• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 1,874 Views, 30 Comments

The Eclipsing Midnight - Miracle

[Macrophilia material] "The Shaman" Returns to Canterlot in order to live a 'normal' life, but little does she know of the power inside her

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Author's Note:

Note: contains unethical isolation

It was a sunny, cloudless day in the town of Canterlot, the streets were bustling with joy, as the town's citizens went through their weekly routine. Everything was perfect...

...Well, almost perfect--You see, one of the ponies stood out above the rest, her name was Midnight Eclipse, a small unicorn also known as 'The Shaman', having a recently brushed white and red mane, not to mention a gorgeous pale-yellow coat, was researching the common principles of size manipulation, her thirst for knowledge of the arcane arts was the reason she was visiting Canterlot this weekend, she wasn't from the town of Canterlot, meaning she also had little to no experience with the layout of the city, itself.

Midnight wasn't as wealthy or clean as other ponies around her, but there was just something that didn't seem normal to the usual pony anatomy--her upper torso was holding up a sleek pair of large, green leaves, similarly to how a pegasus' wings would fit on a pony--The only problem being was that she wasn't a pegasus, and even then, she couldn't fly, she was just a unicorn, after all.

It was just past ten, and the sun began to shine down upon the great city, making the temperature rise dramatically; Midnight was starting to sweat from the immense heat as she trotted past the many stalls and wagons selling various merchandise, as she searched in need of a place to wet her whistle.

She was in luck--The local bistro around the street was just mere steps away. Although she entered with little-to-no-hassle, she was completely unaware that she was putting herself at great risk, not one of robbery or mugging, but social vilification and isolation.

The minute Midnight entered the bar, everything went silent, the music came to a screeching halt, and all of a sudden, the sweat on her forehead seemed to multiply in size, looking back at what was now the eyes of dozens of ponies in the room, staring at her in awe.

Many awkward seconds later, Midnight attempted to slowly trot towards the counter, the floorboards creaking as she nervously stepped on them.

Trying to cause as little attention as she could, Midnight gradually made it to the row of barstools; The nearby ponies moved away as she sat onto the stool, kicking both of her rear hooves up onto the table, in her normal fashion, acting as she normally would at her local bar.

An embarrassing smirk drew upon her face, as she could hear the mumbled whisper of disapproval from the ponies around her.

Words barely formed correctly, until she managed to ask the bartender:

"Ca... Can I, uh--CanIHaveADrinkPlease?"

The bartender responded by slamming a beer mug onto the counter, with a small sigh in anger.

What exactly did she do to provoke him?

She was about to find out.

"Slow down, ma'am, what is it that you want again?" He said, nearly in shock to what he heard.

"A... Drink--OF... Uh, umm..."

The bartender was getting impatient to hear her request, rudely interrupting her.

"I beg your pardon, you... Want something to drink, here?" He yelled, showing an increase in hostility.

One of the ponies in the back room yelled out: "We don't appreciate 'your' kind, in our establishment, young lady."

Midnight wasn't very comfortable with how she was being addressed like this, she had no right to be treated any differently to any other pony would.

"Huh? What did I do to you folks?" Midnight cooed, her face slightly blushing red in humiliation.

The bartender raised a curious eyebrow at Midnight, unsure how to answer.

"This restaurant has a dress code, you know; Unless you're formally dressed, we cannot serve you, ma'am--And unless you take off the 'arts and crafts', we'll have to ask you to leave."

Midnight took her rear hooves off of the counter, realising how disrespectful it was.
Although she heard what the bartender told her, she was confused by what he said about her "Arts and crafts".

"Sorry, I think I misheard you... What do you mean by 'Arts and crafts'" She asked, slightly confused.

The bartender indicated with his hoof what he was talking about, pointing to the leaves stuck to her upper torso.

"I was referring to those... Organic things on you; I assume you're in some children's play, yes?"

A small group of ponies behind Midnight could be heard snickering at her, forming into laughter.

The sheer frustration Midnight could feel was incredible, her hoof was hot to the touch, her pupils began to dilate, and her heartbeat increased exponentially.

Her final sparking point, however, was when one of the ponies from the group poked at her "Arts and crafts", that was the last ounce of dignity that Midnight could muster, she couldn't take it anymore.

Her vision clouded, in an illogically unusual way...
A large hypnotic swirl of blue and green was all she could see...

She wasn't sure what she was going to do to them, but something... Unusual, inside of her was telling her to defend herself... The organic material on her body began to glow, releasing a terrifying power that even Midnight was unaware of.

The ponies that gathered around her were speechless, now regretting their xenophobia against her, as they slowly backed up.

Midnight was unsure what just happened, at first she thought she fell asleep, but after looking around, and seeing her own reflection in the mirror, she realised something different... Her body didn't change, but her size sure did, she was now approximately an added half of her original size, almost big enough to hit her head on the ceiling.

When she saw the ponies, gathered around the room, her mind instantly clicked into motion, her ability to reason was now gone, meaning the rage she felt moments ago, only magnifying the danger to anypony nearby.

She was pissed, and worst of all, she didn't care who or what she hurt in the process.