• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 7,903 Views, 562 Comments

Celestiphilia - Dr Atlas

(A sequel to Celestiphobia.) Carl wants Stan to partake in the tradition of getting drunk to celebrate the success of the treaty. He then realizes what a horrible mistake that was.

  • ...

Getting awkward now

Author's Note:

Wow...over a month...and it's this short...
studying and working on other stories does that to ya.
So...here's that chapter that you have either been waiting or dreading or excited to see.
I just hope I can end it soon.


“Do you always have to start it like that?”

The lab coat wearing changeling behind the front desk rolled his blue eyes and glared at Shift and Lift. “Look, I really don’t have the time for this right now, the doctors are so busy they put me, a caretaker, on desk duty, you know how responsible that is?”

Shift and Lift exchanged glances and looked back at the changeling. Lift asked, “Listen...uh...what’s your name?” The changeling adjusted his coat, showing off his nametag that was clipped to it. “Ah, well uh...Dr. A, I believe that maybe you should not care about what’s going on right now and think about the future.”

The doctor raised an eye, “Psh, really? What kind of future are you talking about, one filled with cheesy dance moves and songs, sorry boys, but your plan is perhaps the most-”

“Wonderful thing I have ever heard.”

The doctor and DJs looked down the hall to see Chrysalis still clinging to an IV pole with caretakers beside her. “C-Chrysalis, you’re still hurt.” The changeling doctor was was about to leap off the counter, but the queen made her way to the desk in time to stop him.

“Listen, child, I’m sorry to break it to you,” She turned to Shift and Lift. “but their plan just might work.”

The DJ's smiled. “Really?” They said in unison.

One of the caretakers had the same expression the doctor had. “You can’t be serious, my queen. How will a song-”

The queen chuckled. “Songs can do many things, Rick, and I did see these two pull off a slight musical before, correct?”

The DJ's fidgeted. “Well…” Shift started.

“You see.” Lift said. “We kinda…”

“Didn’t think it would work...since...uh.”

“We only learned...from example…”

“L-Like what you did, Chrisy.”

“So, we thought that, if we tried it.”

“It would work.”

Chrysalis smiled. “And it did work, so perhaps we should give it another go,” She turned to the doctor and Rick. “Don’t you agree?”

Rick looked away and the doctor crossed his hooves. “I seriously doubt singing in the street can do this, that would be too...well...cheesy.”

Chrysalis shrugged. “It’s better than staying here.” She turned her other caretaker. “See how many changelings can walk, we need as many as we can.”

The changeling nodded and made her way to the rooms. Chrysalis smiled and made her way to the front doors, the DJ’s followed while Dr. A stayed at the front desk. “This day just gets weirder and weirder.” He tapped his chin and looked away just as the doors opened again. “Can’t help but feel this whole thing is going off tra-”


Dr. A nearly fell to the floor. “Wh-wha...C-Carl, what are you-”

“No...huf...no time…” The panting changeling put his hooves on the desk and panted heavily. “I...I need to...to speak with...som..someone who...uh…”

“Sorry, but the other doctors are currently too busy with other patients, so I don’t think they can help with...whatever you want them to do.”

Carl looked up with pleading eyes. “I...I just need a...a few minutes is all...c-can’t you help…”

The changeling doctor raised an eye. “How the heck can I help? I know my name has doctor in it...but...I’m not really a-”

Carl slammed his hoof on the table, causing almost everyone in the waiting room to jolt up. “I just need you to look at me!”

The doctor stepped back and sighed. “Ugh….fine, but can we please make it-”

Carl leapt over the table and dove under it, he then motioned the doctor to do the same. “quick…” Dr. A finished. He looked back at the others too see if they were done looking at them. Once the coast was clear, he crawled under the desk and faced Carl. “Alright, what do you want me to ‘look’ at anyway?”

Carl started fidgeting. “Well, uh...you see, there’s this..thing...or...a lot of things that are….um...on me...and.”

“What, like an infection or rash or-”

“I-I don’t know, and it’s...it’s...well.”

“It’s what? Where is this ‘thing’ you’re talking about anyway.”

Carl started sweating, thinking that this wasn’t the best idea. “W-well...I-It’s somewhere...hehe...he…” The smile he put on wasn’t fooling the doctor.

“Will you just show me already, I doubt its that baAAAAAAH!”

