• Published 19th Jun 2014
  • 739 Views, 6 Comments

Quill Flow - Strawberryjuice

There's a new pony in town and the CMC are suprised to find he doesn't have a cutie mark.

  • ...

Quill Flow

The Cutie Mark Crusaders stumbled out of a broken mess of rope, sheets and wood. ”Well that was a stupid idea,” Scootaloo groaned in disappointment.

“It was YOUR stupid idea,” Apple Bloom responded with equal spite.

“Stop it you two,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, putting a stop to the fight before it had time to begin. “Now help me clean this fabric and bring it back to the boutique before Rarity notices it's gone and we're all in trouble.”

The three little fillies put their differences aside and tried to pull the dirt covered fabric loose without tearing it. But the rope had tangled around it in such complicated knots that the battle proved useless. Just when Scootaloo was about to throw away ration and full on attack, the tiny trio heard a voice: “Excuse me, do you need any help?”

Behind them stood a purple stallion with a messy blue mane, staring at them with curiosity behind his glasses. The three fillies stood back from the broken pile as the purple unicorns horn started glowing and the mess untangled itself. He pulled the fabric free with his magic and folded it over before giving it to the crusaders.

“Thanks, mister,” Apple Bloom said, throwing the folded fabric on her back and running off.

“Yeah, thanks,” Scootaloo said before running after her friend.

“Thanks, we have to go,” Sweetie Belle said quickly before also running off. The unicorn was left standing at the side of the road with a confused smile on his face.


“Sweetie Belle! Come back here!” The loud scream scared the ponies walking the streets of Ponyville, seconds before the Cutie Mark Crusaders ran past them, eyes widened in terror.

“You said she wouldn't notice,” Sweetie Belle screamed with a squeaky voice.

“It wasn't my idea,” Scootaloo replied.

“Yes it was,” Apple Bloom yelled back in anger.

The trio turned a corner to an alley and, one by one, slammed in to the oncoming pony. “Oof. Well, hello again,” a familiar voice said. The purple unicorn from before stared at the trio questioningly.

Sctootaloo was the first to jump up. She ran behind a trash can gesturing her friends to follow her. “Quick, let's hide behind there.”

“Don't tell her we're here,” Sweetie Belle said disappearing behind the trash can.

“Please,” Apple Bloom added following them.

“Or else,” Scootaloo threatened, her hoof swinging menacingly from their hiding place.

The stallion smiled in amused confusion, but it quickly faded when an angry white unicorn mare turned the corner to the alley. “Sweetie Belle!” Confusion replaced the anger in her face when she saw the alley with nopony else but the lonely unicorn there. “Excuse me,” she gathered herself. “Did you happen see three fillies come through here?”

“I did,” he replied. “Ran right past me faster than I've ever seen. They went that way,” he said, pointing to the other end of the alley behind him.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity said, returning to the chase.

As the unicorn ran out of the alley, the three fillies sneaked out of their hiding place. “Thanks, mister,” Apple Bloom said for a second time that day.

“Thank you so much,” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“Yeah, you're cool in my book,” Scootaloo added.

“You're welcome,” the stallion said. “But in my opinion, you really should just confront her. You'll have to eventually.” The trios smiles faded a little. They knew it was true.

“What ever did you do to make her so mad?”

“We ruined one of her fabrics,” Sweetie Belle sighed with heartbreaking guilt.

“The one I helped you with?” The crusaders nodded silently. “And you know what you did was wrong, don't you? Then you really should go and apologize to her.” The fillies little heads drooped down and they started shuffling lazily after where Rarity had ran to. The stallion wished them good luck before returning to his day.

Sweetie Belle looked back at the him walking away and suddenly stopped, making her two friends to bump into her. “Hey, what's the problem,” Scootaloo said angrily.

“Look,” Sweetie Belle said, pointing at the stallion about to disappear behind the corner.

“Look at what,” Apple Bloom asked.

“Him! He doesn't have a cutie mark!”


