• Published 29th Oct 2011
  • 20,761 Views, 1,122 Comments

Trip Of A Lifetime - Tailslover13

A normal, everday human male who frowns upon girly things like MLP finds himself in Equestria...

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Chapter 26: The Letter & The Flashback

With his stomach hurting, partly due to his heart angrily scolding him for his hurtful actions towards Pinkie Pie and mostly because he was starving, Josh tore his eyes away from the doorway where the pink pony disappeared and eyed the spread laid out across the room. His hungry eyes took in the layout of cakes, muffins, cupcakes, bread rolls, croissants, and other delicious pastry treats and couldn’t help but begin to drool. Putting his heart on hold and deciding to satisfy himself first, Josh eagerly began racing towards the nearest table.

Hey, it’s my party anyway, right? Josh smirked to himself, walking up to the long rectangular nearest him and eying the intoxicating aromas waffling off the party pastries, So, since it’s my party, I’ll eat if I want to! Ah, I’m hilarious. But, no, in all seriousness, this food had best be fresh and not be poisoned in the least! I don’t trust the psycho pony in the house, but if I don’t eat something, I’m gonna collapse. Let’s see just how well a moronic pink party pony with down syndrome and a retarded pet alligator can bake, shall we?

Picking out something small to start, Josh made his way up to a tray of half a dozen cupcakes. The small pastries had a multitude of frosting colors, ranging from blue to a beautiful rainbow colored that resembled Rainbow Dash. When Josh carefully picked up one of the cupcakes up with his hooves, forcing him to sit down on the floor in the process, he felt the cushiony baked good squish nicely into his new hands. Upon raising it to his nose to smell, he was almost overwhelmed by how delicious the fresh aroma felt. By looks, smell and feel alone, Josh had to grudgingly admit that he was possibly in the presence of the best pastry products he had ever seen.

“It almost feels like a shame to eat something so…perfect,” Josh whispered to himself, staring at the yellow frosting-covered cupcake in his hooves, his eyes sparkling in delight, “Yeah…ALMOST!” With a loud guffaw, Josh lifted up his mouth and stuffed the cupcake inside. Almost as soon as he clamped his jaws down onto the treat, a little shiver rocketed through his body. When he began to chew up the cupcake, he almost wanted to moan and smile at the same time. It was like eating a slice of heaven.

Mmm…good God this is delicious! Josh found himself slowly sinking onto the floor, soon collapsing onto his back as his body writhed back and forth. The soft and luxurious texture…the smooth and delicious frosting…the perfect amount of sugar to let off a grand balance of sweetness without making you cringe…is this what having sex is like? No, that’s an insult to the cupcake; there’s no way having sex would be as incredible as what I’m eating right now.

Josh savored the delicious treat he was devouring, purposely slowing his chewing motions to painstakingly-long instead of usually very fast. He was very disappointed when his throat began to instinctively start swallowing down all the chewed, crumby remains of the cupcake that his teeth were delicately massacring. When every last crumb vanished down his gullet, the ecstatic stallion licked his lips and ran his tongue over each of his molars and other teeth. He wanted to taste every last bit of the godly cupcake before his stomach took its course.

“That was…incredible! So…freaking…incredible!” Josh eagerly leapt up onto his hooves, his eyes wild as the dark green pupils danced between all the titular baked goods aligning the brightly-colored tables that Pinkie had set out for him. “How a creepy little animated pony managed to make such an amazing treat is beyond me; it should be illegal for something that delicious to be created! But…I need more. Yes, I need MORE, BABY!”

His tongue hanging out of his mouth, Josh’s eyes turned from hungry to ravenous as he manically ogled the loads of food occupying the half dozen tabletops in the foyer. For the short time he’s spent in Equestria thus far, Josh realized that he really hadn’t had that much to eat to fill his stomach. He had eaten a few of Applejack’s complimentary apple delights, but other than that, he had eaten nothing worthwhile. Josh was used to starving himself, since he never needed to eat that much, but there was something about Pinkie’s pastries that was giving him fits. More than ever, he wanted to eat.

“Come to me, my delectable sweeties…Josh wants to EAT YOU!” Josh cackled, awkwardly leaping up onto his hind legs as he lunged onto the top of the tabletop. He accidentally stepped into in the large punch bowl, filled with a light red drink, but he didn’t care. Even as his left hind leg sank into the liquid, his mind was only on the snacks laid out before and under him. Giving an exaggerated roar akin to a wild animal hunting its prey, Josh dove headfirst into the lucrative smorgasbord of culinary delights.