Carl cringed once he showed him where the apparent marks were from earlier. He even closed his eyes, not wanting to see the doctor’s expression. “W-well, go on...t-tell me what’s up with it.”

Dr. A was having trouble comprehending what he was seeing, he knew what it was, but the only thing that bothered him were the marks. “W-where...where did...did you get those...those-”

Carl opened one eye and started covering up the apparent ‘infected area’ on him. “I-I dunno doc, I woke up in a bathroom and saw that more were on my face, but I washed them off, but for some reason.” Carl looked down again and sighed. “It’s really hard to get these off, it’s like something took a lot of work to make sure these would stay blue like this, and sparkle too.”

Dr. A was starting to get more uncomfortable than he was before. He knew exactly what was on Carl, but his mind was deciding whether or not he should tell him. “Uh...Carl, are you...sure you don’t remember how you got them.”

Carl shook his head. “No idea, do you know what they are?” Carl showed the marks again, only for Dr. A to shield his eyes from it.

“I-I know what they are, Carl, stop showing them.”

“Well, what are they?”

Dr. A scratched the back of his neck. “Well, how do I put this…”


Stan groaned in pain as he opened his eyes, seeing a broken window in front of him. He rolled over only to crush the small glass that scattered around him. He groaned louder in pain and started standing up. “W-what kind of idiot...uuuooohhh...thinks going through a winDOWOWOW..is a good idea.”

He crawled his way to soft carpet and rested on it, he then started noticing the blood trail he was leaving, but he was too tired to care that that point. “Hgh...why do I have to put up with this, and why do my wings have a mind of their own now?” He thought about that for a minute before realizing what was happening. “Must be my sleep flying syndrome that’s causing this...stupid….*yawn* Stupid wings.”

Stan started closing his eyes, not wanting to face anything right now, no monster, no other brothers, and certainly no Celes-

“Do you think the changelings can pull it off?”

“Well, we do it all the time, don’t we?”

Stan’s eyes shot open and his entire body stood up once he heard those voices. “It’s the princesses...or princessi?...whatever! Their coming here!” Stan looked back at the glass and the blood that was coming off him. He ignored the blood and realized he smashed through a very expensive window that could probably cost him if the princess knew he did it.

“Perhaps we should help in some way?”

Stan looked at the door, seeing it creak open, he had to act fast, or he’ll face a wrath greater than the queen could administer. He glanced over at the throne and dove behind it, praying to the queen that the princess wouldn’t find him.

“I don’t see why we can't help the cha- oh my ME!” Stan heard gasping and hooves coming very close to him, he closed his eyes again, wishing this to not be true.

“What kind of scoundrel would break a window, especially a royal one?” At this point, Stan was wishing he spent more time trying to understand who was saying what, it was almost making him want to take a peek, but he knew that was suicide.

“Ones who think they can get away with this. Let’s just see who’s blood this...wait, blood!?” Stan held his breath and look down at himself to see he was still bleeding, and that there were still pieces of glass stuck to him. He only hoped that he didn’t create a-

“Look sister, there’s a trail that leads up to...the throne?”

Stan quietly sighed. “Well, this is where I die, might as well think of things I regret now. First off, I’d like to regret crashing through the window, that was too stupid, especially on my wings part, second, I wish that I never went drinking, or...dunking, whatever it was called, and three I wish I never met...”


Stan’s mind and body stopped, now starting to recognize that voice, a voice way too motherly to mistake, he gulped and slowly looked up. “Uh...H-Hi there Celestia...um...f-fancy meeting you here.”

The princess could only stare back, as did the other princess that walked up the other side of the chair. Stan looked back and forth at both of them, thinking that any moment now they would get the jump on them and send him to the dungeons.

The dark princess talked first. “W-why are you here, changeling, and...you do know you’re bleeding, right?”

Stan decided that now would be a good time to stall the heck out of this while he could. “Well, you see, changelings don’t really need that much blood, we can lose a bit before we start to….get a bit...dizzy.” He ended lazily.

Celestia came around the throne and looked over Stan. “Changeling, we need to get you to a hospital. Crashing through a window can’t be good, even for you.”

Stan glanced over at the window, then at the shards of glass, then the blood trail, then the small pool of blood forming around him. “Huh, guess it is pretty dangerous, even...for a changeling.” He smiled and smacked his lips before falling down and hitting the floor.

The only thing he could hear after that was, “Let me take care of this, I need to talk with him….In private.”