• Published 21st May 2014
  • 16,680 Views, 1,030 Comments

Crystal Affair - FamousLastWords

When Shining Armour has an affair with Rarity, Cadance and Spike decide to team up to get some revenge.

  • ...

Lust of the Lost Pt. 1

“He just, I can’t, they were… Ahh! Why does nothing make sense anymore?” Cadance threw herself into her bed where Spike was sitting, his head plopped into his palms.

“This is impossible… Me? Cheat on her? How?” Spike shook his head and rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the headache creeping inside.

“Of course its impossible, Spike!” Cadance said, flipping her head around. “I would never kiss you! ...No offense.”

“None taken. But, the look on her face. The way Shining looked… they were so broken.”

“I noticed that, too,” Cadance said, letting out a sigh. “I’ve only seen Shining with that look once, and that was when we fought for the first time and I threatened to move out. It was just heat of the moment yelling, but still, that look is so genuine.”

“Cadance, maybe we need to, once again, attempt to break down what’s happened since I’ve been here.”

“Alright, we can try. But to be honest, I’m not sure I know anything that’s going on.”

Spike hopped off of the bed and began pacing back and forth in front of Cadence.

“Okay, number one, you show us the Saphirum. True love, mystical stuff, yada yada yada. Number two, we both wake up in the middle of the night and find Rarity and Shining kissing each other, apparently cheating on us. Number three, they both show little to no awareness of what happened, but instead appear to be just as in love with us as always. Number four, they accuse us of cheating in the same manner of which we accused them. Does that all make sense?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Yeah, same here. But that’s what happened. So, if we’re gonna be able to find some way of working anything out, we’re gonna have to go off of what we know.”

“I guess, but I still think this whole situation could be resolved with a smoking beam of concentrated love power.”

“Let’s save that for when we actually know what’s happening. Because, I’m not sure if you feel the same, but something just doesn’t add up.”

“Something like what?” Cadance asked.

“Like, it’s kind of suspicious that the same thing we saw was the same thing Shining and Rarity said they saw. And at the start of both events, we both had synchronized dreams regarding the Saphirum. There’s gotta be a connection.”

Cadance rubbed her chin thought. “Come to think of it, you might be right. It’s more than a little odd that both incidents not only happened at night, directly during or after a dream, but in the Saphirum itself.”

“You know, I have a feeling the Saphirum may have a bit more to it than we think. Like, how much do you know about it, really?” Spike said with a cocked eyebrow.

“Well, we know it’s powered by love, or at least I think it is. I don’t know, anymore.”

“I think we need to do a bit of research on this Saphirum. ...And I know just who we need to talk to.”

"Cadence? Spike? What are you two doing here?" Twilight looked at her two friends with a half smile from the living area of her palace. "Not that I'm complaining, but aren't you supposed to be enjoying some vacation time down in the Crystal Empire? You know, like a romantic getaway thingy?"

"It's a long story," Spike said with a straight face.

"You're much happier not knowing it," Cadence added on.

"Um, okay... So, I take it you need something other than just saying hello?"

Spike looked Twilight right in the eyes. "Twilight, search your memory banks for anything under the heading 'Saphirum'."

Twilight scrunched her face for a moment. "Saphirum, Saphirum... I feel like I've heard about this before. But where?"

She tapped her hoof on her chin, leaving Spike and Cadence in impatient agony.

"I've got it!" She shouted out. "Come, to the library!"

Spike and Cadence ran after Twilight to the castle library. After a brief search, Twilight levitated a large, gray book from one of the shelves, and brought it to the table that was in the room. The three all sat around it.

"This is a book I haven't read in awhile," Twilight said, blowing some dust from its cover. "'Sacrificial Love: A Ritualists Guide.'"

"Sacrificial?" Cadance said with a frown. "Anything with that in the title must be bad news."

"Or bad fanfiction," Spike quipped.

"This book is an old tome that details ritual practices and effects of magical entities of the past," Twilight said. "From evil spirits out for blood to unholy beasts desiring sacrifice, it’s in here."

"You know, why are old, archaic tomes always so depressing and scary?" Spike asked. "Aren't there any old tomes with colouring pages or activities? Ponies were too obsessed with death back then if you ask me."

"Spike, shut up," Cadance said, whacking him upside the head. "Please, continue Twilight."

"Ahem, as I was saying, this book contains details on a lot of magical powers and beings and I think I read something about the Saphirum in here, once upon a time."

“Alright, Twilight. Please, see if you can find anything about it. It’s really important.” Cadance looked at Twilight and then the book sitting in front of her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll try,” Twilight said with a smile. “We just have to crack this baby open and see what we can find. To be honest, though, I’m surprised at how little you know about it considering it’s in your castle. Something just seems a bit… I don’t know…”

“Off?” Spike finished.


“Sorry, Twilight,” Cadance said. “Shining and I never really looked that much into it. It just seemed so magnificent, so beautiful. We never thought it would be dangerous or anything. And there’s no shortage of magical anomalies around here, so we never really thought twice about it.”

“Well, we need to do a little research now,” Twilight stated.

She flipped through the pages of the book, scanning every one up and down with blazing speed.

"Nope. Not here. Nu-uh. Maybe...no. Not this. Aha! Saphirum."

Spike and Cadance raced over and huddled around Twilight.

"What does it say?" Spike asked.

"Theres not much, but there's something. Let's see here..." Twilight cleared her throat and began reading.

"Saphirum: Goddess of Love and Jealousy

In the early days of the Crystalline civilization, there existed a spirit said to be of divine beauty and love that none could match. Living amongst the creatures of the magical realm, she was gifted with many privileges, the utmost of those being the task of overseeing the love and union of the earthly creatures.

However, after viewing the Jealousy and hatred that stemmed from the inside of said creatures, she attempted to banish it completely by absorbing it into her own life force. The negative energy was far more than she could've dreamed possible, and the once beautiful Saphirum became a goddess of jealousy and treachery. Instead of overseeing love and unity, she was twisted into a role of causing division and instability.

To prevent further damage, the other spirits did her a final kindness and trapped her in a crystal enclosure. The prison was then given to the earthly rulers to be hidden away, never to be awoken."

"Uh, wow, that was interesting... To say the least." Spike looked from the book up to Twilight. "Does any of this really mean anything, though?"

"I don't know, Spike," Twilight said. "I mean, it could just be an old story from Crystalline lore. But if what it says is true, we could have a serious problem here."

"This is a bit much to take in," Cadence said. "Like, what this is saying is that the room we stumbled upon actually contained an evil spirit. And we awoke that spirit somehow? Is that even possible?"

"Judging by what I've seen so far, it wouldn't be a total stretch," Twilight said. "But like I said, nothing is certain."

"Well, what should we do?" Spike asked. "Whether we're dealing with a spirit or just some emotional trauma, we need to figure something out, and fast.

" You're right," Twilight said. "But before we make any further assumptions, I want to see this Saphirum for myself. And I'm bringing somepony with me to help."

"And who's that?" Spike asked.

"Somepony who knows his stuff."

Author's Note:

I feel like the BBC. Make you wait an ungodly amount of time for something then hit you with three episodes and another hiatus. :P

Anyway, Tidal is coming with part two of this chapter sometime soon.