• Published 29th May 2014
  • 6,863 Views, 141 Comments

The Equine Masters - OtterP

Giant ponies have enslaved humanity, and once great countries are reduced to mere vassals. What waits for two young siblings in Equestria where humans are sold as property.

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Chapter 2: Sold

Princess Twilight Sparkle levitated a cup of hot tea to her lips and took a careful sip, not wanting to take a chance of spilling the liquid as she read an old manuscript from Golden Oaks Library’s shelves, one that documented their first encounter with humanity and their subsequent invasion. Noting the dates, Twilight made a few mental calculations. The manuscript described events that had taken place 1289 years ago.

After the three tribes had united, an amazing discovery had been made, a portal, a gateway to another world was found. Ponies argued and debated how do deal with the discovery and after an expedition was sent which discovered that the world was inhabited by tiny, hardly bigger than a parasprites, but intelligent creatures.

Their whole world appeared to be a miniature version of Equestria with tiny animals and trees.
With the portal working both way, there were fears that this would unbalance the newly formed Kingdom, these fears were used to conquer and annex newly found lands.

Twilight tapped her hoof against her chin, and took a more recent document and continued reading: after the Earth had been conquered and annexed, humans had become servants and Equestria had prospered since then, and despite the occasional grumblings and objections, most ponies had accepted it.

On Earth, humans were allowed to rules their own countries with a certain degree of autonomy, but all of them were subservient to their equine masters.

Twilight closed the book, and thought about her decision to finally buy a human, she had always wanted to have one, but Spike had not approved of it, or the whole way the ponies kept humanity under their hooves.

After Rarity had bought one, Twilight had talked to Spike and convinced him about it. She doubted that a human could do anything in the library, but it would be fascinating to have one as a pet.

Twilight smiled, excited thinking of what kind of human she was going to buy. Looking at the clock, she got up. It was almost time.

Twilight closed the door and trotted towards Ponyville’s market, where the traders and their wagon had stopped.

Twilight spotted Rarity and Sweetie Belle; they were walking side by side, chatting. Twilight trotted over to them.

“Hey, Rarity, Sweetie Belle.”

Coming closer to them she noticed that Sweetie Belle had a small boy on her back, so small that he could have fit on Twilight’s hoof with plenty of room to spare.

The tiny being was holding on with both hands on Sweetie’s mane and bowed to Twilight.

“G-good morning, Miss Twilight.” he said with a quiet voice.

Twilight smiled and greeted him too, the little human was so adorable and by now had become accustomed to all Rarity’s friends. Rarity had bought him two weeks ago as a helper for her in the shop and as a pet for Sweetie Belle, who now loved the little boy so much that they spent as much time together as possible.

“Hello, Twilight, what brings you here?” Rarity greeted her friend. “Going to see what traders have to offer?” Twilight looked at little boy with filly-like curiosity, and turned her head to Rarity, “Yes, I think I’m going to buy one.”

Rarity looked delighted, “Why, Twilight, that’s wonderful! Trust me, you won’t regret it, little Kevin here has been the most adorable and helpful little human I have known.”

A few days earlier…

Melissa could only stare as the wagon came through the portal. On Earth, they had stopped at a designated point, and a portal had opened. When the wagon had been pulled through it, she felt only a few seconds of discomfort and suddenly the wagon was indoors. It was a hall, the biggest she’d ever seen, but when she compared it to the ponies, she realized that it was only a large room.

Melissa saw a wide table, made of polished material; it could have been just painted and decorated wood, but knowing only rumours about this world, she could only guess. Two unicorn stallions waited besides the table, and appeared oddly similar to Melissa, with their yellow coats and identical clothing, she could tell them apart only because one had a mustache and the other didn’t. Melissa guessed that they must be twins, or if not that then at least brothers.

“What is going to happen now?” Joshua asked quietly, Melissa knew some of what they were going to go through, but she thought that there would be surprises too, probably unpleasant ones. She had already begun to think that this had been a mistake but one look at Joshua, who also was staring the scene, on his knees as the cages were too small to stand.

“We are going through evaluation, to determine how much we are worth to them. They are going to ask you questions. Answer them, you don’t have to be afraid.” Melissa explained and forced a smile to her lips. It seemed to work, when Joshua nodded and smiled.

Prince Blueblood’s cart had gone first and Melissa saw him come out of it and followed him with her gaze as he walked to the table.

“Flim Flam Brothers, our newest stock is here. Evaluate them quickly, I want to know the total sum.”

“Yes, of course, Your Highness,” both said in unison.

The prince looked back, and seemed to go through the humans in cages with his eyes. Melissa was watching him and their eyes met, and she felt a slight shiver in her spine, but the Prince just turned and left the room. All the guards except one unicorn stallion followed him, the civilian unicorn stallion who had been in town also left. The earth pony mare, Bon Bon was her name, walked past them, and nodded to them with a warm smile.

Was that for me?” Melissa thought, since Bon Bon had looked directly at her.

“Please, wait!” Melissa suddenly called her. Bon Bon stopped and turned to face her, and smiled as she came closer. Melissa was a little higher than her eye level so she looked upwards, Melissa had to remain kneeling in her little cage, she put her palm against cage’s mesh.

“I… I wanted to thank you what you did in the town, being… being kind to us.”

