• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 9,951 Views, 510 Comments

Born to Chaos and Nightmares - Thorax

The child of Nightmare Moon and Discord, what more do you want?

  • ...

Episode 7: Nightmare Night Round 2

"No Luna, you can't have your night back." Nightmare hissed as she dusted off her old helmet. "You transferred full ownership of this night to me remember?" added with a smug grin. "Besides, my names in the title."

"You cheated!" shouted Luna in response "Besides, you've had it for the last 200 years and I want it back."

"First off, I didn't cheat, I only sung to myself. Secondly, it's my night and my ownership of this night shall last forever."

"You used musical warfare to gain an unfair adva-" Luna was cut off as Nightmare placed a hoof on her mouth and with a wicked grin began playing her best card.

"♪Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays, we've kept our hoovies warm at home time off from work to play.♪"

Luna gave a muffled scream before promptly teleporting off in anger. Leaving a once again triumphant Nightmare Moon to continue you her yearly planning. Though she had already known how things would end, seeing as this was the exact same thing that had happened every year, for the last two hundred years.

"♪ But the food we've stored is running out and we can't grow in this cold ♪" The Alicorn of dreams continued to sing to herself as she dusted off another piece of her old armor. "♪ and even though I loves my boots this fashions getting ol-" Nightmare found herself cut off as a brilliant flash of light filled the room after a few seconds it disappeared leaving Nightmare with a rather strange sight.

"Celestia? Is that you?" Nightmare asked in confusion as she stared at a white Draconequus, the only tell that it was Celestia was her few remaining features scattered about. Her multicolored mane remained along with one of her legs; her necklace remained, though it seemed smaller now. Her left leg was obviously one that belonged to a blue dragon, but what type she wasn't certain. Her horn had been twisted and bent and was now accompanied by one that almost matched Chrysalis's, finally she had gained the arm of a griffin along with the arm of what appeared to be a Diamond Dog.

"How do I look?" Celestia asked as she spread her arms out.

"I think you went a little overboard on the costume" Nightmare answered flatly

"Nonsense Discord and I now have the perfect costume."

"Wait wait wait, what do you mean you and Discord, where is the idiot and what did you two do?"

"Honey I'm home!" rang a feminine but strangely familiar voice causing both Nightmare and Celestia to turn their gaze to the source and causing both Nightmare and Celestia to promptly facehoof.

At the other side of the room stood a grey female Alicorn, it's only distinguishing feature besides its horn and wings was its miss proportioned yellow and red eyes.

"Discord, I told you, we weren't doing that hold gender swapping thing too."

"You're just jealous because I look better than you." retorted Discord "My wings are so pretty"


"Normally, I'd ask why, get angry, then accept that this is what's happening and then eventually get horribly murdered by one of you. But today we're going to skip that and jump straight to acceptance and hope nobody tries to murder me." Nightmare spoke without emotion. "Celestia can you go find my daughter and tell her, that her mothers are ready."

Celestia gave a salute and with a snap of her claws she vanished, off to find her niece who should have been almost finished her costume.

"Wow Auntie" Lucid stated in amazement "Your costume looks amazing."

"Thanks you Lucid." Celestia laughed "I made it myself" she answered with a wink "So how’s your costume going?"

"Good auntie, but I can't get the mane right" Lucid answered as she snapped her talons causing her mane to shift in color, this time stopping at a rather intensely dark shade of purple. After a few seconds she gave a defeated sigh before falling back onto her bed.

"Don't worry, I've got someone to help" the Sun Princess laughed as she snapped her claws and in a flash of light a rather confused Twilight Sparkle stood in the middle of the room. "Hello my faithful student!" Celestia exclaimed a look of joy growing on her face as Twilight's face was a mixture of horror and confusion.

"Princess wha- what happened?"

"Nothing Twilight, it's just a little bit of a magical costume, nothing you haven't seen before."

