• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 6,755 Views, 245 Comments

Instant Teenager - SeasonTheWiccan

Cue is grown up, almost ready to graduate, but she wants to find some way to thank her mother for all that she had done for her...the Wonderbolts might help, but will she be able to handle living by herself while Rainbow is away?

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Partings and Suspiscions

Two weeks later, Rainbow left for Cloudsdale. Throughout those next two weeks, Rainbow made sure to spend every, living, breathing second with Cue and her friends. Though Cue found it embarrassing sometimes, she understood where her Mom was coming from, she was going through separation anxiety. This was the first time that they would be apart for a long period of time, with the exception that Rainbow would be coming home on the weekends so she could spend time with Cue. And Rainbow's newest hesitation of Cue clubbing, drinking and partying showed when she arranged for Twilight to keep tabs on Cumulus during and after her grounding. And at first, Cue moaned and groaned when her Mom first told her this and told her Mom that she learned her lesson, but Rainbow came back with the fact that she just wanted to make sure that there wasn't a repeat performance and Cue backed down. Though Cue understood why she chose Aunt Twilight, she was responsible, she was smart, etc. etc. Cue was mostly worried about the college lecture from her. She face hoofed at the thought of every time Aunt Twilight came below their house to check on her, she'd come with a saddlebag full of college applications for her to fill out. And they'd either fill them out together at the library or she'd give them to Cue to fill out later, which, in truth, Cue would stow away in a bin under her bed with the rest of them. Was her Mother TRYING to torture her? Probably.

When the day came, Cue was actually mostly silent, she was happy for her Mother but she was also going through separation anxiety. Cue was eating her breakfast with a look of gloom on her face; Rainbow noticed this and asked, "Cue...you okay?"

Cue snapped out of it, she couldn't let her Mom know that she was having doubts or else she'd want to quit, "I'm fine...just fine."

"Cue, just tell me. You can tell me anything."

Cue took a deep breath and responded, "I'm just...well...it's...separation anxiety."

Rainbow smiled, "You too huh?"

Cue nodded as she let one tear come out of her eye, Rainbow then wrapped her arms around her, "Look, it's all gonna work out...okay? You wanna know how?"


"I raised you, that's why. I taught you everything I know and you have 5 Aunts that are gonna make sure that you stay in line."

This comforted Cue a little as he Mother continued, "Now, listen, there's something I need you to do for me..."


"I need you to promise me that if you're in trouble...EVER...that you won't think twice about finding a way to get me. Just send a letter, send Flutters or Derpy to Cloudsdale, whatever and I will fly back here as fast as I can any time of day or night...promise?"

Cue nodded, "I promise."

They then heard a knock on the door, Soarin came to escort her to Cloudsdale, even though Rainbow said numerous times that she knew the way there by herself when Soarin offered. Rainbow went to open it and once Soarin was in view, he greeted her, "Hey Rainbow."

"Hey Soar."

They quickly kissed and Rainbow let him enter, she then led him into the kitchen where Cumulus was. Soarin greeted her with a side hug and said, "Hey there Cutie Pie!"

"Hey Soarin."

Since Soarin started dating her Mom, he'd already came up with a nickname for her which Cue didn't mind all that much. The first time he called her that, she didn't know who he was addressing, she thought he was talking to her Mom. But then he ruffled Cue's hair and said playfully, "I'm talking to YOU kid!"

"Oh!" Cue said with realization.

"You don't mind right? I just think it fits."

"No, I don't mind."

"Okay then Cutie Pie."

Cumulus also just had to laugh at his sense of humor, he told funny jokes and sometimes play teased Cue and he made sure not to say anything offensive. On this day, it was no different, he began with asking, "So how do you fell about having the house to yourself?"

"I'm a little nervous..."

"Don't worry about it, you'll get the hang of it...then you can possibly throw a party...or two..."

Then Rainbow stepped in, "Soarin! I'm trying to keep from doing that...you remember what happened last time."

"Oh right! How could I forget? She got drunk off her flank!"

