• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 9,024 Views, 409 Comments

Elsa's Snowdrop - TheOneAJ

In her kingdom of isolation, Elsa discovers a special filly that will change her life in ways she never expected.

  • ...

chapter 5

At first, the ride to the northern mountain had been long and quiet. All Elsa cared about before was saving Snowdrop. She was still worried, but now realizing that the trip would take a bit longer, she could focus on other things.

“So,” Elsa said after a while to Kristoff, "how do you know my sister?”

Now that there was no rush on her part, she had time to ask questions. Questions such as how she could bring snowmen to life, what had happened between Anna and Hans, how she had log and twig summoning powers, and what this guy was doing hanging around her sister.

Kristoff, didn’t seem eager to reply as Olaf bounced on top of Sven, singing about what a great adventure they would be taking part in.

“Oh we’re going on an adventure, we’re going on an adventure!” the snowman sang out, “and hopefully we won’t die!”

Meanwhile, Elsa continued to pester Kristoff for answers.

“Um, well,” Kristoff began, sweat beading down his forehead. “She was looking for an escort to get her to the northern mountain, I happened to be the only guy available.”

“Un-huh,” Elsa crossed her arms. “I see. And, you’re both just friends, right?”

Kristoff looked to the side.

“Don’t ignore me! I’m the queen.”

Kristoff lowered his head.

“You’re not into her, are you?” Kristoff’s continued silence didn’t help. “You do realize she just came out of a bad relationship?”

“So I gathered,” he nodded as Sven made a sharp turn into the dense forest. “Look, your majesty, it’s not like we’re a couple.”

“Really?” Olaf stopped singing. “Then why did you run through a blizzard to give Anna a kiss of true love?”

“To save her!” he hastily pointed out. “To save her. Although, I would have done anything to save your sister, free of charge.”

Elsa raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”


“And why is that?”

A patch of ice formed on the spot where Elsa held onto Kristoff. “If you weren’t helping me save my friend, I would have a long talk to you about all the bad things I would do to you if you hurt my sister.”

“Good to know,” he groaned.

“I know where trolls are as well.” Olaf said, but Elsa wasn’t paying attention to him.

“So, if you even think about hurting Anna,” The ice on his shoulder spread. “You get the idea?”

"Yes, yes! Now would you please not turn me into an icicle?”

Elsa jerked her hand back. “Sorry.” She cleared the ice from his shoulder. “But I am serious, if you want to even consider getting together with my sister, you better not plan to hurt her.”

“Yay, mother dearest” Kristoff muttered under his breath.

Elsa’s cold hand returned. “What was that?”

“Nothing!” Kristoff shot up.

“Oh,” Olaf said as he took a moment to catch his breath. “He said—"

“Shut up!” Kristoff’s head swung back and forth as Sven came to a halt.

“No.” Elsa crossed her arms. “I want to know what you—"

“No, I mean, stop talking,” Kristoff hushed the group up. “Shh,” he instructed as the team scanned around the forest.

At first, it was quiet, eerily so. Then, a howl echoed in the distance as Sven reared up onto his legs. Looking off into the distance, a large pack of wolves emerged from the trees. Teeth bared, eyes narrowed, and a look of hunger on their face.

“Oh come on!” Kristoff kicked Sven in the rear and they took off running through the remaining mountain snow as Olaf dropped off of Sven. “Gah, I hate wolves!”

“Why are there so many of them in these woods?” Elsa asked as she blasted one with her ice powers.

“Don’t know, don’t care, running now!”

“Hey, wait for me!” Olaf cried out as Elsa pulled him up to Sven just as a wolf bit off Olaf's leg.

“Oh, there goes my leg!” Olaf cried. “Wait, I don’t feel pain.” he remembered.

“Hang on,” Elsa said as she replaced his leg as another wolf pounced onto them.

Using both of her arms, Elsa pulled back her wrist, and blasted the wolf into oblivion. Upon blasting that wolf away, she noticed that a pack of wolves replaced that one.

One by one, she fired ice-blast after ice-blast. Some of them hit their targets, other missed but resulted in ice-spears that slowed many of them down. One wolf tried to pounce onto Sven, and succeeded.

Olaf screamed as the wolf opened its mouth right in his face. A moment later, Elsa gave the beast a strong kick with her legs. Winching in pain, Sven gave the wolf a strong buck, sending the wolf off into the distance.

“You holding up alright?” Kristoff asked when she fell back into him.

“Yeah,” she said as she looked over her shoulder, not sure how she could keep up this fight. “Although, why are there so many darn wolves in these woods?” Then, her eyes widened when she saw a snow-covered tree on a cliff that was half exposed from the ground.