“Of course he has a cutie mark, he's an adult,” Scootaloo said not able to confirm as the stallion had already disappeared behind the corner.

“No, really, come on!”

The purple unicorn in question was standing at the market place, eyeing his shopping list when he heard an audible gasp behind him. Turning around he saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders staring at him. “I thought you three went to apologize,” he said, with a tiny hint of disappointment in his voice.

“Oh, we were, and we're going to,” Sweetie Belle started mumbling. “But, uh, then we realized you're new here and we didn't know your name.”

“The name's Quill Flow.”

“How come you don't have a cutie mark,” Scootaloo blurted.

An ashamed blush covered his face and two of the Crusaders gave an angry look at their non-discreet friend. “Oh, I don't know, I just never got one. Sorry,” Quill Flow mumbled as he tried to shuffle away.

“No, we're sorry for asking,” Sweetie Belle said. “But it's okay, look, we don't have our cutie marks yet either.” The fillies admirably lifted their hind legs up from the ground, standing on their front legs, presenting their blank flanks.

“Oh, really,” he replied. “Well, I really have to go, so, um, goodbye.” He turned to walk away but the trio was suddenly standing in front of him.

“What do you mean you never got a cutie mark? You really don't know?” Apple Bloom wondered.

“I really don't," he confirmed. “But I'd rather not talk about it. You three should really just run off to apologize for your mess earlier, okay?”

Scootaloo still wanted to get some answers but Sweetie Belle interrupted: “Scootaloo! Stop it. He's right, we should find Rarity and apologize.”

The three turned around to trot away and suddenly froze as they saw Rarity coming their way with Applejack, both with a sour look on their faces. “Oh no,” Apple Bloom mumbled.

"Alright, young miss,” Rarity exclaimed. “That's enough for today. You're coming home with me and staying in your room until dinner time.”

“You too Apple Bloom,” Applejack said. “I'll make sure Granny gives you chores for the rest of the day.”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom walked up to their sisters their heads drooping. “So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, girls,” Scootaloo said, hoping she could sneak away.

“Oh, no you don't!” Rainbow Dash swooped down right in front of Scootaloo, scaring the little filly. “You're not getting off so easily. You're coming with me.” Scootaloo's head drooped down as well and the three pairs of sisters walked off in different directions, leaving Quill Flow alone in the market place to finally get to his shopping.


Apple Bloom, after getting a short but stern speech about responsibility from Granny Smith, went to help her sister in the orchard. It wasn't a severe punishment but it meant her constantly being reminded about how her actions had led to Rarity losing a large sheet of expensive fabric.

”I have to say Apple Bloom,” her sister said, casually bucking an apple tree. ”I'm mighty disappointed in you. I know you and your friends really want your cutie marks, but you have to think about other ponies feelin's. I know we've had this talk before.”

”We have,” Apple Bloom said ashamed. ”And I know I did wrong, and I'm sorry.” Her head drooped down as she really was sorry. Applejack laid a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

”I know you are. You just gotta be more careful.”

Apple Bloom tried to smile but something was still bothering her. ”Applejack, what if I never get my cutie mark?”

”I know we've had this talk before too,” Applejack said. ”And I'm gonna tell you what I always tell you: Give it time. Your cutie mark will appear when you find out what your talent is. Everypony gets their cutie mark sooner or later.”

”But Quill Flow didn't,” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

”Who's 'Quill Flow'?” Applejack asked confused.

”The purple unicorn at the market. The stallion we were talkin' to before you came to pick me up.”

”Oh, right. So he's new in town. I thought I hadn't seen him before.”

”Yeah, and he doesn't have a cutie mark. Even though he's a full grown stallion!”

”Are you sure? That doesn't sound right. Are you sure you're not just bein' hasty?”

”I'm not! We even asked him, and he doesn't know why he never got one! He said it just never appeared!”

