• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 1,822 Views, 115 Comments

Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree - BronyDad

Applejack is lost deep within the Everfree and must find her way home, even as something unspeakably evil hunts her.

  • ...


Chapter 11


"Applejack, wake up," Rainbow Dash called. "You're home!"

Slowly opening her eyes, Applejack glanced over her friend's shoulder to see the rolling hills of Sweet Apple Acres just ahead. As she watched, the first light of dawn began to spread across the farm, and she heard the crow of the rooster.

As she gazed down at her home, Applejack couldn't help but feel amazed that she was seeing it again. There had been several times when she had been sure that she would never make it back, but here she was.

As Rainbow Dash circled lower to the ground, Applejack's eyes fell onto the fruitless zap apple orchard.

Applejack felt a brief moment of dismay at the visual confirmation that the zap apples were gone, but then shoved her worries aside. After all that she had been through, she harbored no doubt that they would make it through the winter just fine. They were Apples after all, and Apples always beat the odds.

"Hold on tight," Rainbow Dash hollered. "This landing is gonna be tricky!"

Applejack clung to Rainbow Dash tightly with all three good legs as the Pegasus swooped down. With a powerful flap of her wings, she halted her decent and landed lightly on the ground.

Rainbow Dash stumbled, then grinned sheepishly. "Sorry about that, it's a bit harder when there's somepony on your back."

Gingerly climbing off of her friend's back, Applejack reared up and offered her left hoof. "Ya'll did a mighty fine job if ya ask me."

Rainbow Dash grinned as she hoof bumped her. "So, you want me to go in and get them?"

"No, I'm gonna go in," Applejack replied, carefully lowering herself onto just her left foreleg.

Just then, she heard a bark and turned around to see Winona rushing toward her. Whining profusely, the Border Collie rose up on her hind legs and began licking Applejack's face.

"Hey girl, I missed you too." Applejack laughed. Smiling as Winona rolled onto her back, Applejack cheerfully rubbed her belly before turning back to the house.

Applejack opened the front door and felt an overwhelming sense of peace upon seeing the familiar room. Grinning widely, she looked around at the furniture and the framed pictures on the walls as though it was the first time she were seeing them.

"Who's there," she heard Granny Smith call out from the kitchen as she poked her head into the room. As her eyes landed on Applejack, the elderly Earth pony nearly fell over.

"Sorry, Granny," Applejack said with a large grin. "I reckon I'm a little late for supper."

"Oh, Applejack," Granny Smith blubbered as she raced toward her granddaughter.

Surprised at her speed, Applejack barely managed to get her injured leg out of the way before the elderly pony embraced her fiercely. Hugging her grandmother back, she glanced up and saw Big McIntosh standing in the doorway.

With tear filled eyes, he crossed the room and joined in the hug. "I knew you'd make it," he whispered earnestly. "I just knew it."

"Where's Apple..." Applejack trailed off as she caught sight of her little sister standing at the top of the stairs. With tears running down her face, Apple Bloom suddenly turned and ran down the hall.

Releasing her, Granny Smith said, "She's been takin' it hard."

"I know..." Applejack responded as she headed for the stairs.

Without warning, Rainbow Dash was next to her. "I'll help you up."

She shook her head and gently pushed the Pegasus away. "I got this."

Applejack gritted her teeth as she slowly climbed the stairs. The whole way, Rainbow Dash was directly behind her, and as she reached the top, she glanced over her shoulder at her friend. "Thanks, Dash."

Limping down the hall, she pushed Apple Bloom's door open and peered inside. Apple Bloom was lying on the bed, the sheets pulled over her head. Even from the doorway she could see that the little filly was shaking.

As she entered the room, her breath caught in her throat as she spotted her hat sitting at the foot of the bed. She hadn't lost it! It had been here all along!

"I see ya took care of my hat while I was gone," Applejack stated as she sat down on the bed. Gently pulling back the covers, she placed her beloved hat back atop her head and favored the filly with an affable smile.

"You don't have to pretend, Sis. I know it was all my fault," Apple Bloom spoke softly as she toyed with the covers.

"It was just a bad decision, Apple Bloom. You're still a filly, and you're allowed to make mistakes. What's important is that you learn from them."