As they passed the tree, she curled her hands, and sent the tree down on the wolves, cutting off half of the pack. The other half continued to advance, as Elsa summoned loose tree branches and logs as they came.

“Wait a minute,” Kristoff questioned as he dodged a flying log, “I though you only had ice powers. Now you have log powers?”

“Seriously?” she said as she summoned a long tree branch. “I can bring snowmen to life, and you question how I can move branches?” With that, she swung the branch, sending the next wolf to pounce into the distance. “Just steer the reindeer!”

“Ye.. Yes, ma’am,” he grinned as he looked ahead. “Oh, um, I don’t suppose you also have the power to fly as well?”

Elsa snapped her neck around. “Why do you ask?” She looked up, and saw her answer in the form of large ravine, with another pack of wolves cutting off any other path of escape.

“Oh you know, just seemed like a good time to know if you do.”

“Okay,” Else's eyes scanned their surroundings as she thought up a plan. Pulling her hands into a fist, and raising them into the air as if she was about to deliver a double-fist uppercut, she created an ice-ramp on the edge of a cliff. “Say, Kristoff, what sounds more appealing?: Definitely getting eaten by a pack of wolves, or maybe falling to our deaths with the slight chance I can create a snow patch at the bottom of a cliff before we die?”

“Can you give me a minute to think about that?”

“No. Now hang on!” With one last ice blast at a wolf, she dropped onto Sven and gave the brown reindeer a slap in the rear.

Sven responded with a whine as he raced onto the ramp just as the wolves surrounded them.

“Gahh!” the guys screamed as Elsa reared back.

She took a deep breath, pushed her hands back as if she was keeping a bolder from flattening her and took in a deep breath. When she exhaled, she let loose a powerful blast of ice magic towards the cliff that sent the group skywards.

“Gah!” Kristoff screamed.

“Oh yeah!” Olaf said with his hands in the air. "Wee!"


Meanwhile, in a cottage below the mountain, a family emerged from their sauna, relieved that the winter had passed as they looked up towards the north mountain.

“Look, family.” The husband, a large muscular man, pointed to a white streak rocketing through the sky. “A shooting star. Make a wish, everyone."

The youngest daughter titled her head. “I thought you could only see shooting stars at night?”

“Makes about as much sense as everything else that has happened.”


Eventually, fatigue began to catch up to Elsa, and her powers began to go on the fritz. First, it was just a few gaps in her breath. With each breath, her powers grew weaker.

"Come on,” Elsa muttered as she fought wave after wave of exhaustion. Between ending the winter, fighting off the wolves, not eating for three days and the flying, her body was nearly spent.

After one last push, her magic faded out and the group made their way towards the ground.

“I should have said eaten by wolves!” Kristoff cried as the group began to fall towards the bare ground ahead of them. “Elsa!”

“Hang… Hang on,” she said between breaths as she used all her remaining energy creating a snow patch for them to land in. As they hit it, she realized through a scraped knee that she had barely made the snowpatch large enough for them to survive in.

“Everyone okay?” Kristoff groaned.

“I think I could use a facelift.” Olaf said. The snowman had flatten into a pancake.

“Ho… Gah!… Hold on, little guy.” Elsa held up her hand to straighten him up.

“Are you okay?” Kristoff asked as he tried to help Elsa up.

“Yeah,” Elsa lied, “just a banged up knee.” She pushed him off once she stood up. “Come on, we need to keep moving.” Holding her hand to her waist, she wobbled forward, but didn’t falter. “Are we at least almost there?”

Kristoff shook his head. “And here I thought your sister was strong headed.”

Elsa shoot him a glare of death. “Care to repeat that?”

Kristoff stepped back as he swore he saw flames dancing in her eyes. “Oh look, your ice castle is right over there!”

Elsa looked up at what remained of the castle, not sure how she missed it even though they had been flying through the air. As she looked up at the castle, that question became the least of her concerns. Most of the tall pillars and towers had already fallen off, and more followed as she stared at what was left of the castle.

"Snowdrop.” She bolted towards the staircase with a hunched back as she caught one of the falling pillars with her ice magic. While hot pain shot through her body, she pressed on, yet held nothing back by screaming.

“Hey, wait up!” Kristoff said.

“Don’t stop me,” Elsa said as she sent tiny snowballs in Kristoff's direction.

“I wasn’t. I was just making sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine!” Elsa’s ankle twisted on a rock. It didn’t break, but it hurt more than she could have imagined. As she grabbed her ankle, another tower fell.

Elsa quickly shot her hand up to save a second tower from crumbling.

“Okay, so I’m tired, hungry, in pain, and so on. That’s not going to stop me though.”

