• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 1,822 Views, 115 Comments

Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree - BronyDad

Applejack is lost deep within the Everfree and must find her way home, even as something unspeakably evil hunts her.

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The Zap Apple Harvest

Chapter 8

The Zap Apple Harvest

Apple Bloom stood at the edge of the zap apple orchard alongside Big McIntosh and Granny Smith, and fidgeted anxiously as she waited for the fifth and final sign that signified that the zap apples were ready to be harvested.

In order to help her family prepare for the arrival of the zap apples, Apple Bloom had skipped school. She had instead spent the first half of the day helping Big McIntosh get all the chores done early, and then assisting Granny Smith paint the pink polka dots all over the kitchen wall.

But no matter how busy she was, Apple Bloom hadn't been able to stop thinking of her two best friends.

She wondered what they thought about her not being at school, and hoped that they weren't too upset. She couldn't wait to go to them and tell them she was sorry, but right now, harvesting the zap apples and earning enough money to make it through the winter was more important.

Just as the sun reached its highest peak in the sky, several dark clouds suddenly appeared over the zap apple orchard. Standing where they were on the edge of the orchard, they remained dry while mere feet away a monsoon of rain poured down. She braced herself against the strong winds as she watched the lightning arch throughout the orchard.

Despite the excitement of the arrival of the zap apples, Apple Bloom could only frown as her thoughts shifted to Applejack. She wished with all her heart and soul that her big sister could be standing right next to her now.

Without warning, the black clouds abruptly dissipated, leaving behind a large rainbow that stretched the entire length of the orchard.

As they all gazed at the rainbow in awe, the zap apple trees began to burst with electrical energy as several of the squarish fruit glowed with a rainbow aura. With a blinding flash, the colored fruits fired beams of rainbow light toward the uncolored apples. For several moments, the light beams shot wildly about the entire orchard, then faded away, leaving the zap apples striped with the colors of the rainbow and a more rounded shape.

"Finally, they're ready for pickin'," Granny Smith stated, noticeably less excited than she usually was this time of year.

Feeling awful for putting her family in this predicament, Apple Bloom hung her head. "I'm sorry that Applejack isn't here to help."

The other two were silent for several long moments. Finally, Big McIntosh gently stroked her mane. "It's okay, Apple Bloom. Applejack will be back soon, and as for us...we'll get along just fine."

"But...we can't harvest nearly enough zap apples without her."

Big McIntosh suddenly looked very weary. "Ma always used to say that as long as you don't give up, and you keep trying your hardest, things will always work out in the end. That's what we've got to do now...it's all we can do."

"All right." Apple Bloom sighed, and then the three of them started the harvest.

Big McIntosh kicked the first tree with all his might, and moved on to the next as the zap apples began falling into the barrels. Following in his wake, Granny Smith picked up the fruits that had missed and fallen to the ground.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom started to buck the tree closest to her. Nowhere near as strong as her older brother, she had to kick the tree several times just to get the first few zap apples to fall.

After a half hour, she still hadn't cleared the first tree, and looking up at the other two, saw that they were also making slow progress.

Realizing that they weren't even going to be able to clear half of the trees before the fruits disappeared, Apple Bloom sat heavily on the ground as despair overwhelmed her.

What are we going to do? How are we ever going to make it through the winter?

She had never felt so useless in her entire life. More than anything, she wanted to help her family. She wanted to make a difference and contribute to the harvest, but she simply couldn't. She was just too little, and she understood that she could never fully replace Applejack.

Staring at the ground and fighting back tears, Apple Bloom caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. With a start, she turned and gasped at what she found.

Walking across the field straight toward them was Mayor Mare, followed closely by Twilight, with Spike smiling and waving enthusiastically from her back, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, and behind them was Cheerilee and all of the foals from her class.

"What in tarnation..." Big McIntosh began, but trailed off as a group of Pegasi flew into view.

As the three befuddled Apples watched, more and more ponies continued to arrive on the farm. Apple Bloom caught sight of Mr. Greenhooves hauling his wagon that was stacked full of ladders, Lyra and Sweetie Drops, both grinning brightly and waving at them, and Filthy Rich, followed closely by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

It soon became apparent that everypony living in Ponyville was present.

With her mouth hanging open in disbelief, Apple Bloom slowly climbed to her hooves. "What's going on?" she asked to nopony in particular. "Why is everypony here?"

Neither Big McIntosh nor Granny Smith answered her as they watched Twilight and her friends slow to a halt in front of them.