"So you...you forgive me?" Apple Bloom sniffled.

Applejack pulled her sister into a hug. "Of course I do, sugar cube."

Apple Bloom sighed with relief. "I was so worried that you would hate me."

"Never." Holding her sister at leg's length, she looked her straight in the eyes. "When I was out there in the Everfree, I ran into a Wendigo."

"A Wendigo!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, horrified.

"Yeah." Applejack nodded. "And it used the resentment in my heart to turn me against my friends, my family, and even our parents. But ya know how I beat it?" She smiled as she watched the wide eyed filly slowly shake her head. "I discovered that there isn't even a shred of resentment in my heart for you, and the Wendigo was powerless against that kind of love. That's how I broke free of its hold, it was all thanks to you."

"Really?" Apple Bloom asked hesitantly. "You really love me that much?"

Embracing her sister as the tears began flowing down her face, Applejack answered, "I sure do."

Apple Bloom buried her face in her sister's dirty mane. "I love you that much too."

The two of them held each other for a long time, and only parted when an impatient Rainbow Dash demanded that it was time to go to the hospital.


By noon, Applejack's leg was set in a cast and she was being examined by the doctor.

"You seem remarkably well, considering everything you've been through," the doctor stated after several minutes. "But you are severely dehydrated, and I'm worried about your leg. I know you didn't have a choice, but I really wish you hadn't walked on it so much."

"Will it heal all right?" she asked worriedly as she sat back up.

"Yes." He nodded. "But I'm more worried about the swelling and the possibility of an infection. I'd rather you stay for the remainder of the day, and if it looks better, I'll discharge you this evening."

"That sounds great," Applejack agreed. "Thanks, Doc."

The doctor smiled. "Now, I believe you have some friends that are dying to see you."

As soon as he opened the door, she heard Pinkie Pie shout, "Oh, can we come in?! Can we, can we, can we?!"

A few seconds later, her friends were rushing into the room and surrounding her bed. Smiles and tears were on every face as they all welcomed her back.

With her mascara running down her cheeks, Rarity said, "Applejack, you look simply dreadful. I'm going to have to give you a full makeover once you're released."

Smiling pleasantly at her friend, Applejack replied, "Maybe tomorrow. Right now, all I care about is gettin' back home as soon as possible." Fidgeting with her hat, she added, "I'm kinda worried about Apple Bloom."

"Don't worry yourself too much," Fluttershy said. "She did remarkably well without you."

Surprised, Applejack asked, "How so?"

Twilight grinned brightly. "She learned a valuable lesson in friendship, and has a newfound pride in her family." Noticing that the others were all staring at her, she blushed and said, "She just wrote a letter to Princess Celestia yesterday."

At that moment, the nurse entered the room and placed a large pitcher of water on the table beside the bed. Setting a stack of paper cups next to it, she smiled. "Make sure you drink plenty of water."

After the nurse left, Applejack poured herself a cup. "Have ya heard anythin' about the zap apple harvest? I reckon they didn't collect very many without me."

Her friends all shared a look and began giggling. Confused by their odd behavior, Applejack inquired, "What?"

Rainbow Dash stepped forward. "It was the best zap apple harvest the Apple family has ever known. You're gonna have tons of zap apple jam!"

Before she could respond, Pinkie Pie began jumping up and down excitedly. "The whole town showed up and helped pick the zap apples!" She reached out to either side of her, and pulled both Rarity and Twilight into a giant hug. "Sweetie Belle and Rarity came up with the whole idea, and Twilight organized it! And I threw a We Love Applejack And Hope She Comes Home Soon Party! It was awesome!"

Pleased to hear that her family had been well cared for in her absence, Applejack felt a surge of gratitude for her friends. Her happy feelings were short-lived, however, as she suddenly remembered the resentment that she had felt for them.

Although she had meant what she had said to the Wendigo about how her resentment didn't mean she hated them, Applejack couldn't free herself from the guilt. The fact that she had any resentment in her heart at all confirmed that she wasn't as good of a friend to these wonderful mares as she had thought she was.

"Is something wrong?" Fluttershy asked, sounding frightened.

