• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 9,024 Views, 409 Comments

Elsa's Snowdrop - TheOneAJ

In her kingdom of isolation, Elsa discovers a special filly that will change her life in ways she never expected.

  • ...

chapter 11

As Elsa's breathing grew heavier, Snowdrop continued to stare forward as Elsa struggled to figure out what to say.

"Oh," Snowdrop winced at the lack of a response. "If you don't think it's a good idea, I could—"

"Nonsense!" Anna interrupted. "I think it would be a wonderful idea for you to do. Get out and enjoy the nice air! You’ll love it"

Anna leaned down, and was about to take her hoof when she realized something; Snowdrop, was a adorable talking pony. Maybe not a unicorn like she always wanted, but defiantly a cute little pony that could talk.

This was the first time Anna had seen Snowdrop awake. Despite Elsa's explanation that she was a blind pegasus, it wasn't until she saw her in person did that sink in.

At first, Anna wanted to pity the little filly and do nothing but shield and protect Snowdrop while she cuddled her to death. However, looking deeper into Snowdrop's eyes she saw something else, something that reminded her of Elsa on those few instances when they were children. Oh the other hand, she also saw a tiny spark in Snowdrops blind eyes. A spark, which wanted to be adventurous, and could still be helped.
Something she could work with

"Um... You know, little cutie pie—" Anna coughed. "I mean, Snowdrop, why don't you try some ice-skating. Have some fun, be adventurous."

She reached out and grabbed her hoof. "What do ya say?"

Meanwhile, when Anna's hand connected with Snowdrop's hoof, something inside her twitched.

She couldn't explain it, but all of the sudden, looking into Snowdrops pale eyes, some sort of defensive instinct kicked in. Maybe it was some sort of quirk she had from all her lonely childhood years, but she deiced then and there that she wasn't going to risk Snowdrops safety on a little ice-skating.

"You know what, Snowdrop?" She asked as she gently pushed her sister away from the filly. "Maybe we should try another day. I mean, it's a lot more crowded than I thought." She grabbed Snowdrop's hoof. "You know what, I'll give you a whole ice-rink, all to yourself, and how’s that sound?"

Snowdrop's blind eyes began to move side to side. "Um... Well—"

"Oh no you don't!" Anna stormed in. "Krisstoff, back me up!"

The poor man nervously looked between the two princesses.

"Um... Of course, sweetheart, it be good for Snowdrop."

"You going to side against your queen?" Elsa threatened.

Krisstoff gulped. "Well, I mean, it would be bad if someone tripped over her."

"Stay out of this!" Anna snapped.

Snowdrop, meanwhile, just kept turning her head whenever she heard one of them speak. She wasn't sure what to do anymore, and didn't want to make Elsa anymore uphappy then her sister.

While the sisters continued to fight over wheatear she would skate or not, Snowdrop hung her head.

She hadn't meant to cause a fight between Elsa and her sister, she just wanted to get out a bit, have some fun as Anna suggest. Though, if this was what happened, she could be fine with just sketching Snowdrops.

"I think I'll just be going." Snowdrop said, more out loud than to anyone since she couldn't be sure who was in front of her.

"Nonsense!" She heard the sister say as she jumped out behind her. "You just need a little, push!" She was then pushed onto the ice, where she slide around some screaming people, until she slide to a stop.

Back on the side, Elsa's eyes began to twitch furiously as Anna bit her nails at the many near collisions her little 'push' had almost caused.
As she did so, a lot of reactions coursed throughout the area.

Elsa, held a hand to her mouth, trembling, and wondering if she would have to fight them all off to save her.

Anna, stood timidly between Elsa and Snowdrop, not sure if she made the right choice, but sure it be the best for the long run.

Krisstoff, stood on the on the side, and even began to take a few steps away from the girls and closer to Snowdrop, not quite sure who to side with.

Sven chewed on a carrot.

Everyone else, merely stood blankly at what they though was hair a creature for a moment. Some of them didn't even know stop skating and just gave her a passing glance.

Snowdrop, meanwhile, slowly got to her hooves and said, "Okay, I think I got this."

That was when everyone who had kept skating stopped dead in their tracks to stare at her and gasp

Anna and Elsa held their breaths.

Olaf, meanwhile, had just then noticed Snowdrop, and his response was instance.

"Oh hey, Snowdrop, you're awake!" He then bounded over the little pegusis, and wrapped her up in a warm hug. "Oh you had me so worried young lady, but now you're awake and we can have fun—"

All of the sudden, the courtyard erupted into a choir or 'daws' and chatter about the two.

"Aw! Isn't that just the cutest?"

"Mommy, mommy, a pony, I want it!""

"Sqee! She's so cute, where'd she come from?"

Before Olaf knew it, Snowdrop was surrounded by squeeing little girls.

"Oh she is so cute!"

"Where can I get one?"

"Hey, she has wings! She's a flying pony!"

"It's called a pegusis."

"Well... Well actually.. My, my name is Snowdrop."

"Oh my god, and she can talk!"

"Hey, is that a flower on her rear?

Meanwhile, the vast majority of the adults simply went back to skating, though their conversations mostly changed to those regarding Snowdrop and the other oddities that had happened.

Elsa and Anna stared blankly at the mass of girls around Snowdrop.

"Um... See!" Anna pointed out sometime later. "What I tell you? Nothing bad happened, they like her."