The former human was stunned at himself acting like such a greedy pig, not to mention a wild animal, but he didn’t care. Something about being a pony was starting to bring out a different side to him. A side that he had never allowed out before back home. On planet Earth, being a human was vastly different than being a pony. Naturally, there was the differences in bodies. But, besides that, there was also a completely different mindset that Josh was beginning to comprehend. Equestria had its rules, as he had painfully found out several times, but it was so much more lax.

While Josh gorged on his party treats, his mind continued to wander as it contemplated the ponies. If there was a human being like Pinkie Pie back home, she’d instantly be introduced to the nearest mental ward or insane asylum. A human like Rarity would probably be a whore or in the very least the star for any number of porno movies; if she was lucky, perhaps just a fashion model. A human like Twilight would be the atypical nerd who was engineered in rocket science and whom changed the lives of many others, but was never heard from in public. A human like Rainbow Dash would most likely be a jock who always demanded money for her efforts, and it wouldn’t be surprising if she wound up in jail a few times. A human like Applejack would probably just be the average, hard-working farmer who made a living in the boondocks somewhere and was never mentioned in daily life. A human like Fluttershy would easily be a veterinarian or even a nurse.

It’s so funny…here in this world, you can be anything you want to be…and it seems to be accepted. Josh sank his teeth into a large white cake with orange frosting around the edges, a cute little design on the top that read “Pinkie & Joshy, Best Friends Forever”, which Josh failed to notice. This world…it seems SO much better than mine…but, it’s so…so…GIRLY! It’s so…so…pathetic! It’s so lame, it’s so fake, it’s so…well, I would say gay, but that’s just a retarded insult that moronic teenagers use to describe things that aren’t meant to be described with such a word, so I won’t go there. Josh closed his eyes as his face was covered with cake crumbs and frosting, the stallion plunging his muzzle deep into the middle of the white cake with orange frosting as he ate his fill. Why can’t I just accept these…ponies? Back on my world, they would simply be called…aliens, right? And…aliens aren’t really…bad. They’re just…different. Is being different really so bad? Am I…am I wrong…to hate?

Ten minutes later and a completely overturned and messy table later, Josh sat down on an empty cupcake tray to catch his breath. He had finally calmed down from his hunger attack, his stomach bulging a few centimeters out with all the tasty treats digesting inside. He had never eaten so much before in his life, but he was really glad that he had this time around. Everything his teeth and mouth had made contact with had been superb and delectable. The bread group had always been his favorite food group, but the way Pinkie Pie ran this bakery or whatever it was made Josh consider giving the pony some respect points. At least his hunger was sated.

“Ha…I guess it’s true what they say about you getting angry when you’re hungry…too bad Pinkie had to be my verbal punching bag,” Josh snickered, letting out a loud belch and immediately covering his mouth a moment later, “Excuse me...wait, why am I saying excuse me? Dammit, these ponies are driving me to act civilized! HOW DARE THEY?” Josh angrily attempted to scoop up another empty metal tray with his hoof, and after once again realizing he had no fingers, used both hooves instead. Casting a glance to the side, Josh spied a swinging doorway near the back of the foyer that most likely led to the kitchen. Giving an evil grin, Josh sat up tall and aimed for the opening just above the swinging doors.

“And here’s Joshua Schwartz at the discus throw. I gotta tell you, Jim, this kid’s looked really great through the first five events. Yes, that’s right, Bob, and he’s still so very young and will most likely rule the world, due to his high intelligence and great athletic power! We all should bow down and worship him now and save ourselves the time of doing it later, don’t you agree? Yes, Jim, I most certainly do. Oh, look, Josh is getting into the windup. Let’s watch!”

After his playful monotone announcement, Josh narrowed his eyes as he maneuvered his right hoof and wrapped it around the metal tray. Sticking his tongue out the right side of his mouth in concentration, Josh narrowed his eyes and locked onto the opening above the swinging doorway leading into the kitchen. It was a good 15-20 feet away from him, but he was sure he could make send his makeshift Frisbee through. Cocking his right foreleg back and trying to stay leveled, Josh aimed and fired. His shot missed by 10 feet and knocked a bag of sugar off the nearby wall.

