• Published 21st May 2014
  • 16,706 Views, 1,030 Comments

Crystal Affair - FamousLastWords

When Shining Armour has an affair with Rarity, Cadance and Spike decide to team up to get some revenge.

  • ...

Victim of the Virtuoso

“Oh, she is gonna pay!” Cadence whispered sharply. Her horn surged with energy. Its hum drowned out by the sound of the Crystal Heart firing through the Saphirum. Even then her husband and Rarity continued to kiss, oblivious to their lovers standing right outside the room.

Spike wiped his eyes and turned to face Cadence. His expression changed from sad to terrified at the sight of the fuming alicorn. He stood right in front of her lowered horn and shook rapidly shook his head.

“What are you doing?” He quietly asked

“Move out of my way, Spike. I’m gonna put a nice generous sized hole right through her head!”

Spike firmly grabbed her horn and yanked it upward, bringing her face up near his.

“No you will not.”

Spike’s claw started to heat up. The slight tingling feeling forced Cadence to lower her offensive. She knew that if she fired now, she would blow off Spike’s claw.

The dragon turned and faced his marefriend, and felt so betrayed.

How could she do this to me?

Shining Armor wouldn’t unlock his lips from Rarity’s, they slowly shuffled to the room’s right side, out of Spike’s view, pressing their lips hard against each other groaning as they went.

“Spike let me go! I cannot let that homewrecker just kiss my husband in my own home!”

“Yeah well imagine how I feel!” Spike replied, releasing Cadence. He turned and swiftly closed the door, holding them both tightly till the slight puff of air breezed out from between them. “But I can’t just go in there and set Shining Armor on fire.”

“I can,” the princess retorted back.

Spike stood still for a moment. The tragedy finally starting to hit him.

Rarity… she’s cheating on me. I don’t… I can’t…

His thoughts wandered.

Cadence turned slowly paced behind him. Mumbling unintelligibly to herself. Spike’s memories began to wash over him. He remembered when him and Rarity first met… way back when Twilight first went to Ponyville. He had worked so hard, over so many years to earn her affections, and when he finally did it was the happiest day of his life.

But now, it seemed to be all for nothing. He could feel the broken pieces of his heart falling into darkness as he thought about it. And if the tears pouring down Cadence’s face were any inclination, she was feeling the same.

Spike put away his sadness for the moment and gently tilted Cadence’s head to look him in the eye. “Look, we need to get away from the problem for the time being. Come on, let’s go back to my room and calm down for just a little bit so we can talk about it.”

The pink mare’s eyes darted between Spike and the Saphirum room for a few moments, before she silently nodded and followed Spike away from the heartbreaking scene.

The two slowly walked back to the guest room where Spike was staying and locked the door behind them. Cadence crashed herself onto the bed and buried her face in the pillows.

“What am I going to do? I- I can’t believe Shining would do this!” Cadence screamed, only for her voice to be muffled by the pillows and mattress.

“Look, I know this is bad,” Spike said, taking a seat on the bed. “But we have to think this through. If we act without thinking, it’s just going to end up being worse for everyone.”

“I know! I just.. It’s like.. I can’t… Ugh!” Cadence threw her hooves up in despair. “We can’t just let this go! I can’t let her get away with stealing Shining away like that!”

“Hey, how do you know this was Rarity’s fault?” Spike asked with offense.

“Well, I don’t, but… I have to blame someone, don’t I?” Cadence let out a deep sigh, and tears slowly started to streak down her cheeks. “I don’t know what to do! This is just too much to take in right now.”

Spike moved over to her and gently wiped the tears from her eyes. “Look, I know what you mean. I haven’t even really processed the situation yet. But, how about this. We go back to sleep in our rooms, and talk about the situation in the morning after we’ve gotten some rest. We’ll be able to think about everything in a different frame of mind, and hopefully come up with a plan. Does that sound okay?”

Cadence tilted her head to look over at Spike then drooped her head in defeat. “Fine. But if you wake up to find your marefriend has become the new den carpet, don’t be surprised.”

“Duly noted,” Spike replied with a curt nod.

“Well, good night, Spike. And… I’m sorry. I know this is hard on you as well.” Cadence wrapped Spike in a hug, before turning around and exiting the room.

“Ugh…” Spike collapsed onto the bed, thoughts of Rarity floating through his mind. “What are you doing, Rares?”


The sun peered in through the most annoying hole in the curtains, directly on Spike’s eyelids. With a montage of annoying groans Spike tossed and turned to avoid Celestia’s harmful rays. As soon as the dragon found a comfortable spot away from the sun, there was an intense banging on his bedroom door.

“Excuse me, Master Spike, but you’re late for breakfast,” the voice of a young crystal servant said through the door. There was a moment of awkward silence before the knocking continued.

Spike groaned once again, and looked up at the door with pure hatred. He had half a mind to burn the door down with a quick blast of fire, but he decided against it and replied to the servant.

“Alright! Let… Shining and Cadence know I’ll be down in a moment.”

Spike froze, and prayed silently to Celestia and Luna that Rarity was in bed with him. He slowly reached his claw over to her side and felt nothing. He could feel his heart getting heavier in his chest, letting the events of last night replay in his mind for a quick second.

“Rarity… what did I do wrong?”

His eyes locked on a frame that sat on his nightstand. The picture the frame held was one of Spike’s favorites. He had been sick earlier that year, and spent many days in the hospital. Twilight had come into his room one morning and found Rarity, hair a mess, laying at the edge of the bed. She had spent all night with her lover, reading books to him, holding his claw, and telling him everything was going to be ok.

“How about now, Rarity? Is everything ok now?”