Applejack mumbled to herself while walking to the next tree before answering: ”I don't know. I gotta talk to this Quill Flow fellow. Find out what's goin' on.” She bucked the tree, making it drop all it's ripe apples. ”Don't you worry your lil' head with all that. At least not until we know what's going on. Maybe I'll talk to Twilight about it as well.”


Sweetie Belle was pacing back and forth in her room. The same thing bothering Apple Bloom was also starting to gnaw at the back of her mind as well. The loud noise of a sewing machine in the next room was interrupting her train of thought. ”Rarity did tell me to stay in my room,” she said to herself. Then she groaned in frustration. ”But I have to talk to her!”

She slowly pushed open the door to her sister's room. Rarity was sitting with her back to the door, mumbling to herself while working the sewing machine. Sweetie Belle gulped. “Rarity?” The machine stopped and the white unicorn turned to the door.

“I thought I told you to stay in your room until dinner,” she said.

“I'm sorry, Rarity. But I really, really, really need to talk to you.”

“It can wait until dinner, dear.” Sweetie Belle's eyes started watering.

“Rarity, please...” The older sister sighed.

“Oh, Sweetie, what's wrong?”

“It's just,” Sweetie Belle started awkwardly. “What if I never get my cutie mark?”

“Oh, Sweetie Belle, this again?” her sister sighed. “We've gone over this before, darling. Everypony gets their cutie mark, once they find out their talent.”

“But Quill Flow doesn't have a cutie mark,” the filly exclaimed.

“Quill Flow?” Rarity asked. “Wait. The purple unicorn from the market? But of course he has a cutie mark, he's a grown stallion.”

“But he doesn't! He said he just never got one! And if he didn't get it, that means I might not get it!”

Rarity stood up and ran to her sister, giving her a hug before she would burst out crying. “Oh, Sweetie Belle. Of course you'll get your cutie mark. Honestly, this whole thing seems rather suspicious if you ask me. Tell you what, you go wash up and I'll go get dinner ready. And after that, I'll go see if Twilight has anything to say about this, okay?”


Scootaloo's punishment was easily the easiest of the three. She had to watch Rainbow Dash practice a bunch of new tricks. But, when usually Scootaloo was blown away by Rainbow Dash's awesome flying, she found it hard to concentrate on her. Instead her mind continuously wandered to the stallion without a cutie mark. If there was a full grown stallion without a cutie mark, it meant that not everypony got their cutie mark.

“Where are you, squirt?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, swooping down right in front of the little filly. Scootaloo jumped a little. “It's like you're not here at all. Seriously, you haven't even been looking up for minutes.”

“I'm sorry Rainbow Dash,” the filly said. “I'm just, thinking.”

“About what?” Dash asked while casually stretching.

“It's nothing important.”

“It seems important,” she said. “You don't look very happy, whatever it is.”

When Scootaloo still didn't answer, Rainbow Dash laid her wing on the little ones shoulder. “Come on, you can tell your honorary big sister anything, right?” Scootaloo gulped, then sighed and smiled sadly.

“We met this stallion at the market place just before you found us,” she said.

“Did he hurt you?” Dash asked genuinely concerned.

“No. It's just... He didn't have a cutie mark. Even though he's an adult. And, it got me thinking, what if I never get my cutie mark either. If he didn't get it, then it means that it's possible right?”

“Wait, wait, wait,” the mare said. “There's a full grown stallion without a cutie mark? That's not possible.”

“But it is! He doesn't have a cutie mark! So everypony doesn't get a cutie mark!”

“Come on, squirt,” Rainbow Dash comforted. “Of course you'll get a cutie mark. You're cool. And pretty awesome too, you know.” Scootaloo smiled a little more. “I bet he was just pranking you. Tell me what this guy looks like and I'll go have a few words with him, okay?”


Twilight Sparkle was reading at the floor of the library when she heard a knock. She used her magic to open the door on the other side of the room and Rarity walked in. “Oh, I'm sorry for bothering your reading, darling.” Twilight smiled as she set a bookmark on the page she was on.