“OH, DAMMIT! STUPID TRAY!” Josh angrily stomped up and down in frustration at his terrible throw, his temper making him kick over most of the other empty trays on the table, including a pile of paper cups and half of the orange frosting cake that he had failed to finish. “STUPID BODY! STUPID HOOF! STUPID PINKIE PIE! STUPID PARTY! ARRRRRRGH!”

The annoyed stallion proceeded to leap off the table and continue his temper tantrum, throwing random things off the table around the room and watching as they splattered or crashed into other items off the shelves or landed on other goodies on the other tables that Josh had not yet touched. He had no idea why he was so mad, but all he knew was that he wanted to just mindlessly throw things and watch them break and shatter. It thrilled him and made him happy, just like pushing Applejack and Rainbow Dash off the cliff made him feel.

However, just as the angry stallion got to one of the other untouched tables, a note fluttered down from underneath the plate he had picked up. Pausing momentarily from his destructive rage, Josh frowned and glanced down at the note that landed gently on the floor by his hooves. Slamming the plate with yet another cake resting on it back onto the tabletop, Josh snatched the note up and held the small piece of paper up to his eyes. Upon further examination, he realized that the note was folded over, and was actually a rather long letter instead of an actual note with a few words or sentences. The handwriting, or rather hoof-writing as he guessed it was written by a pony, seemed somewhat lackadaisical and even a bit crazy, but was rather small. Josh figured immediately that Pinkie Pie wrote it. The letter was double-sided, and as Josh’s eyes darted across letter while he read, he felt his heart tighten in his chest.

Dear Joshy,

Hiya! I really hope you had a great time at your party today! I hope you didn’t mind me slipping this note into your super-cool mane when you weren’t looking, but I had a small inkling that it’d be best I shared things with you that didn’t result in me using my voice. I can’t say for sure, but from the looks you gave me earlier, my hunch was that my voice irritated you. I know because…Gilda always gave me those same looks, and that meanie griffon was a real bully. I don’t want that to happen to you, too. I really don’t want you to go away, Joshy. I know that you will eventually when you return back to your own home, but until then, all I want is to make you happy!

This so isn’t like me to do, since I don’t really write that much, unless it’s about party invitations, but I’m hoping that this is one way that won’t make you hate me even more than you already do. I fear that I was the reason that Gilda left us…she was Rainbow Dash’s lifelong friend, you see. Even though she was totally mean and rude, I think it was partly my fault for pulling pranks on her too much and always trying to steal Dashie away. Joshy, is there anything that I could do to make your stay here in Equestria the best it can be? If so, please, just come and talk to me, Pinkie! My door will always be open.

You’re scary when you’re mad, but it’s so different than when Gilda got mad at us! I mean…she kinda attacked me a few times and went on to insult my friends and stuff, but…I don’t know. I can’t really explain it, but something in my head keeps itching and making me twitch! Oh, and my heart keeps telling me that you’re different, but in a good way! Does that make sense? I hope it makes sense! But, Joshy, the thing I mostly want to say is…me and my friends will always be behind you. Even if you hate us and all you want to do is push us off some cliffs, please know that we’ll always be there for you until you go home…and even AFTER you go home, okay?

You don’t need to be alone, Joshy. Nopony deserves to be alone! It’s just not right and it’s so horrible! I know that it feels like to be alone, and it’s so painful. It makes me cry big tears! Do you cry big tears when you get alone? Do you not let others see it? It’s okay if you do; I’ve done that many times. That’s why love is so amazing! When there’s love, the pain is easier to scare away, since all that love will make that mean old pain stop hurting you! Did you not ever feel that in your life? That’s so horrible! Pinkie Pie can try to make it better. Gummy knows I can! My friends know I can, too.

Joshy, I’m sorry for writing so much. I guess Twilight is wearing off on me, hee. But, I’ve wanted to say all this to you for a long time, but…I think you’d prefer it written instead of said. That’s okay, I understand. I’ll stop writing now; I’m sure this has annoyed you, and for that, I’m sorry as well. But, I really hope you liked the party today…or yesterday…or three days ago…or whenever you find this note! Dashie sometimes goes days without washing, so she rarely cleans her mane. I hope you find this before that long, but if you don’t, that’s okay! I hope you liked my cakes and treats and party games! If you ever want to have more fun, I’m always up for that! Love you, Joshy!

