• Published 29th Oct 2011
  • 20,760 Views, 1,122 Comments

Trip Of A Lifetime - Tailslover13

A normal, everday human male who frowns upon girly things like MLP finds himself in Equestria...

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Chapter 27: Party Of Love

“Higher, Joshy, higher!”

“If you don’t stop pestering me, I’m gonna pin this tail on YOUR butt instead of the one on the flat, cardboard cutout of a pony!”

“Aww, silly Joshy, I don’t think it would stick to MY tushy.”

“Shall we test that theory?”

Twenty minutes later after Josh’s hesitant apology to Pinkie, the party was back on. Gummy took residence inside the punch bowl, much to Josh’s disapproval, but Pinkie kept the stallion occupied so he didn’t lose his temper again. The party pony didn’t seem to mind the mess that Josh made during his angry rant earlier. In fact, she was even determined to turn the mess into a cleaning game when the party was over. Josh couldn’t help but give himself a face-hoof.

After Pinkie showed Josh how many cupcakes she could stick into her mouth at once, the two shared a cake together. Even though Josh had eaten quite a lot already, he still found room for more. Plus, spending more time in the presence of Pinkie Pie seemed like a great way to exercise and lose weight, while at the same time gaining it right back again from the number of treats she enjoyed baking. Either way, after the two ponies continued to snack together, Pinkie tried to get Josh to play a game with her. The stallion admitted he had never played pin the tail on the donkey before, so he wouldn’t mind trying it. He had to restrain himself from strangling the mare when she corrected him and said that it was pin the tail on the pony, not donkey.

“Pinkie, I’m dizzy and disoriented! I have no idea where I am!” Josh complained, contemplating on whether or not to lift the dark blindfold tightly wrapped around his eyes to get a cheating peek. He tried to lift his right hoof with the thumbtack and pony tail higher, but all he swung at was air. Pinkie’s excessive giggling from somewhere to his right didn’t help matters. “Stop laughing! My eyes can’t see through blindfolds, you know! Plus, you spun me a good fifty-seven times before you let me start, which very nearly made me puke everything I’ve already eaten. Laugh one more time and I’m stomping you flat into the ground!”

“How can you do that when you can’t see me?” Pinkie’s voice giggled once again, and from the thuds echoing from either side of him, Josh realized that the pony was bouncing around. “You have that blindfold on, so you can’t squash me flat, Joshy! I mean, you’d have to be REALLY good at moving around while blind and dizzy, which I don’t think you are. You’re nowhere near your target at all! I don’t really think you’re cut out for this game.”

“Wait, what? I thought you said that I had to raise my hoof higher!”

“No, I meant raise your HEAD higher, since you were kinda leaning it towards the ground as you trotted along, and you almost ran right into a table! That would’ve been very sad to see, since you would’ve gotten a big owie! I ran into a table once and I almost poked my eye out! Of course, it didn’t REALLY pop out, since I think my eyes are glued into my head or something. No matter how hard I hit something, my eyes just won’t fall out of my head! Isn’t that so super cool?”

Josh sat down and tried counting to ten, his anger starting to return. However, it wasn’t the type of anger he got when he wanted to kill something. It was the kind of anger he got when he was annoyed and felt like playfully issuing some punishment. Taking what Pinkie Pie said to heart a few moments ago, an evil grin creeped onto Josh’s face as he reached up to remove his blindfold. “You know what, Pinkie? I think I’ll take you up on that offer of yours.”

“What offer, Joshy?” Pinkie’s voice was coming from somewhere to his left now.

“The offer to see if this thumbtack will stick into your butt!” Josh tried to rip his blindfold off, planning on throwing it aside and lunging at Pinkie all in one fluid motion. “Just think, two tails for the price of one! Maybe if you’re lucky, it won’t hurt too much…DAMMIT, WHY ISN’T THIS COMING OFF?!?!” The stallion, no matter how hard he struggled, couldn’t remove the blindfold from his eyes.

