stepped back.

Fluffy regained his balance from his sudden bump into Spike, and looked down. The dragon smiled meekly and waved at him.

“Who are you?” he asked in an icy tone. “And what is a dragon doing here at a Canterlot party?”

Spike felt a little angered by the pony. “Hey, Fancy invited me,” he scolded. “I have every right to be here.”

“That he does,” agreed Fancy. “You should treat him with some respect, Fluffy. This is Mr. Spike the Dragon, hero to the Crystal Empire and currently dating Miss Rarity here.”

Fluffy raised an eyebrow and rubbed his chin. He stomped his hoof on the ground and looked back at Spike with an unimpressed look.

“Ah, the dragon who’s dating a pony,” he said. “I remember hearing some things about you in the news.”

“Well… thanks?” asked a confused Spike.

“In all honesty, I don’t see what the point of your relationship with her is,” said Fluffy as he pointed to Rarity.

“And what does that mean?” demanded the fashionista.

“It’s just a useless love story that’s neither touching or beautiful,” he said with a smug smile. “An ugly dragon that’s only purpose in life is to steal and hoard, destroy things, and harm ponies, with a beautiful unicorn who’s better off with her own kind makes for quite easily the worst love story I’ve ever heard.”

Rarity’s eye twitched and Spike clenched his fists.

Oblivious to the reactions, Fluffy continued. “It’s also something that’ll never work out. He’ll grow too big, or he’ll try to harm her for some gold and trinkets. There is no love in a dragon. There is only hate and greed in them. That is the way it’s always has been, and always will be.”

He looked at Spike with a scornful expression. “And no random dragon is going to change my mind about that one bit.” Fluffy let out a nasty laugh which made everypony feel uncomfortable and upset.

Rainbow, who had been watching the talk unfold, snorted angrily and got up, with Thunderlane behind her.

“That’s it!” she yelled. “That guy is going to have that jaw of his broken!”

“Wait, Rainbow!” objected Thunderlane. “Let’s not be hasty!”

“She’s right, Rainbow,” came Twilight’s voice as she and Trixie approached. “Let’s just try to–”

“YOUCH!” a screeching cry rang out.

The remaining partygoers abruptly stopped what they were doing and looked over. The music suddenly stopped, along with Pinkie and Cheese’s dance. Applejack, Soarin, Pinkie, Cheese, Fluttershy, and Bulk ran over to Twilight with worried expressions. Everything fell eerily quiet as the scream rang out. Everypony looked at the source of the yell and were shocked to see Fluffy Clouds lying on the ground and shaking as he rubbed his reddened cheek. Above him, Rarity stood over with her hoof extended and had a death glare in her eyes.

“What the hay just happened?” whispered Applejack. “Rarity looks madder than Winona after a bath.”

“I think Rarity had enough of that guy’s mouth,” said Rainbow. “I can’t blame her.”

Fluffy lowered his hoof and had tears in his eyes. “You… you hit me!” he screeched in a whiny voice. “How dare you hit somepony like me!?”

“How dare you act so inconsiderate and horrible to my Spikey Wikey!?” barked Rarity in an icy tone. “Treating him like as if he was some savage who cares more about bits than me!”

“What do you care about such a random dragon!?” barked Fluffy. “Their kind is nothing short of barbaric and greed!”

Spike stepped forward to say something, but Rarity put a hoof in front of him. He looked at her and saw she was shaking her head and mouthing, I’ll handle this. The dragon nodded and stepped back.

Rarity turned back at Fluffy and took a deep breath. “Let me tell you something, Fluffy Clouds,” she coldly stated. “That you couldn’t be any more wrong about my precious Spike.”

Fluffy got up and sniffled. “What are you babbling about?” he demanded.

“You assume Spike cares nothing more than destroying things and hoarding gold and jewels?” wondered the fashionista. “You’re beyond blind and ignorant of what Spike truly is; a good friend to everypony.”

“A dragon making friends? Don’t make me laugh,” scoffed Fluffy.

Rarity bit her lip to hold her objection, but continued anyway. “He’s been the most faithful, helpful, diligent, and friendliest dragons ever in Equestria. Some of those traits you appear to lack.”

Fluffy glared. “Why you little–”

“He’s also quite the gentledrake and knows how to treat a lady such as me,” Rarity said, oblivious to the pegasus’ objection. “He’s also a dragon who doesn’t hesitate to help others. Just ask my friends.”

“Your… friends?” asked Fluffy.

“She means us,” Twilight spoke out. “And Rarity is right about Spike. He’s been my number one assistant and friend for as long as I can remember.”

“Spike’s helped out around my farm,” said Applejack.

“He’s been helping me with training and works out with me,” replied Rainbow.

