• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 1,375 Views, 61 Comments

Woe And Cornettos - Br0nyb0y123

The three protagonists from The Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy end up in Equestria. Prepare for madness, ponies

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Chapter 3: No Beer?

Shaun woke up in a different room of the library, he was on the floor, Nicolas was beside him, he was still out. Shaun shook Nicolas, waking him up,

"Oww...my head" Nicolas uttered as he felt the side of his skull, where Gary accidentally hit.

"You okay, Nicolas?" Shaun asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Let's wake Gary" Nicolas told him.

Shaun and Nicolas looked to their side and saw that Gary was not there, he wasn't in the room,

"Where the hell is Gary?" Shaun asked.

"No idea, Shaun, maybe he already woke up?" Nicolas replied.

Shaun and Nicolas stood up from the floor and they both approached the door that led out to the lobby, they noticed that they were still in the tree library, once they stepped out, they saw Gary sitting on a chair with the six ponies and Spike sitting around him, as Gary was sharing his dark and heartwarming story about his endeavors of the Golden Mile,

"....Which is where it all went fuck up. It put Pete out of commission so we decided to bench him. In the end we blew off the last three pubs and headed for the hills. As I sat up there, blood on my knuckles, beer down my shirt, sick on my shoes, knowing in my heart life would never feel this good again" Gary chuckled, "And you know what ladies? It never did for the next twenty-three years"

"What happened after that, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Well, after those twenty three years, I finally reunited my old friends to finish some unfinished business. Then about pub three, a bunch of robots invaded our town on our pub crawl and then basically the world ended" Gary replied.

"But how did you become King?" Twilight asked.

"King of the what?" Gary asked back.

"The humans" Twilight replied.

"What about them?" Gary asked.

"How did you become King of the humans?" Twilight asked back.

"Oh, the World's survivors was split into factions and I became King" Gary lied.

Gary then turned around to see Shaun and Nicolas,

"Guys, how are you doing?"

"We're fine, Gary" Nicolas said.

"You feeling alright, mate?" Shaun asked Gary.

"Yeah, man. Come come, my disciples and let's share these ponies our tales" Gary replied and told them.

"Actually, King Gary. Can you come here for a little bit?" Nicolas asked.

"Sure" Gary replied.

Gary got up and approached Shaun and Nicolas, who were standing at the door they exited,

"Gary, what the hell are you doing with this 'King of the humans' shit?" Shaun whispered.

"Look, I was drunk. Besides, if I didn't have sense of royalty about me they might've treated me differently, also, I managed to get some info on our current situation" Gary told Shaun.

"Really?" Shaun asked surprised, "Do you know whose behind this?"

"No, but they said that there is trans-dimensional traveling that is possible, but it's ancient and hard to do" Gary said.

"Well nevertheless, great work, Gary" Shaun said, patting Gary on the back.

"But there's got to be something to this though" Nicolas said.

"Nicolas, just relax for a little bit" Gary told him, "We'll figure all this out later, it's too late for that now"

"Bollocks, what's the time?" Nicolas asked.

"About half ten" Gary said.

"Damn" Nicolas replied.

Gary then turned to face the ponies and then shouted from across the room,

"Twilight, it's late. We're thinking of resting for the rest of the night" Gary told her.

"I'm sorry, King Gary, but my home is full, I don't think it would be good if you slept on the floor"

"Wait, Twilight. I know a place they could get a bit of shuteye at" Applejack told her.

"Where?" Twilight asked.

"You've got to be kidding me" Applebloom wailed, "Me, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were meant to be having a sleeping in the tree house"

"Sorry girls, but it'll be too cold in the tree house in this season. I don't want you all freezing to death during the night"

"Aww" The Cutie Mark Crusaders moaned.

"Look, you can still sleepover back at the house, I'll make some apple strudel" Applejack told them.

"Ooh" Sweetie Belle uttered.

"That sounds good" Scootaloo added.

"Can I have cream with it?" Applebloom asked.