Pinkie’s giggling voice rang out again as she playfully continued to bounce around Josh. “Oh, well, I kinda figured that you would be like Dashie, so I wanted to put my special blindfold on you! You see, Dashie enjoys cheating as well, and that’s so not nice! So, a while back, I had Twilight use her magic on that blindfold.” She paused and tilted her head, reaching up and scratching at her mane as though trying to remember something. “Um…I think she said that it…uh…oh, right!” She stuck her hoof in the air as a light bulb went off in her head. “She said that the one wearing the blindfold could not remove it, therefore preventing any amount of cheating! Only other ponies can remove it. Isn’t that so cool? Twilight is the best when it comes to magic!”

“Pinkie Pie?”


“Remove this blindfold from my eyes, right now, so that I may jab this sharp thumbtack into your butt. If you do not comply by the time I count to five, I will be forced to annihilate you.”

More giggles and more bounces sounded out, followed by Pinkie Pie playfully bouncing onto the blinded Josh’s backside and tackling him down. “Aww, Joshy, you’re so cute when you act serious. But, you didn’t say ‘pretty please with a lemon drop on top’, so I’m afraid the blindfold stays!”


Pinkie Pie bounced up and down on Josh’s back, giggling and watching as her party hat rocketed into the air. “Ooh, so cool! Hey, Joshy, your back is very nice to bounce on! I wonder how high I can get my party hat to fly into the air. Do you think I can get it to hit the ceiling?”


“Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!” Pinkie laughed joyfully as she leaped up and down on Josh’s back, her weight not really being so much of a problem for him. Her pointy, colorful hat continued to soar up to the ceiling with each big bounce she took on the stallion’s back, until it finally smacked into the ceiling on her thirteenth bounce. “Yippee! I did it, Joshy!”


“What would you like to do after this, huh?” Pinkie let her hat flutter back down onto her head, then took a seat on Josh’s lower back as she placed a hoof to her chin. She propped her lower hooves onto the back of Josh’s neck as she used him for a seat. “I was thinking we could save the piñata for last, since it’s always such a BLAST smacking it open! Ooh, did you know one time, during this party I threw for Sweetie Belle’s birthday, that somepony put ants in the piñata and when it was struck, the ants flew everywhere and onto everypony? It was soooooo crazy! You should’ve heard the way Rarity was screaming and how Dashie was laughing her head off and how Applejack was ready to beat her up for some odd reason. Pretty kooky, don’t you think?”


“Anyway, maybe after this, Joshy, you’d like to…” Pinkie paused for a moment, then shyly leaned down and wrapped her forelegs around the front of Josh’s neck. She buried her face into his dark, velvety mane and wiggled slightly on top of his dark violet body. “…dance with me?”

“Five! Prepare to…wait, what?” The blind stallion paused in his quest to annihilate Pinkie Pie, shivering at how close she was being with him. Before he could question that, however, he was more concerned with what she had said about dancing. “Uh…no, we’re not doing that. I utterly refuse to dance with you, Pinkie Pie. I would sooner dance with a dead rat.”

“Aww, but why?” Pinkie pouted, nuzzling the back of Josh’s neck as she idly kicked her hind legs back and forth behind her. “I totally dance better than a dead rat, I swear! Just ask Gummy!”

“For one, I don’t dance. For two, I don’t dance…with horses! For three, males weren’t meant to dance! That’s for females. Seriously, back home, there’s this show called Dancing With The Stars, and I nearly puke my lungs out when I see the males dancing on there. Seriously, all they’re doing is making complete jackasses of themselves! It’s an utter disgrace.”

Slowly, Pinkie pushed her lips close to Josh’s left ear and whispered to him. “If you hate dancing so much, why would you be watching such a thing, hmm?”

“H-hey! Don’t you try to trick me, you little brat!” Josh squirmed, trying to buck Pinkie off as he rose to his hooves, but the earth pony clung to him like lint. “I don’t actually watch the show! I just…uh…I just know about it…because…er…” Josh stalled in trying to come up with a quick excuse. He was usually keen at coming up with clever excuses, but at the moment he was struggling. Something about the way Pinkie was holding him and whispering to him was starting to make him unravel again. “…I happened to see it on a TV monitor inside of a random store that I had completely no interest in going into and was just casually strolling past while going about my business?”