Kristoff shook his head as he carried Elsa in one of his arms. “I never thought you would.” They looked up at a spiral on top of a fallen tower. “Still, I suppose we should move fast.”

Elsa rolled her eyes. “You think?”

They didn’t waste a moment longer as they raced up the stairs.

“We’re going on an adventure,” Olaf sang, “we’re going on an adventure! Into a falling apart castle! We’re going on a—Oh,” he said as he picked up a glistening piece of metal. “Shiny thing!”

He pulled it out of the snow, and realized it was a crown. He put it on his head. “I look pretty.” He danced around.

“Come on, Olaf!”

“Right.” Olaf jumped and raced up the stairs. “Wait for me!”

They raced up the stairs as Elsa fought between keeping the stair aloft, and the castle from falling in on itself.

“Hang on, Snowdrop,” she uttered as another pillar collapsed.

They made it to the top of the stairs, and barged through the door. With a deep breath, she pushed off of Kristoff and shouted through the crumbling castle, “SNOWDROP!”


“You take her,” one of Snowdrop’s classmates said.

“No, I had her last time,” another said, “You take her.”

Snowdrop lowered her head onto the desk.

Next, it was recess, and the team captains for a game of hoofball were deciding between her and a colt in a cast.

“You take her this time,” she heard one of the captains say quietly.

They always tried to not say it out loud, which she respected. However, try as she might, she always heard what they said about her and other students like her.

“Poor child,” she heard one of the adults say on ‘the day.’

She was crying in the other room clinging onto one of her favorite blankets.

“You sure there’s no other family member that will take her in?”

“None that her mother mentioned, and it’s not like we can ask her now.” There was a pause. “I’m sure we can find her a good family.”

Snowdrop held her blanket as her mother driftedaway.

“She’s blind and eight years old. I wouldn’t count on it.”

“Mama?” Snowdrop looked up at her mother as she began to shrink. “Mom! Don’t leave me. Mom, please, I need you!” She raced after her, only to bump into pillar after pillar.

“Mom!” Snowdrop cried out just as she was able to reach out to her. As her hoof extended out towards her mother, she began to disappear.


Before her mother disappeared, she turned her head towards her daughter, only for a blinding white light to deny snowdrop from seeing her mother’s face.


Snowdrop shot awake, the pain she felt in her head had worsened. She felt that the fire had died down and went to gather some more firewood. After feeling around for a while, she came to the undeniable conclusion that she only had two rather thin logs left.

As the pain amplified, she grabbed the twigs and threw them into the fire.

She wasn’t sure what was taking Princess Elsa so long, but she was confident that Princess Elsa wouldn’t be gone for much longer. It was likely that Elsa was still running down those intruders to make sure they wouldn’t bother either of them again. She would be back any minute now, with warm smiles and more firewood to make the pain go away. Maybe it would take a day and they could spend one more night curled up together by the fire. Then… Then…

She began to sniffle as the fire grew weaker.

Who was she kidding? Elsa was either taken by those ruffians, or, she had left her. Snowdrop knew that Princess Elsa never wanted her around, so she sealed her up in this room to die.

Snowdrop sighed in acceptance. Maybe it was better this way. No one wanted her. She could be the most well behaved filly, create the most beautiful snowflakes, and have the most positive attitude, and none of that would matter because she was a blind filly that would be more trouble than she was worth.

Good, now she could—

“Snowdrop!” Elsa cried into the castle.

“Elsa…” barely above a whisper, Snowdrop shouted out.



“Snowdrop!” Through falling debris, collapsing staircases, Elsa pushed on and used every ounce of energy limping to the fire room’s sealed entrance. On the way, her back burned with a burning pressure that threatened to crack at any time. as she moved on, her powers would waver as she would have to dodge falling ice and expanding sinkholes. If Olaf and Kristoff weren't there, she would have likely been killed before she reached the inner stairs.

Breathing hard, Kristoff carried her up the stairs, through the castle, to the place where the fire room had been.”

“Please,” she prayed before she touched the wall, bringing it down with ease. Inside, an ice covered Snowdrop curled up by the last embers of the fire, still alive.

When she heard the door melt, she turned her attention towards Elsa. “Ma… Princess Elsa?”

Elsa threw herself on Snowdrop, squeezing the filly in a tight bear hug. “I told you,” she said through heavy breaths, “it’s just Elsa!”

Snowdrop curled into Elsa’s arms and gave her a weak smile. “Where… where were you? Did… did you ch… chase them off?”

