• Published 14th May 2014
  • 3,695 Views, 134 Comments

The Legend of Spike: Legacy - DiabloGuapo

Twenty years after the marriage of Spike and Rarity, Equestria is threatened by an old enemy.

  • ...


It was evening and the group of six distraught mothers sat around a campfire in the foothills of the rocky mountains. After their unpleasant conversation with the Changeling Queen, they caught the next train south towards Appleloosa. Once they reached the end of the line, they had to continue on hoof through the desert. Twilight was trying to keep her mind occupied by looking over the map again and again, but her thoughts kept returning to the image of her daughter pressing against the green cocoon and staring at her with pleading eyes.

The others weren't faring much better either. Fluttershy couldn't stop crying as she kept saying Posey's name over and over. Pinkie Pie was silent and her mane was flat. There was no joy to be found in this situation. They knew Chrysalis and knew that she probably had a dastardly deed in store for them. Rainbow Dash was overcome with sorrow and anger. Chrysalis had tried this plot on them before, but she used the Cutie Mark Crusaders as bait that time. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were Rarity's and Applejack's younger sisters, and Rainbow Dash had gone on to adopt Scootaloo as a sister later on. With Thunderbolt kidnapped, it meant that the ugly bug queen had now threatened her family twice. The Wonderbolt silently vowed that she would break all four of Chrysalis's legs.

Applejack looked over to Rarity. Like Rainbow Dash, the two of them had been in the same situation before. As Rarity stared into the fire, she thought to herself, Spike, where are you? Our baby girl needs us.


“How long do you think we've been in here?” Thunderbolt moaned as he looked out of the bars of the cell. The six of them were placed in the dungeon with two changelings keeping watch over them. It was dark, dank, and they could hear the dripping of water coming the ceiling in the distance.

“Seven-thousand one-hundred eighty-two drips,” Surprise answered.


“That's how many drips I've counted since we been here,” she explained.


“Seven-thousand one-hundred eighty-three...” she continued to count. Ten seconds later, there was another drip. Midnight listened and hear another drip ten seconds later. “Seven-thousand one-hundred eighty-five...”

“With ten seconds between each drop, that means we've been here for almost twenty hours. When we awoke, Narcissus said 'good morning,' meaning that it was before noon. That means it's no later than eight o'clock in the morning,” Midnight deduced. She then realized what that meant and looked over to the kirin lying next to her on the cell's cold floor. “Monday morning...Happy birthday, Amethyst.”

“Yeah, happy birthday to me,” she sarcastically sighed.

“I wish we had some birthday cake. I'm starving,” Thunderbolt griped. At the mention of food, all of their stomachs growled with hunger.

“Ya think they would feed us at some point,” Sour mentioned as he tried to comfort his cousin, Posey, who was still crying as she laid nuzzled up against him.

“There wouldn't be a point to that now, would there?” Amethyst bitterly responded. “To them, we are food.”

“Seven-thousand one-hundred ninety-six...” Surprise counted. A few seconds later, there was another drip. “Seven-thousand one-hundred ninety...ninety...Shoot. Lost count.”

“Give it a rest, Surprise,” Midnight told her. “Besides, in at least four hours, it won't matter anymore.”

“Oh, come on!” Thunderbolt shouted loudly, causing the changelings to buzz in alarm and to hiss threateningly. “Surely you've thought of a way out of here.”

“Unfortunately, Amethyst's and my horn is covered with this stuff,” Midnight told him while pointing to the harden green slime on her horn. “And if we tried to break it off, bug boys over there just shoot more on us and/or sound the alarm. Even if we weren't being watched, we couldn't just poof out of here. For a teleportation spell to work, the caster has to either see where they are going or know exactly where they are in relationship to their desired destination.”

“The other day, Narcissus told me he acquired the rights to the old castle in the Macintosh Hills. Does that help?” Amethyst hopefully offered.

“Not really. I need to know the exact position of the castle in relation to let's say Ponyville or Canterlot. All I know that it's somewhere in the mountains. Not much for me to go on.”

“Then why don't we try fighting our way out?” Thunderbolt suggested. “We can fight until we get clear enough for you to poof us out.”

“One; you just announced your plan to the changelings right over there. Two; we've already tried fighting and got our flanks handed to us...twice! Three; even if we did escape, we would still be in the middle of an unknown terrain with no supplies and an army of changelings on our tails.”