“I might believe that…IF it didn’t take you six seconds to come up with it.” Pinkie’s high-pitched giggling reigned supreme again as Josh’s excuse was shot down. Trying to win an argument against Pinkie Pie was like trying to ignore puppy dog eyes; it was almost entirely impossible and usually a lost cause. “C’mon, Joshy, would you pleeeeeeeease dance with me? Pretty please with extra sugar and frosting and lemon drops on top?”

Josh squirmed blindly for a few more minutes, trying his hardest to throw Pinkie Pie off his back, but failing each time. His full stomach and the pony’s strong hooves wrapped around his neck was really slowing Josh’s movements and not allowing him to hurl the pony away. He really didn’t want to humiliate himself by dancing with a pony, despite the fact he was one himself at the moment. It wasn’t like he couldn’t dance. He was no Michael Jackson, but he could still bust a few moves better than most human beings. But, all the same, he wasn’t sure if dancing with a pink pony in a world known as Equestria was really the best idea. It certainly was not what he had been planning for the day.

“Pinkie…ugh, okay, here’s the deal.” Josh chose his words very carefully, pausing and stopping his thrashing as he spoke to the pony on his backside. “If you remove this blindfold from me, I will…dance one song with you, but that’s IT. You will tell NO ONE about it, you will NOT mock me, AND…your pet alligator can’t watch.”

“Hmm…do you Pinkie Promise that you’ll dance with me and not try to trick me?”

“Do I…what?”

“You have to Pinkie Promise! It’s a binding promise that you cannot break! If you dare break a Pinkie Promise…” Josh heard Pinkie go silent, and for a split-second, he could’ve sworn he felt his spine get a chill. Somehow, he didn’t like the unusual pause that Pinkie gave.

“Ugh, fine, whatever! What’s…the Pinkie Promise?”

“You have to repeat these words, while making the motions as well!” Pinkie cleared her throat, then recited the Pinkie Promise to the confused stallion beneath her. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Uh…that sounds vaguely familiar…I think we have a similar saying back on my home world.” Josh raised a hoof to his lip and tried to remember what the saying was back home, but since he never usually promised anything to anybody, he probably had never heard of it. “Oh, screw it. So, all I do is say those corny words and…make the motions, are you serious?”

“Yuppers! Do it, and don’t you try to get out of it; I’m watching you, mister.” Pinkie playfully gave Josh a slap on the head that was more of a pat. Rolling his eyes inside of his blindfold, Josh awkwardly lifted up his right hoof and began saying the Pinkie Promise for the first time.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly…” Josh made an X-shape over his heart with his hoof. “…stick a cupcake, in my EYE!” Even though he was still wearing his blindfold, when Josh attempted to jab himself in the eye with his hoof, the accidental force caused the blindfold to smack his eye and make him shriek in pain. “OW! SON-OF-A-HANDBAG, OW!”

“Yay! You did it!” Pinkie gushed, letting Josh go and removing his blindfold in less than two seconds. Josh’s hoof instantly pressed into his sore eye as he continued to make silly curses and loudly accuse Pinkie of setting him up for that. Pinkie, however, just hummed to herself and went about keeping her side of the promise. She made sure that the front door to the bakery was locked, pulled down the blinds on the windows, and then went over and removed Gummy from the now-empty punch bowl. She didn’t exactly have to remove him; the gator instantly latched onto Pinkie’s head when she came close to him.

DAMN that hurt! I have perfect 20/20 vision, too! This had better not affect it, that’s all I’ve gotta say. Josh muttered to himself, trying to clear the blurriness in his right eye. He was still holding the thumbtack with the pony tail in his free hoof, and he was still planning on inserting it in its proper place sometime soon. After noticing how the windows were drawn and the door was locked, he glanced towards Pinkie’s vanishing tush, watching as she “carried” Gummy upstairs. Hmm…interesting…she’s actually doing what I asked. All I had to do was make that stupid promise and say that I’ll dance with her, and she listened to me? Wow…I guess a little kindness actually works…not that I care. Plus…Pinkie actually has quite a cute rear-end. Not as hot as Rarity’s, but cute nonetheless.

