• Member Since 25th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 29th


a swine

Comments ( 70 )

This was genuinely quite disturbing. Good job! :pinkiegasp:

Thankyou very much friend!

This is scaring the HECK out of me! the creature is in my mind and I imagine it as this evil black beast :raritycry:. good job on the story though, it gave me shivers!

and the pic for the story scares me a lot:applecry:

Thankyou very much friend, glad to see that it's done it's job well!

That... was disturbing. Even more so than the fic i read about apple bloom meeting the zombie version of herself. Can't wait to see what happens next! Will sweetie conquer her fears and defeat the horror from the shadows? Will the monster get a snog? Did sweetie soil her sheets?

Thanks for the comment!

The next chapter is going to be a hell of a lot more disturbing than this, I'm already nearly a third of the way done with it!

So, prepare your anus! :pinkiecrazy:


Where on earth did you get the idea for this creature from? Can't wait to read more.


Well it's actually a pretty funny story!

One night, I was lying in bed, when I heard my Chuck Norris bobble head say one of his lines. Normally that wouldn't have disturbed me too much, as he is rather sensitive to movement and I had the AC on full blast.

But after he kept repeating himself for quite a while, I became a bit sceptical, especially considering the fact that the sound appeared to be coming from underneath my bed! To make matters worse, not only was my room nearly pitch black, but I had been watching a rather spooky anime called Ghost Hunt before hand!

So I decide to get up and turn on the lights (because there is no way in hell that I'm gonna check if it's dark) and with great reluctance I check underneath the bed.

And my god, there was a fucking thing lying down there.

In my panic, I hit my head on the wooden frame of my bed and backed desperately against one of my closet doors.

That's when I looked to my right and saw Chuck Norris' head being pushed down upon by a leaning book on one of my shelves.

I checked underneath the bed again and it turns out that the 'thing' was simply a towel!

So yeah, it's kind what I imagined was underneath my bed!:pinkiecrazy:

4748735 Reminds me of one time when I couldn't sleep.
I have an overactive imagination (I'm on a Friendship is Magic writing a fanfiction. Of course I have an imagination! :rainbowlaugh:). Back to the point, at the time I had a stack of boxes in the room at the time and, I swear to this day, that I saw them not only move, but dance towards me in the reflection off the tv! It looked like the kind of dance a scarecrow might do (if that makes any sense :rainbowderp:).

That's a sweet-ass monster right there, although its terrifyingness is lessened by the fact that it appears to be reaching out through a car wash. You know those strap things car washes have.

Yeah, the cover art most certainly does not really represent how I want the monster to be perceived.

I'd like it to be perceived as a much less muscular version of what the cover art shows, something not too dissimilar from a spider!

I do plan on changing the cover art fairly soon, think of it more as a placeholder!

4748796 Couldn't help yourself could you? :ajsmug: I blame myself for that one, it's my fault. :facehoof:
On a related note, close as that is, it doesn't quite reach it. Think of it more a

Ah, poor Sweetie. :unsuresweetie: Supposing you're correct, you now have an arsenal to defend yourself. A degree of experimentation prior to bearding the lion in it's den would be advisable. Otherwise, the creature is probably going to eat some Kentucky Fried Scootaloo.

And it followed her into her dreams? That thing is just begging Luna for good, old fashioned passionate ass whipping.

Haha, I suppose only time will tell.

Or perhaps is there more to this creature?

I suppose we'll just have to wait for the doctor's report!

That escaladed quickly.
For the love of equestria call the whinneychesters!

I promised I'd read it and here I am darling! :raritywink:

I like it. So much so I'm faving it. I don't know how far you are going to take this, but I suspect this one is gonna be a short affair considering the pace of it. Which isn't a bad thing. I too write pretty abruply on a few stories *coughbirthcough*.

I don't think I am all too qualified to offer proper criticism on grammar and such, as I am terrible for it (ask my editors/mates).

I do love the monster, especially since we don't clearly know if it exists or is merely a figment of Belle's imagination.

I do feel though this could potentially be featured material.

Heya, thanks!