“So we're stuck here,” Thunderbolt surmised and then kicked the bars, causing a metallic clank to echo through the dungeon. The changeling guards hissed at the noise in annoyance. “Oh, you like that huh? Then have some more!”

The gray pony kicked the bars harder repeatedly, causing a cacophony. The guards flew up to the bars and hissed at the disgruntled prisoner. Midnight rolled her eyes and looked away, but then noticed something. At the end of the dungeon, there was a stone wall that had dark line in it. The dark line widened until Midnight realized it was a door being opened. She watched with amazement as the blue maned head of Evening Star peaked through the crack. Her brother held a hoof up to his lips as a sign for her to be quiet. She nodded and watched as the purple Pegasus sneaked up behind the distracted guards. The others quickly caught on to his plan and Thunderbolt continued to bang against the bars to keep the changelings' attention. Evening Star sneaked up behind the hissing changelings and knocked their heads together, rendering them unconscious.

With the guards out cold, Midnight and Amethyst broke the harden slime off their horns and used their magic to open the cell door. Midnight rushed to her brother and hugged him.

“Evening! How...How did you find us? How did you make it pass the changelings?” she asked between tears of joy.

“I've studied all the plans of all the castles and forts in Equestria. I know where all of the secret passages are hidden,” he explained.

“And they say I'm the bookworm,” she joked.

“Come on, we have to get out here before they wake up.” They followed Evening Star through the secret passage and into the underground caverns that ran under the Macintosh Hills. Midnight used her horn to light their way.

“How did you find your way through the tunnels in the dark?” Posey asked as she nearly tripped over a stalagmite.

“I've got the path memorized,” Evening Star explained. “Besides, it isn't that complicated. This was built as an emergency escape tunnel to the ravine at the base of the mountain. All I had to do was walk slowly and keep moving forward.”

“Well yeah, but what happened when you ran into a wall?” Surprise asked.

“I'd rub my nose and move on,” he dryly told her, remembering how many times he bumped his muzzle or tripped over a rock. Evening Star then came to a sudden stop and Midnight nearly ran into the back of him.

“What is it? Why did you stop?” she asked as she walked around him to light up the path before them. She then saw why he stopped. There was a fork in the path; one going to the right and one going to the left. “Which way do we go?”

Evening Star looked between the two tunnels and said, “I don't know. This wasn't part of the plans.”

“How do you not know?” Sour Apple asked. “You came this way, didn't you?”

“Yes, but the tunnels converge here. I can't tell which way I came.”

“Didn't you feel your way through the dark? Which way did the tunnel curve, to the left or the right?” Amethyst asked.

“As you may have noticed, the tunnel has a lot of bends and turns. I don't know which turn this is.”

“It's okay, Evening Star,” Posey calmly told him. “We'll just pick a tunnel and followed it. The changelings don't know about the secret passage and as long as we get out in time, we can warn our parents.”

“So no pressure,” Surprise chimed in. “Other than our parents' safety being at risk and by extension, the entire nation's.”

“Gee, thanks Surprise,” Evening Star murmured.

“So which way do we go?” asked Sour Apple.

“Hey, birthday girl. Care to do the honors?” Thunderbolt asked Amethyst, nudging her closer to the branching tunnels. The kirin's green eyes looked back and forth between the two options.

“Well, I'm a rightie. So let's go to the right,” she said as pointed down the right tunnel.

“Let's hope you're right,” Surprise joked. They all groaned at her lame pun as they headed towards the right. Midnight's magic illuminated the walls with a yellow light, revealing its rough surface. Evening Star studied the walls for a clue to if was the same path he took or not. The light flickered as Midnight tripped over something and stumbled to the floor.

“Oof!” she exclaimed as she landed.

“Are you okay?” Amethyst asked as she helped her back up.

“You got to look out for those stalagmites,” cautioned her big brother.

“It wasn't a stalagmite,” she said as rubbed her sore hoof. “It felt loose.”

“A rock perhaps?” Amethyst suggested and looked down for the offending stone. When she looked down, she saw something strange: a large, professionally cut ruby. “A ruby? What is a gem like this doing here?”

“Hey look,” Thunderbolt pointed out and they all looked to the floor. Increasing the light of her magic, they saw that the tunnel's floor was covered with more gems that sparkled under Midnight's magic. There were sapphires, emeralds, gold coins, and diamonds scattered all about and more seem to be gathered around the bend. “Wow, look at this.”

