• Published 14th May 2014
  • 3,695 Views, 134 Comments

The Legend of Spike: Legacy - DiabloGuapo

Twenty years after the marriage of Spike and Rarity, Equestria is threatened by an old enemy.

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Spike headed to Twilight's tent while holding a bowl of gems in his left front leg. Every so often, he would use his long forked tongue to snatch up a couple jewels from the bowl and snack on them. Since it was awkward to walk with only three of his four legs and it threw him off balance, he compensated by using his wings like a bat would to pull himself along. The reason why he simply didn't just walk on his hind legs was that his large size wouldn't allow for a prolong use of a bipedal posture. He could sit or stand on two legs, but he could walk for too long before toppling over. At least now he walked on four legs like the rest of his pony friends and family. That, and he still had hands which were better at picking up and holding things with than hooves.

Spike bent down and entered the tent. When he saw Twilight, Flash Sentry, and Evening Star waiting for him, he asked, “Is there a problem?”

“No, nothing serious,” Twilight answered while shaking her head. She then noticed the bowl in her eldest son's grip. “So, I see Evening Star was right when he said you were gorging yourself on food again.”

This caused him to look down at the nearly empty bowl of gems. “What, this? This is just a snack.” Without him even realizing it, his tongue shot out and ate the last emerald and ruby that was in the now empty bowl. Seeing this, Twilight sighed.

“I'll go and make sure the troops are ready for the battle,” Flash Sentry said, showing himself out. He could tell this was going to be another “family conversation.” Even though he was technically the dragon's stepfather, he certainly didn't feel like it. Spike was only a few years younger than he was and he was almost an adult by Equestrian law by the time Flash had started dating his mother. Spike was even married before he had proposed to Twilight. So when he married the Alicorn, he didn't know how to treat the purple dragon. It was once, and only once, that he ever tried to act like a father towards Spike. It didn't end well. He had taken Spike on a hiking trip in hopes to bond with his new stepson. Every time he would try to be sentimental or call him “son,” he was met with an awkward look from the dragon. They ended up spending the rest of the trip in silence, trying to avoid eye contact. They later decided just to treat each other as friends and leave the parenting to Twilight.

“How many bowls have you already eaten today?” she asked, already knowing the likely answer.

“Not many,” Spike answered while swallowing the remains of the last of the gems. A thoughtful look came across his face as he tried to recall the exact amount he had eaten. “I think about...” He then realized that he had eaten nearly a dozen that day and what that meant. “Oh.”

“'Oh' is correct,” Twilight responded. “It looks like it's time for another growth spurt.”

“Can't it wait?” Spike asked, mainly to his own growing body.

“Spike, you already know the answer to that,” Twilight reminded him.

“But there's so much going on this coming up week. I'm needed.”

“Yes, I know and I understand,” she said sympathetically. “But you know what will happen if you don't take care of it now.”

“Your Highness, might I point out that if you get it done now, you may be done before you miss anything?” Evening Star said, trying to be helpful.

“I guess,” Spike muttered dishearteningly. Twilight walked up to her son that was much bigger than she was and affectionately nuzzled against his drooped head.

“Come on, Spike. I'll fly back with you,” she told him in a gently tone as she raised his head with a hoof. With a halfhearted smile, Spike nuzzled her back and left the tent. As she followed him out of the tent, she turned back to Evening Star and said, “Tell your father that I'm headed back home and I'll see him later.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” he saluted before leaving to report to Flash Sentry.

Outside, Spike looked towards the northwest, back to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle walked up next to him and they looked at each other as they spread their wings. With a mighty down thrust of his wings, Spike launched himself into the air and flew away with his mother flying beside him. Spike had grown wings twenty years ago while he was on a quest to save an island from maniacal tyrant. While there, he had met an ancient gold dragon named Aurum who took Spike under his wing and made him his apprentice. He taught Spike how to master his developing abilities, including teaching him how to master dragon magic, breathe ice, and how to tap into his limitless draconic strength. Spike had grown so much after his adventure and Twilight couldn't be prouder of him. Spike's new wings and his new found magical abilities actually gave the two more opportunities to bond. She loved spending time with him by flying or practicing new spells.

