• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 3,664 Views, 131 Comments

Mistaken Arrival - SureFreeD

Two Us Marines are confused when they find themselves in Equestira, Ponyville

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Twilight happilly trotted over to a book shelf and with her teleknesis she picked up a random fiction book.

Before opening the book and reading it on, somehow the library felt empty, there was something missing from the picture. It concerned her that indeed somepony, morelike someONE was missing. She tapped her chin with her hoof, looking up to the ceiling before shouting out.


"Ugh, coming Twi"
A small dragon descended downstairs, grumpy from the rude awakaning, still rubbing his eye with his claw.
He yawned and stood in front of Twilight.

"Spike, have you seen Anderson somewhere?"
He tilted his head in confusion, it sounded like a colt name so Spike had something on his mind, but quickly blew the thought away.

"Who now, Anderson?"
Spike scratched his neck in confusion.
"Yes have you seen him around, I need to tell him something!"
Twilight's eyes glowed with a warm sparkle as she looked into Spike's dragon eyes.
He noticed something on Twilight, she was shaking a bit and there was some sweat along her fore head, her breathing was deep and faster than usually. Spike ignored that.

"I have no idea who you're talking about Twilight, you feeling alright?"
He crossed his arms and swang his tail around.

"I-I'm fine, just, worried about him"
That caught Spike's attention, was she dating a colt, or there was a secret admirer, or somepony that Spike hasn't remembered.

Twilight loomed around and then lowered her head near Spike's.

"Well for starters, there were creatures visiting with no particular background, Princess Celestia didn't give a care in the world only to confront them, then maybe I guess there was a particular human we met, he was called Anderson, oh, and that camp that they established, where were you Spike?"
She said that all in one breath taking short pauses between to choose her words correctly.
Twilight was regaining her breath and broke eye conctact with Spike, the poor little thing took a step back still that puzzled look on his face.

"Twilight are you sure you didn't have a bad dream or somet-"
Spike was cut off with the sound of a hoof against wood, Twilight stomped her hoof on the woodwork and took a look at Spike, he couldn't help but notice that one of her eye was twiching and it was redder than the other one.

"I am perfectly f-fine, n-nothing to worry about!"
She raised her voice with every word she pronaunced.

"Well, if you say so, I'm going back sleep, don't wake me up if you need something"
With that Spike took off upstairs, scartched and yawned as he walked up to his cozy bed and dropped dead asleep.

Twilight was still sitting on her rump, looking around nowhere for particular, she stood up and began walking to the kitchen.
Twilight approached the sink and turned on the cold water tap, it splashed on her hooves, it sent a chill down her hooves and up to her chest, she hissed and after that she took the cold water into her face, splashing around her mane and neck.

Twilight turned off the tap and walked over a kitchen towel, she quickly took it and wiped her face, throwing it away on the floor.

She approached the couch and hopped into it, spreading her pony limbs lazily over it, sighing in comfort.
She began to slowly close her eyes and drifting off to a nap, she let off a throaty moan as she was in full sleep mode.

*Meanwhile back at the Marine Corps*

"I believe we have to discharge you Rick Anderson"
The head medic spoke to him, holding a sheet.
"Your condition is making it very hard for your comrades, you disapear inside your own head at sometimes, leaving them behind especially on that ambush yesterday, twenty men almost died because of your actions, as I say, you don't fit for a Marine, I'm sorry but you can now go back to your family"

Anderson eyed the medic without giving a reply.
"Here is the reliease form, you head out today in exatcly, twenty minutes, ready your baggage and head for the airport, a plane will take you right next to the DC central area, you will be rewarded for your service"
With that the medic left the room leaving Rick behind with he sheet in his hands.
He looked at it, and sighed in defeat, he didn't want any of his friends to die because of his mental condition, he was physicly well built, strong enough for close combat, and to rip someone's head out.

Either though he was young he had a family, no wife no kids, only his mother and father who lived in the countryside near the ocean.

