• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 1,375 Views, 61 Comments

Woe And Cornettos - Br0nyb0y123

The three protagonists from The Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy end up in Equestria. Prepare for madness, ponies

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Chapter 1: A Trio Of Drinkers

Nothing was the same after the Network shut down. Every single piece of technology had been wiped out completely and the World had been sent back to the dark ages. And this is where our story begins, two years after the Network left.

In London there was pub, one of the very few pubs left in the country, The Sheep's Hoof. Inside the pub it was candlelit, and the whole place was grimy and dirty. A man sat at the bar, sporting a black trench coat, aviator shades and a sword sheath on his back, it was the undisputed "King of the Pubs", Gary King, he was alone at the bar, his Blank replicas of his childhood friends were nowhere to be seen. He was just simply drinking a cold pint of lager, savoring every last drop before he continues on his road to nowhere,

"Excuse me em...Ian?" Gary tried catching the bartender's attention.

"Yes Gary?" Ian replied with a question.

"Can I get a packet of Hog Lumps please?" Gary asked.

"Sure thing, mate" Ian said.

Whilst he was waiting for his packet of pork scratchings, Gary noticed a man sit two seats away from him at the bar, he looked very similar to him, but except from black hair, his hair was slightly ginger and he was sporting a small beard and he was carrying a cricket bat with him, which he put on the floor next to him. Gary glanced over at the man, the man glanced back at him and they both did a small nod as a sign of greeting. Gary took off his aviator shades and placed them in one of the front pockets of his black trench coat as Ian returned to the counter with Gary's pig snacks, and passed them to him,

"Thanks Ian. How much is that?" Gary asked whilst reaching for his pocket.

"fifty pence but it's on the house for you, mate" Ian said, "I mean what good is money worth now, eh?"

Gary let out a slight chuckle, "Huh, yeah"

As Gary was opening his packet of Hog Lumps, Ian went over to the man sitting two spaces from Gary and then asked him,

"What will it be for you?"

"Oh um....a pint please? Lager" The man asked back.

"Where you coming from, mate?" Ian asked as he went over to sort his drink.

"Sheffield" The man replied.

"Far from home" Ian noticed.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to make it" The man explained.


"Anywhere" The man told Ian, "Just trying to find the ideal place to survive"

"You got a name, mate?" Ian asked.

"Yeah, I'm Shaun" The man introduced himself.

"I'm Ian, and you know what Shaun, I guess we're all trying to find an ideal place to survive" Ian said as he passed Shaun's drink to him.

"Yeah" Shaun replied as he took a sip of his pint.

It was at this time when another man came over to the bar, he sat on the middle stool, between Gary and Shaun. This man also bared a resemblance to Shaun and Gary, he had short blonde hair, was sporting aviator shades and was chewing on a toothpick. And he gun holsters littered around his body, he looked like something out of an eighties action movie. As he sat down, he took off his aviator shades and tucked over his shirt, he then took the toothpick out of his mouth and pinged the sharp piece of wood away. Ian then came over to the man and asked him,

"What will it be for you?" Ian asked.

"Pint of lager please" The man said.

"That's a fiver" Ian replied.

The man got out his wallet and passed him a fiver. Ian then turned to Shaun,

"I'm also going to need a fiver from you mate" He said to Shaun.

"Oh yeah, sorry" Shaun said as he pulled a fiver from his pocket and handed it to Ian.

Ian nodded to Shaun as a sign of thanks and then Ian parted to the other side of the bar to serve other customers, leaving Shaun, Gary and the other man alone to have their drinks. The three of them all lifted their pints at the same time and took a sip at the same time, right before placing their pints down at the same time.

Gary looked at the blonde man sitting next to him and then Gary snapped his fingers,

"Holy shit. I know you!" Gary shouted, "You're that cop who stopped that mass murdering town. Fuck, what's your name, man?" Gary asked.

"Nicolas Angel" The man introduced himself, "I recognize you as well" Nicolas uttered, "Huh, you're the King"

"The once and future King" Gary nonchalantly praised himself.

Shaun wanted to stay out of the conversation, by slowly sliding his stool away from them, before being stopped by Nicolas,

"You. I know you from somewhere..." Nicolas said.

"Yo...you do?" Shaun asked.

"Weren't you at that one pub, the Winchester or something about eleven years ago during the zombie pandemic?" Nicolas asked.

"Yeah, how do you know that?" Shaun asked.

"I worked on a case about the landlady going missing, she probably got eaten" Nicolas pondered.

The three men then sat in silence for a little bit, sipping at their beers simultaneously before Shaun actually broke the silence,

"So, how did you guys end up here?"

"I was in Sandford, the Blanks pretty much destroyed my town, assimilated my friends, it was awful, I fled Sandford and ended up back in London but by then, the World pretty much took it's tole" Nicolas told Shaun.

"What about you, mate?" Shaun asked Gary.

"I just wanted to be happy and live like I'm young" Gary smiled, "I had Blank replicas of my friends accompanying me, but I lost them" Gary chuckled, "What about you, Shaun?"

"I was with my girlfriend, Liz when this all went down, we lost everyone else back during the zombie incident" Shaun began, "She ended up killing herself, she didn't want to be one of them, it was shit" Shaun sulked.

"That's tough, mate" Gary replied, feeling sorry for Shaun.

"Sorry to hear that, Shaun" Nicolas apologized as he patted Shaun on the back.