When Evening Star was born, he was excited because he was now no longer the “little guy.” Sure, he had grown bigger than his friends, but they would always remember the chubby little dragon that would use to ride on Twilight's back when they first arrived in Ponyville all those years ago. When Spike and Evening Star's little sister Midnight was born, Spike was even more excited. Not only would he be able to help teach his little brother how to fly, but he could also help teach his little sister magic. Though Spike had to admit, he had once been secretly jealous of his younger siblings. Though their mother had created him from her own magic and life force and raised him all of his life, she had actually given birth to the two. He felt that because of this that she couldn't have loved him as much as she did her natural born offspring. Though he knew it wasn't true, he felt the gnawing thought eating away at the back of his mind whisper, “Now that she has real children, she no longer needs a stand in.” Twilight had astutely realized what Spike must have been thinking by the look in his eyes and reassured him that his fears were nonsensical. More importantly, she made sure that he knew that he was really her son and that she couldn't possibility loved him any more than she already did.

As they flew through the sky, Twilight looked down at the Macintosh Hills below them. The rocky terrain separated the Badlands from the southern desert and was a physical boundary line of the Kingdom of Equestria. It wasn't long before they were headed over the plains of the buffalo and the settlement of Appleloosa. To the north, she could see Canterlot Mountain in the distance. On it rested the capital city and the Royal Palace. Between the plains and the mountain was a vast and untamed forest known as the Everfree. Many strange beasts and eldritch creature dwelt within the depths of that forest. Also within it was the ancient castle that the two senior Alicorn Princesses, Celestia and Luna, once inhabited. Beneath it was the Tree of Harmony, which was the source of all harmony in Equestria and also was the source of the Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, represented the Elements and were the ones chosen to wield their power to save Equestria many times. Twilight Sparkle's element was Magic, or more accurately, the Magic of Friendship.

As they crossed over the forest, Spike and Twilight spotted the ancient castle below them. Just on the other side of the forest was home; Ponyville. It was a quite small town that rested in a valley just south of Canterlot. Many of the homes were thatched roofed cottages and the ponies could be described as “charmingly rustic.” One of the signature landmarks of the town was Sweet Apple Acres that was owned and operated by Applejack and the rest of the Apple Family. A newer, but unmistakable landmark, was the castle that rested within a crystal tree that rose up over the smaller buildings. Its style and size made it stand out from the rest of the town. The castle itself was purple and the tree's trunk was blue crystal. The roof and balconies were gold and a large, star-shaped crystal adorned the top of the castle. This was Twilight's castle and it is where she lives with Flash Sentry and their children. It is also where the bearers of the Elements of Harmony would sit in council with one another.

Though Spike was family and a member of the council, he had moved out the castle a long time ago. He now lived in a round building that was shades of pink, purple, and blue. Its multiple layers were trimmed with gold and lace designs. The top was shaped like a carousel, complete with figures of horses on the pillars. Appropriately enough, this building was named Carousel Boutique. Over the years, renovations had to be done to make the abode larger to accommodate the increasing size of the dragon.

“I guess I'll see you later,” Spike called over to Twilight as she landed on the balcony of her castle. She looked up to him as he hovered in the air over the balcony.

“Don't worry, Spike. Maybe it'll only be for a few days,” she suggested the hopeful notion. He snorted slightly at the idea and then few towards his own home. After watching him leave, Twilight turned and entered the crystalline palace.


Inside Carousel Boutique, a mare named Rarity was busy sewing fabrics together, consumed in her work. She was a Unicorn of many talents and responsibilities. She had become one of if not the top name in the fashion industry, and that was before her marriage to Prince Spike had greatly increased the demand for her dresses and clothing. Even before that, she was the bearer of the Element of Generosity and one of the heroes of Equestria. Unlike Twilight Sparkle, she wasn't shy about being a princess and loved the spotlight, very much like their mutual friend, Rainbow Dash.