"Well then, not to sound rude Princess, but why did you summon me then? Spike and I were in the process of a great scientific breakthrough."

"Lucid needs help with her costume" Celestia answered as she pointed towards the Draconequus filly "She wants to go as you for Nightmare Night."

"Well that's a little silly" Twilight laughed "You can't go as someone if they're still alive, that's just impersonation"

"Well then" Celestia began with a wicked grin "We'll just have to remedy the situation, Twilight I need you to close your eyes, I've got a present for you."

"Nope" answered Twilight as she teleported away.

"Bah" scoffed Celestia "We don't need her anyways, we can make a better costume!"

"Like what auntie?" Lucid asked as she snapped her talons removing all remaining traces of her half-finished costume.

After a few seconds of thought Celestia's devious grin returned "How about Starswirl the Bearded. I'm sure your dad... er.. Mother still has her old robe and wizard hat."

"Wait why would dad have a robes and a wizard hat... and why did you call him my mother." Lucid added in confusion.

Once again the universe took this as a chance to show that even though everyone in this castle was a complete lunatic, it was always watching. In a flash of light both Lucid's mother and her... mother were standing in the center of the room. It took Lucid a few seconds to realize what was happening as she took in the sight of her mother standing next to a grey Alicorn. If it wasn't for the two mismatched eyes, the look of anger on Nightmare's face said everything that needed to be said.

"Dad... is that you?" Lucid asked hoping that some kind force would spare her at least one year of therapy.

"Yes" answered the Discord as she turned a glance towards her wife, hoping Nightmare wasn't trying to kill her with her gaze. "Aren't my wings pretty?" she blurted out,

"Okay what's wrong with her.. him" Nightmare asked as she pointed towards her wif- husband. "He keeps blurting that out to everyone we run into."

"It's Alicorn Syndrome, it happens to all new Alicorns" Celestia answered as she continued to watch Discord examine her wings. "She can't help but share with everyone that her wings are in fact pretty"

"That's ridiculous" Nightmare scoffed "I never did anything like this."

"Sure you did" answered Celestia "You just don't remember it, we had all records expunged."

"That's ridiculous, I would remember me blurtin-"

"I don't think you guys understand how pretty my wings are" Discord spoke as she continued to open and close them.

"I never acted like this!" She shouted as she pointed at her wife

200 Years ago

Nightmare Moon had done it; she had killed Celestia, for the fifth time that week and successfully imprisoned Luna on the moon. Twilight Sparkle and her friends were on a wild goose chase for the for the Elements of Harmony, that thanks to Discord now found themselves attached to wild gooses.

"Ahaha" Cackled Nightmare as she addressed the crowd "You insolent foals shall now know the meaning of eternal night as you bask in my glory." Nightmare paused as she magically put on a pair of reading glasses and summoned her scroll of evil plans. The crowd continued to watch as she silently muttered to herself as she continued down the list.

"Okay then, are there any questi- Aren't my wings pretty?" Nightmare paused as she tried to think about what she had just said.

"Could you repeat that Queen Nightmare?" spoke some unseen pony in the crowd

"I said, aren’t my wings pretty?" Nightmare repeated as found herself entranced by her beautiful wings."

2 Hours later.

"But seriously aren't my wings pretty?" Nightmare repeated as most of her new subjects had already dispersed

Celestia and Luna had been silently watching the scene unfold for roughly the last half hour and had finally decided it was time to put an end to Nightmare's terrible plague of eternal night and pretty wings.

"Nothing to see here folks" Celestia shouted as Luna grasped her other half and silently carried her off. "Moony forgot to take her medicine today and she gets a little loopy"

Back in the present.

"That never happened" Nightmare stated angrily

"Maybe it did, maybe it didn't" Celestia answered with a shrug. "But that's beside the point, Discord should get over how pretty his wings are, within an hour or so, if not we'll change him back and he'll be fine."

