• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,350 Views, 43 Comments

Operation Daybreak - ValdimarGreen

To Octavia, espionage and sabotage are as easy as breathing. Assassination however is a pony of a different color, especially when the target is the newest alicorn princess, Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 6: Happenings

Chapter 6: Happenings

Octavias head was pounding. One whole day wasted trying to find information on Silver Sheath. And all she had learned from her investigations was one thing. Sheaths was a huge pervert whose lechery was only rivaled by his chivalry. Octavia blushed, and tried to banish the thought of just how she had found that out. To call it embarrassing, would have been an understatement worthy of being added to the historical records of understatements.

Wishing for nothing as much as an semi-dense wall to bang her head on, Octavia turned a corner, bringing her and Vinyls apartment into view. She stopped, staring. Bluebloods butler was standing right outside the door, looking impatient.

Octavia squeezed her eyes shut. Octavia get a grip, you are seeing things that can't possibly be there. Tentatively she cracked one eye open and squinted across the street. He was still there... oh buck me.

Octavia rushed across the street and grabbed Shack by the neck. In 2 seconds flat she had him inside her apartment. "What the tartarus are you doing here?! And why were you waiting just outside? You were practically rubbing yourself against the door! Did anyone other than everyone see you? Oh wait, that is a stupid question, since the answer is obviously — wait for it — NO!"

Shack, being temporarily stunned by the tirade, didn't say anything. However, when Octavia took a deep breath to prepare for the next one, Shack jumped in with; "There is no time for that. You must save Princess Luna!"

"What?" Octavia asked.

"Its poor Master Blueblood he is not feeling well, and well... he thinks Luna might be responsible for for giving Twilight the mind-control spell. He believes he can tell if someone is being mind-controlled by Sparkle. And he is gonna kill Luna if he decides she is not under her enthrallment," Shacks blurted out.

"What?" Octavia asked again, with a bit more emphasis on the 'what' this time.

"My poor Master has been hearing voices and he thinks that they are manifestations of Sparkles mind-control spell trying to take control over him. You must do something!

Octavia smiled to herself, maybe it was time for a vacation, she had heard that the griffin kingdoms were really nice this time of the year. She and Vinyl could go fishing and maybe even camp out, now wouldn't that be fun and relaxing.

Her plans were scattered as Shack shook her. "You have to hurry, he is on his way to meet her right now." he cried.

Octavia tried to piece all of it together in her head. Blueblood was apparently playing the violin without a bow. It didn't really surprise her, this whole thing had been the machination of a madpony from the start anyway.

Do you have any proof? she asked Shack.

Shack looked uncomfortable, but he produced a small brown book. "Master Bluebloods journal, but—" Octavia snatched it.

As she started to leaf through it, she asked; "How is he going to kill Luna? Break his hoof mirror and attack her with one of the shards? She would strike him down with lightning before he could blink."

Shack looked absolutely horrified at the mental picture of his master being struck by lightning. But he shook himself, "He has an invisible sword named Alduin."

Octavia giggled at that. Alduin? That was hilarious. But if he indeed had an invisible sword, he could do it, easily.

Octavia suddenly felt a big smile spread across her face. This whole mess had just untangled neatly and re-wrapped itself in a nice bow. She just had to kill Blueblood and then the sword and journal would serve as proof of his planned regicide. She would most likely be extremely well rewarded by Celestia and Luna both. Octavia giggled a bit.

"Shack, am I right in assuming that, should Blueblood die, you are the one who were supposed to send out his letters of revenge?" Octavia asked.

Shack nodded, but then stopped and blinked. "You can't be serious! My master is sick, he need medical attention! you can't just kill him." he said, sounding horrified.

Octavia felt her eye twitch as the universe grabbed the nice little bow and proceeded to tangling it again, adding some barbed wire just for fun.

Octavia stomped the ground with her forehooves and shouted, "What the hay are you expecting me to do then? Hug him and return him to his senses with the power of friendship?!”

Shack looked shocked. "Would that work?" he asked, with a tremor of hope in his voice.

Octavias eye twitched again. She turned and walked over the the wall and banged her head against it, repeatedly.

Blueblood felt the adrenaline start to build as he approached the castle gates. The sun had set a couple of hours ago and the cool night breeze blew his mane out to the side. Alduin was a comforting weight on his back.

Blueblood felt a bit sorry that he had to tell Shack an altered version of the truth. He had said that he believed Luna to be a puppet as well as Celestia. However, the reality was, that he had no idea. He was going to find out tonight though. And should she turn out to be free of enthrallment, then surely she was working with Twilight Sparkle. She might even be the one who provided Sparkle with the dark magic in the first place.

Blueblood sucked in a breath and let it out. Then she will die, and Celestia will be freed from her enthrallment!

However, should she be a puppet, he would simply wait for Twilight Sparkles death. Should the enthrallment still not break... then someone of Sparkles relatives must be the one holding the spell. He would make his way to the Twilight manor, and kill her family.

Whatever happened, this night would be bloody.

In the darkness, the voices murmured their agreement.

Author's Note:

Chapter 6 was supposed to be the final chapter. However, I have a hectic week coming up, so you can expect the thrilling conclusion to the story next weekend.