“It's okay,” she said. “Did you need something or did you just come to visit?”

“I'm here for Sweetie Belle, actually,” she said. “Do you have any books about cutie marks here? Is it possible for somepony to not get their cutie mark, per se?”

“Oh, Rarity,” Twilight laughed. “I know Sweetie Belle and her friends are concerned about that but you too?”

“I know, darling, it's ridiculous. But Sweetie Belle insists that she met a stallion without a cutie mark today. A full grown stallion, no less.”

Another knock on the door interrupted them and Twilight opened the door to let Applejack in. “Howdy. Oh, good to see you're here Rarity. Did Sweetie Belle talk to you about this 'Quill Flow' fellow too?”

“She did. It seems she wasn't exaggerating then.”

“Who's Quill Flow?” Twilight asked. “I know I don't know as many ponies here as Pinkie Pie but I've never even heard that name before.”

“He's the stallion who apparently lacks a cutie mark,” Rarity said.

“Apple Bloom said the same thing,” Applejack confirmed.

“Oh, well, that's just not possible,” Twilight wondered. “Everypony gets their cutie mark when they find their unique talent. Everypony has a cutie mark.”

“That's what I told to Sweetie Belle, but apparently that's not how it is.”

“I think there's something shady goin' on,” Applejack admitted.

But before she could go on, another knock interrupted her. This one louder and more erratic than the two earlier ones. Twilight opened the door again and none other than Quill Flow walked in. “Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting,” he said, seeing the three mares. “This is the library, right?” The mares just stared at him blankly, particularly his rump. “Oh, not you too,” he sighed. “No offence, but everypony in this town seems completely crazy. First that crazy pink mare tried to throw me a party, simply for moving here and then that blue pegasus started harassing me about some 'prank' or something.”

His rant was interrupted when a mare with a rainbow mane dashed through the door. “Found you,” she said, snarling at the stallion. “Thought you'd get away from the fastest pony in Ponyville, huh? But now your pranking days are over.”

“What prank?” he asked. “I haven't done any pranks! I don't like pranks!”

“Don't bother,” Rainbow Dash frowned. “Scootaloo told me everything. Now you're going to admit you tricked her and apologize. But first you're going to show what your cutie mark really is.”

The unicorn blushed and looked at the floor. “But, I don't have a cutie mark...”

“Don't even try,” she said loudly. “I'm the prankster master here. Well, me and Pinkie Pie. I know a prank when I see one.” She turned around to look at Twilight. “Hey, Twilight! You know how to break the spell he's using to hide his cutie mark, right?”

The unicorn mare took a step forward. “Well, if there really is a spell like that, then yes, I think I should be able to break it. If that's okay with you, of course,” she explained, directing the last part to Quill Flow. He gulped, looked around looking for a way out and sighed.

“Okay,” he said. “As long as it gets her to stop.” Rainbow Dash snarled.

Twilights horn lit up in pink light which also flushed over the stallion. After a while, the light faded and the mare looked at Rainbow Dash confusedly. “There doesn't seem to be any kind of spell on him. Nor any paint or dye. He really doesn't have a cutie mark.” Rainbow Dash looked at the stallion, still frowning but now looking more confused. She noticed his eyes glistening with held back tears.

Rainbows head drooped down. She was ashamed of herself. She felt like a bully. “I'm sorry,” she mumbled.

“It's okay,” he said with a trembling voice. “I just... Can I just borrow a book? Something with a sea theme, please.” The most awkward of silences followed as Twilight wondered for a moment, then, remembering a book she had read recently, levitated a book from the bookshelf to Quill Flow, who levitated it in to his saddlebag with a mumbled thank you.

After he left, the four mares sighed deeply. “Rainbow Dash, that was terribly uncouth of you,” Rarity complained.

“I know. I'm sorry.”

“Did you see him? He almost started crying,” Twilight said in a breathy voice.

“It must be hard,” Applejack noted. “Bein' the only pony without a cutie mark can't be easy. Especially when bein' called a liar.” She gave a particularly harsh look to Dash.