Just as quickly as Pinkie vanished up the stairs to deliver Gummy back to her room, she returned only seconds later. “I’m back, Joshy! Are you ready to shake your groove thang?” She winked at the stallion, who was caught off-guard not only by the sudden display of flirting, but by the new dress that Pinkie was wearing. The pony was now clad in a pink and white dress, complete with blue ribbons on her four hooves and a cute little white hat on her head. Josh’s jaw almost reached the floor when he saw Pinkie’s new look.

Dear God, she’s really taking this seriously! She…she actually looks…pretty! No, wait, what the hell am I THINKING? She’s NO Rarity! Hell, she’s no Twilight, Applejack, or Rainbow Dash for that matter! She’s highly unattractive! That little getup just makes her look like a tramp. As Josh kept telling himself that Pinkie wasn’t attractive that he was just dancing because it was part of his promise, the earth pony said nothing as she trotted over to a boom-box and flicked on a song.

A stylish pop song began to blare out over the speakers, which soon mixed into a dance song as well. As his favorite brand of music reached his eardrums, Josh nearly found himself hypnotized. He was a sucker for music, right down to the bone, and struggle as he might to deny it, he would never miss an opportunity to go wild. Plus, as Pinkie Pie in her suggestive dress danced her way across the floor towards him, he knew that he was in for one crazy dance. The last time he had danced with a female was back in high school, and that had ended rather badly. The girl had annoyed him by always stepping on his foot, so he lost his temper and shoved her into another random boy and stomped off in a huff. Hopefully, things would be different this time around.

“I’m ready for that dance, Joshy!” Pinkie sang out, stopping right in front of the stallion while continuing to shake her rump back and forth to the rhythm of the song, “Let’s see if you can keep up with me!”

“Bring it on, sweetheart,” Josh smirked, licking his lips and stepping to within a few inches of the pony, “I’ll have you sweating even before two minutes pass. Prepare to lose yourself on the dance floor!”

Failing to realize just how suggestive he had sounded, Josh reached out and wrapped a foreleg around the giggling pink pony’s neck. However, it was at that moment when Josh realized that he didn’t know how to dance as a pony. He was used to dance on two legs, not on four. He had attempted to stand and walk on his hind legs as a pony, and it was near impossible for him to do without having had proper practice. As such, the stallion’s bravado very quickly decreased when he came to this realization. But, it was too late to back away. Pinkie was already starting to dance. He would have to wing it.

With his right foreleg still wrapped around Pinkie’s neck, the pink pony pulled him out into the center of the party, shaking her flanks and never once pausing to stop her four hooves. When both ponies reached the middle of the large room, Pinkie began to pull off fancy moves without actually touching Josh. As he observed her, he drew the conclusion that “dancing” with ponies wasn’t actually the same with humans. Instead of holding hands, or in this case hooves, and actually performing dance moves together, you dance close to one another and it counts as the same thing. When Josh figured this out, he actually felt a lot better about free-styling with the mare.

Okay, Josh, you can do this…you’re not exactly dancing WITH her…it’s just…well, you’re dancing alongside her. There’s a difference! Now, from watching…another show…you learned that dancing is about what’s below your waist; your upper body isn’t the true part of dancing. So, I just have to let my back legs guide me and…okay, I am NOT shaking my ass! I’m not THAT moronic! You know what? Screw this, I’m just gonna go crazy and knock Pinkie Pie for a loop!

The tempo of the dance-pop song picked up, and Josh finally got into the groove. Following Pinkie’s lead, he began to mimic her actions, since he figured she was an expert at dancing, and soon began to add in a few things of his own. Before long, he was maneuvering on all four hooves like he had done so his entire life. He wasn’t even aware that he was still shaking his butt, even though he didn’t want to; he was too captivated by Pinkie Pie and the music to really know what he was doing. His body was moving on its own while his eyes were locked on Pinkie’s light blue pupils.