"Why can't we change him back now?" Nightmare asked with a raised brow "Seeing my husband as my wife is a little bit weird even for us."

"Because if I turn him back, I have to turn myself back and personally, I'm enjoying thumbs, it makes all those back itches so much easier to reach."

"Auntie" coughed Lucid as she tried to gain their attention "Shouldn't we ask dad where he keeps his old robe and hat?"

"Hey Pretty wings!" Shouted Celestia

"Yes!' answered Discord a clueless grin on her face.

"Where's your old Starswirl outfit, your daughter needs a new costume"

Discord paused for a second as she thought back to the last time she had seen her old outfit back from when she was considered "The father of magic" after a few more seconds of thought, she knew exactly where her Starswirl outfit was.

"Moony burned it" she answered flatly "I'm a princess are you a prin-" Discord found herself silenced by the sudden appearance of a rope around her muzzle.

"Is that what that was?" Nightmare asked as the glow faded from her horn "If so, yeah I burned it years ago. The foal wouldn't stop putting it on at inappropriate times."

Lucid gave another sigh as a look of defeat washed over her. "So what now? We were supposed to be out getting candy half an hour ago."

"Pretty wings, you think you can make our Daughter a good Starswirl Costume?" Nightmare asked as she glared at her wife.

Discord gave a nervous nod as her horn began to glow and in a flash of light. Lucid was the spitting image of Starswirl the Bearded, well not counting the fact that she was tiny, a different species entirely and being female probably shouldn't have a beard. Other than that though, it was the perfect Starswirl costume.

"Thank you dad!" as she lunged at the grey Alicorn latching onto her neck in an embrace.

Discord tried to answer but her response was muffled, so she just resorted to returning the hug and nodding.

"This is all good." Nightmare began "But you two are going to switch back now."

"Nope" answered Celestia "Guess who's got two thumbs and plans to enjoy them for the rest of the night? This Dranconequus!" she finished as she pointed towards herself before promptly teleporting off, Nightmare quickly following behind her, leaving Discord and Lucid alone.

"So Dad, I'm going to untie the rope, we're going to head out and get candy and then we'll never speak of this night again. Okay?" Lucid finished as she pulled the rope off.

"Lucid, are you a princess?"

"Aaaaand the rope goes back on"

Meanwhile in the Eternal Fields

"I don't need my stupid night back" muttered Luna as she wandered through the ethereal fields of the afterlife. She didn't need a bunch of foals offering her candy to be happy; she had friends who would gladly spend the night keeping her company. Though at least half of them were dead, being the Goddess of Death did have its perks.

After a few more minutes of walking, she eventually found herself in front of a familiar confection shop, as she approached the front door she felt as if watchful eyes had fallen upon her and hesitated as she pulled her hoof away from the door. Taking a few steps back just in time to see the door splinter as a buckshot ripped through it, causing the Night Goddess to drop to the ground and tuck her head between her hooves.

"Ah know ya'll are out there Celestia" came the familiar southern voice of the Element of Honesty

"Your Princess demands you cease firing immediately" Luna shouted in response

"Luna, ah don't know what your sister sent ya, to get us for, but ya better turn around and head home" Applejack answered as she loaded two more shells, her sights still set on the doorway.

"Your Princess demands you relinquish your firearms and allow us entry."

"Luna, ya'll aren't fooling us, we're dead which means ya'll aren't our princess anymore."

Luna gave a sharp laugh as she rolled to the side and picked herself up out of the trigger happy pony’s sights.

"That is where you're only partially correctly my dear Applejack, I drew the short straw this time, which means I'm also the Goddess of Death and by extension Queen of the Afterlife, therefore making me your Queen. So I apologize for my mistake earlier." Luna gave cough to clear her throat. "As your Queen, I demand you relinquish your firearms and allow my entry"

Applejack made a gesture towards Rainbow Dash who quickly but silently made her way through the store, making sure not to cross into Rarity's line of sight as Element of Generosity remained in her snipers nest, prepared to be quite generous in the giving of lead. Ducking underneath the make shift platform Rainbow also made sure to avoid Pinkie's kill zone of explosives.