“It's like we've hit the jackpot!” Surprise exclaimed.

“Focus guys, we're not here to loot treasure,” Midnight told them to bring them back to reality. She rounded the corner to see if the path was leading to an exit or a dead end. “Let's just see... Oh wow.”

Before them was a large mound of treasure. The light from Midnight's horn reflected off of the multifaceted surfaces of the jewels and illuminated the large cavern before them in a rainbow of colors. They stared awestruck at the vast wealth of the treasure stockpile and slowly approached it as though they were drawn in by its lure.


“He he he! Wake up, daddy! Wake up!” a younger Amethyst laughed as she hopped up and down on Spike's back. He mumbled groggily as the kirin toddler bounced up and down on him. “Wake up!”

“That's enough, Amethyst,” Rarity told her daughter as she picked her up from the bed with her light blue magic and placed her own the floor. “Why don't you go down stairs and I'll make you breakfast in a moment.”

“Okay, mommy,” Amethyst cheerful replied and ran out the bedroom door.

“It's too early,” the dragon mumbled from underneath the covers of the extra large bed that had to be custom built to accommodate someone of his size. In her bed off to the side, the aging white cat named Opal meowed in agreement. The sudden intrusion of the little kirin had woken the feline from her sleep.

“Maybe for some other dragons, but I know one who has to take out the trash,” Rarity reminded him of his upcoming chore.

“Can't I sleep a little longer?”

“No, I'm afraid not. It's garbage day and the trash will be picked up soon. So you better get to it. And after that, you have to scrub the bathroom.” Spike groaned and pulled the sheets tighter over his head. Seeing husband trying to shirk his responsibilities, she used her magic to telekinetically pull the sheets off of him. “Oh no. There will be no sleeping in today.”

“Five more minutes,” he whined.

“I think not. Come on, darling, wake up...wake up...wake up...”

...wake up...

...wake up...

Spike stirred from his slumber. He thought he could hear something. A voice was speaking to him. Perhaps it was just a dream. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep. Then he heard it again. The dragon snorted as he roused from his sleep to listen. He waited, but didn't hearing else. Perhaps he was still dreaming and he had only imagined the voices. He settled down and burrowed into his hoard, covering himself with his treasure. If there was intruders in his lair, they would be in for the scare of their life.


“So how far do you think it goes?” Surprise asked as they peered into the vast, treasure filled cavern.

“I'm not sure,” Evening Star said, perched on top of a pile of treasure. They had fanned out to search for any sign of a way out. Midnight stood at the entrance of the cavern with her horn lit as a marker while Amethyst headed further in, providing light with her own horn so that the others could see. However, they could only see darkness on the other side of the large piles of wealth. The three Pegasi had flown to the tops of different piles in order to get a better look.

“Shouldn't we turn around?” Posey asked from her place by Midnight, unsure if it was wise to tarry any longer. “This obviously isn't the escape route.”

“She's right. Let's turn back,” Amethyst said from the other side of the cavern, agreeing with the yellow Earth Pony.

“Alright, let's move on,” Evening Star said as he flew down to the entrance of the cavern. The others started to make their ways to the exit as well.

“So why do you think there's all this treasure here?” Thunderbolt asked as he landed by Midnight and Posey.

“I don't know. Maybe it's the treasury,” Midnight guessed. “But that doesn't make sense. Why would a treasury be this far underground?”

“Extra security?” Surprise suggested.

“I don't think so. This was a military fort. They wouldn't have a treasury like this,” Evening Star explained.

“If you'd asked me, I'd say it looked like a dragon hoard,” Amethyst said as she climbed back over the largest pile in the center of the collection of gems and gold.

“A dragon's hoard?” Thunderbolt asked. “If that's the case, where's the dragon?”

“Yeah, and the ponies that built this place wouldn't be dumb enough to build a castle over a dragon's lair,” Midnight agreed. “And the changelings would have to be complete idiots to invade a dragon's territory.”

“You're probably right, but it's the only explanation I can...oops!” As Amethyst reached the top of the mound, she lost her footing when she slipped on the loose gems and slid down the pile. Her friends looked back to see if she was alright, but then heard the tinkling chime of gems and gold clicking together. Looking up, they saw that her accident caused the treasure to cascade down the mound to revealed dark scales underneath. They all froze in place and let out a collective gasp as they looked upon the scales.