After a moment, Fluttershy stooped down and hugged Apple Bloom, while Pinkie Pie embraced Big McIntosh, and Rarity nuzzled Granny Smith.

Teary eyed, Twilight said, "We just want you to know that we're always here for you."

Mayor Mare turned around, and raising a bullhorn, addressed everypony that was now amassed in front of the Apple family's house.

"Thank you, everypony, for being here today. As you all know, the Apple family have been coping with the terrible accident that has taken Applejack from us. As you also know, the zap apples have just arrived and will be gone by sundown, so we must work quickly to ensure that the Apple family harvests all the zap apples that they will need.

"Applejack has always been a valuable resident of Ponyville. At one point or another, she has helped every single one of you in some way, and has gone out of her way on several occasions to help our town. Now that she is gone, it is only right that the town of Ponyville do the same for her family."

As the crowd cheered their agreement, she continued. "Just like our winter wrap-ups, you have each been assigned to a team. Now, everypony group with your team leaders and let's make sure that this is the best zap apple harvest the Apples have ever had!"

With a flurry of activity, the ponies began to organize themselves.

Apple Bloom couldn't believe it. The entire town had shown up, just to help them. She couldn't wrap her head around what she was seeing. She knew that everypony respected the Apple family, but this was too much.

Being the first Apple to recover, Big McIntosh turned his gaze to Twilight. "Thank you, Twilight," he said with a voice brimming with emotion.

"Oh, this wasn't me," Twilight replied, smiling sheepishly. "I organized everything, but it was Rarity that came to me with the idea."

Surprised, Apple Bloom turned her gaze to Rarity. "Really? This was your idea?"

"Well, yes," Rarity answered hesitantly. "At least in part. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo knew that this harvest was one of the most important of the entire year. They also knew what position your family was in and they were worried that you wouldn't be able to collect enough zap apples. So, together, we constructed this idea, and I went to Twilight with it. After that, it spread like wildfire through the town, and everypony was eager to pitch in."

Apple Bloom hugged her fiercely. "Thank you, Rarity! Thank you so much!"

"But of course, darling," Rarity responded with a sweet smile.

Apple Bloom stepped back. "Do you know where Sweetie Belle is?"

Silently, Rarity pointed to a nearby tree. Turning, Apple Bloom saw Cherry Berry and Shoeshine alternately kicking a tree while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, each with a bucket on their backs, caught the zap apples as they fell.

Her heart pounding wildly in her chest, Apple Bloom rushed over to her two friends.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo exchanged worried glances as she approached, and removing the buckets from their backs, they stepped away from the tree.

The three of them stood silently for a long moment as they studied one another uncertainly.

What can I possibly say to them, Apple Bloom wondered to herself. What could possibly make them forgive me?

Before she could fret over what to say for too long, Sweetie Belle broke the silence. "I know you said we weren't welcome on the farm anymore," she stated, shuffling her hooves uncomfortably, "but we thought th-"

Without warning, Apple Bloom lunged forward and embraced her friend as she began to cry. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie Belle, I've been so stupid. I love you, and I want to be friends again, more than anything. I should never have pushed you away, I understand that now."

"I don't care about that," Sweetie Belle replied as tears began running down her face. "All I care about is you. I'm so happy we're friends again."

Watching her two best friends hugging each other and crying, Scootaloo sat down and sobbed. "Oh, you guys!"

Wordlessly, the two of them reached out and pulled Scootaloo into the hug, and together, the three young fillies shed tears of relief as their bonds grew ever tighter.

Finally releasing one another and wiping their eyes, the three began looking around them.

"So...what can we do to help?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Her eyes scanning the area, Apple Bloom noticed an unused ladder lying on its side. Galloping over to it, she picked it up and grinned at the other two. "I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get my cutie mark for picking zap apples!"

"Not if I get mine first!" Scootaloo challenged as she chased after her friend.

Standing alone for a moment, Sweetie Belle laughed as she watched her two best friends race toward the nearest zap apple tree, and then hurried to join them.

As the hours passed swiftly by, the zap apple orchard was steadily picked clean of all its fruit. It was the best zap apple harvest the Apple family had ever known. For the first time since a young Granny Smith had brought home the seeds from the Everfree Forest, every last zap apple was picked.

Staring in awe as the last of the barrels of fruit were carted over to her a full three hours before they would have vanished, Granny Smith couldn't suppress her smile. Standing beside her grandmother, Apple Bloom felt an elation of her own.

