• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 15th

Mischievous Blue

For the starlight, for the twilight, for the distant fate of us all. For the sunlight, for the moonlight, she will fight the battle of time.


Lightning Aura Strike, a young pegasus from Canterlot, is blamed for an explosion at the Grand Galloping Gala and chased away. She finds herself at Twilight's library and makes friends with the Mane 6. When Celestia discovers Lightning's location, she reveals terrible secrets about the young pegasus' past. Now with the secrets of her past known to her, Lightning is ready to fulfill her destiny, and take down Canterlot and it's leaders!

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 9 )
Comment posted by Pirate Jesus deleted Dec 16th, 2014

I don't get it........this story's been out for almost eight months, and now there's hate for it? Just out of nowhere, I don't get it, the story is very good and well written, I love it.

5396852 Ok. So, I like your advice and everything. It'll help me for future stories. Hell, I'll even copy, paste, and save your advice on a Word file so I can look to it for help. But, the first chapter doesn't tell you everything. You need to read the rest to understand some parts.
As for medical and hospital parts, when I was writing this (March 2014), I was doing it more for fun. After all, that's what writing a fanfic is about: being able to shape a make-believe world to your whims. Anyway, I didn't have any medical knowledge at that point as you pointed out. Now, as I have an editor that is very knowledgeable about such things, it can make the story a little more believable as the story goes on.

After all, that's what writing a fanfic is about: being able to shape a make-believe world to your whims.

I agree to an extent but if it doesn't seem at least somewhat plausible to the reader, or is so vastly different from established canon that the reader cannot identify with the implied familiarity with canon that is supposed to exist in fanfics, then it won't be as well-received as you'd like. Just sayin'...

:heart: great story well written excited and cant wait to find out whats next thanku MB ★

Lightning Aura Strike sounds like an anime attack.

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