Why does she keep staring at me? It’s so creepy! That same goofy grin…those wide, innocent, playful eyes…that hyper, bouncy, shaking body…dammit, make her stop staring at me! Josh’s dance moves got faster, his irritation with Pinkie never leaving his eyes beginning to drive him nuts. Her ugly pink color is making my head hurt! But…her eyes…I’ve never been looked at like that before…from anyone! It…it’s almost like…the disappointed look I got from Applejack during last night…or the concerned look I got from Twilight Sparkle…or the longing look I got from Rarity…what is WRONG with these ponies? LOOK AWAY, DAMN YOU!

“Woo-hoo! Yeah, Joshy! You rock!” Pinkie laughed as she watched Josh circle her during his flashy dance moves, very nearly touching her at times on accident. Josh’s plan was to stop looking at Pinkie’s eyes, not enjoying the same feelings he got from the other ponies. However, even though he indeed managed to make her break eye contact when he got behind her, he was left with staring at her shaking rump instead. Things weren’t much better.

Can’t…stop…looking! Oh dear God, I’ve become a pervert! No, no, no, no, NO! I CAN’T be a pervert! Josh was horrified as he strained to look away from Pinkie’s shaking flanks underneath her pretty dress. She’s not even my type! Where’s Rarity when you need her? Dammit, why won’t this song stop? I’m starting to sweat here! Aw, crap, and here I told Pinkie that I’d make HER sweat. Stupid nonsense. Uh-oh, she’s turning around…no, not with those eyes! They’re too cute! Dammit, I hate you, Pinkie Pie!

Pinkie indeed turned around, her body never once losing its momentum. As the song was drawing to a close, Pinkie drew closer to her frazzled stallion dancing partner. She was happy that he could dance and move so quickly; she had to keep up with him to prevent herself from falling behind. She wasn’t sure if he even knew just how amazing he danced and mesmerized her. But, she would make sure Josh got a proper ending to the dance. It was HIS party, after all, and she wanted to make sure he was as happy as could be.

“It’s time for the grand finale, Joshy!” Pinkie shouted, the song nearing its booming end, “Catch me!”

“Catch you? Catch you doing what?” Josh raised an eyebrow, then gasped as the pink pony leaped into the air. She turned a few somersaults, then curled up into a cannonball as she began her descent towards the shocked stallion.

What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? Do I let her drop? Do I run under her? Do I…oh crap, she’s gonna land! His instincts taking over and the song coming to an end, he leaped up onto his hind legs and held out his forelegs. Pinkie Pie dropped right into them like a basketball in a basket.

“Hee, you caught me, Joshy,” Pinkie smiled, her front hooves pressed together in a cute way as Josh held her in his forelegs, “You really know how to sweep a mare off her hoofsies, you know that?”

“Uh…I, uh…well, you see…shut up!” Josh’s face temperature ignited to a burning degree as he stared down at the pretty party pony he was holding. Somehow, he was still standing on his hind legs, apparently too stunned to realize what he was doing. Feeling Pinkie’s silky dress with his hooves made his heart start to beat a mile a minute inside of his chest, and having Pinkie’s face so close to his continued to make the heat in his face produce maximum redness.

What…what’s going on? Why do I keep…feeling this way? I HATE these ponies with a passion! They’re the lamest things in the universe! But…why do I keep…getting all…emotional and stuff…around them? Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, and now this brat! I don’t understand what this feeling is. My heart feels like a herd of butterflies is dancing around it, ready to lift it right out of my chest and through my throat. I can hardly breathe. My face is burning. I can feel my knees…or whatever they are…shaking and trembling beneath me. What is this? Some kind of….magic?

“Tee-hee…Joshy…why are you looking at me like that?” Pinkie tilted her head, the adorable smile still plastered on her face as the little hat fluttered down to the floor a moment later. “Don’t you want to put me down? The song is over. Thank you so much for the dance! You really know how to move your body! It was so cool!”

“Um…thanks, Pinkie…you know how to move…your body…too.” The longer he stared at Pinkie Pie in his hooves, the more he felt inclined to do something. His heart was informing him that there was some kind of instinctual task he should be performing right now, but his mind was lacking in that department, and since he listened to his mind before his heart, he had no idea what to do. All he could do was continue to stare down at the smiling pink pony in his forelegs without a clue.