“Spike is good with animals,” said Fluttershy in a stern tone.

“Spike is such a good baker’s assistant,” chippered Pinkie. “I’ve actually learned a few recipes from him.”

Rarity leaned into Fluffy’s face and glared at him. “He’s a kind dragon who cares about his friends and has never left our side when things got bad. He’s saved the day a couple of times and is a hero to the Crystal Empire. Above all, his love for me has never wavered for even a second. He cares deeply about me and has done so much for me and my friends. More than you have ever done in your life, Fluffy.”

Rarity pulled Spike in and kissed him on the lips briefly. She looked back at the pegasus. “If you have a problem with my love for Spike, then you’ve got a problem with him and my friends.”

The backyard fell silent, save for some crickets chirping, and everypony looked at Rarity. Then, the sound of hooves clapping caught Rarity’s attention, and she looked to see Twilight slowly clapping and smiling. Then, her friends slowly joined in as well and clapped faster. Several more ponies then joined in, and then more started clapping along. Fancy Pants clapped loudly as he and Fleur smiled proudly at Rarity.

Fluffy looked around frantically and was agitated. “Stop it!” he commanded.

Nopony listened. Everypony was clapping loudly now.

“I said stop it!” he barked in a screechy tone.

“I think I’ve made my case, Fluffy,” said a confident Rarity. “Perhaps you should leave before you make yourself look more foalish.”

Fluffy shook violently and panted. “But I… I… I… “

“I think we’re done here.” Rarity looked at Spike. “Come, darling, we have a party to get back to together.” She nuzzled against him which earned a kiss on the cheek from Spike.

As Rarity and Spike walked away, Fluffy heard amongst the clapping some ponies talking to each other. Talking about him.

“What a rude pegasus.”

“How can somepony like him even be so ignorant?”

“He runs a cloud factory? How has he stayed in business with his attitude?”

“He’s a joke.”

“Fluffy Clouds? More like Whiny Clouds.”

Fluffy panted wildly and felt like a bomb went off in him. He growled and stomped over to Rarity. He grabbed her violently and forced her to look at his infuriated face.

“You, bitch!” he cried.

The fashionista screamed.

The crowd stopped clapping and gasped as Rarity was suddenly smacked across the face. She stumbled back a bit and rubbed her reddened cheek. Everypony looked at the sadistic look on Fluffy Clouds as he held his hoof up and was breathing heavily.

“You skanky bitch!” he boomed in a mixture of anger and whinyness. “How dare you humiliate me like this!? I ought to–”

Before Fluffy could say another word, he let out a breathless gasp, along with the rest of the crowd, as a deep pain coursed through his body, particularly his groin area. He felt something hard lodged below his stallionhood. His knees buckled and gave way as he collapsed to the ground. He didn’t feel the object lodged at his balls anymore, but Fluffy gripped them as he shivered in pain and had a shocked look on him.

“I guess my kick is stronger than I thought.”

Fluffy raised his head slowly and felt some of his shock turn to anger as he saw Spike shaking his foot.

“You… you insolent dragon,” he said in a squeaky voice, like as if he inhaled a canister of helium. “Do you know who I am?”

“Probably the biggest whiner I’ve ever seen,” he said in a cold tone. “And somepony who makes Blueblood look friendly in comparison.”

Fluffy narrowed his eyes. “I’ll get you for this,” he squeaked. “The Royal Guard will make you pay for hitting somepony like me unjustifiably.”

“You mean unfair?” asked Spike. He walked over to Fluffy and glared at him. “That hit was for insulting Rarity. This is for hitting her!” He balled his hand into a fist and brought it down across Fluffy’s muzzle.

Fluffy rolled around in pain and moved his hooves from his crotch to his left eye. There was a little blood rubbing off onto his hooves. Fluffy frantically kicked in pain, which only made his groin hurt again and move his hooves back down. The crowd got a look at Fluffy’s face to see three horizontal scratches over his left eye.

Spike glared at Fluffy, but then felt something wrap around him. He looked up to see Rarity smiling softly at him.

“My hero,” she cooed. Rarity leaned in and kissed Spike on the forehead.

“I’ll make you pay!” screamed Fluffy in a stronger voice. “You and that bitchy unicorn will rue the day you messed with me!”

“What is going on here?” a deep voiced stallion wondered.

The crowd looked over and saw five gray Lunar Royal Guards, three of them pegasi and two of them unicorns, trotting up towards Spike, Rarity, and Fluffy Clouds. Two of the pegasi were mares, and the other pegasus and two unicorns were stallions.

Fluffy looked up and smirked as he slowly got up. “I’ll tell you what’s going on,” he said in a smug tone. “That horrible dragon attacked me without warning or reason! I was minding my own business when that… that beast kicked me and scratched me! I demand that you arrest him for assault and be punished to the full extent of the law! Just ask these ponies and I’m sure they’ll tell you the truth!”

