• Published 29th May 2014
  • 6,858 Views, 141 Comments

The Equine Masters - OtterP

Giant ponies have enslaved humanity, and once great countries are reduced to mere vassals. What waits for two young siblings in Equestria where humans are sold as property.

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Chapter 9: Hope, part 1

Melissa woke up and slowly sat up in her basket bed. She stretched and then looked around, Joshua was still in deep sleep beside her and she smiled at the sight. Based on the sound coming from the bed, Twilight was also still in sleep, one thing she had already learned about her Mistress was that she was not a morning pony. She rubbed her head, her emotions in conflict after all what had happened, they had rescued Joshua but they also were stuck here, like prisoners, she thought, and no way to get home. The thought about home and her family back on Earth made her heart ache but she forced herself to think more cheerful thoughts.

She gently pushed Joshua few times to wake him up too. “Joshua, it is time to wake up.” She said and got a mumbled answer from Joshua, Melissa chuckled and pulled him up. “All right, you sleepy head, get up!”

Twilight blinked and rubbed her eyes with her hoof. She saw that Melissa and Joshua were standing on the floor near her bed. “Uh… Morning…” She said quietly and sat up.

“Good morning, Mistress!” Melissa said. Twilight’s mane was absolute mess which made Joshua giggle a little as the giant pony slowly got on the floor from the bed, standing in front of them in her night pajama.

Twilight walked to the mirror and started to comb her mane. Melissa and Joshua had followed her were standing from some distance away. “Do you have any plans for today, Mistress?” Melissa asked.

“We have to catalogue my books in the library.” Twilight said, turning her head to look at the tiny humans. They looked so adorable together down there. “But first a little breakfast to all of us.” She smiled and put the comb away.

Joshua watched as the enormous pony turned to face them and suddenly her horn lighted up. Joshua felt how her magic enveloped him and let out a small “Eep!” when he felt being lifted up.

Twilight levitated the two small humans on her back where Melissa grabbed her mane and fur for support. Joshua wrapped his arms around Melissa’s waist as he was lowered behind her. Joshua looked down, he was about a dozen meters from the floor and had to sit down his legs spread on Twilight’s wide back. He felt her hand touch his arm. “You have to get used to that.” Melissa said. “Mistress is often like that.”

“O-okay…” Joshua said and held tightly as Twilight trotted downstairs.


It was already afternoon, and Melissa and Joshua were in the library helping Twilight, occasionally she had advised few customers who had come to pick up a book or two, but mostly the work had been sorting out the new books that had come in the mail.

Melissa was looking the books on the table where she and Joshua were, and an idea struck her.

“M-mistress?” Melissa asked carefully, when Twilight was examining a book.

Twilight was sitting near the table and turned her head from the book and looked at her, “Yes, what is it, Melissa.”

“It is Joshua, he can’t read or write properly yet so…” She trailed off. “I was wondering if I could teach him further with the books here?” She asked.

“Oh, that would be great!” Twilight smiled. “I would be happy to help too.”

“Y-you don’t have to do that.” Melissa said, happy that Twilight had accepted it so fast.

“But I insist, I would love to teach him.” Twilight winked.

Melissa nodded, and looked up at her, smiling happily. “Thank you, Mistress!”

Outside, the sun had already climbed high, with only a few small clouds dotting the sky. Near the market, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were buying new supplies, with their little human boy, named Kevin, on Sweetie’s back. He was gently holding on Sweetie’s mane as the two ponies walked towards the market.

Sweetie happened to look at her back to see how little Kevin was doing when she saw something.

“Sis, what is that!?” She squeaked, and Rarity turned to look. An airship was coming to view behind the mountain, it was still some distance away, but it was clear that it was coming towards Ponyville and it wouldn’t be long before it would reach it.

“Oh dear!” Rarity gasped when she recognized the airship. “Sweetie Belle, take ** to home and don’t come out before I come back, is that clear?” She said firmly, but quickly.

“What’s the matter, sis?” Sweetie asked, unsure about Rarity’s sudden change of mood.

“I will explain later, but right now I have to go to tell Twilight. Her humans might be in danger!” Rarity said.

Sweetie swallowed. “I… I will take Kevin back home.”

“Right, and stay with him!” Rarity said, fearing that things might escalate from here. Then she started to run towards Twilight’s library.


“Ponyville in sight, sire.” The guard saluted Prince Blueblood.

“Very good.” He said, and stood up. “It is time to teach that bratty little princess not to poke her nose in other ponies’ business.”

The prince walked to the bridge which was situated in a gondola under the airship. Captain of the airship saluted Blueblood when he stepped in. “”

The captain was grey coated Pegasus pony, his armour gleaming in the sun. “Reverse engines, slow her down.” He ordered and watched the pilot steer towards one particular location in the village.