Realizing that her thoughts must have been reflecting on her face, Applejack answered, "I was just thinkin' bout my time in the Everfree." She paused to take a long drink from her cup. "I've got a lot to tell ya."

For the next couple of hours, Applejack recounted everything that had happened within the Everfree Forest. She left nothing out, even though it pained her to see the looks of shock on their faces when she described the hatred she had felt for them.

When she reached the part of her story when she freed the manticore from the rocks, Fluttershy suddenly leaped forward and embraced her. "You did the right thing," she declared happily.

Amused, Applejack hugged her friend back and continued her tale.

As she described how she had broken her leg, Rarity seemed to grow faint, but Pinkie Pie quickly grabbed a chair and helped her sit. Then, when she told them of the Wendigo, they all gasped in shock. Listening with bated breath as she described the mental battle she had had with the foul beast, they all cheered when she explained that her love for Apple Bloom had been what saved her.

Only at the end of her tale did she leave something out. She didn't tell them about the stars that had led her to Rainbow Dash. She simply felt that it would be better if it stayed with her.

After she had finished her story, Twilight stated, "I've got to send a letter to Princess Celestia about the Wendigo. If what it told you was true, we may all be in serious danger."

As she started for the door, Applejack quickly said, "Twilight, please don't leave yet. There's somethin' I gotta say."

Twilight frowned. "What is it?"

"I...I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I'm not as good a friend as y'all deserve."

Sharing looks of confusion with her friends, Rarity cocked her head. "Please...pray tell."

"Well..." Applejack hesitated, unable to comprehend how they didn't understand. "That Wendigo almost won because of the resentment it found in my heart. The resentment that I have for all of you." She lowered her head, unable to meet their eyes any longer. "If I were a better friend, then I wouldn't have had that resentment, and the Wendigo wouldn't have had so much power over me."

"Applejack," Twilight said sincerely. "We all know that you love us, but we also know that you don't love everything about us."

"Yeah," Pinkie Pie chimed in. "I know that I can be annoying sometimes."

"And I know that I get on your nerves when I boast about my accomplishments," Rainbow Dash added.

"She does mine too," Fluttershy said quietly to Applejack, and then giggled.

"Everypony feels a little resentment toward others, even their closest friends," Twilight told her. "What makes you a great friend is that you look past it, and love us for who we are."

Applejack sniffled. "You girls are the greatest."

Together, they all hugged her and said, "And so are you."


That night, Applejack and Apple Bloom were lying side by side in the field, staring up at the stars.

The first thing she had done was locate Taurus's horns, and just as she had suspected, found that the two bright stars were now absent from the sky.

While she was pondering this, Apple Bloom suddenly spoke up, "You know, losing you made me realize how important you are. I mean, I loved you before, but..." She trailed off for a moment, then rolled over to face her. "I never knew Ma and Pa, and I only know what they look like from those old pictures. But it's never really bothered me because I have you. I guess what I'm trying to say is...you may not be my Ma, but you're a great sister, and having you is good enough for me."

Deeply touched, Applejack beamed at her sister. "I feel the same way about you. In fact, takin' care of you while you were a baby actually helped me cope with their deaths."

Carefully avoiding her big sister's cast, Apple Bloom hugged her. After several long moments of silence, she asked, "What were they like?"

"Well, Ma was very smart and funny. She valued honesty above all other things, and she taught me to always put others ahead of myself." With tears brimming in her eyes, she continued, "Pa was the most dependable and likable pony in these parts, and he believed in the value of hard work. He was also an amazin' carpenter, and by the way ya fixed up your clubhouse, I reckon ya inherited some of his skills."

Rolling over onto her back once again, Apple Bloom's gaze returned to the stars. "I think that, even though they're gone, they've never forgotten us. And when we need them the most, they're right there with us."

"I reckon you're right, Apple Bloom," Applejack agreed as she stared up at the spot where the two stars had been the night before. "Maybe more than you know."

Several hours later, Applejack was tucking her sister into bed. Smiling warmly, she kissed the filly on the forehead.

"Good night, Applejack," Apple Bloom said as she closed her eyes. "I'm glad you're back."

"So am I, sugar cube."

Applejack limped to her room and climbed into her bed, relishing the softness of the mattress. Pulling the covers up to her chin, she sighed with pleasure, but then her eyes landed on the framed picture of Apple Bloom that stood on the table next to her bed.

