• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 9,951 Views, 510 Comments

Born to Chaos and Nightmares - Thorax

The child of Nightmare Moon and Discord, what more do you want?

  • ...

Mini Episode 2: Day in the Snow (Winter Mini Episode)

December 24th, Hearth's Warming eve. All of Equestria is preparing themselves for the Hearth's Warming day and the yearly play that comes with it. The town of Ponyville was busily preparing their sets and making their costumes. Within the halls of Canterlot royal theater, the same process was happening on a much larger scale. However two rather important Princesses were missing.

Out in the Canterlot Gardens however, those said Princesses and a few others were happily playing in the snow. Completely oblivious to the panic within other parts of the Castle.

"For the New Lunar republic!" Shouted Luna and Nightmare as they opened fire on the Sun Goddess and Lord of Chaos.

"You'll never defeat the might of the Solar Empire!" Celestia shouted in return.

Discord paused and dropped his snowball as he turned his gaze to Celestia

"I thought we were the New Chaos Anarchy?!"

"No, we are the Solar Empire." The Sun Goddess answered as she drew a snowball.


"I had expected something like this from you Celestia."

"What do you mean? We discussed this while building the fort. You said "I get to design the flag." and I told you that I get to name it then."

"And what a flag it is!" The Draconequus stated proudly as he saluted the green wooden chair proudly waving from a stick."However, I have decided for the sake of this empire, you must be removed." Discord finished as he raised his own snowball, a devious grin spread across his face.

Celestia slowly backed away "Discord, what are you doing?"

"Agent L, prepare the catapult!"

"Yes da- I mean General Discord." With a clap of her hands Discords secret agent who had apparently built her fort separately as an elaborate cover story, summoned a large wooden catapult.

"Discord, put me down." hissed the angered mare as she was thrown over the Draconequus's shoulder

"I'm sorry Celestia, but the majority has spoken."

"What?!" Shriek the now tied up Princess "There are three people in this fort."

"I'm sorry Auntie." Lucid said trying her best sound sad. "You were the one who told me that you have to do what is best for your people, and the people want you gone."

Celestia glared daggers at the larger Draconequus "I swear Discord, if you don't let me go I promise you, Five thousand yea-"

"Long live the Queen!" Discord whispered as he fired the catapult.

The two Draconequus watched stunned silence as Celestia rocketed into the air. They had apparently enchanted the catapult with slightly too much magic. The shrieks of the Sun Goddess as she rocketed through the clouds, startling several Pegasi as they prepared another small snow fall.

"Sweet sun and moon." Nightmare muttered as she watched the Shrieking Sun Goddess descend from the heavens.

"Wow, she got some height." Luna added

Sadly the two Night Goddess weren't really paying attention to Celestia's decent. Had they actually been watching, they would have quickly realized Celestia was hurling down towards them. With a ground shaking boom the two Night mares found themselves crushed beneath the immense weight of the Sun.

"Get off of me fat flank." Groaned Nightmare as she tried to squeeze her way out from beneath Celestia.

Celestia managed to roll herself off the two mares beneath her. After struggling for several seconds, she was also able to escape her binds.

"Nightmare, you might want to go grab your daughter." Growled the Sun Goddess as her mane burst into flames.

It only took a few seconds for Nightmare to realize Celestia's intentions. With a flash of blinding purple light, Nightmare vanished from one side of the garden and reappeared. Discord and Lucid continued to laugh oblivious to their impending destruction.

"Lucid sweetie, time to get out of here." Nightmare rushed as she picked Lucid up and once again vanished in another flash of light.

Several seconds later she reappeared in front of Discord holding a helmet.

"Here you go love, you'll be needing this." and with that, she vanished.

Discord took a moment to sneak a look over the top of his Snow forts, as he suspected, small pillars of flames continued to erupt from the fort across from him. Sensing his impending doom, he casually placed the helmet a top his head and braced himself.