“Amethyst, move as quietly as you can and get over here,” Midnight urged her while whispering. Amethyst nodded and slowly lifted one leg at a time, being mindful not to make a sound. As she crept towards the exit, the patch of exposes scales peeled back to reveal a green eye that glowed under the light of Midnight's and Amethyst's horns. As the nictitating membrane slid across the eye as it opened, the vertical pupil contracted and a low, guttural growl rumbled throughout the cavern. The white-scaled kirin gasped as she scampered away to her friends as the mound of treasure shifted as something large moved beneath where she was standing. Curved, emerald green spines rose from the gold and jewels like a shark's fin rises through the surface of a sea as a large, serpentine neck raised itself up, treasure dripping off of it like gilded droplets of water. A large clawed hand slammed down onto the cavern's floor as the figure rose to its feet and a pair of massive, bat-like wings extended until they seemed to fill the room. A long tail that ended in a bladed tip whipped back and forth as a long maw of fangs opened into a menacing snarl. Before them was a dragon that was at least forty feet from the tip of its snout to the end of its spaded tail and had a wingspan over a hundred feet across. His head was longer than a normal pony was tall and his scales were a deep purple. Amethyst looked up at the snarling face of the dragon in terror, but then recognized familiar features; his face, the purple scales, and the green earfrills, spines, and eyes...her father's eyes.

“Father?” she timidly asked the hulking dragon above her. When she said that, her friends stopped shaking in fear and took a closer look at the dragon.

“Mr. Spike? Is that you?” Surprise asked. Though he had grown quite a lot during his growth spurt, they recognized the purple dragon as Amethyst's father and the elder brother of Evening Star and Midnight. Once she realized that it was good old Spike the dragon, she laughed in delight. “It is! I'm so glad it's just you!”

Spike took a step towards them, shaking the cavern with his footfall. The relief immediately drained from everypony's face as Spike continued to snarl at them like a wild animal.

“Whoa! Calm down, Mr. Spike. It's us!” Thunderbolt said as they backed away.

“Remember me? Little Posey?” Posey asked nervously.

“Sour Apple? Applejack's son?” the green Earth Pony asked.

“Big brother. It's us, your little sister and brother,” Midnight said as she stood by Evening Star. Spike looked down at the intruders. In his disoriented mind, he only saw different colored ponies. They were speaking to him, but their words meant nothing to him. Though the blue one and the purple one did seemed familiar to him for some reason. Something important. He then looked down to the white one. She was different from the rest of them. She had scales, spines, and claws like he did. She even had his eyes. He furrowed his brow as he focused on her. Her scent was familiar as well. It smelt of dragon, his own scent, and that of another that was precious to him. It was his own offspring. His offspring. His!

“Mine...” Spike growled with a deep voice as he reached down with his massive claw. Amethyst saw the large hand coming towards her and tried to get away, but it grabbed her around her barrel and lifted off of the floor.

“What are you doing? Put me down, Father!” she yelled as he held her up.

“Mine...” he repeated as he pulled her close to his chest. He looked down at the other ponies and then recognized the scents of the blue and purple ponies. It was his mother's scent. That meant that they were his nestmates. That also meant that they were his. “Mine...”

Midnight starred up with wide eyes as Spike's claw now came for her. Before it could reach her, Sour Apple grabbed her and pulled her out of it's reach. “C'mon! Run!”

Spike saw the green pony touch his sister and pulled her into the tunnel as they ran away. The dragon unleashed a roar of fury and chased after them while holding Amethyst close to him.

“Dad! Snap out of it!” she pleaded as she was tossed about as he pursued the others. The fleeing ponies panted as they ran back towards the fork in the path. They could hear the roar of the dragon followed by his thunderous footsteps chasing after them.

“Wait! What about Amethyst!?” Midnight asked as she ran.

“He won't hurt her, but he might hurt us if he catches us!” Thunderbolt answered.

“We can't outrun him! And he'll track us down even if we get away!”

“Then what do you suggest we do, stay and let him add us to his collection!?” Evening Star asked.


“What!?” Posey screamed, terrified by the thought of being a dragon's prisoner or worse, his lunch.

“Are you loco in the coco!?” Surprise asked incredulously. Instead of answering, Midnight stopped running and fell behind. The others stopped and tried to call her back, but the purple dragon was already baring down on her. Spike reached down and scooped her up with his free claw. He roared in triumph and then turned his attention to Evening Star. He still had one more sibling to collect and perhaps a few more ponies for good measure.

