• Published 8th May 2014
  • 2,523 Views, 32 Comments

The Dark Side - Dynomation

When Luna thinks the lack of elements has left Equestria weak she summons a warrior from beyond the stars to help

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Vader thundered down the hall way, Master Yoda had shaken him to no end, the force was only a numb tingle in the back of his mind, not the vibrant hum he remembered, the force was weak here. He had to be careful about eluding to this fact though. The problem with shapeshifter as an enemy, they could be everywhere.

Princess Luna followed behind the large black mass of cloth and leather that was Vader without saying a word. As soon as Vader had bourght the changeling princess back she'd been moved to a more secure location. A large mass of gold and blue lay in front of the pair. It had no visible way of entering, Luna stood next to Vader placing an arm on his shoulder.

Luna's horn a glow Vader could feel something, the power that resonated through her focused by the horn and into the physical world. Next thing he knew his mask was staring at a completely different seen, the inside of the cube, teleportation. These ponies had more power than he realised, he would make a note of this feat for later discussion.

Luna looked at the guards in the cube both of the, standing in front of a one way mirrior. Inside was covered in red, and torn up, with the changeling princess, sitting tide down to a chair, table in front of here. "What has the prisioner been up to?" Asked the princess of the night. The Guards looked at each other before one of them replied "Muttering to herself in a strange tongue, then she started trying to escape, the restraints where to stop her from tearing herself apart"

Vader nodded "Your majesty, I wish to interigate the prisoner by myself" Vader new this was going to take every possible means to make the bug talk. Luna only nodded "I will be watching" The pair only needed a few questions answered and it could be summed up into three questions.

1. Chrysalis' location
2. Chrysalis' plan for taking over Equestria
3. How far to completion were those plans

Vader entered the cell, his massive bulk nearly filling the tight space of the doorway. As his breathing filled the room, the door was locked behind him. Vader walked slowly over to the changeling princess, here eyes staring through her Crimson hair, here mouth stained with here own dried blood. Vader looked at the expression of anger on the face of the changeling, there was no table in this room, nothing to stop his approach.

Vader loomed over the changeling, letting his masks empty reflecting eyes stare into the soul of the changeling. He breathing echoed through the changeling, a slight quiver of the arm, a twitch of the ear, the dilation of the pupil. She was afraid, good. His booming voice echoed through the room and the window. "Where is Queen Chrysalis?"

The changeling didn't move, silently diffiant. Both of Vader hands were conciled by his cloak, the changeling seem to beginning to breath harder, biting her lip to silently refusing to scream in pain, "Your reziliants is impressive. But it is no use, your lungs are being crushed. And I will crush them until you tell me the answers I seek"

Luna here every word and it slight rocked her to the bone, she never seen such a kind of interrogation, this was more akin to Sombra's torture than interrogation. She wanted it to stop but they needed the answers, and Vader lent down placing a hand on the chin of the changeling "Where is Queen Chrysalis?" The same blunt question.

The changeling gritted her serrated teeth, "I am not betraying my mother" stared the princess, Vader breath remain chillingly steady, "You will" his right hand moving into a crushing pose, the changeling princess shrieked in pain, the chair rattled with the violent trashing of its occupant but did not budge.

Finally after a full minute of screaming Vader released his grip, the changeling gasped for air. "The Badlands, she in the bad lands" Vader nooded "What are your mothers plans for conquering Equestria?"

Luna and the guard stood in complete silence, they just wanted it to be over for this changelings sack, Luna was feeling pity for this changeling, Vader could install pain in a whole different way, this was both pyscological and physical, there was no way of resisting this. And Vader new this all too well.

Vader hand emerged from his cloak slowly, Bloodlust seeing this turned away, "The griffins will invade due to the 'royal guard' invading an concerning them, the Griffins will sub dew Equestria and will concquer it for us" she spoke in pure fear, a steamy tears welling up in here eyes "Thats all that she told me!"

Vader spoke slowly "And how far are those plans to completion?" This seem to brighten the changelings deminer slightly "Today, is the completion" Vader picked up the princess with the force, and threw her against the wall shattering the chair and nocking her out cold. And he stormed out of the room.

Luna was going to talk to the Lord when he stopped turning to the princess "I am Darth Vader, Dark Lord of this Sith, does that answer any questions you may have your highness?" Luna nodded, it was the first time in a long time she was terrofied by something or someone

-Canterlot Castle-
Celestia walked through the gardens of Canterlot castle with strange company, Twilight and here friends had arrive a few minutes ago with strange new "And this Yoda? Vader called him master?" Asked Celestia, Twilight nodded, "Yes I asked him for answer to who and what Vader is but he said he couldn't tell me, saying that it was his decision to talk?"
"Too be honest Twi that sounds like the right thing to do" butted in Applejack with Rainbow nodding "Yeah, if he can take down Chrysalis let him, who cares who under the mask"
"I hope I don't have to make him any garmets, he seems to found of leather to be a pony" added Rarity, Flittershy just whimpered slightly and Pinkie asked "Hey, I think it would be interesting if we're learnt who Vader was"
A voice echoed over them "Well then my little ponies your in for a surprise, I have all of the Star Wars movies we need"

Discord appeared in front of them holding a small box with a picture of Vader mask on it, with gold text saying 'Star Wars' "So Episode 1 anypony? Or do we start with Episode 4?"

Author's Note:

Next chapter coming soonish, I don't know really, but it will be sooner rather than later.

Comments ( 7 )

need and editor for the typos, but so far is a good chapter

Love that ending with discord. I wonder how will the ponies react to him in the movies

"Flittershy" its fluttershy...you had it correct the past couple of chapters right here until now.and this is a good story...a tiny bit vague but overall good keep it up

Update needed.

Is this story dead?

Dang it discord not yet dont be a dick yet

will this story ever update?

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