Gary then thought of something to cheer Shaun up,

"Hey look, mates. The End of the World hasn't been all bad, of course we lost some loved ones, I lost my mum, Nicolas lost his friends and you lost your bird, Shaun. But the End has been a good time to reflect on life, and if we keep surviving then we'll savor every last bit of life that comes our way, the End was only the beginning, my friends. And it gives off a sweet and tangy taste that will linger on your tongue for years to come" Gary gave off a monologue, "To the End"

Shaun and Nicolas actually agreed with Gary's speech. As Gary raised his pint, they raised theirs and tapped them off each others,

"To the End!" Shaun and Nicolas replied.

The trio began to drink their pints quickly,

"Where are you guys heading after this?" Nicolas asked.

"Anywhere" Shaun replied.

"Nowhere special" Gary added.

"Funny, I've been thinking about heading to them two places" Nicolas joked.

"You know what? You two are alright. We should all tag along with each other or something" Shaun optioned.

"That seems like a good idea" Gary replied.

"Want to have a few more drinks first" Nicolas said.

"Yeaah booyy" Shaun replied, quoting his best friend and a certain clock-sporting rapper.

"Ian, three more pints mate!" Gary shouted.


The trio of drinkers walk out of The Sheep's Hoof, all three of them steaming drunk and with their arms over each other's shoulders, they were also singing "Party Man" by Prince whilst lunging on the road, three men enjoying themselves in the Apocalypse, a sight for sore eyes.

About two miles further they were still insanely drunk, they were out of the city and now in the countryside. And all three of the men fell on the grass at the side of the road,

"Hahaha, Shaun. You need a...a better weapon, mate" Gary chuckled.

"Hey, what's the ma...matter with Lucille?" Shaun replied, caressing his beloved cricket bat.

"Well, it's just that I have a sword and Nicolas has..." Gary paused, "Wait, what did you call your cricket bat, mate?"

"Lucille. And she is my Lucille" Shaun said.

"I should give the two of you a pistol. I've got plenty" Nicolas told them.

"Nah mate, I'm fine with Lucille" Shaun said.

"And I'm fine with Shinji" Gary replied.

"Shinji?" Nicolas questioned.

"My sword, mate" Gary chuckled.

"Oh right" Nicolas chuckled back.

The trio's little conversation was interrupted by the sound of a brief vacuuming, they all went over to where the sound was coming from, it turned out to be a portal on the ground. The three men as drunk as anything, were too inebriated to care that the portal was there,

"It's looks like that thing from that fucking movie" Shaun pondered, "With Jeff Bridges"

"I know, the sci-fi one!" Gary said, "WarGames!"

"The Dude was never in that, that was Ferris Bueller" Shaun replied.

"Oh Tron!" Nicolas got it correct.

"Yes that" Shaun pointed.

Shaun went over to the portal and looked down, he then turned around and said,

"It's blue inside there"

Shaun turned back around, but the grass was wet, he slipped and fell, right into the portal. Nicolas and Gary looked at each other and laughed, with the two still being drunk idiots, they thought nothing bad could possibly happen if they fall down the portal,

"After you, Nick" Gary said.

Nicolas dived into the portal after Shaun, then Gary went over to the portal and simply fell into it, by belly-flopping. What crazy adventure will our three heroes endure in now?

A sunny day in good old Equestria, the birds were singing in the trees as the light summer winds blew gracefully through the leaves, the peace was then disturbed as three grown men in their forties fell through the sky and landed on the tree, they all snapped multiple branches before making it to the ground. When they did, they all looked up to see there was the Sun, something they haven't seen through the dark ash clouds of London for two years, it actually hurt our heroes eyes as they stood up to admire the Sun, and of course, they were still drunk. They began to waddle, lung and limp their way away from the tree, and wondered where the fuck they were,

"Where the fuck are we?" Gary asked frustratingly.

Nicolas then found a sign that told them where they were close to,

"Ponyville, Equestria?" Nicolas pondered.

"Hmm, must be the name of a farm or something" Shaun said.

"Let's find out" Nicolas replied.

And so, our three drunk heroes make their way to this "Ponyville" place, they manage to make it there in the state that they were in. They stopped at a bridge and the trio looked over it to see something that they found extremely weird, they saw pastel colored equine horses walking around. At first, the trio thought that they were hallucinating, but they couldn't have been hallucinating the same thing? Could they? Well, they weren't, they're just drunk idiots. The three began to laugh,

"Oh my god, look at them" Gary said as he nudged Shaun, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"I am" Shaun replied, "It's odd. They look so cute and plush"

"Where are the people" Nicolas asked.

"Dunno" Gary replied.

"Well let's just check that we're in this Ponyville place" Nicolas said as he approached the sign beside the bridge.

As Nicolas approached the sign, he was stopped in his tracks after a something jumped in front of him, it was a pink pony with a frizzy pink mane and blue eyes, she had a very cheerful smile as well, but Nicolas, Gary and Shaun became scared and then the pink pony said,

"Hi. I'm Pinkie Pie" She greeted.

The three men screamed, they have never seen anything like it, a talking horse. They all looked at each other, before looking at the horse once again, they stopped screaming as well,

"Hey" She waved.

All three of the men screamed again and then they ran away from the pink pony at the speed of a bullet. And so our drunk heroes have made it to Equestria, and from here they must have a good time, it's not like it can get any worse than talking ponies, can it?