I never expected…to have such an interesting…dance…with a pony. Josh carefully set Pinkie back down onto the floor, lowering himself off his hind legs as he did so. It felt good to just shake my body and let it all hang out…dancing can do that for a guy. It’s still a girl’s hobby, if you ask me, but…well, I didn’t mind that very much. In fact, maybe I should do it again sometime! I’m glad no one back home saw me doing it, though.



“Would you like to try opening the piñata now? You’ve already been here over an hour; I don’t want to tie up your whole day.” Not waiting for an answer, Pinkie turned around and ambled back towards the stairs. “I’ll be back in a jiffy with the piñata! Oh, and I should probably change, too. Hang tight, Joshy!” As she vanished up the stairs, Josh’s eyes followed her up every step before he couldn’t see her anymore. What was once her annoying puffy tail was now actually a welcome sight atop that big, pink, squishy rump of hers.

“Why? All I want to know is…why?” Josh hung his head, whispering to himself to try and not let Pinkie hear him. “How can such a place be so…so…pure? Is it…is not really as lame as I thought? Maybe…just maybe…was everything I learned back on my world…WRONG? Maybe…I was living in a dream all along, and…then I woke up. Maybe THIS is my home. A world with no wars. A world with no murders. A world with no rape. A world with…actual love…and friendship. God, if you’re somehow listening to me…is this your plan for me? Is this…right? Is this meant to be?”

You realize you sound like a complete jackass, right?

“Yeah…you’re right…I’m letting these stupid horses get to me.” Josh angrily slapped his forehead with his hoof, frowning down at his body a moment later. “This is NOT meant to be! This world is pathetic! I’m just glad I haven’t been brainwashed just yet; my brain is much too powerful to let that happen! Ha! I really had myself going there for a moment…almost convinced myself that maybe this world wasn’t so bad. I almost turned myself against my home! Stupid, stupid, stupid!” He made a hacking sound and crossed his forelegs over his chest. “I don’t want to spend one more minute as a stupid pony, either! This coat is way too hot, I feel overexposed without clothes, this horn makes me look perverted, my tail is ugly, and I can’t do a damn thing with these hooves! I HATE Equestria!”

“I’m back!” Pinkie’s voice sang, the happy pony bouncing back into the room with the piñata on her back, two wooden sticks tied up along with it. “Ready to get some free candy?”

“So long as I don’t have to wear that freaking blindfold again!” Josh snapped, “I am NOT having you con me into dancing with your sexy butt again just to have it taken off!”

“Aww, Joshy, I would never…wait, what did you just say?”

“I SAID that I am not having you con me into dancing with your annoying ass again just to have it taken off!” The stallion honestly did not realize the slipup he had just made.

“Huh…I could’ve sworn you said…oh, never mind! But, I promise we won’t do that this time. In fact, I’ll wear that blindfold, so YOU can be the one to con ME instead, okay?”

Josh raised an eyebrow in suspicion, trying to see if Pinkie was playing with him again. “Why would you be so willing to put your sight in my hooves?”

“Because I like you, duh! I want us to be friends, and friends trust each other!”

“But, regardless of this party and everything else I’ve done, we STILL have only known each other for about a day now. Not only that, I tied you into a ball while stuffing your face into your own adorable little behind and used you to attack your best friend. What about any of that makes you think you should trust me, huh?”

Pinkie tilted her head to the side, frowning and trying to think if Josh just said what she thought he just said. But, deciding not to dwell on it, she shrugged and answered his question. “No matter who or what you are, love will always find a way! I want to be friends with everypony out there and show them my love! That includes you, Joshy.”

“I’m sure a few rapists and murderers who love dimwitted, gullible girls would LOVE to hear that back on my world,” Josh said sarcastically, but quickly turned back to being serious. “Pinkie, listen to me. I’m NOT a nice person, don’t you understand? I’m not evil by the standards given on Earth, but I’m not really the type of person that you should get to know. Just look at how I treated you and your friends! Doesn’t that mean anything to you? And besides, I’m NOT a pony; I’m a human being, trapped in a pony’s body! Furthermore, what about that Gilda girl? Aren’t I just like her?”