After sewing the fabric, Rarity levitated it with her light blue magic and placed it on a mannequin. She went to grab some trimmings, but she stopped to look at herself in the mirror. For a mare in her mid-forties, she still looked better than mares half her age. Her pristine white coat still shone with a flawless luster, she didn't have any wrinkles or crow's feet around her eyes, her figure was still jaw dropping, and she still made stallions run into light poles from watching her walk down the street and not were they were going. Her cutie mark of three, baby blue diamonds still sparkled as though as they were still real gemstones. There was only one thing that showed her age. She had a large streak of silvery-white hair running through her meticulously styled violet mane and tail. She looked at this “flaw” in her reflection and sighed regretfully. She was envious that Twilight still looked like she was in her prime. Though the Alicorn's looks had matured, she seemed to age as a slightly slower rate that her friends. They accredited this to Alicorn magic. Though she and her sister-in-law, Princess Cadence, were not immortal like Celestia and Luna, they would probably live little longer than the average pony.

A whistle could be heard coming from the kitchen, and Rarity gave a delighted cry of surprise as she was reminded that it was lunch time. She stopped fretting over her mane and ran to the other room. Once in the kitchen, she took the steaming kettle off the stove and pulled a few dishes from the cabinet. She hummed merrily to herself as she prepared a cucumber sandwich and a cup of tea. She placed her lunch down on the dinning room table and went back to grab her copy of the Ponyville Express from the kitchen counter. As she sat down in her chair, she unfolded the newspaper as she prepared to eat. She squinted at the tiny print of the newspaper and then let out an exasperated sigh. She placed the paper back on the table and headed back to her workroom. On the table were her red framed glasses. She picked them up her with magic and headed back to the dinning room.

I hate getting old, she thought disgruntled as she put on the glasses in order to read the paper; the only other thing that showed her age. Unbeknownst to her, she wasn't alone in the boutique. When she was distracted by the whistle of her teapot, she didn't hear that the bell over the front door had rung as it opened. A creature was carefully sneaking up behind her as she made her way back to the table. The clip clop of her hooves drowned out the sound of its long, sharp claws quietly clicking against the floor. As she walked, her tail swung side to side and the thing creeping up behind her grinned, baring its sharp fangs. As she pulled out her chair to sit down again, the creature open its maw and-

“Wahaha!” Rarity cried out in surprise. She quickly spun around to see the cheeky grin on her husband's face. Her face flushed red with embarrassment and annoyance. She rolled up the newspaper with her magic and bopped Spike on the head with it, causing him yelp in pretend pain. “Spike, how many times have I told you not to do that in public!?”

“Oh, but you love it,” he teased, causing her face to go from cherry red to a maroon. Whether it was from embarrassment or anger, he couldn't tell. “Besides, we're not in public. We're in the house.”

“The ground floor of which is a store opened to the public and it is during business hours,” she reminded him with a huff. She set down the rolled up newspaper and then smiled at her husband. They started to chuckle and they embraced each other, ending it with a passionate kiss. “I'm glad you're home, darling. I assume then Twilight successfully managed to convince the minotaurs to cease hostilities towards Equestria and the buffalo tribes.”

“Unfortunately, no,” Spike told her, his smile fading. “They declared war against us.”

“Oh dear. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that.”

“Well, you know how minotaurs can be. They don't call it being bull headed for nothing.”

“I suppose so, but what are you doing back so soon? Aren't you needed there? Oh, but that doesn't matter now, doesn't it? What does matter is that you're home and you'll be here for our little girl's birthday.” Mentioning their daughter's upcoming birthday, Rarity's blue eyes sparkled with beaming joy. It only made Spike's heart pang with guilt. “I was about to sit down for lunch. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, about that...” Spike started to say, not looking forward to the upcoming conversation. Rarity looked at Spike expectantly, but then noticed the troubled looked on his scaly face and became concerned. “I'm about to go through another growth spurt.”

“You're not serious, are you?” she asked worryingly. When she saw him look at his feet and rubbed the back of his head, she knew the answer. “You're serious. Oh Spike, it's our daughter's birthday next week.”