"Sure" Applejack smiled, "You three go ahead, I'll catch up"

"Race you there" Scootaloo told her friends as she raced on.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle ran after her. Then Applejack whistled out to the trees,

"Okay boys, you can come out now" Applejack told our hiding heroes.

Shaun, Nicolas and Gary stepped out from behind the trees, they didn't want to scare the children, so they hid behind the trees until Applejack manage to talk them into going back to her house,

"Was that your daughter?" Nicolas asked.

"No, my sister" Applejack replied.

"Oh right" Nicolas replied.

"Well, um...guys, you should make yourself comfortable, they probably left pillows in the tree house, they're in there a lot. Are you guys wanting anything at all whilst you're in there?" Applejack asked.

"Actually, have got any beer at all, if you don't mind me asking?" Gary asked.

Applejack gave off a confused expression, she didn't know what "beer" is. It was an alien word to her,

"What's that?" She asked.

"You got to be fucking kidding me" Gary spoke.

About two hours later, we see our three heroes in the tree house, sitting around a lantern after drinking the only source of alcohol they could come across, cider, Gary was not pleased that there wasn't his favorite beverage, as was Shaun, but they enjoyed the apple cider anyways,

"What do you guys miss about home?" Shaun asked.

"I don't miss it, it's a shithole now" Gary replied.

"I mean before the Network" Shaun told him.

"I miss going to my job" Nicolas said, "Being a police officer was my calling. I was great at it, too great. I was the best out the entire London police. Sandford was different though, that's when I met Danny, my best mate, I never really had friends before that, I learned after the whole Sandford murders that there's more to life than the job and that was good. But when the Network came, that just fucked everything over, my friends were gone and I had to give up my calling. I guess I just miss my job and my friends, I'm never going to get them back though"

"I miss my family and friends as well" Shaun began, "Most of my family and friends died during that zombie pandemic. It was just me and my girlfriend Liz after that, we lived happily for the next nine years, I finally got married to her, once the Network came, she became scared..." Shaun said as he teared up, "...she became scared, so she killed herself" He sniffed, "I have no one now, I'm alone. I just miss everything"

"Hey mate, it's alright" Nicolas told Shaun as he patted him on the back, "Gary, do you miss anything?"

Gary was silent, he had to think about that for a second. What did he really miss?

"I don't miss much actually. I kind of fucked up my life, I never grew up. Inside, I'm still a teenager, that led to me neglecting my mum, my friends, everything" Gary explained, "The Golden Mile was all I had. A pub crawl. A fucking pub crawl" Gary sighed, "I just live with the fact that I never did anything with my life, I was in rehab, I couldn't do what I want. Looking back on it, I just wish that I could've done something"

The trio just sat there in silence after that, they didn't want to say anymore. They all about their lives before and after the Network, it just made them feel even more depressed. Gary then broke the silence,

"I need to go for a piss" He quietly said.

Gary then went down the ladder and then over towards another tree, he unzipped and was about to urinate, right before he heard a spine-chilling sound. A growl from the bushes, Gary then looked into the bushes and saw glowing yellow eyes from the darkness,

"What the fuck is that?" He asked himself.

The yellow eyes looked as if they were getting larger, but that only gave Gary time to notice that the creature with the yellow eyes was approaching Gary, it revealed itself from out of the shadows to show it was a wolf, a wolf made of sticks, it still looked dangerous and feral and Gary became frightened,


Shaun and Nicolas both came down the ladder and went over to Gary,

"What is it!?" Nicolas loudly asked.

"That" Gary replied as he pointed to the timberwolf.

"The fuck is that?" Shaun yelped.

"Don't know" Gary said.

At this point , the shadows surrounding them all had yellow eyes glowing in them, a pack of timberwolves were going to attack the lads. Knowing what was going to happen, the let out their weapons. Shaun had Lucille out. Nicolas pulled out his baton. And Gary unsheathed his sword, Shinji. And the boys got ready for battle.