"What do you think AJ?" Rainbow asked as she dived behind the counter, landing next to the still watchful farmer.

"Ah think she's tellin the truth." Applejack answered

"So what do you want to do?"

"Take er down when she tries to get in obviously, ah ain't too keen on bein somepony's work horse to move another piece of furniture." Applejack answered as she prepared to take another shot "Luna, ah'd like ta believe ya, ah truly would, but your sister has a track record of lying, so ah'll have to ask you ta kindly leave."

"Very well" answered Luna "I was just hoping to talk to Ms. Rarity in order to offer her a position as Princess of the Afterlife."

At the mere mention of "Princess" Rarity's ears perked up as her gaze rapidly shifted between the sights of her rifle and the judgmental gaze of her farmer friend. After several seconds of internal conflict Rarity had decided that even if she was princess of a bunch of spirits, it still counted and quickly found herself sprinting for the exit, barely managing to avoid getting shot herself as Applejack attempted to stop her from abandoning her post.

Luna gave a smug grin as she pulled Rarity over to the side, binding the white Unicorn in place with her magic as she returned to her position beside the doorway.

"I was also coming here in order to find someone capable of throwing the largest party the afterlife has ever seen. I also needed someone capable of serving as the team leader for the Shadowbolts in the after show."

Applejack wasn't able to reload her weapon fast enough as both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie bolted for the door, quickly finding themselves trapped along with Rarity.

"I also need someone to keep all the animals in che-" Luna didn't even get a chance to finish as Fluttershy bolted out the door at the mere mention of animals, promptly followed by a defeated Applejack.

"Fine, ya'll win, what do ya need us for?" Applejack's fear only growing more as Luna's grin continued to grow.

Ponyville Library 10:34PM

Twilight had managed to finish her experiment in a timely manner with the help of Spike, who would only remain pink for hopefully two or three hours, giving her the rest of the evening to hand out candy to all the foals who stopped by. In her panic to create a costume she had wiped up a half-flanked Nightmare Moon costume, which had so far managed to get a few laughs from the colts and fillies that had stopped by so far.

*Knock Knock*

Twilight opened the door, bowl of candy ready but what she was greeted with still managed to catch her off guard.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!" Chanted Lucid and Discord as Twilight stared in awe.

"Nice costume" Nightmare added trying to stifle a giggle. "Lucid said we had to stop by her teacher's house, she really wanted to show off her costume. She thought you'd love to see a perfect recreation of Starswirl the bearded's robes" she added with a smug grin.

"That's not possible, Starswirl vanished six thousand years ago and the only images of him are recreati-" Twilight was cut off as Nightmare placed a hoof over her mouth.

"Trust me Sparkle, its accurate." she spoke as she pointed towards her Lucid who was wearing a pair of robes, unlike any she had seen in any of her books, followed by a hat that only resembled the ones she had seen in shape. "We got Starswirl to make them her... himself" she quickly corrected. "In fact, Discord why don't you stay here with Sparkle and tell her all about Starswirl, seeing as you're the one who knows him the best." Nightmare watched with a grin as the grey Alicorn that was now Discord casually made her way past Twilight and into the library pausing to say a single thing.

"My wings are so pretty!" with that she continued on her way into the library and presumably straight to the fridge.

"Why?" Twilight asked as she turned back to face Nightmare "Why do you still torment me?"

"Because it never gets old!" Nightmare answered with a laugh "Besides it's not all bad, the fool does know everything about Starswirl,"

"Yeah" Lucid interrupted "Don't tell anyone, but my dad was Starswirl" she whispered.


Lucid and Nightmare were left in stunned silence as their brains tried to process what had happened in roughly the span of half a second. Twilight had taken in the message almost instantly and without hesitation taken off like a bat out of Tartarus. Leaving the bowl of candy on the stairs and slamming the door behind her.