He remebered the time in school, how he got picked on, fights, there was always fighting where ever you go.
Rick's first crush which lasted only for a few days becayse he had to move schools, graduating from college succesully.
Getting his first job as a lawyer, that didn't go well, he ended up being thrown out the court room for napping.
Because of him, the person he was protecting ended up in prison for two years.
Then, the little trashy side jobs which gave him enough money for his own apartament.
Then, he joined the Marines, at first he was proud upon giving a title of Marine, he passed boot camp, with blood and sweat of course.
After a week or two, he earned the title of Private, the lowest rank in the military, his own rifle. He even gave a name to it 'Betsy' he called it, her.
Took away a life or two of a Arab and a Afghan.
And now, all that time, was behind, he was getting kicked out from the Marines, only to return to his old appartament.

Suddenly the strangest memory came back to his head, about, ponies. He was riding on a mission then he and another Marine entered the world of ponies.
At first it was a rip off on their world, ridicolulous amount of color and happines.
But it warmed his heart to see those happy trotting ponies, Twilight.
And Scotaloo, it all came back, the memories, the attack e-everything!
The last thing he felt was her soft, cozy and warm embrace.
The last thing he saw was a sad, tear-pouring pony.
"Wait, they aren't real, stop thinking about them!"

He was alone in his apartament after hours of flying. Finally he was home and could rest from all this bullshit.
"I wish, I can see you again"
He mumbled to himself, they only met for a couple of minutes and Rick had already developed feelings for the lavender unicorn, how could he love something that wasn't his own species? Where did his soul go?

Twilight, the purple unicorn that was on his mind since they met, in his own brain of course, but it felt so real, so intense.
Rick sighed and threw his head back on the couch, lazily spreading himself around comfortably.

That was it, he gave up on seeing her again, her large purple eyes that contained pure innocence and life, her body shape which was attractive to the human, to feel her embrace again, to be in the land of Equestria, with happy ponies. He closed his eyes, a single tear rolled down his cheek as he drifted of to a deep slumber.

*Back to Equestria*

Twilight felt a light push on her shoulders, she awoke and saw a little orange filly. It was Scootaloo with a sad look on her face.
"Hey, what's the matter?"
Twilight asked quietly, looking into the filly's large ryes, they were filled with sadness and pain.
"M-miss Twlight, I-I feel lonely"
Scootaloo let out a few sniffs, keeping her tears in.
"Oh you silly, come here"
Twilight gestured for Scootaloo to come over and lay next to her. Without any hesitation the little filly jumped on the couch next to Twilight, snuggling up against her, it was, warm and caring. Like a mothers hug but, different.

Scootaloo opened her wing and Twilight placed her hoof under it, Scootaloo closed her wing around Twilight's hoof.
Using her horn, Twilight picked up a blanket and set it over them. Scootaloo snuggled further into Twilight, then she ran her muzzle throguh the filly's mane.
Scootaloo buried her face, blushing away.
"T-thank you"
Scootaloo said quietly and softly,that was the last word they made for tonight.

Scootaloo and Twilight woke up at the same time, the sun beating down on their faces, illuminating the room.
Twilight's hoof was lower and it now touched Scootaloo's belly.
Scootaloo opened her eyes with a groan, something was tingling her tummy, she looked down and saw Twilight's hoof on it, she blushed a deep crimson of red as it began rubbing it.
"M-miss Twilight, why are you massaging my tummy?"
Scootaloo looked over her head to see a smirking unicorn.
Twilight's chest was immiting a little heat, Scootaloo felt it, but before she can ask another question, she felt pressure on her lips.
Scootaloo tried to pull away but Twilight's hoof was holding her secure in place, she flapped her wings but to no use.
Her lips were soft and tender, it tickled her own, "M-mmmhp!"
Scootaloo tried calling out Twilight's name to stop, shebwas held against her will, no one knew that Twilight was a filly fooler.
Their eyes gazed on eachother, trying to 'make out' the situation they were in right now.
Twilight gently stroked Scootaloo's mane

"What in tarnation?!"