“I know, I know,” he told her, slightly frustrated, not at her but at his own physiology. He rubbed the sides of his head with his claws and exhaled as he tried to think. “Look, maybe I can stay awake until after the party.”

“Spike, precious scales, you know that's not an option. Remember the other growth spurt?”

Again, he sighed and said, “Yes, I do.”

“I suppose a trip to Fluttershy's is in order.” Rarity then had an unpleasant memory pop up in her head and she involuntary shuddered. Spike knew what she was thinking, but he couldn't blame her.

“I guess, you're right,” he responded. After Rarity had finished her lunch, they headed out the boutique to Fluttershy's cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest. When they arrived, they were greeted by the yellow Pegasus with a light pink mane and cutie mark of three butterflies.

“Hello Rarity. Hello Spike,” Fluttershy sweetly greeted in her demure voice.

“Good afternoon, Fluttershy,” Rarity returned the greeting.

“Hey, Fluttershy. How's Big Mac and Posey?” Spike inquired.

“Oh, Big Mac's building a birdhouse for a new family of birds and Posey tending her garden,” Fluttershy answered. “What can I do for you today?”

“Fluttershy, Spike's going through another growth spurt,” Rarity explained.

“Oh,” Fluttershy said understandingly and then realized what all that was implied. “Oh my, and so close to Amethyst's birthday too.”

“Yeah, don't remind me,” Spike grumbled.

“Hush now,” Rarity mildly scolded him. “Maybe you'll only sleep for a few days. The first time you only slept for two days.”

“Yeah, but we all know that I'll sleep for exponentially longer each time.”

“I'll go and get what you need,” Fluttershy meekly said as she ran off, knowing where this was headed.

“Spike, please. I doubt you're at the 'hundred year long nap stage.' This is only your second time,” Rarity reminded her sulking husband. “And I'm certain you won't even reach the point where you'll sleep for more than a month this century.”

“Yeah, but...” Spike started to retort.

“But nothing. You're worrying too much about it. Even if you do sleep through her birthday, I'm sure Amethyst will understand,” Rarity tried to reassure the sulking dragon.

“Once again, I guess you're right,” Spike conceded. At that moment, Fluttershy, along with a large, red, Earth Pony stallion with orange hair and a cutie mark of a green apple, returned. The stallion was carrying a barrel on his back, which he placed on the ground before Spike.

“Thank you, Big Mac,” Fluttershy sweetly thanked the stallion.

“Eeyup,” he said in his usual laid back voice.

“Say 'hello' to Posey for us,” Rarity said to him as he went back to his work.

“Eeyup.” Spike looked in the barrel to see that it was filled with fish. Spike opened his jaws and dove right in.

“Ugh, you could at least use your claws,” Rarity complained while rolling her eyes at the nauseating sight of her husband devouring the flesh of an animal.

It was something they had discovered during Spike's first growth spurt. All of Spike's youth, he had only eaten gems and the vegetarian food that ponies eat. When he was in his early twenties, he started to stuff his face with anything he could fit into his mouth but nothing seemed to sate the hunger, very much like he was right now. No pony could figure out why he couldn't stop eating, not even Twilight Sparkle. Then their friend, Fluttershy, suggested that he was eating in order to hibernate or to grow like some of the many animals that she cared for did. Twilight had already come to that conclusion, but what was stumping her was why couldn't Spike's appetite be satisfied. Fluttershy then pointed out to everypony the nature of Spike's teeth. While they were very strong and could crush gemstones, especially the molars in the back, the front teeth were very long and sharp; not the type of teeth for crushing, but for ripping and tearing. She also reminded them of why she feared dragons, Spike being the only exception. Dragons could and did eat ponies. In fact, dragons were omnivores in the purest sense. Vegetable, mineral, and animal were all on the menu.