Pinkie Pie

Josh grit his teeth as he read the letter over once, and then twice. His mind was congested with an entire flue of random emotions. He was angry at some of the things he read. He was confused at what exactly this meant. He was amused that Pinkie was actually scared of him and had to write a letter. He was…saddened? Yes, he was saddened, and as he began reading the letter for a third time, his eyes widened and he suddenly realized something. As the letter fluttered from his hoof, his eyes began to invite tears to invade. He glanced around the room and at the destruction he had inflicted for no reason. He remembered the sad look that Pinkie had given him when she left the party that she had set up for him. He memorized certain lines in Pinkie’s letter that were killing him. This was all too familiar.

“Look at me…I’ve become my father,” Josh whispered, sitting down on his haunches as he raised his hooves and stared at them. “I’m…a monster…just like he was. I’m a splitting image of my father…the thing I set out to NEVER become. No…no…NOOOOOO!” Josh lifted back his head and clenched his eyes shut, slamming his hooves into the side of his face as he violently attempted to rip his own head from his neck. His pained screams echoed through the deathly-silent Sugarcube Corner as his overzealous mind elicited a flashback that he had wanted to always keep buried in his darkest of memories.


Josh giggled as he sat on the floor in the warm room in the basement of his home. His eager young eyes scanned the jigsaw puzzle in front of him. It was 500 pieces, quite advanced for his young age, but he had discovered a while ago that solving puzzles were one of his gifts. The green coffee table he was putting the puzzle together on was low to the fuzzy purple floor, allowing the boy to sit down while he relaxed and put his mind at ease. He really loved putting together jigsaw puzzles. It was like solving a little game, and when he won, he was rewarded with a bright and detailed picture that the pieces formed when they were fit together properly. It excited him.

“DAMMIT!” A loud crash scared Josh out of his happy place, making him whip his head around to see what had happened. He saw his father, Joe, rising up from his chair as he watched the television set. Josh had no idea what had happened. What was it his daddy was watching? Was it some kind of sport? Did he call it football? Josh had no idea, but he wondered why his daddy was getting so mad, and what the odd word he just said was. Cautiously, little Josh stepped away from his puzzle, only with about 100 pieces to go, and took a step towards his father. The tall man had his back to his son, his fists clenched and his body heaving.

“Daddy? Are you okay?”

Joe whipped his head around, his eyes ablaze with fury. His favorite football team had just given up a touchdown, not that his unintelligent son would know that. He was so stupid and such a pest. The father hated his son. He would never amount to anything. The only thing he was good for was taking up space and being a nuisance. Combined with his sporting events not going so well, seeing the timid Josh looking up at him with such a stupid expression irritated Joseph. Why should he have to put up with this runt? Why couldn’t his mother just look after him? He never wanted him to begin with.

“Shut up, you little bastard! Just shut up!” Joe angrily took a swipe at Josh, striking the little boy right in the face and sending him falling over backwards onto his back. As Josh cried out in pain and terror, Joe turned back around and proceeded to smash his fist right into the television set. He wasn’t quite powerful enough to punch a hole through the screen, but his rage allowed him to slam the TV so hard that the cables got yanked out of the wall and a part of the plastic surrounding the television set broke off. The TV flickered off, Josh began crying, but Joe’s anger was just getting started.

“DAMMIT! FRICK! STUPID LITTLE CREEP! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!” Joe stomped back around and reached down, grabbing Josh by the back of his black hair and yanking the crying boy to his feet. He tossed him across the room, watching him thankfully slam into the sofa instead of the wall, but then the red-haired father took an angry glance down at the jigsaw puzzle that Josh had already spent six hours working on. “STUPID FRICKIN’ PUZZLE! SISSY JUNK!” Joe brought his fist down onto the table, smashing a good chunk of the pieces and wrecking a lot of the work Josh had already put into crafting the puzzle. Not satisfied, Joseph grabbed up handfuls of the pieces and hurled them across the room, most of them striking the sobbing Josh, while the rest were unceremoniously scattered into random places of the tiny room. Finally, just for good measure, Joe kicked over the green coffee table, breaking off one of the legs and destroying whatever remained of Josh’s jigsaw puzzle. The end result was going to be a picture of a kitty, but it was long gone now.

“Daddy…I’m sorry…whatever I did, I’m sorry…” Josh’s cracked voice reached his father’s red ears, his choking sobs echoing through the destroyed room as the boy cowered in the corner of the sofa. The back of his head hurt where he had been yanked up by his hair, but he didn’t care. He just didn’t want it to happen to him again.