Blueblood grinned as he saw Twilight’s library tree down below.

“Very good, captain, I am sure we caught them by surprise.” Blueblood said. “Prepare my guards!”


Rarity reached the library tree and saw that Fluttershy was also at the front door, looking up at the airship, which would soon be over head.

“Rarity, do you know what is going on?” Fluttershy said timidly, shivering a little as the huge shadow of the airship crawled over them and the tree.

“I am afraid I do!” Rarity said and took a few breaths. “We have to warn Twilight!”

Rarity opened the door and they both walked in. “Twilight, my dear, are you here!?” Rarity yelled and after a few moments, Twilight’s head poked out of a door. “Hey, Rarity. Fluttershy… Is something wrong?” Said, happily greeting them at first, but frowning when she saw their faces.

“It is Blueblood! His airship is right on top of us soon!” Rarity said, rolling her eyes how Twilight could have missed everything.

“What!” Twilight gasped and stretched her neck to look out of the window, saw that something huge was hovering overhead.

Melissa and Joshua came running from the room. Fluttershy immediately leaned down to them. “Aw, Twilight, I didn’t know you had humans.” She said excitingly, and Melissa and Joshua had to step back as the giant, yellow coated pegasus came towards them.

“Fluttershy, please take care of Melissa and Joshua.” Twilight said, pointing her hoof at the two tiny humans. “I am going to see what Blueblood wants.” She said, even though she pretty much knew what all this was about, and ran upstairs where there was a balcony.

“I will come with you!” Rarity said firmly and galloped after Twilight.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy gasped but then looked down. “Um… My name is Fluttershy…” She said softly, offering her hoof at the two. “Come, little ones, I will take care of you.”

“M-miss Fluttershy, what is happening?” Joshua asked as Fluttershy scooped them both up on her hoof, and held them gently. “I am not sure… but I will not allow anything bad happen to you.” She said firmly, she saw that the girl on her hoof was staring at the window, where proportion of the airship was visible. “Um… Do you know what is happening?” Fluttershy asked timidly when she saw the look on the girl’s face.

“I am afraid that I know.” The tiny girl answered, looking at Fluttershy. “Miss Fluttershy, we have to go now, before it is too late!”

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, before looking firmly at the little human on her hooves. She hugged them safely against her chest and took off, flying out of the door.

Melissa gasped and held tightly on the yellow coated foreleg as the ground below speeded past. She looked at Joshua who was similarly holding on the other leg, but Fluttershy hugged them firmly but gently, which allowed Melissa to relax and even smile a little how the giant pony was carrying them.

Meanwhile, Twilight had reached her balcony, with Rarity that trotted to her side a moment after. The huge airship loomed above them, slowly coming to stop.

“Princess Twilight! How nice for you to come to welcome me to your little village!” They heard a shout coming from the airship and saw Prince Blueblood looking down from the bridge’s window.

“Blueblood, what is the meaning of this!” Twilight shouted back angrily.

“This?” Blueblood smirked and glanced his airship. “This means that I have come to teach a lesson, to you and to all the ponies, what it means to steal about me.”

“Steal? What do you mean?” Rarity said.

“Oh, Rarity, you know full well what I mean.” Blueblood said back and waved his hoof. “Arrest them and all the humans you find inside!”

Twilight and Rarity watched as several ropes dropped from the airship and several of his guards slid down and Pegasus guards took into air, gliding down towards them.


Fluttershy had landed outside of Ponyville and they were now lying low and watching as Blueblood’s guards go in Twilight’s library.

“Twilight is a strong alicorn, Blueblood is going to regret this.” Fluttershy said quietly. Melissa and Joshua looked back at her, as they were standing in front her hooves. Fluttershy was on her stomach on the grass and smiled down at them. “So don’t worry.”

“Miss Fluttershy… What about us?” Melissa said. “I think this is all our fault.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked puzzled.

“Mistress and Miss Rarity rescued me from Prince Blueblood’s castle.” Joshua said. “And now they are…” He whimpered.

Fluttershy moved her hoof behind Joshua and gently pulled the tiny boy closer to her. “Shh… I am sure Twilight and Rarity don’t blame you.” She said softly.

“But we are still just her slaves!” Melissa protested, not knowing what to feel as she looked back at the library tree. Twilight was definitely better than Blueblood but in the end, how much difference there actually was.

Melissa looked up, at Fluttershy’s face. “Miss Fluttershy, can you help us? Is there anything you could do?”

The way they both looked at her was breaking Fluttershy heart, and she thought carefully for several moments. “Little ones, you must not tell anypony what I will tell you.” She said firmly.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will be the finale. ;)