• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,350 Views, 43 Comments

Operation Daybreak - ValdimarGreen

To Octavia, espionage and sabotage are as easy as breathing. Assassination however is a pony of a different color, especially when the target is the newest alicorn princess, Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 4: Decadence

Chapter 4: Decadence

Blueblood stepped inside the foyer of Silver Sheaths mansion, Shack following close behind. Blueblood smiled at the familiar room, its thick brown rugs and mahogany wall-paneling, lending it a warm and homely feeling. I truly love this room. Blueblood thought to himself as he took it all in.

The yellow coated unicorn maid who had let them in, turned and bowed, her red mane brushing the floor. "The Master will be with you shortly, My Lord."

Blueblood glanced at her face and froze. This thing before him looked just like Rose Twig it even sounded like her, but it was not her. The real Rose Twig had been greeting him in this very foyer almost everyday for 3 months now, he knew her like he knew his own reflection. This is not her! It's some stranger wearing her skin! Terror weld up inside him. Is this the work of Twilight Sparkle? Is Rose Twig under her foul enthrallment?

The thing that looked like Rose Twig tilted its head to the side. "Is something the matter, My Lord?"

Blueblood shook himself. Calm down! Act as if everything is normal.

He forced out a smile. "Pay it no mind, it was but a stray thought."

The thrall that used to be Rose Twig turned to Shack. "Lets withdraw to the kitchen and give the Masters some privacy."

Shack looked to Blueblood, waiting for his dismissal.

Blueblood didn't want him to go anywhere, especially not with the thrall. But if he refused, the thrall might get suspicious.

Blueblood nodded curtly, as he tried not to think about the fact that he soon would be alone in the room. Just stay calm. I can handle it. I have done it before. Silver Sheath will be here momentarily. Everything will be fine.

Blueblood heard the click from the door as the two servants left the room. And almost immediately he could hear whispers from the corners of the room. A dark malicious murmur, not quite clear enough to distinguish words.

Desperate to distract himself from the whispers, he pulled up his pocket journal and opened it.

Day #16
When I left my rooms this morning, and the voices just stopped I was elated. However my joy was short lived as they returned, while I was visiting the lavatory. Just what are they and what do they want!?

My staff looks at me strangely.

Blueblood grunted. It had taken him weeks to figure it out. He shuffled forward a few pages.

Day #20
Something has happened to my gardener, Spring Rock. I don't know how to explain it, its like its not him anymore. Worse, it seems like I am the only one who have noticed. It scares worries me. I had him moved to my summer mansion under pretense that the gardens there was in need of extra attention.

Blueblood shivered as he remembered Spring Rock, the first on his staff to be enthralled by Twilights dark magic. The murmurs had lowered to a muted buzz, Blueblood read on.

Day #21
I have thought long and hard about Spring Rock, and just now, it struck me. What if it was a changeling, pretending to be him! It makes so much sense. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

Blueblood frowned. It had seemed so obvious at the time. He was just about to turn the page, when the doors at the end of the foyer burst open admitting Lord Silver Sheath. Blueblood hastily shut the book and levitated it back into his pocket. Sheath was big unicorn with a coat and mane that matched Bluebloods own.

"Prince my boy! What a lovely surprise! Care to join me for a cup of tea and some delicious gossip?" Silver Sheath said as he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Blueblood couldn't help but to smile. Silver Sheath was still himself, and the voices were gone, banished by his presence. "Nothing would please me more, Uncle." Blueblood said as he fell into step with Sheath, who had turned and were briskly trotting towards the main living room.

The living room, like the foyer was warm and inviting. Walls built from dark grey stone were covered intermittently with wood-paneling in simple patterns. Everything was bathing in flickering orange light, cast from the huge fireplace off to one side. Silver trotted up to a wine-cabinet and pulled out a bottle.

Blueblood raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said a cup of tea..." he said dryly.

Silver Sheath gave him a mischievous grin. "My boy, I thought you knew me well enough by now, to know exactly what I mean when I say tea." Silver proceeded to pour two glasses and levitating one over to Blueblood, who took it.

"That's the spirit!" The big unicorn drained his glass and poured another. "Now, I just heard the most scandalous rumor about Lord Fancy Pants and Lady Rarity..."

The second name tugged at Blueblood, but he couldn't quite place it. Dismissing it from his mind he refocused on his uncle in law, who was in the process of explaining the dangers of garden parties. "I hate to interrupt your obscene elaborations, Uncle. But I came here tonight in hopes that you might do me a favor." said Blueblood as he sat down.

Silver Sheath looked a little surprised that he had been interrupted, but he recovered quickly. "For you my boy, you have but to ask!"

Blueblood took a deep breath. "How would one go about gaining a private meeting with Princess Luna?"

Silver Sheaths eyebrows shot up in surprise, but then they lowered again as he adopted a lecherous grin. "Oh my, aren't we ambitious."

Blueblood blushed a bit at Silver Sheaths perverse misunderstanding. Still, he decided to go along with it. "Too the moon." he said, holding up his glass.

Silver Sheath laughed hard and clinked his glass against Bluebloods. "Too the moon, indeed!"

They both drained their glasses. "I will make some arrangements." Silver Sheath said. Blueblood nodded. "Thank you uncle."

Blueblood stood. "Now however, I must be going, I have a package to pick up at the griffin embassy."

Silver Sheath huffed. "Very well, but before you go shall we have final sparring match?"

Blueblood shook his head. "We have been drinking, besides I always win these days"

Silver Sheath slumped a bit. "It is quite embarrassing since, I am the one with swords on my rump"

Blueblood smiled and then nodded. "You forget that I had the very best teacher."

Sliver Sheath perked right up. "You did, didn't you!" He laughed uproariously.

"Very well then, let me show you to the door."

Author's Note:

This chapter ended up a lot darker than the previous ones. Consequently, it was harder to make it funny. Hope you still enjoyed it.

PS: The next chapter might take a little longer to get out.