Joe’s angry brown eyes glared over at his son, shaking his head in disgust as he saw the cowering boy in the corner. Kicking the jigsaw puzzle box that Josh was using as a guide out of his path, Joe stomped right over to Josh and pointed a long, pointy finger right into his tear-soaked face. “You listen to me, you little bastard. You will not tell your mother what happened down here today, you got that? If you do, I’m only going to destroy more of your crappy, girly nonsense next time. You understand me?”


“You are a man, so start acting like one. Men don’t do sissy little puzzles. Men don’t cower like babies when they get hurt or yelled at. Men don’t act like you do, you hear me? I sometimes wish I would’ve had a daughter instead. She’d be ten times better than the likes of you.”


“You make me sick.” Joe reached down and roughly grabbed Josh’s puny right arm, pinning him to the back wall. “Just look at you. You’re such a bony little thing. A girl could beat you up.”

“I’m…I’m only seven, Daddy…I’ll get stronger, I promise…please don’t hurt me…”

“Hurting you would be like punching a wall. Completely worthless.” Joe frowned and threw Josh’s arm out of his muscular hand, turning back around as he stomped towards the doorway. Just before he exited to go upstairs and get a drink, he shook his head and muttered to himself. “Damn that mother of yours, always leaving you in my care…I have better things I could be doing than babysitting a little idiot like you.” With a shake of his head, Joe picked up his nearby sports cap off the coatrack behind the door, slipped it onto his slick red hair, then left the room in a huff.

Josh, while technically unharmed, save for the pain in the back of his head and in his right arm, tried to hold in his crying. He didn’t want to be a sissy. He didn’t want to be an idiot that let his father down. He didn’t want to be taken back for a daughter. He wanted to be the best he could be. But, as his meek green eyes peered down at his destroyed jigsaw puzzle, his greatest passion, he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing out of his eyes. Throwing himself down onto the sofa, Josh buried his face into the white cushion and bawled. He kicked his legs and screamed, hating himself and everything that he was. He didn’t blame his father; after all, his father was never wrong.


Tears ran down the stallion’s face, his teeth grinding together as he observed the room. Metal trays thrown everywhere. Cake and cupcakes and other bread items completely destroyed. Bags of sugar and other merchandise rudely knocked off the shelves and ruined upon splitting open on the ground. Josh looked down at the letter that Pinkie Pie had written him, due to her not wanting to make him any madder than he had already been. Save for his eyes and his hair, he was the splitting image of his father, Joseph. Josh felt sick to his stomach.

“I…I…no…I don’t want to be this…DAMMIT, I DON’T WANT TO BE THIS!” Josh’s bellowing sobs gurgled out of his mouth, slamming his hooved fists down onto the bakery floor. “I HATE MYSELF! I HATE MYSELF MORE THAN THESE STUPID PONIES! I HATE MYSELF MORE THAN I HATE MY HOME! I HATE MYSELF SO BAD! I SHOULD BE DEAD!”

Shut up, Josh. What the hell is the matter with you? The part of Josh that had pulled him through all these years, darkening his heart and locking it away, was his mind. His mind now spoke to him, forcibly pulling him out of his sorrowful state. You did nothing wrong. You father was wrong, just like the world was wrong. You are not the evil one here. All these ponies are the evil ones. Who are they to try and turn you into something you’re not? Isn’t that what your father did? Don’t you understand, Josh? The only person you can ever trust or listen to is yourself. Everyone else is garbage, and you are the landfill who has to suffer through all that garbage, and you can’t do a thing about it. You are life’s scapegoat, Joshua Schwartz.

“You’re right…yes, you’re right…” Josh stared down at Pinkie’s letter, a small puddle of tears forming at the base of his hind legs as he sat cross-legged in front of the piece of paper. “I can only trust myself. That is…that is true…no matter what these ponies say…they’re just liars. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. I don’t belong in this world…but I don’t belong in my world, either. Do I…not belong anywhere?”

We all serve a purpose in life. When you find yours, you’ll know. But, until then, just remember that suicide is the coward’s way out.

“I would never. No…I’m not that stupid…that’s what they all WANT me to do…” Josh’s eyes narrowed into slits, reaching up with his hooves and wiping his nose and his excess tears from his eyes. “I will continue to live…and in doing so…I WILL find my destiny. No more nonsense. I’m not a punching bag. I’ll show them all who I really am…”

Oh? And just who are you, Josh? One cannot find their destiny if they don’t understand who they are first, you know.