"You should not have done that, sister! What if she had been hurt? She almost was hurt! What if a mob formed?"

Anna put a finger to her chin. "Huh, let's see... She wasn't, and they haven't. I don't believe this, you are so tense."

"Tense, tense! Shoving a blind girl onto the middle of a crowded ice-rink, I would think tensing would be underacting!"

"Well... She didn't get hurt!"

"She could have!"

"But she didn't!"

Meanwhile, Krisstoff simply stood there and watched. All the while, he kept his finger going between the two, trying to figure out which side would be safer for him to stick with.

"Hey, hey!" he heard Snowdrop cry out. "Not the tail! Help!"

He turned away from the princesses to see the cheerful mob of girls had swelled around Snowdrop and Olfa.

"Getting very crowed in here!" Olaf cried from the center of the mass.

Krisstoff, without a moment of hesitation, made his way towards the crowd. “Hold on, you two!"

After a moment if making his way through, he finally got close enough to pick Snowdrop up by the waist—and one reluctant girl’s grasp—as he pulled up Olaf by his head.

"Don't worry, Snowdrop," he assured her, "I gotcha." He held her closer to his chest.

"Thanks," she whispered back.

"Aw," one of the girls cried, "but I wanted to put bows in her hair!"

Krisstoff felt Snowdrop tense in his grasp.

"Now, now, ladies, your little friend is just going to take a break. She's had a..."

"Long flight?" Olaf added in.

"Um... That's it."

"Aw," they all moaned. "But I want to take her home with me!"

"Yeah, where can I get one?"

After being freed from the mob of fillies, Snowdrop remained paralyzed in Krisstoff's arms. Even when she became famous, she never had such an experience. It was as if those foals had never seen a peguis before.

She was about to tell them off, when she heard one of them start to cry. It was a faint sniffle, but it was one she was unable to ignore.

So she—while butting her lip—said, "Um... I'm sure we can... Always play later?"

She tensed when she heard an ear-perching squeal, but kept her smile on the entire time.

"Ye... Yeah, some other time... I promise."

The next thing she knew, she felt herself and Krisstoff slide off on the ice as they foals shouted goodbyes to her.

"You okay, little miss popular?" He asked.

Snowdrop made her eyes narrow. "Very funny." She rubbed her forehead. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

She felt a sudden pair of arms pull her into a tight hug. "Oh, Snowdrop!" She heard Elsa moan. "Are you okay? I am sorry about that! I promise, it will never happen again!"

"Elsa, its fine!" Snowdrop said between breaths.

Elsa loosened her grip. "Of course," she said as she looked down at the still quivering form of Snowdrop. "Though, if you like, I can see to it that no one bothers you. Why don't we just go back inside and—"

Anna stomped her foot. "Elsa!"

Elsa dropped Snowdrop, who spread out her wings and flew up to hover at their shoulder lengths.

"Nothing bad happened! So why not let her keep skating? We can keep those girls in check."

Elsa crossed her arms. "And I say she has had enough for one day. I am glad no one behaved badly, but we should not push it. While they liked her, they seemed to like her a little too much."

"Or here we go! Don't tell me—"

"Um, ladies?" Krisstoff interrupted.

"What!" they both shouted at him.

Krisstoff jumped back. "Anyways, Snowdrop," he ignored their glares to address Snowdrop. "What would you like to do?"
Both princess jaws dropped, until they realized they Snowdrop was shuffling her hooves.

"If... If it's okay... I would mind doing a little flying. If that's okay. Don't worry, I won't go far. I'd just like to fly around the castle, get some feel about it."

Elsa tensed. "I, um," she looked towards her glaring sister and friend. She sighed. "Alright, but don’t go far!"

Snowdrop happily nodded, and flew off to a wall. She tapped on it with a hoof, nodded, and was on her way.
"If you need any help, just call and—"

She felt a hand on her back.

"Hey, she'll be fine." Krisstoff assured. "I'll go keep an eye on her."

He then walked up, as Anna walked up to Elsa. "You know, as wrong as wanting to keep her hidden, you do sure care about here."
Not catching onto any other meaning, Elsa said, "I just want to make it up to her, and get her home."

Anna started to say something, but then began to grin.

Elsa raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Anna giggled. "Oh nothing, nothing right now. Though, I'm sorry I tried being so assertive back there."

Elsa moaned. "Yeah, well... You arr forgive."

Anna's jaw dropped, but decided it was a good time to drop it. She could worry about Elsa and Snowdrop later. Today was about Elsa's confidence.

With that mentality, Anna pulled on her sister’s arm. "Now come on, how about we get our minds off of that little incident, and get back to skating. The day is still young."

Elsa rolled her eyes, then joined her sister while they skated. All the while, when Anna wasn't looking, she'd nervously watch as Snowdrop flew around the grounds, which was made easy to find her as all she had to do was look to wherever the majority of the courtyard was staring.

Author's Note:

so for those of you who read m blog post, a while ago, a friend of mine named keyframe was having some home problems, and we needed to raise money. so in response, I promised to put this chapter out within a week of reaching whatever it would take to get her the money she would need. Original, I though to wait and see if there was going to be some 'how we did' video to link to you guys. However, it's still in the works, but you can see this video by her boyfriend goldenfox if you want to know more. which, if these two videos are is anything to go by, we raise more than enough ^^
thank you all.

also, adding lighting video because... you know, Lighting ;p. Your tail is not alone