• Published 8th May 2014
  • 2,523 Views, 32 Comments

The Dark Side - Dynomation

When Luna thinks the lack of elements has left Equestria weak she summons a warrior from beyond the stars to help

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Chapter 9- The past is often black and blue

Vader and the CMC arrived back in Ponyville a few hours before sun set, Vader had placed the changeling princess in her new home for now, a small dank and dusty affair, the cast iron bars should hold the changeling princess, but Vader exposed hand caused him to rush, as he needed to keep his cybernetics covered due to there well... poor functionality in the air, they always needed a covering, Vader wasn't worried about that, he always carried a spare, but the dust getting into his servos? A different matter.

The large black figure of Vader hunched over the a table, he seem to be fiddling with something, whatever it was it was wiring. The CMC had been taken away by their older sisters, so he stood there in a room with only Princess Luna and Princess Twilight.
Princess Luna tapped the Sith Lord on the shoulder pad, his head turned to look at the Princess for a moment, he seem to have a screw driver in his hand? But nothing was on the desk.

All the answers lay in his other hand, it was bare, no skin or flesh at all, just metal and plastic, with piece of the metal being charred slightly.

He had the screwdriver tightening a joint on his palm.

Luna almost forgot not to stare, regaining her composure “Vader I wish to discuss something with you”
“Yes, your majesty?” he asked, placing the screwdriver down on the table, then turned to Luna with both his hands covered by the cloak, “Discord stated that I used necromancy, what was he`s meaning by that?”

Vader seem to take a very long breath, “My time on this plane existence has already come and gone” Luna raised an eyebrow almost wanting more information. “And the hand?”
“A price I paid for arrogance in my youth” he spoke in a slow low voice, Luna nodded "Arrogance is often a route to pain and suffering, but why is your hand of cold steel, not flesh and blood?"

"My arrogance cost me more dearly then most, I am now more machine than man" he replied almost shrugging off memories of a horrific past. Luna couldn`t tell though his face was still an enigma rapped in a metal cage. He levitated the screwdriver back to his hand and began work again.

Luna walked in the other room, Twilight stood there looking through the note Vader had made about the changeling fortress, he seem to have an advanced understanding of the science and engineering, as well as military tactics. Twilight still skimming through the notes, without anything to do with the actual fortress or it destruction she was looking for a clue in Vader`s note just something to elude to Chrysalis plans.

Luna walked in on the young princess for a moment, she felt almost compelled to leave, as Twilight was deeply emerged in the notes, Vader had made. As the warrior heavy breath drew closer Twilight, looked away from the notes covering her eyes, rubbing her eyes in frustration. "Nothing useful" she whispered to herself, Luna raised an eyebrow. "Twilight, not everything can be answered by words on a page, I am sure Darth Vader knows this as well" Stated the lunar princess.

Vader appeared in the door way as lunar finished her sentence, "Your magesties, I wish to interigate the prisioner" he said respectfully, he's hand placed into his glove firmly. His large black mass seem to fill the door way, as the pair of princesses turned to him. "Only if We can join thou" she said standing up, Vader nodded "Be warned I am in no mood for persuation" he warned

As Twilight stood up a bumbling chuckle echoed through the room, Luna and Vader both seemed to notice the laughter, both of them having separate reaction, with Luna looking around at Twilight "Was that thou?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

A blue glow emanated from the table at the centre of the room, it grew brighter and brighter with the laughter, eventually a small figure that glowed with an angelic sense, it had large pointed ears with it connected to large nobly forehead, with lighter robes rapped around this creature's elderly frame. "Never your strong spot, pactince was" said the strange creature, he pointed his walking stick at Vader.

Vader was shocked, Master Yoda what was he doing here "Master?" He questioned, he knew he had died, but he had no idea of how Yoda found him. "Vader, troubled you seem, introduce me to your friends perhaps? Hmm?" He questioned the Sith Lord, Vader nodded over coming the initial surprise. "Yes Princess Luna and Princess Twilight this is my master Yoda"

The pair of alicorns were taken out of reality by the strange ghostly being standing on the table, the pair stood utterly confused by this small creature, but both managed a polite wave with awkward wave. The pair was taken aback by the next thing Vader did.

He bowed, hand resting on his knee, he seemed to have nothing but respect for the little creature. And it made the pair in fear of the little creature slightly, what power did this creature have? The pair was answered by the small spirit smiling "Fear me, you should not. Mean you no harm I do"

Vader 'eyes' looked at the small creature "Master, why are you here?" Yoda in his own special way answered "Death. The forsaken in danger they are." Vader toke a moment to process this information, before he nodded, coming to his looming height, he turned half way between the pair of princess and Yoda before saying "Thank you my master, but to prevent this I need more information" with that he began to walk, with Yoda smiling "Too see you, nice it was" he waved a 3 fingered hand at Vader's retreating image, Luna followed a few steps behind him.

Leaving Twilight in alone with Yoda, she stood there for a moment, before finally speaking "Your Lord Vader's master?" Yoda smiled distantly "No, the man under the mask is my student" he smiled walking a few steps closer to the purple alicorn "Have more question do you?" Twilight nodded "Ask then"

"Who is the 'man' under the mask?" Yoda deminer changed, he seemed to frown his ears dropping slightly "A... That hhmm. That is a question, cannot answer can I. This is Vader decision, it is a dark truth for him, he chooses"

Vader loomed over the changeling princess, "You we tell me what I want to know, now"