Spike didn’t bother to put on a nice outfit, or fix up the spines on his head. He barely had the courage to go downstairs at all. He was really close to just packing up his bags and going back home. The only thing that kept him from the doing the latter was Cadence. She was going through the exact same situation and needed him.

Spike couldn’t help but realize that he needed her too.

As he approached the doors to the dining hall, two crystal ponies bowed, and welcomed him. They both grabbed the handles and pulled the massive doors open.

His eyes quickly scanned the environment of the dining hall, taking in the setting before him. The table was set with bowls, spoons, and empty glasses, with pitchers of juice in the center.

It seemed alright, but of course, there they were: Shining Armour and Rarity, sitting next to each other, their laughs echoing throughout the dining room.

Oh lovely…

His face morphed into a scowl that could send Chrysalis running for cover, and he waddled his way over to his designated spot at the table by Rarity. With every step he took, he mumbled a few choice expletives that conveyed his true thoughts on the situation.

Taking his seat at the table, he turned his attention to the empty bowl in front of him. Before he could even lift a claw to question the lack of food in front of him, a crystal servant was at his side, pouring cereal and milk into it.

“Here you are, sir. One bowl of Cocoa ‘Splosion with 1% milk.”

“Oh, thank you,” Spike responded, waving off the servant.

Rarity swung around in her seat and enveloped Spike in a tight hug. “Darling, so good to see you up! How did you sleep?”

Spike turned his face away from the white unicorn. “Meh.”

“Umm, okay. Sorry I didn’t wait for you to come to breakfast this morning. I was simply famished!” Rarity threw her hooves up in dramatic fashion, only to be greeted with Spike stirring his cereal around in his bowl. “Um, did you have any interesting dreams, dear?”


Rarity and Shining shared a brief awkward glance at each other.

“Is everything alright, Spikey? You seem dreadfully upset about something.”

Spike had to fight back every urge to retort with a few choice insults. He barely managed to succeed and just returned his attention to his bowl of cereal.


Before Rarity had a chance to respond, the dining room door burst into a flurry of splinters, wood chips and chunks of expensive materials. Standing behind the cloud of rubble was a pink alicorn who looked ready to snap at any second. Massive bags under her eyes, mane frazzled, and a frown that would have Luna running back to the moon in a heartbeat - she was a frightening sight to say the least.

One of the servants darted to her side, eyes wide as saucers. “Um, pardon Your Majesty Cadence, allow me to escort you to-”

“I know the way!” Cadence retorted, tossing the servant to the side.

She trudged her way over to the table, glaring daggers at Shining and Rarity the entire way, causing them both to sink into their seats. Upon reaching the table, she dropped into her seat next to Shining Armour, and dropped her gaze to the table.

“Good morning, darling. How are you?” Shining asked, cautiously taking a bite of his cereal.

“How am I? How am I? Well, let me tell—” Her potentially violent actions were swiftly brought to a halt with a nervous cough from Spike. “I’m… fine.” She flashed her magic over her body, straightening her mane and combing through it fixing all imperfections, her eye make-up was less streaky and more defined now. She approached her chair and plopped down.

“Just… had a bit of a nightmare last night is all,” she finished. Spike sighed noticeably from his seat.

Shining Armor lifted his hoof towards his wife’s face. “Oh no! Perhaps it’s best you get a little more rest, my love,” Shining offered, but Cadence only scoffed. A servant placed a bowl of the chocolatey cereal in front of Cadence, but she smacked it away with her hoof.

“I’m… not… hungry…” she growled.

A disturbing silence fell over the table. Rarity’s eyes were glued to her dragon companion. “Is there something going on this morning? You both seem so, oh what’s the word... cranky?”

“Oh, no, we’re perfectly fine, Rarity,” Cadence snapped. “On that note, how did you sleep last night? Was it too hot in your room? We wouldn’t want you to suffocate while sleeping, now would we?!” Her eye involuntarily twitched several times, before she snapped out of her anger again.

Rarity stroked her chin and looked over Cadence for a moment. "Wait just a moment, I think I understand exactly what's going on."

"You do?" Cadence said, eyes bolted open.

"Of course, darling," Rarity replied, beaming. "Someone needs a relaxation date at the spa! You're coming with me right this moment!"

Before she could open her mouth, Cadence was pulled from her seat and dragged out the door by the white unicorn.

Rarity is going to die... Spike chuckled lightly then turned his attention to the pony he was now awkwardly alone with.

"So, Spike… how ya been?”

Spike looked up at the stallion across the table and let out a deep sigh. “Meh, I’ve been alright. You?”

Twiddling his hooves, Shining suddenly rose from the table and moved across to sit by Spike. “Actually, Spike, I kind of needed to talk to you about that. I, um, well, there’s something I have to confess to you.”

Spike was afraid that Shining would hear how hard his heart was beating against his chest.

Is... he gonna confess to me?

"What's wrong?"

"Things between me and Cadence... Well they haven't really been the best. With her princess duties taking up all of her time we never are together... And when we are, she is too tired or cranky to really speak to me... So I..."

Spike stood up abruptly. "You what?"

The prince's hoof was gently placed on Spike's shoulder and eased him back into his chair.

"I want to renew my wedding vows to Cadence."

Author's Note:

Tidal Author Note:
Hello readers! This is Tidal, Co-writer and friend of FamousLastWords. I would like to apologize for the update taking so long. Work has been a killer. But I plan to work on this story with Famous more often to get the chapters out faster! Thanks for reading, we love you all!.

Famous Author Note:
New chapter. Yay! If you don't like it, blame Tidal. If you do, put your praise and admiration below.