Fluttershy had a solution that made the others feel queasy. She brought Spike a plate of fish. As a caretaker for all sorts of animals, she had to prepare all sorts of meals, even for carnivorous animals like bears and otters. Though she would never harm something like a pig or a chicken, she did feed worms and fish to the other animals. Like the others, Spike was unsure when the tenderhearted Pegasus placed the fish before him. He looked down at the lifeless eyes of the fish starring up at him, almost as though they were judging him. He grimaced, but then picked up the plate to sniff the fish. The scent entered his nostrils and something within him clicked. His pupils narrowed into vertical slits and his tongue shot out off mouth, lapped up the fish, and started to chew without him realizing it. It startled him and he nearly spat out the fish, but then the flavor hit him. He moaned appreciatively and his eyes nearly rolled back in delight. The taste then reminded him of something. Back when he and Twilight had just moved into Ponyville, Applejack and Pinkie Pie had accidentally made a batch of muffins that had given half of the town food poisoning. One of the ingredients of these “baked bads” was worms and Spike had been the only one who actually enjoyed the muffins. From the day that Fluttershy gave Spike the fish to eat and onward, Spike would occasionally treat himself with a fish or two and vowed to only eat them in large quantities when it was time for another growth spurt. Understandably, most of his friends didn't stick around to watch whenever he ate meat.

After finishing the barrel, Spike patted his filled stomach and was about to unleash a mighty belch, but the disapproving look he received from Rarity as a warning forced him to hold it in. Then he felt it. It wasn't overwhelming, but it was certainly there and it would steadily grow. He was getting tired.

“Thank you again, Fluttershy,” Spike said.

“You're welcome. I'm always glad to help a friend,” she told the couple while smiling. She waved goodbye and they returned to Carousel Boutique. Rarity noticed that Spike was being quiet while they walked. There was another problem with Spike's growth spurt. Not only did he have to stuff himself and sleep for a long period of time, but he had to be secluded until he woke up.

“Look, I know you don't like it, but you have to do it,” she told him. “After all, you were the one that came up with the idea and we all agreed.”

After Spike had awoken the first time from his sleep caused by a growth spurt, his draconic instincts had taken over. He hoarded his treasure together, including Rarity and Amethyst, and would snarl threateningly at anypony that came near Carousel Boutique. It took them an hour to calm him down and bring him back to his senses. Thankfully, no one was hurt and Amethyst was too young to remember being held prisoner by her own father. Afterward, Spike flew off and hid in the Everfree Forest in shame of what he did. Again, it took everypony to calm him down and eventually Rarity was able to convince him that no one was angry with him and that everything was going to be alright. The next week, he took his hoard of gems and gold and hid it in a secret location where he would from then go to whenever he would have another growth spurt.

“Look, if it bothers you so much, just tell me where your 'lair' is located and I'll come to see if you're awake when her birthday comes,” Rarity suggested.

“You know I can't tell anypony where it is. Someone might come to check on me and I might not be able to stop myself from hurting them,” he reminded her. This led to another awkward silence. They both knew he was right. To change the subject, Spike said, “Twilight's home as well.”

“Oh? Well, I'll be sure to pay her a visit,” Rarity responded. “I'm sure she'll head to Canterlot soon. I'd imagine she and the other princesses have a lot to discuss. She'll probably inform Amethyst of your situation as well.”

“I didn't realize she was in Canterlot.”

“Yes, she went to visit Midnight at school. They'll both come down for the birthday before the weekend.”

“You know what that means,” Spike said with a mischievous smile on his face as they reached the front door of their home. “We have the house to ourselves and I can spare a few minutes.”

“Oh, you are incorrigible,” Rarity laughed. She opened the door and they walked in. She paused when she saw her reflected in the mirror again. Seeing the white stripe in her mane, she turned her head side to side and played with it with a hoof, pouting fretfully. “Maybe I should dye it.”

“I like it,” he said to try to cheer her up.

“It looks exactly how it did when I was possessed by the Nightmare Forces and became Nightmare Rarity,” she whined.

“Do you want to hear a secret?” he whispered in her ear as he stood behind her and wrapped his fore legs around her neck. “I thought you looked sexy like that.”

“Is that so?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow and looked back at him with half lidded eyes and a coy smile. “Maybe I should dye my coat black instead.”

“It looked good on you,” he told her, still smiling mischievously.

She turn around, wrapped her hooves around his long neck, and whispered one delightful word into his green ear frill, “Bedroom.”