• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2020

Flying High

I write romance. Yay

Comments ( 14 )

I think it progressed far too quickly. But for the purposes of a simple clopfic, it did deliver.

It might just be my standards being too high :twilightsheepish:

This story isn't bad by any means...but I just want to say, don't get into the habit of writing these. Clopfics are overdone and unoriginal. You should put effort into writing something entertaining AND original.

Out of all the short clop-fics I've read (which are few and far between, mind you) this is, well, interesting. It was quite fast paced, but it was short, so it makes sense. I still can't decide whether I like Twi and Celestia or Twi and Dash better... But this story is tipping the scales in favor of royalty... :trollestia::heart::twilightsmile:


There's nothing about clop that says it can't be original or worthwhile, nor should you base your decisions around what other people are writing. Write what you want and strive to write it better than anyone else, it's as simple as that.

4491158 I'm not saying that it CAN'T be original. But honestly, this story isn't.

Other then it being a little rushed it was good!!

i think yo should avoid words like vagina and pussy because it kills the mood a bit and it makes it flow better if you use marehood and clit all those words or the parts of the pussy.

4497969 Agreed. Sometimes such terms are necessary, but those times are few and far between. There's no reason to be crass, especially between two respected individuals such as Twi and Princess Celestia. :twistnerd:


The first one I have posted on FimFiction, yes. I have written other stories, they just haven't been posted before. This is the first one that has been posted online, actually.

I must say, your story is absolutely amazing. It is a bit short and rushed but still a great story. And in my opinion TwiLestia is the best ship, the raunchier the better when it comes to those two. I give your story a 9.5 out of 10.

Very well done, expect more of your works in the near future. :-)

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