After staring at it for several moments, she got out of bed and made her way over to her closet. She dug her way toward the very back, and pulled out an old trunk that hadn't been opened for many years.

Blowing off the layers of dust, Applejack opened the trunk and rummaged around for a few moments. Finally finding what she was looking for, she pulled it out and returned to bed.

Lifting up the picture frame, she removed the picture of Apple Bloom and set it gently aside.

"Sorry, Apple Bloom," she whispered as she slipped the new picture into the frame. "I'll get over to the marketplace tomorrow and buy ya a new frame. I promise."

Lying back down, Applejack gazed lovingly at her parents' wedding picture until she slipped into a peaceful sleep.

The End

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

Also, keep an eye out for book 3 of my series, The Good, The Bad, And The Pinkie.

When Pinkie Pie accidently angers her friends, the disheartened Earth pony falls in with a new group of friends. Unfortunately, what she doesn't realize is that they are a trio of bank robbers.

Comments ( 26 )

Man, I don't believe this fic is already finished, it has been time since the last fanfic that took my breath like yours did and now that is done... well, you know. Like I said every time I commented in this story, it is excellent and has a great development. I would expect a bit more of the ending, maybe more folks of the town being around AJ but still, this is great.

Thanks for this awesome story!

P.D. I wanted to ask, are you planning in doing something about the Wendigos or was only part of this story?

4566382 Yeah, I enjoyed writing it so much that I was a little sad when I finished it. And I was going to add a little section where she got a get well card from the foals at school and had some other visitors, but felt that it drew too much attention away from what was going on.

I am writing a series of 9 stories, (was 10 but I scrapped one because it was so much like the episode Three's A Crowd) and, although they are all their own adventures, they are all interconnected. The plans the wendigo mentioned will slowly be revealed, and they will definitely be back. Actually, they are only a piece of an even bigger threat looming in the distance.

Dun dun dun!!!!

I've really enjoyed this story and it was over before I realized it. :ajsmug:

this was an awesome story loved it!!!!! :D

4567148 I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.:ajsmug:

There will be plenty more to come, and I promise that I will strive to make them all just as great as this one. I owe that much to my followers, and I won't let any of you down.:twilightsmile:

Are You going to make another one, When that (thing) come back for her?:duck:

4569646 I am writing a series of 9 or 10 books, and yes the wendigo will eventually come back into it, and I do plan on that specific one attempting to extract its revenge.

4569942 good:raritystarry::ajsmug::yay::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::twilightblush: yeeeeeeeeees.... Great I got to keep an eye on your page:trollestia:

4570449 lol!:rainbowlaugh:
It's gonna be a while though. A lot of other things are gonna be coming up as well. The Wendigo are only a part of the real threat.

This story is woefully underappreciated. :applecry:

Although Apples don't fall far from the tree, the title sure dropped a couple of times.
(Just in case that pun isn't clear - Title Drop)

The title for chapter 2 just makes me want to listen to a particular Linkin Park song...

Do you have something against AJ wearing her hat in the Everfree, or what? :rainbowlaugh:

The fallout between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came across as feeling real. I applaud you for that.

I'm not a critic, but the part in chapter 6 where Fluttershy and Rarity force Rainbow Dash to get some rest just seems... blunt and contrived. Almost as if it were a little too forced. I'm not sure if that's helpful, but I can't think of a better way to describe it...

I had a feeling that the Mane 6 (minus Applejack) would help with the Zap Apple harvest. What I did not expect was that every single pony in Ponyville would also help out. Every. Single. Pony. (Well, except for the pegasi who were still searching for AJ.) My jaw dropped when I read that. :pinkiegasp:

"Uh..." Applejack said fearfully.  "I don't suppose ya got a thorn stuck in your paw, do ya?"

That just made my day. :yay:

By the way, it's spelled Windigo (i.e. "howling wind") according to the vast majority of this fandom, not Wendigo. It's interesting that you made it a sapient entity, though. I usually just see people make them like wild beasts.

Much like the feeling I had about the Zap Apple harvest, I thought that the manticore would make another appearance and do something like that. But that does leave an implication that it was also following AJ...

