• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 1,874 Views, 30 Comments

The Eclipsing Midnight - Miracle

[Macrophilia material] "The Shaman" Returns to Canterlot in order to live a 'normal' life, but little does she know of the power inside her

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Author's Note:

Note: contains unethical morality, gore, and murder.

A moment of silence was in the room, as Midnight darted towards the end of the bar, to find a shivering pony hiding under the counter--The bartender, to be specific.

As soon as she saw him, it was over... Easily ripping off the counter, nailed to the floor, now thrown to the side with the various drinks and beverages, effortlessly landing on a group of now-injured ponies.

The look in the Bartender's eye was one of imminent death, he knew something was about to happen to him, and the looming shadow from above confirmed it.

With no remorse, Midnight struck the first blow at him, pinning him to the mirrored wall with her hoof. The force of the impact knocked him out, instantly, sending him flailing to the ground as Midnight removed her grasp upon him.

At this point, Midnight's hoof was slowly hovering above the pony's head, lowering down until it was then quickly slammed onto the floor, with the impact being as hard as rock.

When Midnight looked at her hoof, after lifting off the ground, a sinister grin smiled upon her face, her cheekbones stretching from ear to ear, as she saw the crimson mess that was the mixture of the bartender's skull, blood and brain, now painted on her hoof.

Midnight seemed to enjoy the carnage, so much so that she began to stomp her hooves all over the lifeless body, until he was nothing but an unrecognisable puddle of blood and flesh.

Another energy burst hit her, and her adrenaline was through the roof... Along with Midnight. She couldn't explain how, but the sudden pleasure in power seemed to be linked to her unusual anatomy... whenever she slowly grew in size, her leaves started to glow even brighter.

Waking up after a few seconds of immobilisation, Midnight saw the mess she made, looking similar to a really bad bar-brawl; After attempting to get up, she realised her head hit something, looking up, she saw a massive hole where her head hit the ceiling... Not only was she now approximately four times as big as the average pony, but even worse, she was now also four times as deadly.

Midnight wasn't satisfied, lusting for more from the town of Canterlot, and its xenophobic citizens...

"Canterlot, you're mine..." She secretly whispered to herself, easily crashing through the wall of the bistro, and into the market district, ready to cause havoc on anypony who got in her way.

A nearby shop owner came to investigate the noises heard from across the street, moments after Midnight left the bistro, immediately noticing the damage caused.

"Goodness... What happened? ...W-Who could've done this?" She asked to herself, unaware of the monster who caused it.

A small rumble behind her was approaching, followed by the sound of somepony clearing their throat, getting her attention as she looked behind her.


Midnight gave her an unexpected answer to her question, as the poor, tiny pony froze in fear.

"I believe that was me, you little scamp."

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise!" Midnight said, reassuringly.

The other pony was relieved, thankful for her mercy.

"Really, you mean it? Y-You're not gonna kill me, or anything?"

The sinister look in Midnight's eyes became even more aggressive--A small giggle came from her mouth as she quickly lowered her hoof over the pony, below.

"What was that, I can't hear you?" Midnight shouted, sarcastically, as her hoof buried into the ground.

To her surprise, Midnight could still feel the pony under her hoof squirming, still alive, with her muffled screams barely heard.

"You're gonna pop, honey... Don't do it..."

After she continued to feel the resistance under her hoof, she began counting down, slowly, essentially timing her death.


...And, squish!"

She said, in orgasm, twisting her hoof downwards, left and right for several seconds.

Sliding her hoof across the street, she was satisfied with the kill, showing nothing but blood in her hoofprint, leaving an overdramatic remark as she trotted and stomped towards the main streets.

"I told you, you were gonna pop, darlin'."