Cue face hoofed embarrassed, she was now the talk of the school because of her actions 2 weeks ago and even though her friends stuck by her, she was still the victim of Bit and Gem's tormenting. But lately, Cue noticed that Bit was becoming more of the driving force while Gem was always the follower, it was usually Gem who was driving Bit forward. But she put it out of her mind, thinking that it wasn't anything to worry about. That, and their dating life wasn't her business, Cue's crush on Shiny Bit had died down to nothing over the years once she saw that it was never going to happen. Plus the fact that her Mom said that he wasn't for her.

"Do you REALLY want to be with somepony who's related to Diamond Tiara?" she asked.

Remembering how Diamond had ruined her Cute-ceniera, she said, "No."

"Then he's just not for you, but don't worry about it...these kinds of things take time, sometimes a bit unexpectedly."

Back in the present, Rainbow went upstairs to get her saddlebags, which were mostly filled with pictures of her and Cue, her Wonderbolt uniforms and Daring Do books. Cue and Soarin waited at the front door for her to come down and it was now dawning on Cue, she was going to be home alone. She was so nervous about keeping a house in order, but kept herself calm when she told herself that she was the only one she had to take care of, thank Celestia. At least there weren't any other lives she had to look after, like children, she would not be able to handle that situation. Cue then heard her Mom come down the stairs and both mother and daughter was forcing back tears.

Rainbow saw this on her daughter as she went to the door, she then turned to Soarin. He only nodded, he understood what she had to do, Soarin went outside to wait for Rainbow as she said goodbye to Cumulus. Cue heard the door close and felt a hoof holding her face. Rainbow didn't know if she was going to be able to leave Cumulus, her Little Cue, but she knew that she had to. It was going to happen someday, and she thought that this might be good practice for when it DID happen. She might change her mind about college, get married or just decide to move out. Rainbow had been dreading this day of parting, it was going to be hard on both of them, how could she leave her Cumulus? But she had to, for numerous reasons.

"Cue, it's gonna be okay..." was the only thing Rainbow could say to reassure Cumulus and herself.

"I know Mom, it's just..." Cue couldn't hold it in any longer, she hugged her mother and sobbed into her shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you."

Rainbow hugged her back, "I know Cue...I will too..."

Rainbow now began to cry a bit, she knew it was coming and it hurt so much. But she had to put on the bravest voice she could come up with, "Look, I'll be back this weekend, I PROMISE! No matter what the weather Pegasi throw my way, I will come back. Okay?"

Cue sniffed as Rainbow wiped away a tear, "Okay, I...I feel better now."

"That's my big girl."

Rainbow then kissed her forehead, opened the door and left. Rainbow could not believe she was doing this and what she was leaving behind, 'I'm coming back,' she told herself. 'I'm coming back.'

The week went by quickly for Cue, though at first having the house to herself was a little scary. Without her Mom there, it just felt empty, it was like waking up in the morning and expecting to see your loved one only to find that they're gone. But Cue quickly grew used to it because she had the weekend to look forward to, she started counting days, minutes, even hours to the time her Mom would be back when Aunt Twilight came with more College information. Insert exasperated teenage groan here. When Aunt Twilight came to check on her, she just wanted to find a place to hide and pray that she didn't use her cloud walking spell, that plan failed, Aunt Twilight always did that when Cue didn't respond. Cue would then quickly dart up to her room, get out her record player, place her headphones over her ears and start playing the loudest music she owned which was her favorite rock band: Skillet.

Twilight would then look around the house and would hear the tinny music coming from Cue's room; when she saw Cumulus lip syncing the lyrics to the song 'Monster,' she'd tap Cue on the shoulder and Cue would see her and take the headphones off.

"Why didn't you respond?" Twilight would ask.

"Sorry, music was too loud."

Twilight would then roll her eyes and simply say, "Teenagers."