Fluffy panted and looked around for a response. Everypony had stern looks on them, which only made the pegasus angrier.

“What are you all waiting for!?” he demanded. “Tell the guards that dragon hit me for no reason!”

“Mr. the Dragon did hit him,” said Fancy.

Fluffy smiled triumphantly.

“To defend his marefriend when Fluffy attacked her,” Fancy added.

The pegasus’ smile drooped to a frown.

“That’s what happened,” said Fleur. “Fluffy smacked Miss Rarity and Mr. the Dragon was defending her from him.”

“We can atest to that,” said Twilight. Her friends nodded in agreement.

More ponies started nodding and speaking to the guards.

“We saw what truly happened.”

“Fluffy couldn’t be any more wrong with what he said.”

“That dragon did nothing wrong. Mr. Clouds brought this all on himself.”

Fluffy nervously shook and quickly stepped in front of the guards. “Come now,” he said in a feigning friendly voice. “These ponies are just misleading you. Who are you going to believe? Me, or some random dragon and his so called friends?”

The Lunar Guards looked at each other with raised eyebrows and huddled together. They whispered amongst themselves, and would glance back at the crowd. Fluffy had a confident look on him and smiled deviously at Spike. The dragon bit his lip and looked away from the pegasus. After a few minutes, the guards nodded and turned back to the crowd.

A Lunar unicorn guard stepped forward. “Corporal Shields,” he called out.

A female pegasus stepped forward. “Yes, commander?” she asked in a gentle voice.

“Prepare a cell… “

Fluffy smiled like as if he’d won the lottery.

“... For Mr. Fluffy Clouds,” ordered the commander.

Fluffy’s heart sank and his frown returned. “W… what!?” he barked in shock.

“Judging from what some of these ponies are saying, it seems you started this mess,” said the commander.

“But that dragon started it!” argued Fluffy in a whiny voice. “He kicked me in the balls and scratched my face!”

“Wait you have balls?” asked Spike.

The crowd, especially Rainbow, laughed at the question.

Fluffy snorted and leapt at the dragon. “If I’m going down, you’re going with me!”

Spike stepped back nervously as the pegasus jumped at him. Instead of tackling him though, Fluffy just stopped in midair, like as if time itself had frozen him in place. He looked around and tried to move forward. He looked at his body and saw it was covered in a green aura.

“I think that’s enough out of you,” said the commander, with his horn glowing. He looked at Fluffy with a glare. “You’re under arrest for assault and battery.”

“But I–”

“I think you better get a lawyer,” stated the commander. “You’ll have a lot to answer to. Especially about attacking a unicorn and dragon who are friends with the princesses.”

Fluffy’s eyes went wide with terror. “Wh… What?!” he asked in a timid voice.

“Yeah, you didn’t know that, did you?” asked Spike. “Princess Celestia, and later Twilight, raised me when I was a baby. I don’t think she’ll be happy to hear you attacking not only Rarity, but try to hurt the closest thing she’s had to a son.”

Fluffy’s anger dissolved into fear, and he had a panicked look on him. As he was being pulled away and held by the Lunar commander, he started sweating profusely.

“I… I was just joking!” he shouted in a panicked voice and feigning a smile. “I meant to say that he’s a wonderful dragon and hero to all! It’s all a big misunderstanding!”

The guards shook their head in disbelief.

“Take him away,” ordered the commander.

The guards placed cuffs on Fluffy’s legs and around his wings. The pegasus squirmed and was crying out in terror.

“I didn’t mean it!” he yelled hoarsely. “I’m sorry, okay!? I’m sorry! Don’t take me away!”

“One more thing, Mr. Clouds,” said Fancy. “That deal won’t be happening, and I think after this, nopony will want to affiliate with you again.”

Fluffy broke down in tears and cried uncontrollably.

“I–I didn’t mean to!” he bawled. “I’m sorry! Don’t take me to jail!”

The guards continued marching Fluffy away.

“I want my mommy!” screeched Fluffy in a whiny voice as he cried. “Mommy! Mommy! MOMMY–EY–EY–EY!”

Fluffy continued crying and pleading as the guards escorted him out. All the while, everypony looked at him with shock and disgust. As soon as Fluffy’s whining was out of earshot, everypony starting talking to each other.

“Mommy? What is he, two again?”

“I’ve never seen such an immature pony in my whole life.”

“What a baby.”

Spike ignored the conversations and looked at Rarity. “I’m sorry about that,” he apologized. “I just couldn’t let him get away with hurting you like that.”