“Now I just feel bad,” she said.


Later in the evening, Quill Flow was at home, reading the book from the library in bed, when he heard a knock from downstairs. He glanced at the window, seeing the sun had almost set. ”Oh no,” he sighed. ”Don't tell me it's the pink one again.”

When another knock echoed in the empty downstairs, he got up and slowly walked to the window. He was just barely able to see the unicorn librarian he'd met briefly before. Well, she had at least tried to be nice to him. He decided to let her in.

Once he got downstairs and opened the door, Twilight was already about to leave. ”Oh, good evening,” she said. ”Do you mind if I come in for a while?” He hesitated a while before allowing her inside.

”The downstairs is still pretty empty,” he apologized. The mare looked around the room shortly before turning to the stallion.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle,” she introduced herself.

“I'm Quill Flow.”

“Right, um...”

Twilight's eyes wandered to his blank flank, making him turn a little so she couldn't see it. “I'm really sorry,” she said, blushing from shame. “I didn't mean to... It's just that... Well, I've never seen that before. I've never even heard about this before. It's... Intriguing.”

“Did you just come here to look at my blank flank?" he asked. His trembling silent voice reminded her of Fluttershy.

“Of course not,” she quickly exclaimed. “Well, not really. I mean... I did want to introduce myself and maybe make a new friend. But, I did also want to talk about... that.”

He looked away, frowning a little. “I'm not going to make fun of you or anything like that,” she added. “I just want to know more. Maybe there's something that's causing it. I might even be able to help you get you cutie mark.”

“I doubt that,” he said. “The only cause is that I don't have any unique talent.”

“Of course you do," Twilight replied. “Everypony has something their good at.”

“I don't,” he said, his eyes glistening again. “Trust me, I've tried plenty of things to know I'm not good at any of them.”

“That's not true,” she said, getting a little frustrated at the stubborn stallion. “Everypony has a unique talent their cutie mark represents. That's just how it is.”

“And I just don't have any talents,” he said loudly. “Just... I just want to go to sleep now. Please, leave.” He used his magic to open the door.

“I just-”

“No. Leave.” He pointed his hoof at the door and Twilight walked out accepting defeat.

“I'm-” The door slammed shut behind her. “sorry,” she sighed.


The next morning, Quill Flow woke up to another knock of the door. He groaned. After last night, he didn't want to open the door at all. He turned in bed and pulled the blankets tighter around him, trying to ignore the knocking. “Are you sure this is the right place,” he heard a familiar voice wonder.

“That's what Twilight said,” another familiar voice said. “Maybe he's still asleep. I might be able to look in through that window, if you can throw me high enough.”

The unicorn groaned and rolled off the bed. He opened the window and peeked his head out to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders, in formation ready to throw the tiny pegasus up to the bedroom window. “What do you think you're doing?” he shouted, scaring the three to fall on their rumps.

“You are home,” Sweetie Belle said once she got up. “Can you let us in?”


“We want to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“Let us in so we can tell you.”

Adorable innocent smiles on their faces, they waited for him to answer. “I'm sorry,” he said finally. “But I think I'm just going to spend the day alone.”

Sweetie Belle was about to complain but Apple Bloom interrupted her with a raise of her hoof. “It's okay mister Quill Flow,” she said with a hint of sadness. “It's just too bad you'll never see the clubhouse now.”

The stallion raised an eyebrow. “What clubhouse?”

Apple Bloom winked at Scootaloo. “Oh, it's nothing,” the tiny pegasus said. “It's a secret, but we thought you might want to become an honorary member.” The trio started walking away just a little too slow with their heads drooped down just a little too much.

“A member of what?” he asked. He knew he was being played but he wanted to know more.

“Oh, it's just our secret club, you wouldn't be interested,” Sweetie Belle said, throwing the cutest puppy dog eyes he'd ever seen at him. He sighed loudly.