This was going to be the most profitable year the Apple family had ever known, and it was all thanks to the wonderful town of Ponyville.

Apple Bloom couldn't stop grinning as she watched the mass of ponies converging in front of her house, smiling and laughing with one another. She glanced over at Granny Smith and Big McIntosh, and upon seeing their glowing faces, she was suddenly overcome with joy and gratitude.

With a sense of purpose, she trotted over to the mayor and asked, "Can I say something?"

Mayor Mare beamed. "Of course!" She turned to the ponies mingling on the large field, and raised her bullhorn. "May I have your attention please! Somepony would like to say something to all of you."

As the crowd quieted down, Apple Bloom flipped a wooden pail over and stood on it. Swelling with pride, she looked at the ponies standing before her and began.

"Thank you, everypony, for what you've done today. It means so much to my family, and to me, that you came in our hour of need. It also taught me a valuable lesson that I'll never forget." Looking directly at Sweetie Belle, she continued, "I learned that I'm never alone. No matter how bad things may get, or how hurt or upset I may be, there are always ponies out there that are willing to help." She wiped a tear from her eye. "I have never been more proud than I am right now to be a part of Ponyville."

Finished, Apple Bloom hopped down from the pail, then turned at the sound of numerous hooves stomping the ground in applause. Humbled, Apple Bloom grinned self-consciously as she backed away and was suddenly engulfed in a huge hug as both Big McIntosh and Granny Smith embraced her lovingly.

"Hey everypony!" a voice echoed unexpectedly. Looking around, Apple Bloom spotted Pinkie Pie poking out from around the back of the house. "Come back here, I've got something I wanna show you!"

Confused, the crowd slowly milled around the side of the house, and found Pinkie Pie standing with one of the largest smiles they had ever seen on her face. On either side of her were two huge speakers, a turntable behind which stood a grinning Vinyl, and several tables covered with various foods and drinks.

"Pinkie Pie?!" Twilight exclaimed in shock. "When did you find the time to set this up?!"

Pinkie Pie waved a hoof dismissively. "I always make time for parties!" Addressing the crowd, she cried, "Welcome, everypony, to my We Love Applejack And Hope She Comes Home Soon Party!"

Spinning dramatically, she pointed a hoof at Vinyl. "Hit it!"

Once the loud music started, and everypony began dancing, Pinkie Pie hopped over to the three fillies and asked expectantly, "Are you all friends again?"

Sweetie Belle nodded her head excitedly. "Yeah! We all made up!"

Suddenly scooping the three of them in a huge hug, Pinkie Pie reared up on her hind legs and lifted them off the ground. "Yay for friends!" she cried as she squeezed them so tight that they had to struggle to breathe.

Without warning, Pinkie Pie abruptly dropped them and smiling happily, skipped off toward the beverage table. Lying awkwardly on the ground and gasping for air, the three shared a look among themselves, then began to laugh merrily.

As the first song ended, Apple Bloom followed her friends to the turntable.

"This music is awesome!" Scootaloo declared as they drew to a halt beside the D.J.

Vinyl smiled as she removed her headphones and reached for the next record.

"You don't live anywhere around here, do you?" Sweetie Belle observed.

The D.J. shook her head as she placed the record on the player and replaced her headphones.

"So..." Apple Bloom cocked an eyebrow. "How did you get here and get this all set up on such short notice?"

Vinyl lifted up her glasses and gazed at the three young fillies for a moment, then simply stated, "It's what I do." Then she lowered her glasses back over her eyes, and started the next song, bobbing her head with the beat.

The party lasted well into the night, and was the most fun Apple Bloom had had in months. Dancing with her friends, sharing cake with Sweetie Belle, and getting into a food fight with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom forgot all about her sorrow and worries for Applejack.

But as the party began dying down and the ponies began their trek back to town, her older sister swiftly returned to mind.

Without a word, Apple Bloom made her way across Sweet Apple Acres, accompanied by her two silent friends. Reaching the far edge of the farm, Apple Bloom sat down and gazed at the Everfree Forest.

Scootaloo sat down beside her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane, and a couple other Pegasi are still out there searching for her."

"What do you think she's doing right now?" Sweetie Belle asked as she stared out at the distant trees.

Apple Bloom suddenly smiled at her two worried friends. "I know exactly what she's doing." Standing up, she faced them and exclaimed with certainty, "She's coming home! And there's nothing in that forest that's gonna stop her!"