"Hello Discord" Came the whispered hisses of Celestia "You look cold, how about I help you warm up." Discord felt the hooves on his back slowly shift into claws. "With a breath of solar flare." she said, her final words rang with an unholy voice.

And then there was fire, so much fire.

Luna, Nightmare, and Lucid decided to roast some marshmallows.

Canterlot 200 Years Ago

Outside the Guard Barracks

Hammer, Brass Beast and Forge sat on a small shoveled area in front of the large stone structure. The baby dragon was taking great joy in building small towers and then promptly burning them down.

"I think he's got some problems" Brass stated bluntly as the Dragon blasted another small tower.

"It's his first winter, let the little guy have some fun." answered Hammer as he began building small snow building too.

"Canterlot!" The dragon giggled happily as he put the final touches on a rather large snow building.

"Wow, it looks just like It." the younger guard said cheerfully

Several seconds later, the two guards watched in slight horror as the Baby dragon happily burned "Canterlot" to the ground.

"Okay" Hammer blurted "I think we should take a break from snow castles."

Several minutes later they once again found themselves building snow castles as they waited for the final member of their group.

"Hi guys!" Rang the cheerful voice of Thorax as he slowly made his way towards the group.

The two guards did their best to keep themselves from laughing as they watched the approaching Changeling. They had known Changelings weren't built for the winter, nor had many of them ever seen snow. What they hadn't expected was the lengths one would go to, in order to have a bit of fun in the snow.

Thorax had covered himself in multiple snow suits, followed by several scarves. The only thing visible through his impenetrable armor of warmth were his eyes and horn.

"Do you think you'll be warm enough?" Brass asked with a chuckle

"I'm a little cold, but I should be able to survive." the Changeling answered, the sarcasm going clean over his head.

The two guards, Changeling and Dragon made their way down to one of Canterlot's many parks. Along their way, they had gained many strange looks, possibly due to the baby dragon, possibly due to the snow suit wearing Changelings. Though, it was most likely due to both of these. Though Changelings were beginning to pop up all around Equestria, however they had been rarely seen outside of Canterlot Castle.

The Changeling and Dragon quickly made their way to a large open area of the park, where they immediately began rolling large balls of snow. After a few minutes of watching the two guards caught on to what was happening and quickly joined them.

"Come on little, I'm sure we can find some stones for its eyes." The Changeling said enthusiastically as he shifted the snow around with one of his booted hooves.

"What about these?" Brass asked as he pointed to two large stones peaking from just beneath the snow.

Thorax used some of his magic to pick up the stones and place them on the snow pony’s face. After a few more minutes of searching they were able to find two stick small enough to serve as ears.

"What about the horn? Aren't we supposed to use a carrot for the horn?" Hammer asked as he searched around

As if some divine force was answering them, a small blue object fell from the sky, casually landing in the snow just in front of the group. Upon closer inspection it appeared to be a twisted blue horn, from some unfortunate creature. However, the baby dragon didn't give it a second thought as he placed it atop the ponies head.

Brass laughed "Isn't that something, a Dragon and a Changeling, building a snow pony."

After a few seconds, Hammer joined in the laughter as the strangeness of the events set in.

Back in Canterlot

An extremely toasty and currently hornless Draconequus and the mare that had roasted him calmly ate some smores.

Across from them, two terrified Alicorns and a young Draconequus hid inside their snow fort, oblivious to the fact that Celestia's rage had cooled quite quickly.

When the time finally came for the Canterlot play, nobody asked why Discord was so singed or why he was missing a horn. Nobody dared to ask Celestia what the small red dots on her alabaster coat were from. No, everyone was just happy to see that all five of them had managed to get there on time, and in a reasonable number of pieces.


Author's Note:

Forgive me for the rushed state of this chapter, this was written in roughly 3 - 5 hours. I know it isn't much and it's riddled with errors. But it's all I could make in such a short time.

I hope you'll forgive me and have a good Holiday!