• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 3,663 Views, 131 Comments

Mistaken Arrival - SureFreeD

Two Us Marines are confused when they find themselves in Equestira, Ponyville

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Chapter 1

Mistaken arrival
Chapter 1: Misfortune

The soldiers riding in the Humvee, each bump made them jump into the air then restrained by the seatbelts.

“Yo sarge, where is this place we’re going to?” A young male soldier asked the driver. “Trigger 101, we’re gonna meet Sgt. Foley there”

The young soldier sat back down, looking through the bulletproof window of the Humvee. He grabbed his M4A1 from the seat next to him, locked and unlocked the safety, sliding in and out the magazine, playing around with the ACOG scope.

“Yo, don’t play with that, you’ll end up shooting your foot or dick” They both laughed. “What time is it, I’m hungry bro” The young solider spoke as looking at his watch. The clock showed 00:00, the tapped it, fiddled with it, it still said 00:00. “Hey something is wrong with my watch, is says midnight” It wasn’t midnight at all, the sun glare was beating down so hard, it made the metal Humvee hot on touch. The sergeant looked at his watch, it showed 00:01, he shrugged, ignoring the broken watch, then he saw something spinning, the red LED compass was freaking out, turned around as if it was in the Bermuda Triangle, he tapped it, still spinning.

The young soldier opened a plastic bottle of water, drank half of it down, removing leftover water from his lips, he plunged his head back, sighing.

”Man this is boring, I ‘wanna see some action, fighting and shit!” He’s mind was torn away; all he thought about was fighting, looking to kill someone. As minutes passed the ground became softer not bumpy like before, they were on grass, soft green field, their eyes opened as they saw a tiny windmill still running.

“What the hell, what is this place yo?”
“Wait we were in the desert about 2 minutes ago and now we are in a green field with a stupid tiny windmill in front of us?”

They looked at each other, looking back the desert was gone, only greenery to be seen for miles straight.

“Alright, get your weapon this is weird man, totally weird I don’t like it.” The sergeant spoke worried.

The young soldier grabbed his rifle and squeezed the handle; the stock was ready at his shoulder ready to fire. They looked around but there was nothing, emptiness.

The sergeant took out a heat sensor, seeing a reactivity spike up ahead, 2 miles. The young one placed a pair of binoculars in front of his eyes. He saw something yellowy brown bounce about, as he turned over to it, it was a pony, a pony with a hat, long blond hair and 3 apples on her flank.

“What the fuck?” The young soldier confused handed the binoculars over to the sergeant. “Yo, look, what the hell is that?"

As the sergeant looked over to the pony he dropped his jaw, removing the binoculars from his line of sight.

“I do fucking believe it’s a fucking pony in a fucking hat with a fucking tattoo.” The sergeant complied “Any better?”

The soldier shook his head, they stepped out of the vehicle looking around, now the pony was closer to them still out of sight.

“A’ight we gotta’ report this to HQ now!”

The sergeant took a small radio from his shoulder pocket.

“HQ come in this is unit patrol -12-32-12-“
The radio was static for a while but a response came.

*static* “Patrol unit 12-32-12 this is HQ anything to report?” “Yes we do, by means we really do, we were patrolling the grid area you gave us, and then we popped into a green field! The radio was static but came back to life. “Confirm that you’re on grid 0754281” *static*. They both checked the map. “We don’t have a confirmation, over” The sergeant swallowed hard. “Currently working on satellite footage, over and out”

The radio when static

They stood up, looking around seeing the yellow-brown pony walking towards them. They both grabbed their weapons, aiming through the scopes, pointing directly at the pony’s head. They slid their goggles on, expecting the worse, as she walked near them, the soldiers heard a tune coming from her, and she gazed upon them, much taller and bigger.

“Howdy partners!”

The pony said in a cowboy-Texan accent. The soldiers looked at each other, loss for words.

“WHAT THE HELL MAN JESUS CHRIST!” The young soldier shouted as pointing the gun towards her head, it was definitely a female, her body shape, tone and accent. They were confused, a talking pony? Out of nowhere? Please.

The marines turned around laughing acting as if were a hallucination

Probably >_>