• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 6,755 Views, 245 Comments

Instant Teenager - SeasonTheWiccan

Cue is grown up, almost ready to graduate, but she wants to find some way to thank her mother for all that she had done for her...the Wonderbolts might help, but will she be able to handle living by herself while Rainbow is away?

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Cumulus could not believe how much her head hurt! It was a mix between a pound and an ache, she wasn't sure she would be able to stand up and walk a straight line. But somehow she did and went downstairs, she heard her Mom cutting vegetables on a cutting board for breakfast. Cue entered the kitchen and noticed the sound of her Mom's cutting, it sounded like she was angry at somepony. But who was it? All Cue could remember was being at the party and then waking up here.

'Uh oh.'

Cue now knew that her Mom was not happy with her, but how did she get home? She couldn't remember anything from the other night. Did she fly herself home? Did her Mom wake up and realize she was gone? Or did a Wonderbolt bring her home? She vaguely remembered dancing in a provocative way with a stallion. Did she - ? Oh sweet Celestia she hoped she didn't! Her Mother would bury her alive and dance on her grave (not literally!) She felt a wave of panic run through her, if she did, what if she was-

'I'll check later, I'll go to the store and get a test, but right now...face the ticking time bomb in the kitchen.'

She gulped and entered slowly with her head hanging in shame and fear, she was ashamed of what she did and possibly did and she was scared of her Mother's reaction. She just sat down as her Mother continued chopping, not saying a word.

Rainbow had heard her come in and was resisting the urge to yell, no, scream at her for what she did. She thought she would never have to worry about Cue doing something like this, but, now it seems she did now. Words cannot tell you how angry and disappointed she was in her.

'What was she thinking?' she thought to herself.

Cue gulped again and spoke, "Hi...Mom..."

Rainbow still couldn't contain her anger, so she didn't respond to her.

"Mom? Are you mad?"

'Mad? MAD? MAD doesn't even cover it!' she thought to herself.

"Mom?" Cue asked again, getting a little scared now.

Rainbow couldn't take it anymore, she threw the knife into the cutting board making Cue jump at the sound. She was dead, so very, very dead.

"MAD isn't even going to cut how I feel right now Cumulus!!" she yelled as she quickly spun around.

Cumulus shrunk in her seat as Rainbow flew towards her, "I was MAD when you flew without my supervision when you were 11, I was MAD when you punched Sparkling Gem when she wasn't even bothering you or your friends when you were 13....you wanna know how I feel right now? You really want to know? I...am...FURIOUS!!"

Cumulus felt tears pricking her eyes, "I...I just..."

"I know! You think that because your Valedictorian you can do whatever you want! But, NEWS FLASH honey! That's NOT how it works...okay? I NEVER EVER expected this out of you! EVER! What in the name of Celestia were you THINKING?!?!?!"


"You know what? I don't wanna HEAR it, in fact, you know what? I don't even wanna LOOK at you right now I'm so angry with you!"

Cumulus was dumbstruck, and was rendered speechless as Rainbow continued.

"I mean it this time, out of all the messes you get into this has to be the WORST!!! I've NEVER been so disappointed in you in my entire LIFE!!! Do you realize what could have happened to you?! You could've overdone it and..." The thought was so frightening, Rainbow couldn't even finish the sentence.

All Cue could do was sit there.

"What do have to say about all this?"

Cue now had tears coming out of her eyes.

Rainbow slammed her hoof on the table, "Answer me!"

Cue took a few deep breaths then spoke, "I...I wanted to talk to Commander Spitfire.."

"About what? What was SO important that you had to sneak out?"

"I...can't...tell you."

"Why? Because you're LYING?!?"

"It's not a LIE I swear!"

"Then tell me what you needed to talk to her about and we can move on!"


This shocked both of them, Cue had never, ever just outright told her Mother 'no' when ordered to do something.

"Then I'm going to assume that you're lying and we can move on to the next subject...when did you start drinking?"

"I had one glass and next thing I knew, I was here! I don't remember anything, I swear! Well, except for me dancing with that stallion but..."

"You were WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?"

Whoops. Major whoops.


"Cue, tell me NOW!"

"Look, it was probably nothing..."

"PROBABLY?!?!? What did you DO?!"

"I'm telling you, I don't remember!"

Rainbow felt her eye twitching, then managed to finally calm herself a little, "Cue, right now, I've got you on 4 charges...1 week for each!"


"Yes, 1 count on sneaking out, 1 count for lying to me, 1 count for drinking, and 1 count for your inappropriate...I don't even want to think about it...whatever with that stallion."

"But we don't know if anything even HAPPENED!!"

"Oh, but we are GOING to find out!"

Rainbow then went to the pharmacy and picked up a pregnancy test, not daring to explain to the clerk who it was for and under what circumstances. She was too embarrassed, she wasn't even sure if she would tell her friends. She didn't know if anything happened, but if something did, 'Oh Celestia help her if something did,' she thought.

Cue stayed home, contemplating everything her Mom had said, everything she said was like a stab in the heart. She was furious, she was angry, she was disappointed and so on. She never meant for this to happen, but why did it? If only she hadn't taken that drink, if only she found the door quicker, then everything would've been fine and her Mom wouldn't be screaming at her.

When she came home, she had Cue take the test; they then waited for the results. They were in the kitchen and Rainbow held the test in her hoof praying that a blue minus would show up, they waited and with a praise to Celestia, a blue minus came up.

Rainbow sighed with relief and dropped the test onto the table saying to Cue, "You're lucky, it's negative."

Rainbow then placed her head in her hooves as Cue approached her, Rainbow then said, "Go to your room, I don't even want to look at you right now."

Tears pricking her eyes, she flew towards the steps and said, "You wouldn't even let me feathering explain."

"Watch your language!" Rainbow called to her in a warning tone.

"Whatever!" Cue then flew up to her room and closed her door with a slam. She then collapsed on her bed and wept into her pillow, her mother had NEVER said things like that to her before. She was hurt deeply, 'She called me a liar! A LIAR!'

She'd never lied a day in her life, and she wasn't lying now! She wanted to explain but couldn't, she wouldn't have believed her, not that she did now anyway. This incident caused a strain in their relationship and this fight would not soon be forgotten.