"Well then, I guess this is ours now" Nightmare laughed as she emptied the bowl into Lucid's candy sack.

Ponyville Library 11:41PM

*Knock* *Knock*

"Nobody’s home" shouted Twilight as she made her way back towards the library. If one good thing had come out of Celestia and Discord swapping Species, it was the fact that Discord was actually useful, even if it required several offerings of Candy, she had already learned over a dozen spells that had been lost to history.

*Knock* *Knock*

Twilight gave an angry growl as she made her way towards the door, determined to not have her night of learning ruined. However when she opened the door, she was met with a sight that beat her earlier visit.

Princess Luna stood at the door; her mane dyed a dark blue with a single streak of purple and pink. However, the Night Goddess was not alone as Twilight was surprised to a rather disgruntled looking Applejack along with the rest of her friends standing behind Luna. This however was not what worried her the most, it was the fact that all of them appeared to be wearing their Elements of Harmony, along with Luna who had somehow managed to obtain Twilight's crown.

"Alright girls" Luna spoke with a grin "We've cornered Nightmare Moon, it's time to teach her a lesson about tricking ghosts into doing manual labour " with that Twilight watched in horror as a familiar glow began to cover Luna and her friends and without a second thought she slammed the door shut and made her back to Discord, the sound of an exploding door echoing through the library as she calmly took her seat and waited for whatever horrible thing was about happen.

"Aren't my wings pretty?" Discord asked as Luna rose up from behind Twilight, her eyes glowing a brilliant white and with a flash of light both Discord and Twilight were engulfed in a multitude of colors.

Canterlot Castle 12:41AM

It had been a long day and night for Nightmare Moon. After spending several hours with her daughter as they traveled through both Canterlot and Ponyville in search of Candy, she had discovered that when Lucid managed a sugar rush, the young Draconequus could reach a level of insanity that put Discord's old self to shame.

After Lucid eventually crashed from the sugar rush she had to go retrieve both her Husband and Twilight who had somehow been banished to the moon and finally to top it all off, she had to track down Celestia who had gone into hiding in order to keep her thumbs.

But in the end, she had managed to track down Celestia and "Convince" her to switch back with Discord ending her husband's dreams of having the prettiest wings.

"Moony" came the voice of Discord as the two of them lay in their bed.


"Are my wings still pretty?"

"The prettiest" Nightmare answered as she tried to fall asleep.

Elsewhere in the castle

Luna and Celestia had decided to meet with each other back in Celestia's room and share stories of their evening.

"So you're telling me, you banished my student to the moon?" Celestia repeated for the third time, a slightly angry expression on her face.

"No" Luna answered once again. "The Elements of Harmony banished her to the moon, I was just filling in the role of Element of Magic." she finished with an innocent smile.

"Sure" Celestia began with a roll of her eyes "And you had nothing to do with their sudden revival or their sudden belief that Twilight had been my spy all thi- Aren't my wings pretty?" Celestia placed a hoof over her mouth in horror at what she had just said.

"You didn't just say what I think you said, did you Celly?"

"Don't be silly Luna why wou- I'm a Princess are you a Princess too?" Celestia blurted out causing Luna to roll over in a fit of laughter.

"Looks like Discord isn't the only one with pretty wings" Luna managed to choke out between laughs.

"Lulu this isn't funny, my wings are so pretty!" The Sun Goddess blurted out once again, this time teleporting off in anger before her sister got any more free laughs.

"This was the best night ever." Luna sighed as she stretched out on her sister's bed and slowly drifted off into sleep. Sadly for her, she was met by a rather angry looking Twilight Sparkle who had somehow managed to obtain several of Starswirl's spells for Dream walking.

Author's Note:

To be fully edited later.
I did spend 30 minutes going over it though, so that's new :O