“Spike, listen to me!” Midnight called to her brother. He didn't pay any attention to her, but used his wings to crawl towards the other teenagers like an overgrown bat. The looked like they were about to bolt, but she called to them. “Don't move!”

“Dad! Dad!” Amethyst shouted. Spike briefly looked to his offspring in his claw for a moment, but then looked back to the others. “Dad! Please!”

A bolt of purple magic zapped him on the nose. It didn't hurt him, for dragon's had a natural resistance to magic, but it did get his attention. He looked to his daughter and growled at her. She should know better than to defy him.

“Dad, please calm down,” she said soothingly. He was angry, but her calm voice and relaxed demeanor caught his attention. “That's it. Calm down.”

He took deep breaths and listened to her words. Though she didn't know it, she was using her own version of the dragon-spell. Acting on instinct, she looked into his eyes and spoke calmly to him. It wasn't enough to influence his thoughts like his dragon-spell could do to other creatures, but it did help to calm him down. His head started to clear a bit and he started to remember where was and what was going on. “Amethyst?”

“That's right, it's me.”

“Spike?” He looked over to Midnight in his other claw. He realized that he had done it again and taken his own family as prisoners. Ashamed and confused, he placed them down on the tunnel's floor and the others cautiously approached him. He now recognized Thunderbolt, Posey, Sour Apple, and Surprise.

“What's going on? What are you all doing here?” he asked trying to figure things out. “I told everypony not to come looking for my lair in order to prevent something like this from happening!”

“Dad, please calm down. We can explain.” Spike may have come to his senses, but he still was disoriented and being influenced by his draconic instincts. If he got too riled up, he might revert back to his savage state.

“Spike, we were kidnapped,” Midnight explained, immediately catching his attention. He snapped his head in her direction and listened intently. “We were on the hiking trip that we planned when a bunch of changelings disguised as Royal Guards attacked us. They took us prisoner and brought us to the abandoned fort here in the Macintosh Hills. Evening Star came to rescue us and we accidentally stumbled upon your lair.”

He heard her words, but had a hard time taking it all in. The shock of it all made his semi-delirious mind spin.

“The changelings...took you captive?” he repeated.

“Yes, Chrysalis is plotting with Prince Narcissus to overthrow Equestria,” Amethyst explained. “They were going to use us as bait to lure the Elements of Harmony into offering themselves in exchange for our release, but they were planning to brainwash us to attack them when they had their guard down.”

“With them out of the way, they would then try to take Canterlot and the rest of Equestria,” Midnight continued. After hearing the full story, Spike's breathing intensified. Licks of green flames shot out of his mouth and his fists clenched.

“We have to get out of here and warn our parents,” Evening Star told his brother. “Come on, the exit is this way.”

Evening Star began to lead them out, but they stopped when they heard Spike's footsteps headed in the other way.

“Dad, the exit is this way,” Amethyst called after him. “That way leads back to the castle.”

“I know,” he called back to her.

“Wait!” Sour Apple shouted as they started to follow, but the dragon turned around.

“No. Evening Star, lead them out of here,” he told the purple Pegasus.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I have some business to take care of,” he said darkly.

“Are you going to kick some changeling butt?” Thunderbolt enthusiastically asked. “Oh man, count me in! I'm itching for some payback!”

“No. Follow Evening Star and find your mothers,” Spike ordered. “I don't want you to see this.”

A fire burned from within Spike. Smoke rose from his nostrils and his eyes glowed with an intense rage. The teenagers gave each other concerned looks, and Thunderbolt's desire to fight some changelings diminished. Something told them that this wasn't going to be just a brawl.

“Daddy?” Amethyst meekly asked. She didn't know what was going to happen, but she felt as though something terrible was about to transpire. Seeing his daughter's concern, he gave her smile and stroked the side of her face with a single claw.

“Don't worry, baby. Everything will be alright,” he reassured her. “Just go and find your mother.”

She nodded and ran off with the others towards the exit. He watched them flee to safety and then turned back to the tunnel that led to the castle. His anger flared up again and he stormed down the tunnel. They would pay. Those insects would pay for threatening everything he held dear; his child, his siblings, his wife, his friends...his family! It was time for him to repay the favor.