• Published 1st May 2014
  • 2,475 Views, 155 Comments

Scootaloo and Celestia: Adventures in Twilight's Gall Bladder - Admiral Biscuit

Scootaloo and Princess Celestia get married and have an adventure inside Giant Twilight Sparkle's gall bladder.

  • ...

Thank Celestia It's Over

"Pinkie Pie, what did you say this was again?"

The hyperactive baker rolled her eyes. "Fanfiction, Twilight. I said it was fanfiction. Oh, and I put you in it! Did you see?"

"Yes Pinkie." Twilight rubbed her hooves across her aching eyes, eyes she was sure were bleeding from the agony they'd just witnessed. And there were a hundred more pages to go. "Yes, I saw."

"Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?" Pinkie took a deep breath. "What did you think?"

I think I need a drink, Twilight thunk. I mean thought. "Well, it's nice."


"Nice." Twilight nodded slowly. "In the vast annals of pony literature, this is certainly the most . . . most . . . thing I have ever read."

Pinkie stopped bouncing mid-bounce, and stared down at Twilight from her superior (based on altitude) position in the middle of the library. "What do you really think?" Her ice-blue eyes bored into the librarian's very soul.

Twilight began sweating. Profusely. She didn't handle stress well; she knew she didn't handle stress well. She could feel hairs in her mane sproinging out of place, and her tail was rapidly kinking.

"Well?" Pinkie leaned forward, unaware of how impossible that was, given her current I've-turned-off-gravity position.

"Your prose is clunky, you make too many meta references, your premise is absurd, ignores canon, and your characters are out of character. And you shouldn't begin a sentence with 'and.' Furthermore, if you'd paid any attention to equine anatomy at all, you'd know that ponies neither have gall bladders nor appendixes." Twilight sighed. "But your penmareship is very neat."

Author's Note:

Address all complaints to the Monsanto Corporation.

Comments ( 138 )

Good lord, no.

This is why stories from an Obs blog are a bad idea.

It's a terrible idea. A terrible, terrible idea.
This may be the worst thing I've done.

:rainbowhuh:What the what?:rainbowderp:

Blueshift made me do it.

You gotta watch for those decreasing wavelengths.

Fuck. Yes.

That was quick.

It would have been faster, but I only got home two hours ago. And then I had to think of a plot (you can see I gave up on that fairly quickly), and research the gall bladder. Which equines really don't have.


Great job! It was hilarious!

I stole that joke from a Piers Anthony short story (Revise and Invent, IIRC).

Thank you!

And now for something you never thought you'd ever hear anyone say, EVER:


the jagged pieces rained down, coincidental smothering the fire.

This appears to be missing something... Aha!
i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/12/14/article-2073739-0F28AC0A00000578-27_634x307.jpg Answer key: coincidental*ly*.
Scootalittle and and Princess Celestini are no match for Queen Chrysalite!
:trixieshiftright:"Are we done making size puns yet?"
:pinkiehappy: "In a little bit!"


Typo corrected. The page was too narrow for the whole word to fit. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'm sorry. I wonder if there are any Scootlestia stories on the site at all? I mean, is that a thing?

Oh for the love of god. If this gets featured I'm going to leave a bunch of angry comments about how bad this is and how you should feel bad for being bad.

If it gets featured I'll laugh all the way to the bank.

Oh wait, I don't get paid for this.


Dear god, man. You actually made it?

Garbo #18 · May 2nd, 2014 · · 1 ·

You are one glorious bastard.

This story is hilarious. Is there a reason you're not using the 'comedy' tag?

I have poor impulse control sometimes.

To be honest . . . I forgot.

I will remedy that situation.


I'm sorry. I wonder if there are any Scootlestia stories on the site at all? I mean, is that a thing?


I can give you an "almost." To Love the Moon by Indigo Eclipse has some Scootaluna (Lunaloo? Wait, no, that sounds like a potty joke.) sexytimes. Though that's mostly because both Luna and Scootaloo are/were/will be paired (tripled?) with the protagonist.

The funny thing is that I had just finished reading the comments section of that blog when I checked the main page again. And there, lo and behold, was Celestia and Scootaloo: Adventures in Twilight Sparkle's Gall Bladder.

Fun with foals: The Cutie Mark Crusaders and the legend of the Holy Celestian Hexacock
by KinkyCelestia [link not provided for obvious reasons] might also qualify (no, I didn't read it: I just searched with the tags Scootaloo, Celestia, Romance, and Sex). But it doesn't seem to be a big thing, not like many of the more traditional pairings.

As subtle as a shark in a bathtub.

I'm not going to read this.

Regardless, you get an upvote for writing it.

Good day.


I'm not going to read this.

I don't blame you. I had my eyes closed when I wrote it.

This is the worst thing I have ever upvoted.

The logic was so tangled up that I don't even know what to make of it. And it's like that on purpose.

Thank you, I think.:pinkiehappy:


The logic was so tangled up that I don't even know what to make of it.

There was logic?

Thank you!


It's half-past two in the morning, that's the most coherent I can manage...

....What madness is this?

I'm not sure I even reached that level of coherence.

Madness? This. Is. SPARTA!


wait, that's Inglorious Basterds...

Well, I'm not sure if I can find proper nazi, but I know there's a lot of grammar nazis on this site that I could scalp.

This should be Featured. :rainbowlaugh:


Are you perhaps a wizard, or some kind of prophet?


It may yet be. Tell your friends and tell your friends friends . . . and most importantly, tell your enemies.

Oh god. This is the peach accident all over again.

Your avatar goes perfectly with that comment--it's really more of a grimace than a grin, isn't it?

I can't imagine that many other writers wanting to jump on the gallbladder bandwagon. Of course, I could be surprised.

4325323 Skeeter said the same thing about my avatar. I guess I chose the right one, eh?




Are you arguing with Professor Farnsworth?


Cool! :pinkiehappy:

It doesn't matter how many times I'm Rick-Rolled. I still love that song. So beautiful *sniff*

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