I believe I shall now accept all of what you have written regarding AJ's parents as my headcanon. I especially enjoy that even though it was her dad's hat, it was Granny Smith who ended up giving it to her.

Once again, I know this is somewhat belated, but thanks for writing! :ajsmug:

4867257 Are you trying to say that the title drops were a bad thing? Because it really was the focus of the story. Also, I wanted to tell the reader without "telling" them that that was a line that her father used often. I imagine him saying it and everyone around him rolling their eyes while he chuckles to himself.

The title for chapter 2 just makes me want to listen to a particular Linkin Park song...

That song was a huge inspiration for Apple Bloom's part in this story. Also, in case you are interested, A.J.'s story is very largely influenced by Stephen King's The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. It's my favorite Stephen King book.

Regarding the part in chapter 6, you are not the first to point that out. I know it is kinda rushed, but it isn't the focus of the story and I didn't want to draw attention to the scene. I just wanted to show the reader that the other mane 5 were going through tough times of their own. You're just experiencing it the same way that Apple Bloom did, but you're an outside observer, so I guess that's why it feels off.

The spelling can go either way, and I'm not too concerned with what the majority of the fandom does. From what I can gather, the majority of the fandom believes that Scootaloo is an orphan, A.J. is a background character, Fluttershy is a helpless character that has no room to grow, and Diamond Tiara is a piece of filth. I agree with none of these. I'm not trying to sound like an arrogant ass or anything, I'm just stating that I'm interpreting all of this my own way, and nothing I write is going to be influenced by anything other than what is canon.

I'm glad that you liked what I did with them. They are going to play a major role in my series, and I'm sure that you will find the future revelations just as interesting.

But that does leave an implication that it was also following AJ...

Not necessarily. She wasn't that far away from where she first met it, and that scene had a lot of screaming and bestial howling going on. It could very well have been drawn there by the noise.

It's great that you liked her past and her parents so much, I put a lot of time and effort into that. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and comment on this. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. Seriously, you have a very colorful personality, if you haven't tried writing yet, give it a shot. I think you would excel at short comedies. Talk to you again soon!:twilightsmile:


Are you trying to say that the title drops were a bad thing?

No! Not at all! I'm sorry if my comment came across like that, but I assure you, I enjoy that particular trope. (I knew I should have thought about adding one of the site's emoticons to that part of my comment... :facehoof: )

I'm not too concerned with what the majority of the fandom does.

I knew there was a good reason as for why I enjoy your stories. :pinkiehappy:
Although, I do feel like I should let you know that I think you are the only person I've seen who prefers to use the name Sweetie Drops instead of Bon Bon. (I believe both names have been used in some of the official merchandise...)

From what I can gather, the majority of the fandom believes that Scootaloo is an orphan, A.J. is a background character, Fluttershy is a helpless character that has no room to grow, and Diamond Tiara is a piece of filth. I agree with none of these.

My opinions regarding these:
Scootaloo is an orphan - I'm sort of indifferent to this one. Depends on the story I'm reading, and how well-implemented the angle is.
AJ is a background character - Wait, what? How does that even make sense!?
Fluttershy is helpless & has no room to grow - Um... please see my above reaction. Add more emphasis.
Diamond Tiara is a piece of filth - I wouldn't go that far, but I don't like her much, myself.
I would recommend you to a certain fan-fic I've been reading (a rather lengthy one), but I'm not really sure how well you would enjoy it...
Oh, and for the record: You did not come across as an arrogant ass. At least not to me, anyway.

I'm sure that you will find the future revelations just as interesting.

I'm sure I will, too. Like I've said before, I'm really looking forward to it. :eeyup:

It's great that you liked her past and her parents so much, I put a lot of time and effort into that.

It shows. :twilightsmile:

Seriously, you have a very colorful personality, if you haven't tried writing yet, give it a shot. I think you would excel at short comedies.

I would like to get something written eventually, I'm just not sure what I actually want to write about... I do appreciate your kind words, though. :yay:

Oh, by the way, instead of saying "light brown western hat" (you used it twice, I believe), wouldn't "cowboy hat" work just fine? :applejackunsure:

4868660 Don't worry about the title drop thing. I wasn't sure if you thought it a good or bad thing, but I didn't take it as negative. As for Sweetie Drops vs Bon Bon, my daughter likes Sweetie Drops more, and so I'm a bit more inclined to use it instead.