“Fine. I'll let you in.” He closed the window and heard a loud 'yay' from the outside.

The three fillies ran inside and started bouncing around him while laughing happily. “Okay, okay, calm down already,” he said but couldn't help but to smile a little. “So what's this 'secret club' you're talking about?”

“We'll take you to the clubhouse,” Apple Bloom said. “We'll explain everything there, okay?”

Quill Flow followed the giggling, bouncing trio all the way though Ponyville, to the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres. They made their way to a tree with a nice looking tree house, and he followed them up the ramp-like stairs. He stepped inside, and immediately winced back at the loud scream of the three fillies: “WELCOME TO THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CLUBHOUSE!”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders?” he asked.

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders is the most exclusive club in Ponyville,” Apple Bloom explained. “The club is dedicated to helpin' ponies find their unique talent and earn their cutie mark.”

“And we want you to become a member,” Sweetie Belle said.

“And since you don't have a cutie mark, you're pretty much a perfect candidate,” Scootaloo added.

“So, what do you think,” Apple Bloom asked.

Quill Flow looked around the room and at the smiling crusaders before shifting his gaze down to his hooves. “I'm sorry,” he said. “But I can't be a member of your club.” The smiles faded and Apple Bloom tried to object but was interrupted by the stallion: “Your club is for ponies who want to find their talent. But I don't have any talents. I'm sorry.” And before the fillies could object, he walked out of the clubhouse and started slowly trotting back home, leaving the crusaders sitting in their clubhouse feeling sad.


It was lunch time and Quill Flow was walking to the kitchen when somepony knocked on his door again. He groaned and, against his better judgement, went to open the door. Twilight Sparkle stood outside the door fidgeting awkwardly. The stallion thought about slamming the door on her but his need to be polite won. “Nice to see you, Twilight Sparkle,” he said, maybe more coldly than was needed. Twilight noticed it too, as she cringed a little.

“Listen, Quill Flow, I'm sorry about what happened last night. I acted really out of line,” she said. “Can you forgive me? I'd still like to be friends so I came to ask if you'd have lunch with me. As friends?”

Quill Flow sighed, smiled and nodded. “That sounds nice.”

They sat on an outside table at the small café and the waiter walked up to them. “Do you know what you want to order?”

“Just a daisy sandwich, thank you,” Twilight smiled.

“Same for me, thanks,” Quill Flow said. The waiter nodded and walked away.

“So, you just moved to town?” Twilight asked. “Where'd you move from?”

“Manehattan,” he sighed.

“Oh, you swapped city life for Ponyville? It must be very relaxing here compared to the big city.”

“I think I like the city life more than the small town,” he admitted. “But living in Manehattan isn't cheap. I just couldn't find anything I'm good at and ended up losing every job one by one. Eventually I had to move. I remembered my aunt used to live here so, here I am.”

“Do you miss the city life?” she asked.

“A little. But it's been just two days, I haven't given Ponyville a fair chance yet. It is quite relaxing here.”

The waiter came back with two plates. “Here you go,” he said, laying the plates in front of them and leaving the two to eat.

“So, you're the Ponyville librarian?” he asked in turn. “Have you always lived here?”

“Actually, I'm not exactly a librarian,” she said. “I take care of the place and look after the books but the library's actually my home.”

"Really? You live in a library? And a tree, no less?”

Twilight giggled. “Well, it was a bit weird to me too when I moved. I came here from Canterlot, there's no tree houses there.”

“Canterlot?” he said little shocked. “You're from Canterlot? I'm not talking to royalty here am I?”

Twilight giggled at the teasing. “Oh no, I'm just your regular every day student of magic.”

They talked about who they were and where they came from while eating. Quill Flow told about all the various jobs he'd had while searching for his talent, and Twilight told him about her studies and her friends, most of which he'd already met. Once they'd finished eating, the two walked back to the library. “You know what, Twilight Sparkle,” he said with a smile. “I think you've made another friend today.” She smiled back.