“Shut up.” Josh angrily slapped his head to silence his thoughts before picking up the note and folding it back the way it was. Carefully, he slid it back underneath the same cake that he had found it under, then returned it to its proper place on the table. “I may not belong here, and I may be the only one who is actually sane in either world…but, all the same, I will NOT be my father. I refuse. I…I’m going to go…and apologize…to Pinkie.”

Making his way to the back stairs that Pinkie had vanished up a while back, Josh muttered to himself as he examined the stairwell going up. Wondering if he was losing his mind or if he was just trying to be nice for once, Josh forced his four legs to climb the wooden stairs. Climbing up each step seemed like a triathlon for him, but Josh refused to back away. He still didn’t like the ponies, but between his father and the ponies, he hated his father a bit more. He didn’t’ like it, but he would do the right thing.

When Josh reached the top of the staircase, he found a hallway filled with doors. However, it didn’t take long to find which room was Pinkie’s. It was the only one that was shut and locked, not to mention having the words “Pinkie’s Room” embroidered in hardened sugar on the doorway. Rolling his eyes, and taking a deep breath, Josh lifted up his hoof and gently pounded on the door. When no one answered, Josh realized he would have to do a bit more than that.

“Ugh…hey, Pinkie? You know…you may be onto something.” Josh forced a weak smile. “I ate one of your cupcakes and nearly died. I mean, it was…” At that moment, the door was wrenched open and Josh found himself tackled by the pink ball of fuzz known as Pinkie Pie. Her hair was still down, but she looked very concerned as she looked down at the pony she had just tackled.

“Joshy, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know my cupcakes would almost kill you, I swear! I mean, AJ and I accidentally made some bad muffins one time, but I swear I wasn’t trying to make them bad! Ooh, this is terrible! I’m such a terrible baker. I KNEW I should’ve had Gummy watch me to make sure I didn’t do anything wrong. Please, Joshy, I really didn’t mean to almost kill you! I was just…”

“PINKIE, WOULD YOU…eh-hem…would you please shut your mouth?” Josh interrupted, trying his hardest to not yell at her. When Pinkie Pie immediately went silent, nervously sitting on Josh’s chest and wondering if she was about to be scolded again, the stallion forced himself to smile once more. “I simply meant that your cupcakes were un-freaking-believable. They were DELICIOUS! Plus, EVERYTHING you made was very, very tasty!”

“R-r-really?” Pinkie tilted her head.

“Yeah, really! Most delicious things I’ve ever eaten. But…okay, look…” Josh grumbled, but once again forced himself to continue. “I…I didn’t mean to…to yell at you. It’s just…well…er…Gummy attaching himself to my horn…drove me batty. I, uh, really feel bad…about what took place. But…it’s just not a party with just me…even though I AM the life of the party always. There’s still plenty of food and stuff downstairs, so I was wondering if…”

Pinkie’s smile couldn’t have slipped back onto her face faster than if Josh had just hugged her. With another loud popping sound, her mane and tail sprung back to their normal cotton candy-like shapes, and the pink pony eagerly began bouncing around the stallion. “Joshy, do you want to party with me?”

“Even though I know I’m going to regret this in the morning…yes, I would.”

“YAAAAAAAAAAY!” Pinkie pulled Josh into a tight embrace and nuzzled him so hard that Josh’s cheek began to burn. “Oh, Joshy, thank you so much! Don’t worry, I forgive you…but, I’m totally sorry for being a pain, too. Can you forgive ME?”

“You’re still a pain in the butt, and your voice is still very annoying, but…hey, no one’s perfect!”

Taking that as a yes, Pinkie giggled and playfully twirled the squished Josh around and around. “Okay! We’re going to have SOOOO much fun! Have you ever played pin the tail on the pony? How about bobbing for apples? Do you know how to dance? Hey, I’ve got a piñata, if you’re interested!”

As the eager Pinkie Pie began to practically drag Josh back downstairs, the stallion sighed a bit. His headache was already starting to creep back up, but seeing Pinkie Pie happy leveled the pain to a more manageable level. He still despised the party pony, along with all her friends, but at least this was better than going emo and just randomly hurting others for no reason. Josh would suffer through the pain, at least for now. Pinkie deserved that.

She’d better not mess up my hair when she slips that letter inside, though. I don’t need more ponies making a mockery of my hairdo!