I refuse to see Diamond Tiara as a "bad" character. She's a bully, and all bullies have a reason why they bully. If you can get through the rough exterior, there will always be something there to love. Besides, how many shows have had the bully eventually become likable, and even good? I'm going to be writing a one shot soon that will hopefully make her more relatable.

It shows.


Cowboy hat bothered me because it is too vague of a description, and I don't really feel that there are any "cowboys" in Equestria. They seem to call themselves rodeo ponies. And I sure as hell ain't gonna say rodeo hat.:trollestia:


And I sure as hell ain't gonna say rodeo hat.:trollestia:

I don't blame you. What about calling it a Stetson? I've seen that used quite commonly...

You could still call it a "light brown western hat" the first time it's used, but to use the same adjectives twice, as close together as they were, was just a little distracting to me... :applejackunsure:

I just went back through the story to look for where I saw it described like that, and I found it in these spots:
Near the beginning of Chapter 2
Somewhat near the end of Chapter 3

4993786 I'm glad you liked that. A lot of my stories will have bits that link them together, especially my series.:ajsmug:

Loved it. Great job. :twilightsmile:

It's already over? :raritydespair:

Thank you so much for sharing this with me, and I'm sorry I took so long to read it. I was wary of taking on a new story that's as long as this, but ooohh my god it was worth ittt

This story definitely needs more attention! :yay:

(and now, to read the others... :rainbowkiss:)


Thank you so much for sharing this with me, and I'm sorry I took so long to read it.

You are very welcome, and don't worry about how long it took you to get to it. I greatly appreciate that my readers choose to spend their personal time on my work, and I couldn't care less how long it takes them. I'm very happy that you enjoyed this story as much as you did, and hope you enjoy the others as well.:ajsmug::heart:

Well. I absolutely enjoyed this story. Helped me to appreciate family. You have excellent writing skills. I give this story my David Crespo stamp of approval.


The narration can be slightly long-winded and a bit telly at times,

This and the story before it were both written for a non-brony audience, but I went through this one and cleared out a lot of the exposition. Still, I'm sure you will find some patches that I've missed.

I'm glad that you liked the opening chapter, and I'm pleasantly surprised that you got to this so quickly. It wasn't necessary, but is very appreciated!:twilightsmile:


However, flashing back to episodes of the show isn't necessary.

I did this because I wanted to stress my belief that the five weren't really friends before Twilight came around. A.J. and Rarity didn't have much to do with one another, Rainbow and A.J. didn't see each other as friends so much as competitors that had similar interests, and Rainbow straight up hated Pinkie. Twilight's arrival to town changed that, and that's what I was trying to convey there. I know I was giving you a glimpse of episodes you've seen already, but it was through another perspective. Still, I totally understand how that can turn some people off.

This story does spend a lot of time in the past, but from here on it will all be stuff like that childhood flashback that you liked. And don't you worry, you won't have to slog through any more episode references, that was the only instance.:pinkiehappy:

A satisfying conclusion to a good story.
I particularly liked how you included a moral about friendship. It felt very MLP-ish. This whole ending served as a perfect follow-up to the action packed climax of last chapter.

Overall, I enjoyed this story a whole lot. It had some issues, mainly with the pacing bring a bit janky, which was itself caused by the heavy focus on flashbacks that were sometimes whiplash-inducing with their sudden and out of place changes in pace.

Still, no story is perfect, and that one problem is the only one I had with this story. That's pretty impressive in and of itself.

I had a great time reading this. Great work!

I gave my detailed thoughts via PM, of course, but I will leave a brief note here that I liked this. I think it's better than Love Your Difference, and really good at exploring family/friendship dynamics. :twilightsmile:

The children in your avatar (I assume your aforementioined daughters, but sometimes my assumptions are wrong) are wearing MLP shirts. I'd expect nothing less.:pinkiehappy:


Yes, they are my daughters, albeit two years ago (I really should update that). And yes, they are MLP fanatics still. I'm glad my avatar was able to meet your expectations.:pinkiehappy:

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