“Just call me Twilight. All my friends do. And I'm happy to have made another one Quill Flow.”

“I don't have many friends, but the few I have just call me Flow”, he laughed.

“You know, Flow,” she stuttered. “I know I crossed a line last night but I still honestly think you must have some unique talent. And as your friend, I really hope you find it someday.” He smiled and thanked her, but she noticed a sad scepticism in his smile.

“Well, I'm heading back home,” he said. “See you around, Twilight.” Twilight waved goodbye to her new friend before walking back inside.

“Maybe I'll write to Princess Celestia about this,” she thought to herself. “Who knows. She might know a way to help him.”


Quill Flow got home, closed the door and relaxed. He'd bumped in to Pinkie Pie on the way back. The crazy pink mare still wanted to throw him a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party and he didn't know how to refuse her. He didn't like parties. There was just way too many ponies in parties. 'Well,' he thought smiling. 'Maybe a party every now and then wouldn't be so bad.'

His train of thought came to crashing halt when he heard the sound of something breaking upstairs. “Be careful,” Apple Bloom's voice said.

“Sshh,” Sweetie Belle said. “I think he's home."

'Those three again,' he thought. 'They just can't take a hint, can they? But now they've gone too far.'

He walked upstairs and slowly opened the bedroom door. The room was empty. But the empty glass on his desk was broken on the floor and the papers on the desk were scattered. He sighed. “Okay, come out you three. I know you're here.” After a short silence, the Cutie Mark Crusaders crawled out from under the bed.

“What are you three doing here?” A heart breaking look of guilt turned their faces to the floor.

“We're sorry,” Sweetie Belle said.

“We're really sorry,” Apple Bloom confirmed.

Scootaloo nodded. “We just really wanted you to join our club, so we came to ask you again.”

“But you weren't home,” Apple Bloom continued. “And then Scootaloo said we should go inside anyway and wait for you.”

“I didn't say that!”

“Yes, you did,” Sweetie Belle yelled. Soon enough, all three were fighting.

“Quiet!” Quill Flow shouted. All three silenced themselves immediately. “You shouldn't come to other ponies homes without permission,” he lectured. “But more than that, you shouldn't read other ponies writings without permission.” He glanced at the desk. His writings had been in neat order when he'd left. Now they were scattered on the desk.

“We're sorry,” Apple Bloom said. “We just wanted to see what you wrote.”

“But we couldn't find the ending,” Scootaloo complained. “How does the story end? Do they get out of the island? And what about the pirates? Do they come back?”

“And do Shining Sky and Glimmering Sea get married?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“What are you talking about?” he asked. “Why do you care what happens in the story? I'm saying you shouldn't have read it at all.”

“Why not?” Apple Bloom asked. “Why did you write it if we shouldn't read it?”

“I wrote it for myself,” he said. “It's not good enough for other people to read.”

“Not good enough?” Sweetie Belle was shocked. “It was the best story I ever read!”

“It wasn't as good as Daring Do,” Scootaloo said. The other two looked at her angrily. “But it was still really, really, really good!”

“You think so?” he asked.

“Yeah,” all three said in unison.

“Maybe your unique talent is writing,” Sweetie Belle said with excitement.

“No,” he said stubbornly. “I told you already. I don't have a talent. I just write because it's fun. I'm not that good at it.”

“But you are,” Apple Bloom said loudly.

“I've never liked any book as much as that one,” Sweetie Belle said. “I'm sure everypony else will love it too.”

“You have to finish it,” Scootaloo said.

Quill Flow hesitated. “I have an idea,” Sweetie Belle said. “You finish the book, then you let us read it and we'll tell you if we like it. And, if it's good, which it is, you can let other ponies read it too.”

“That's a great idea,” Scootaloo said.

“I don't know,” Quill Flow stuttered.

“If you don't,” Apple Bloom threatened. “We'll tell Twilight you're hidin' the best book ever and not lettin' anypony read it.”

The stallion smiled. “Deal.”