“Yeah,” Elsa held Snowdrop closer. “I’m so sorry I took so long. Don’t worry, I’m going to get you help, I’ll—”

She felt Snowdrop lift her frostbitten eyes up at her. “Don’t leave me again, okay? I… I was so scared that you just left me, because you didn’t want me because, well....”

“Snowdrop!” Elsa placed a hand to the filly’s cheek as she felt Snowdrop grow colder. “There is no reason why I wouldn’t want you. Do you hear me?”

Snowdrop winced, but nodded her head. Elsa also noticed Snowdrop warm up a bit.

“Good, now listen carefully. I am so sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. I’m back now, and I promise, I will never leave you again.”

Snowdrop tried to widen her eyes, but the ice only allowed her to open them halfway. “You… You mean it? You’d… r… really want a blind filly like me?”

“I wouldn’t have you any other way. You’re a special filly, my Snowdrop.”

Elsa didn’t expect what happened next. With a quick flick of Snowdrop’s tongue, the filly licked her cheek several times before she buried herself into Elsa’s chest. “Oh thank you, thank you,” Snowdrop cried as Elsa felt ice-tears stream down her dress.

Not seeing anything better to do, Elsa held onto her.

“Um…” their hug was interrupted by Kristoff. “I don’t mean to break up a heartfelt moment, or question why there’s a talking pegasus after everything I’ve seen today,” he said as another chunk of ice smashed next to him, “but can we get out of here before we get crushed by ice?”

“I don’t see what the big deal is, guys.” Olaf said as a large chunk of ice crashed right behind him. When he moved forward he noticed the ice had shaved off his entire back side. “Well would you look at that, a clean-cut.”

Elsa used her power to clean Olaf up as she stumbled forward. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.” Holding Snowdrop tight, they made their way towards the exit.


With a few close calls, they made it to the exit in one peice. Once they made it out of the castle, Elsa looked one last time at her creation. She was the only reason it was still standing. After she let go and left, the whole thing would fall apart.

Elsa felt Snowdrop wriggle in her arms, and let go of any power she had on the castle.

It fell in a spectacular display of ice, snow, and powder. It started with the top towers. Instead of falling forward, the towers collapsed upon themselves as clouds of snow seemed to swallow the towers whole. The lower levels went next. They slid down the mountain under the white clouds as the last pillars dissolved, the balcony imploded on itself.

Lastly, the stairs fell. Unlike the rest of the castle, they merely toppled forward into the canyon below with the structure.

“Come on.” Kristoff placed a spare jacket around Elsa as he led her towards Sven. “Let’s get going.”

Once on the reindeer, Elsa turned around to stare at the green mountain. On the top, a path of white flowers began to blossom.

"Yeah.” Elsa said as she held tightly onto Snowdrop. “Let’s go.”

Author's Note:

Few quick things;
First off, while I'm not technically putting this story on hiatus, don't be counting on a new chapter for a while. By that, I mean possible a month or two. I'm going to try to submit this story to Equestria Daily, which can take weeks between submission. :twilightblush: Still, if it takes long, I'll get the next chapter in between submission. Also, it will give me more time to plan out what I want to do next. don't worry, I know what I want the story to do, but I'm still working out how to play the middle part out. So I thank you all for your patients.

Second, yes, Snowdrop's mother is dead. I'll go into more detail later about when and how, but yes, I'm changing the cannon for the story. I know most of you are going to hate me for that, but before you hit that dislike or comment button, hear me out;
It was a though call, harder than when I decided to give Elsa log summoning powers to shorten the first chapter. Still, it came down to two choices; keep the story cannon but have some awkward slow pacing later, or change the cannon, anger some fans, but make the story work much better down the line. A hard choice for any author, and I've made mine.With that said, comment away on the subject! (I've got a bet between friends if the response will be worse than the log powers).

Lastly, I want to honor this chapter to one of my friends, Bad Seed 72. I presume half of you know her through the blog post she used to promote this story, for those who don't, she's a big name author on this site who has made a number of popular stories that have been featured on Fim Fic and EQD. If you get the time, you should check them all out. She was also one of my editors and close friends on this site, and it is a real shame to see her go both as a writer and editor for this site. I'm not saying we should moan her or beg her to come back—that would be selfish of us—I'm merely giving her the farewell respect she deservers. You can check out her last blog post if you want to know more, it reminded me about why I write in the first place, and reminded me not to get m priorities mixed up. Again, it's a shame to see her go, but when the time comes, and you feel like you've taken everything you can from fim fic, it's better to quite while you ahead and while the game still feels fun. If you're reading this, Bads, it was a blast working with you, and I hope in one form or another I'll see you create and do amazing things in the future.
As for the rest of you, my fans and friends, I'll see you around on EQD ;)