The length of the story is probably going to span quite a bit further than you might think it will, I've got some plans for this!

Wow. This is good! Dark, sad, and provocative.

I see some grammar and other mistakes, but nothing too major to detract from the story.

The monster is rather interesting and creative. You have us guessing by keeping its motives and purposes hidden.

I eagerly await how this story shall unfold, and what will be revealed about the monster.

I can't help but wonder if this 'thing' (for want of a better term) has a motive. I mean, is it performing these actions for an intended purpose or is it merely acting on instinct? (Like a dog chasing cars.) There was one error: you missed the first 'swiped' typing it 'swipe' but fine otherwise. :twilightsmile:


Well, I'm kinda unable to work on this for the moment, as I'm currently visiting family back home in South Africa, but I certainly appreciate the support. You should expect an update in approximately two weeks from now, as the internet here is rather shit.


Welp, just read through this again and realized that I have a ton of corrections to make before I'm ready to release the next chapter.

Oh god why? Well, hurry up and update. :pinkiecrazy:


I'm afraid their fates were sealed from the very start of the story.


Ugh, fuck this part ever so hard. Editing this was NOT particularly fun in any definition of the word. This is just... blergh. Cheap, too.

5208388 You mean the apparent monster in the basement? Then yes the kink has gotten to me. Have you been reading Samey90's 'Sleepless' story? I remember the days when children were safe in stories. :fluttercry:


Hmm, a quick question.

Do you feel that it ended at the right place? As you see, I'm in half a mind to continue with this.

Great story. Just needs to get edited.


Quite good. I especially like how you tied the title in with the final line. Usually, I am disappointed in the so called horror stories but this is a real gem so far. I will admit that my cat decided to paw at the door about 3/4 of the way through and I started at the sound. I will have to wait until tomorrow to continue, but I am very much enjoying the story so far.

I do agree that it needs some editing. If you ever need an editor, please feel free to ask. I have a Bachelor's of English and would love to help sometime.


Ah! God, dude. The cockroaches... that gives me jitters. I like the monster. I'm also wondering about it's motive. is it just doing this for pleasure or is there a reason for it? This chapter took a weird turn, but I still liked it. I hope the dream sequence will play a part in the next chapter. Swoots could be glimpsing what the monster wants to happen or the future. Or maybe she is, in her unconsciousness, going to another world. I can't wait to find out. Good job, good sir.

Ah, thank you very much.

I think you might find the conclusion to this tale somewhat interesting. I actually ended up changing the story's rating to mature just because of the whole cockroach thing.


And that's the end of Swoots' career as a free filly. Next stop, nut house!

I'm calling right now: this is the same kind of being(demon) that possesed Luna and made her wanting to cover the whole Equestria in eternal night.
About this chapter: on the scale of most fucked up thing I've seen until today this take 9/10. Jesus. :applecry:

Wow, this was really good. I liked how the plot goes.


Ah, thank, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I've been in half a mind to continue it for quite a while now, in regards to the ending, do you think I should?

5792556 I think you should. I've already recommended this to some of my friends who read and they like it.

Reminds me of something out of World of Darkness's Asylum...

“I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes, you were starting to scare me.” Fluttershy said softly, “You shouldn’t be in here in the dark by yourself, it’s not good for you.”. Slowly, she sat down next to Rarity, who had huddled herself into the corner of a set of drawers.

“I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes, you were starting to scare me.” Fluttershy said softly, “You shouldn’t be in here in the dark by yourself, it’s not good for you.”. Slowly, she sat down next to Rarity, who had huddled herself into the corner of a set of drawers.

You wrote it twice

Hmmmm.... I really loved the start. It seemed like it was setting it up for a tragedy style thing where Sweetie either ends up so terrorized and traumatized by the mobster that she had been imagining that she ended up committing suicide or being committed. Then it took a turn towards what it is and, while I am still quite interested, I find myself somewhat disappointed. The first two options could have had amazing resolutions with either Sweetie's inevitable death, her continued trudge through life ignoring the shadow after psychotherapy, or a combination of the two.

Still, I like it so far. Just don't love it now that my expectations have been shattered.

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