Slowly sliding the piñata and whacking sticks off her back, Pinkie simply continued to smile as she sat down in front of Josh. However, unlike last time, this time she didn’t look sad. She looked determined. “Joshy, listen to me. What happened on Earth happened on Earth, not here. On Equestria, you’re a completely new pony…um, person…whatever. It doesn’t matter how mean you were then; we all get second chances in life, right? Sometimes third and fourth chances, too! I think fifth might be pushing it, though.” Pinkie giggled, then returned to being serious.

“Yeah, you were totally mean to my friends…but, if you seriously did not want to TRY and be friends and TRY to accept love, wouldn’t you have run away by now? See, that’s what Gilda did. Instead of trying to work things out, she left. That’s also how another pony named Trixie acted, too. They always run away instead of staying to face their problems. So, yes, you were mean…but, if you REALLY hated us so much, why are you still here?”

“Uh…because…I have no choice?”

Closing her eyes, Pinkie leaned in and rested her head on Josh’s left shoulder. She smelled like cupcakes and cotton candy, but the smell wasn’t only sweet to Josh’s nose, but it was tantalizing. It was a different kind of aroma that he couldn’t fathom or comprehend. He wasn’t smelling just random pastry goods or other foods; he was smelling Pinkie Pie herself. His heart told him this, but his mind wouldn’t accept it. His mind kept trying to push the thoughts away, but as Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Josh’s middle, his heart was starting to overpower his mind for the first time in his entire life.

“No, Joshy, you DO have a choice. We all have a choice in life. Every decision we make is our choice.” Pinkie nuzzled the side of Josh’s face, softly pressing her body into his as she hugged him tighter. “You WANT to be here. You know you do. Who was the one who told you to come and apologize to me? You were. Who was the one who decided to dance with me when you very well COULD’VE broken your Pinkie Promise? You were. Who was the one who said I had a sexy tushy? You were.”


Slowly, Pinkie pulled her face around, maneuvering it so she and Josh locked eyes once more, their faces only centimeters apart. Josh couldn’t break Pinkie’s eyesight. “Joshy? If you really, truly, undeniably, without any doubt whatsoever believe that you hate me…then say it to my face. Right now. Don’t even think about it. SAY IT!”

What the hell is she saying?!?! Fine, I WILL say it, you psycho mare!

“I…I…I ha…ha…I hate…” Josh tried to get the words out, but they wouldn’t come. His heart was telling him that it was wrong thing to say. His mind kept screaming at him to say it, but the way Pinkie was holding him…the way she had her beautiful face only micrometers away…the way she was smiling at him and looking determined to prove him wrong…his mouth froze up and the three words never came.

“You see? Even if you WANTED to say it, you didn’t.” Pinkie’s eyes closed, and she leaned forward, pressing her forehead against Josh’s, their noses touching and their mouths very nearly pressing together. Josh could feel Pinkie’s warm breath brushing against his trembling lips. “Thank you, Joshy, for choosing to party with me today.”

“I…I…I…you…are…welcome?” Josh’s voice came out in a very, very weak squeak, or more like a whimper. He was very scared and confused; he feared that any talking at all would cause his lips to move towards Pinkie’s, which would result in something he NEVER wanted to envision. Applejack would kill him right now if she saw him.

“But, like I said, I don’t want to keep you all day…even though that would be totally awesome, hee,” Pinkie whispered, her face not having moved since it was planted against Josh’s, “I’m sorry I don’t have any presents to give you…maybe this piñata will do?” She made a motion towards the piñata on the floor, resting beside the two ponies. Unable to use his willpower to yank his head away from Pinkie Pie, Josh used his eyes instead. The piñata was a giant pink heart with Josh’s name in the center of it.

Okay…so, she either wants to break my heart…she’s insane…or this is supposed to mean something. Eh…I’ll go with insane.