“Don’t mention it.” She looked down for a moment, “I had to… Some ponies here are not nice to humans… But the majority of us are! And you will probably get a very nice Master or Mistress.” She said, looking at both Melissa and Joshua. “Sorry, but I have to go now… Maybe we will see each other later.”

With that, Bon Bon left the room, and Melissa was suddenly struck by fear and hopelessness, she was now a slave, a pet to her master, whoever he or she would be.

Does it really matter how nice our Master is? We’re still slaves…” she thought to herself.

She saw that Joshua was sobbing silently; he probably had had the same feeling. Melissa fought against the tears.

I will not cry here, not in front of ponies,” she thought.
“Joshua. It is going to all right.” She said, trying to comfort him.

Flim and Flam walked to the wagon.

“Alrighty, little humans, let’s get started.” the one with a moustache said in cheerful tone.

Both unicorns levitated cages onto the table and produced quills and paper. They inspected their tiny captives, evaluating them, and asked questions, scribbled down their answers. Then they levitated the cages back and took the next ones.

Eventually Joshua’s cage was levitated to the table, he spoke too quietly for Melissa to hear, but the unicorn stallion, one without the moustache, smiled and nodded as Joshua spoke, writing something on paper. Now it was Melissa’s turn and as with others, her cage was levitated from the wagon, the unicorn stallion (with moustache) didn’t show any kind of reaction that she and cage even weighed anything to him. He placed the cage on the table.

“Name and age.” He said, dipping his quill in ink.

“Melissa. Melissa Gilbert, 14-years old.” Melissa answered.

“Any special skills?”

“No, I am… I was a farmer. But I can read and write.”

“Okay, let me look at you.” He said, opening the cage’s door with his magic, “Come out.”

Melissa crawled out and she had to stretch a little, even if she had only been in cage a short time. Suddenly she felt lifting up, and rotated around. She realized that the unicorn must be doing it, and endured it without complaining. She was lowered back on the table, and the unicorn wrote again something.

“You can go back into your cage.”

Melissa thought bitterly to ask how much she was worth, but held her tongue, and crawled back in. The door was then locked and cage was levitated back where it had been and with that, the evaluation was over for her.

The entire procedure went without incident, how Blueblood had killed the man back in town had probably something to do with it.

The brothers then pushed the wagon outside, and what Melissa saw stunned her, all her time on Earth had not prepared what she saw. The tallest buildings she had seen back home were barely taller than an average pony, and now she was watching bright white towers that dwarfed ponies, and seemed to reach to the sky itself, and she realized that they were some kind of inner court of a very large castle.

“Welcome to Canterlot.” The brother with a mustache declared, “The capital of Equestria and the home of the Royal Sisters.” Melissa looked at the scene and begun to understand how hopeless any rebellion against the giant ponies would be.

When she lowered her gaze, Melissa saw Prince Blueblood approaching, one of the brothers bowed and gave a paper to the Prince, and after quickly reading it through, he smiled and nodded to them,

“Very good, where are you heading?”

“First stop is Ponyville, then Las Pegasus.”

“Hmm… when are you leaving?” The Prince asked

“As soon as possible, Your Highness.” Flim answered to the Prince’s questions. Blueblood glanced at the paper again, clearly thinking something. “Is there something wrong?” Flam asked.

“No. There is just this one thing…” Blueblood said, and with a smug grin, turned his head to look at Melissa and Joshua.

End of flashback

Approaching Ponyville’s market, Twilight spotted the Flim Flam brothers and their wagon; they were among the many ponies who traveled around Equestria, selling their human cargo.

“Ugh. Them…” Rarity sighs when she sees the brothers. “Well, Twilight dear, we will be going now, good luck with finding a suitable human.”
Twilight smiled, “Thanks, Rarity.”

Flim and Flam’s smiles widened when they saw Twilight.

“Princess Twilight, Your Highness, are you here to buy a human?”

“Yes, in fact, I am.” Twilight said, and curiously examined the tiny humans. While most of them watched ponies who had come to the market, Twilight noticed one young girl, who was lying in her cage. Her cage was separated from the rest, with no cage beside hers.

“Hey, little one, are you ill?” Twilight asked gently. Flim noticed the girl and hit the cage with his magic, “Wake up, girl! A princess asked you a question!” He turned his head to Twilight, “I’m sorry, Your Highness but these humans are mere peasants and-”

“That won’t be necessary.” Twilight interrupted him. “I will talk to her.”

“As… as you wish.” Flim backed away, and Twilight looked the girl again, she had got up, but looked miserable, looking down, “I’m sorry… Princess.” She said with a weak voice. It was the last straw,

Twilight turned to the brothers, “I will buy this one. How much?”

Both brothers grinned and examined a list, “140 bits, thank you.”

Melissa was slow to react to what they talked about, and only now she looked at the pony who had just bought her, she was a little taller than normal pony, and had an horn and wings, “an alicorn… an alicorn princess”, she thought.

Twilight gave the brothers the money and levitated the cage from the wagon, Melissa took a hold from cage’s mesh as she was brought close to the giant’s face. Melissa shook in fear, but when she looked at her new Mistress’ face she saw only a friendly smile.

“Don’t be afraid, little one. I will give you a wonderful home.”