Rarity leaned in and kissed Spike on the forehead. “Don’t worry, Spikey-Poo,” she said. “I may not be one to be so harsh, but he got what he deserved for what he did to us.”

Twilight, her friends, and their dates rushed over.

“Are you alright, Rarity?” asked Twilight in a concerned tone. “Did Fluffy hit you hard?”

Rarity shook her head. “I’m alright, darling,” she assured. “I think that rude pegasus learned the hard way what happens when you hurt me or Spikey Wikey.”

Fancy and Fleur stepped forward and looked disappointed.

“I’m terribly sorry about that,” said Fancy in a somber tone. “Had I known what a disgraceful pegasus he was, I would have never invited him.”

“Don’t worry about it,” assured Spike. “There’s going to be ponies who don’t like me and Rarity together.”

“And I could care less,” said Rarity as she kissed Spike on the cheek.

Spike smiled and looked at his marefriend. “What do you want to do now?” he wondered.

“Why don’t we eat?” she offered. “I think I’d rather spend some time with the dragon who did steal one thing from me: my heart.”

The dragon nodded and grabbed the plates the server pony gave them. As they walked away, Twilight, her friends, and their dates looked on with smiles on their faces.

“I think maybe we should do the same thing they’re doing,” suggested Trixie.

“For once, I agree with you,” said Rainbow.

The group muttered in agreement and traveled with their dates to empty tables and food with them.

The music started playing again, and the crowd went back to their normal conversations. Spike and Rarity paid no mind to it as they finished their cake and snuggled next to each other. A dim light shined down upon them, and they looked up at the sky. They saw a cloud moving away from a full moon.

Rarity laughed a little. “Hard to believe what I was a couple of days ago,” she said. “I thought I’d hate the moon after my little episode.”

“Do you?” asked Spike.

Rarity smiled softly. “No, I don’t mind it. It actually looks more beautiful than ever.”

Spike grabbed Rarity’s hoof and both of them stared into each other’s eyes.

“No disrespect to Princess Luna’s moon,” said Spike, “but the way the moon shines on you right now, I’d say it makes you even more beautiful than ever.”

Rarity smiled and both she and the dragon leaned towards each other.

“You too, Spike, you too,” she whispered.

As Spike and Rarity closed their eyes and kissed each other on the lips, the moon seemed to shine brighter than before as the stars twinkled behind it.

Author's Note:

A fun fact to know about this chapter. Originally, I was going to just use some throwaway characters who would express their disdain and disapproval of Spike and Rarity's relationship. However, after Princess Spike, Fluffy Clouds was the much more appropriate choice. Personally, I feel the way I wrote him here is pretty much the perfect characterization he is. And his actions in Princess Spike prove it.

I'm not forgetting what you did, Fluffy, and I don't think this will be the last time I play with him. I'm not done with worst pony yet.

Getting away from that topic, that's it, folks; the end of the story.

Thanks to my editor, Alcatraz for all his hard work.

Another big thank you to Arby-Works for the cover art.

Finally, thanks to all of you for being so patient and reading this story.

Comments ( 11 )


And so the story comes to a close, and yet I can't but desire more! This story was brilliant!:pinkiehappy:

Yea, I hate Fluffy Clouds too.

6391120 Nobody likes Fluffy Clouds. Nobody at all.

Personally, I feel the way I wrote him here is pretty much the perfect characterization he is. And his actions in Princess Spike prove it.

As much as I didn't like how he referred to Spike as "some random dragon"... I think you're going overboard with his attitude in this story, actually.

Fluffy Clouds seems like the melodramatic and simple type, not entitled and arrogant. He seems to earnestly not understand how to work it out with his friend when his seat is taken, and be unaware of Spike and whether he should care anyway. Starstruck by the princess? Sure. Entitled about it? Nah.

I could see him dismissing Spike outright, or wondering what exactly Rarity could see in Spike, or even starting with "aren't you worried about how he's a dragon?" as if he doesn't trust Spike, but... not the flip where he's suddenly calling Rarity a bitch and whatnot.

6392770 Well Rarity did call out Fluffy's arrogance and ignorance of dragons in general to the whole crowd. He was humiliated, and ponies were talking about him in a bad way. Needless to say, he wasn't happy.

6812802 Well nobody is forcing you to like them.

“But that dragon started it!” argued Fluffy in a whiny voice. “He kicked me in the balls and scratched my face!”
“Wait you have balls?” asked Spike.

I demand a Sequel!

A nicely written story, really liked the way you told of how Rarity and all those around here would handle the situation. Even some of the negative responses from ponies who where shocked at how she looked like and in the end, with her relationship with Spike. :pinkiehappy:
A sequel of what happened with Rarity & Spike's relationship would be a sequel I'd love to read ^_^

Just reread this. Took me back to a simpler time.

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