Nest week Quill Flows first book was finished. 'Adventures of Shining Sky: On the Glimmering Sea'. It was an adventure romance story. Nopony else had read it except him and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He had also told the three fillies about all the other books he had written, but never finished. If anypony liked it as much as the crusaders, he'd promised to try and finish more of his stories. Now he and the tiny trio were on their way to the first test reader.

He gulped, gathered his strength and knocked on the library door. It didn't take long for the door to open but, to Quill Flow's amazement, it wasn't Twilight Sparkle who opened the door but her assistant, Spike the Dragon. Quill Flow had never seen a live dragon before. “Huh?”

“Hey Spike,” Sweetie Belle said happily. “Is Twilight home?”

“She's upstairs,” he said, eyeing the stallion suspiciously. “Who's this dude?”

“He's Quill Flow,” Apple Bloom said. “He's an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader!”

Spike stole a glance at his blank flank and nodded. “Oh, you're the new friend. Come in.”

“Twilight!” he shouted upstairs. “Quill Flow, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are here.” After a short while the unicorn mare strolled downstairs.

“Flow, it's good to see you again,” she welcomed. “It's been nearly a week. And it's nice to see you too little ponies,” she smiled to the crusaders.

“Hi, Twilight,” Quill Flow greeted. “I came to return that book I borrowed.” He levitated the book towards Twilight but Spike jumped up and grabbed it, then ran to the shelf it belonged to.

Twilight giggled. Flow took the chance when she was distracted to look at the crusaders. They gave an encouraging nod. “And,” he turned to Twilight, stuttering: “I brought another book. It's... I wrote it. I'd like you to read it and tell me what you think.” Twilight's eyes widened.

“Really? You wrote a book?”

“And it's the best book ever,” Sweetie Belle yelled with glee. Quill Flow levitated the stack of papers from his saddlebag with a blush.

“That's wonderful,” she said taking the papers in her own magic. “I'm sure it's great. I'll start reading it as soon as possible.”


Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm happy to tell you that my new friend Quill Flow I wrote about last week, has earned his cutie mark. His unique talent turned out to be writing, a hobby he's had for several years, but never really believed in. But after befriending three younger ponies who didn't have their cutie marks either, they gave him the courage to finally show everypony his talent.

He learned an important lesson not only in friendship, but in life as well. You can be talented, but it won't mean anything if you don't believe in yourself. And your friends will always be there to help you with that. And Pinkie Pie was certainly happy to make a new friend, and wants to host a 'Welcome to Ponyville/book launch/cute-ceañera Party'.

His first book was published today, and he tells me he's already writing a new one. I'll send you a copy of the book with this letter. As one of it's biggest fans, take it from me it's definitely worth a read.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

So I wrote my first pony related story. If you read it, I want to ask you to give constructive criticism and point out any mistakes I might have made so I can improve as a writer.

Comments ( 6 )

I'm writing a kind of similar story as we speak, hence my enthusiasm! This is amazing!!

4568389 Thanks :D I read your story and absolutely loved it, had to favorite.

4570578 I kind of love you :pinkiegasp: let's be friends

Only a few issues. The format of the first half of the story is off. The quotation marks are all facing the same direction. Next issue is you got the word "knew" and "new" confused a couple of times.

The last problem is a common one among new writers. Every time a new character speaks, you start a new paragraph.

"But all ponies get their marks eventually." Twilight explained. "Well I didn't.". Quil Flow shot back.

The above bit should be broken like this.

"But all ponies get their marks eventually." Twilight explained.
"Well I didn't.". Quil Flow shot back.

That is all I can think to point out. Your story was good with a nice theme to it. Keep at it.

4796148 Thank you : ) Constructive criticism is always welcome. But honestly, I can't see the quotation mark problem, and I don't know how to fix it?

Also, I already knew the paragraph thing from all the books I read, I just never remember to use it in my stories for some reason :derpytongue2:

I really need an editor to help with these things.

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