Two weeks went by and Cue was now officially off of her grounding which meant she could go out with her friends again after school. But, on the first day of her ungrounding, things in her role as Valedictorian and her views on her enemies took a very surprising turn. It was a normal weekday for Cue, Fall was gradually turning into Winter. As Cumulus flew, she felt the bite of the chilled air on her coat, it's a good thing she had a warm scarf and hat on or she'd be doomed. She walked to school with her friends, as always; but when they arrived, Cumulus heard an argument taking place between Gem and Bit. They were by the side of the school building which normally would be their 'make out' spot and Cue and the others usually avoided interrupting for obvious reasons. But today, by the words being exchanged between the two, Cumulus felt something towards Gem that she'd never felt before: concern. And it was because of this that she felt she needed to listen in and possibly try to help Gem, she knew that this sounded ridiculous, wanting to help the mare who had made her life Tartarus since Kindergarten. But her Aunt Fluttershy once said, "Even if somepony wasn't all that nice to you, if they're in trouble, you help them as best as you can."

Cumulus stopped by the steps to listen when her efforts were interrupted by her friends, "Cue, you coming?" Autumn asked.

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

Dandelion and Autumn shrugged their shoulders and went inside as Cumulus quietly tracked her way to where the couple was arguing but she made sure that she wouldn't be seen. She felt the building and stopped when she felt the corner of, she was now in earshot of their conversation.

"Bit, I had a family trip, okay? I told you that it was last minute and that's why I couldn't make it!"

"Oh yeah, sure, and while you were at it I guess you took the time to meet somepony new huh?"

"I told you! It was my 10 year old cousin that we were seeing! He just got his cutie mark and he's my favorite cousin! For Celestia's sake Bit! Get a grip!"

"And meanwhile, I was stuck at the restaurant and had no idea where you were!"

"Bit, you are not in control of me, okay? Let's just move on...alright?"


Cue heard Bit coming her way, she quickly flew upward so he wouldn't see that she was eavesdropping. Once she knew that Bit was out of hearing range, she landed and heard Gem approaching, Cumulus knew that something was going on by the small sniffles Gem was making.


"What do YOU want Cumulus?"

"Look I'm just trying to help."

"Help with what?"

"Look, I know that you're the type of pony who hates admitting that she needs help. But listen to me, I overheard you and Bit's argument and...I just want to know what's going on so I know that you need the help."

"Well guess what? I don't need your so called 'help!' I'm fine doing this on my own."

"Gem, I - "

"It's none of your business!"

She then walked past her while forcefully nudging Cumulus to the side, meanwhile, Cumulus wondered what was going on between Bit and Gem and how much worse it would become.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took so long, I've been busy with the Instant Mom Audio Drama and Angel Wings so please forgive me! But, a couple of facts in this chapter that may have caught your attention:

Yes, Cumulus is a Panhead! (She's a Skillet fan) Hard to imagine somepony as quiet as she is could be into heavy metal and rock music...me and my sister's the same way, we're both very quiet people (sometimes I am) and we like heavy metal and rock music... mostly musicians like Shinedown*, Nickleback, Three Day's Grace*, Evanescence, Daughtry* (Does he count? No? Too bad!), Avenged Sevenfold, P.O.D*, Papa Roach, Rise Against, Starset...the list is too long for me to list them all. I'm kinda into Skillet's music, I've only heard 3 songs by them ('Monster,' 'Never Surrender,' and 'Sometimes') and they sound awesome! But that part in the story was a tribute to a couple of my offline friends who are major Panheads and one of them introduced me to Skillet's music!

*- I've seen them in concert!

Songs I Reccomend by the Artists I Listed:

Shinedown - Enemies and Devour
Nickleback - Burn it to the Ground and If Today Was Your Last Day
Three Day's Grace - Chalk Outline and Riot
Evanescence - Bring Me to Life and My Immortal
Daughtry - Open Up Your Eyes and Life After You
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare and Trashed and Scattered
P.O.D. - Murdered Love and Youth of the Nation
Papa Roach - Where Did the Angels Go? and No Matter What
Rise Against - Satellite and Make it Stop
Starset - My Demons and Carnivore

And secondly, what the buck is going on between Gem and Bit? Time will tell.