• Published 1st May 2014
  • 2,473 Views, 155 Comments

Scootaloo and Celestia: Adventures in Twilight's Gall Bladder - Admiral Biscuit

Scootaloo and Princess Celestia get married and have an adventure inside Giant Twilight Sparkle's gall bladder.

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Scootaloo and Celestia: Adventures in Twilight's Gall Bladder

Scootaloo and Celestia: Adventures in Twilight's Gall Bladder
Admiral Biscuit

Alas, here our story takes a sad turn. As clever as Princess Celestia was, there was a fatal flaw in her plan. It is well known that changelings are drawn to new marriages in much the same way that sharks are drawn to blood, moths are drawn to flame, and people are drawn to a Rick Astley video when they think it's something else. CLICK FOR A SEXY NSFW IMAGE And, since changelings can transform to be pretty much anything that has a soul and can feel love (so not gingers), the changeling horde became tiny-er little parasites and made their way to Twilight's appendix.

Scootaloo spotted them first. She was out tending the fields in Twilight's minor duodenal papilla—which was where they grew their alfalfa—and jumped on her scooter, quickly buzzing back home to Twilight's appendix.

Once she got there, her hopes fell like her dreams of flight—a massive influx of changelings was swarming around the burning ruins of their love nest. (It should be noted that Twilight was feeling some minor indigestion as a result, and took two Tums.) A shimmering shield wavered over the fire, and changelings were slowly deconstructing it in the way only changelings can—by sending wave after wave of their own . . . selves at it.

But Princess Celestia wasn't a princess for nothing. As soon as she saw Scootaloo was safe, she abandoned their home, teleporting herself to Scootaloo, and then again to Twilight’s gall bladder, rightly assuming that an equine gall bladder was an elusive organ.

There, the pair prepared to make their stand against the changelings. Princess Celestia magicked up another shield spell, while Scootaloo went around gathering gall stones, placing them in neat piles along the shores of bile, working her way back from the fundus.

For a long time, all was silent, except for the loud noise of hundreds of changelings fruitlessly smashing against the magical shield in the appendix. Then, with a sound not unlike glass breaking, the shield shattered, and the jagged pieces rained down, coincidentally smothering the fire. From a distance, the cry of "They're not here!" echoed up and down Twilight's bowels, and then all fell silent again.

Scootaloo hunkered down in the epithelium, while Princess Celestia reinforced her shield spell by drawing on Giant Twilight Sparkle's(TM) own magical energies. Spellcasting is hard when you're small enough to hide in a gall bladder, even if you are a nearly-immortal pony princess.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound echoed through the bile ducts! The changelings had found them! Exclamation point!

Scootaloo got the first one that came through the cystic duct with a well-aimed gallstone. She took perverse pleasure in knocking a flying creature out of the air, but she'll never admit that to her psychiatrist. She watched it spin out of control into a wall, where it exploded.

A second and third followed, and were as easily disposed of, but the third managed to shout a warning to all of his hive-mates before he crashed.

Minutes passed. Minutes that felt like hours. Each of those minutes was made up of sixty seconds, and each of those sixty seconds felt like a minute. Each of those sixty seconds was made up of . . . you know what, the math gets really weird here unless you're using metric time, so let's just say that it felt like an eternity. An eternity that felt like sixty eternities.

And then the main horde was upon them, a droning mass of holey-legged insect-winged chitin-covered love-sucking demon-spawn changelings who only wanted to suck their love, seriously, is that too much to ask? Scootaloo's gallstone pile quickly ran dry, because Twilight ate a very low-cholesterol diet. She retreated to safety further inside the gall bladder, under cover of Princess Celestia's sunlance spells (1 white mana for 3 damage to non-white creature). They retreated to the submucosa, Scootaloo throwing gallstones all the while.

But it was all for naught. There were too many changelings. Princess Celestia was tapped out, and Scootaloo's muscles were aching from all the gallstones she'd been tossing, and still the changelings kept coming. The two hapless ponies huddled together, wrapping their hooves around each other as they waited for the end.

Just when they thought it couldn't get and worse, Queen Chrysalis showed up, and she was followed by

Author's Note: