• Published 11th Apr 2012
  • 5,522 Views, 523 Comments

Wings of Tomorrow ~ Lament of the World - Keeper of Jericho

Waking up in a strange and altered Equestria, Fluttershy must reunite with her friends in order to survive the fast-approaching climax of a civil war that has raged over the land for centuries.

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14. Teatime

Wings of Tomorrow
Lament of the World

14. Teatime

“Come on in and make yourselves at home!” Rarity said, with a pleasant smile on her face. She made a sweeping motion with her hoof, gesturing for her guests to enter through the opened front door of her residence. The two ponies she was with, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, accepted the invitation and trotted inside. Clearly they both felt just a tad nervous about doing so, however, if their wide eyes and hesitant steps were any indication. No doubt their uncertainty originated from the fact that Rarity’s residence was a spacious, luxurious and very classy villa.

The fashion pony had made a thriving career in Canterlot and earned a more than generous amount of bits, and it showed. The entrance hall on itself was already a marvel. The walls were white and pristine, with colourful tapestries – purple being the most dominant shade – hanging on them to brighten the hall. The floor was paved with exquisite tiles, and from the ceiling hung a great chandelier that must have cost a fortune. The central piece of the hall was a spiral staircase made of wood, in which were carved very beautiful and expensive decorations, covered with a red carpet, leading to the upper floors of the house.

“Why, Rarity, it’s all so…” Fluttershy muttered hesitatingly, while looking around with wide eyes. “Ehm… big?” she finished, a bit lamely, for she couldn’t quite find the right words to express her feelings. She was a normal village pony, after all.

Even though Fluttershy had been to Canterlot and in the Royal Palace before, it didn’t mean she was used to great luxury. This feeling had only strengthened since her arrival in this new age, especially since she’d seen how small Twilight’s house was, and those houses were apparently the norm. To then see how one of her other friends lived in a villa that even the Princesses would be proud of, well, it was quite shocking, to say the least. The contrast between Rarity and Twilight couldn’t be greater, and Fluttershy wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

“I knew you had earned a lot thanks to your career, but I didn’t realise you’d be this wealthy,” Twilight noted, while she looked around as well, marvelling at the tasteful décor and the excellent architecture. “It looks amazing!”

“Why thank you both, my dears,” Rarity replied, feeling flattered. “All the result of honest, hard work, let me assure you.” The white unicorn glanced at Twilight and smiled. “And my offer still stands, Twilight. You’re welcome to move in at any time if you get tired of that small place of yours, no offence.”

“None taken,” Twilight replied, and she returned Rarity’s smile. “But it’s fine. I’m quite happy to live in Ponyville, and frankly I’d rather stay away from Canterlot as far as I can.” As she said this, her pleasant smile slowly faded from her face, to be replaced by a sad and rather dark frown.

“I understand completely, darling,” Rarity assured her friend, and she placed a comforting hoof on the other unicorn’s shoulder. “I apologise if I made you think of things unpleasant.”

Twilight shook her head, and the smile returned to her face. “No, it’s alright. Don’t worry about it, Rarity.” A look of understanding passed between the two unicorns, and Fluttershy got the feeling that she had missed something. The pegasus wondered why Twilight said she’d rather not be in Canterlot. Somehow, Fluttershy knew that it wasn’t just because Princess Celestia was imprisoned there.

“Well then, let’s not waste our time standing here in the hall,” Rarity said, pulling Fluttershy out of her thoughts. “You both must be tired of your journey, so let us retreat to the lounge and enjoy a nice cup of tea. We can catch up in the meantime, it’s been three weeks since my visit to Ponyville, there has to be a lot you could tell me about.” She then turned away from her friends and cleared her throat. “Ahem, Teaspoon!”

A door on the left side of the hall opened, and a young mare dressed in the uniform of a servant maid came out. She had a sand-coloured coat, while her mane and tail were black. “You called, milady?” she asked, bowing her head respectfully towards Rarity.

“That I did, darling. I’m having guests, as you can see,” Rarity replied, gesturing at Fluttershy and Twilight. “Would you be so kind as to prepare the large guest room? And please tell Rose Petal to bring a pot of tea for the three of us to the lounge, yes?” The white unicorn paused for a moment to think. “And yes, have her serve some cookies with that,” she added.

“Certainly, milday,” Teaspoon replied. She curtsied and then vanished behind the same door she had come through again. Fluttershy and Twilight stared at Rarity, their eyes wide once again, this time due to their surprise.

“I didn’t know you had personnel for your household, Rarity,” Twilight remarked.

“But of course, Twilight!” Rarity replied, seemingly confused by Twilight’s words. “Given my busy schedule, how could I ever keep a house this large in order? It would be a disaster, to be sure. So I hired some ponies to help me do that. Generously paid, of course.” She walked towards another door, on the right side of the hall, right across from the door Teaspoon had appeared in.

“Now let us finally move out of this hall. What kind of host am I, leaving two very dear guests standing around here,” she said, while opening the door. Even the doors in her house were exquisite, made from beautiful wood and framed with gold. “Let’s get ourselves comfortable in here while we wait for the tea.”

Twilight and Fluttershy, seeing no reason to object, did as requested and went inside the lounge room.


The three ponies were soon enough laying comfortably on the couches in Rarity’s lounge room. The couches were much like the one she used in Ponyville for whenever she did a dramatic fall, only more expensive. They were gold with ruby-red cushions, and extremely comfortable. Rarity had four of them in the lounge, placed in a circle with a round, wooden coffee table in the middle. The small table was covered by a white tablecloth made of lace, and on it stood a vase with lovely flowers.

All of the aforementioned stood on a thick and fluffy carpet, beige in colour. The floor of the room was made from parquet. The windows had wooden frames, as well as two sets of curtains hanging before them. The first were made of white lace, designed to let light fall through while still preventing anypony from looking inside. The second set was only closed after sunset. These were made of much thicker fabric, and had a beige colour as well.

The lounge also had a fireplace, currently not in use, with a great stone chimney. On it Rarity had placed picture frames of her and her family. It reminded Fluttershy and Twilight both of the fireplace in Twilight’s house. Many closets lined the walls, some having books on their shelves, others having more picture frames, or a particular nice set of porcelain plates that Rarity liked to show off. There were even a couple of antique artefacts. In one corner of the room, there stood a real piano. After sunset, the room could be illuminated by light coming from the lovely chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, which was made of wood as well.

“Well then,” Rarity began, breaking the silence that had fallen. Her words made Twilight and Fluttershy turn their heads in her direction, instead of looking around the room. Rarity smiled pleasantly at them. “How have you been? I trust the journey to Canterlot went without a hitch?”

Twilight nodded affirmatively. “Yes, even though the train was a bit crowded,” she replied. “I would have liked to take an airship instead, it would have been just as crowded but we’d have had to spend less time on it. Fluttershy didn’t feel very comfortable with the idea, however, so we took the train since she’s familiar with that mode of transport.”

Fluttershy rubbed her hooves together nervously and bowed her head, hiding her embarrassment behind her mane. Twilight looked at her with a kind expression on her face and a warm smile. Due to sitting on individual couches, she couldn’t place a comforting hoof on her pegasus friend’s shoulder, but if she could have done so she would have.

“Don’t feel bad about it, Fluttershy,” she said. “I really didn’t mind. What matters is that we got here in time.”

“Indeed,” Rarity confirmed, nodding sagely. She gave her two friends a curious look. “I noticed that Applejack and Pinkie Pie are conspicuously absent. They didn’t wish to come with you?”

“Oh no, they would have liked to,” Fluttershy answered, speaking up for the first time. She looked up and ceased hiding behind her mane. “But Applejack simply had too much work on the farm, and we didn’t think it would be a good idea to bring Pinkie along. She only just started to get out of her depression, after all…”

“We didn’t think it was wise to bring her to the very event that would remind her more than anything of that which depressed her in the first place,” Twilight added.

“Probably not. I think that was very considerate of you both,” Rarity agreed, smiling.

Just then, the door opened and Rose Petal came in. The unicorn maid carried a silver tray in her telekinetic grasp, and went with it to the coffee table. She unloaded a teapot, three teacups with small plates, a small platter with cookies and a pot with cubes of sugar, all made of porcelain, and placed them on the table. Then she took three silver teaspoons and an equal amount of napkins, and placed them next to the teacups. Her task done, the maid curtsied before Rarity and left in silence.

“I do hope you’ll enjoy this tea,” Rarity commented as she poured each of them a cup. “It’s a rather expansive brand, due to it having to be imported all the way from Zebrica. But I have grown rather fond of its unique flavour, so much that I do not mind putting down the extra coin.” She put a cookie next to the teacup and the teaspoon on the small tea plates, and then used her magic to float two prepared cups over to Twilight and Fluttershy, as well as one to herself.

Twilight took over the offered teacup with her own magic, and sniffed in the scent of the steaming brew tentatively. “Hmm, it smells rather spicy,” she hummed appreciatively. The purple unicorn stirred the tea in her cup with her spoon for a short while, then took a small, ladylike sip from it. Her eyes widened in surprise, and a smile appeared on her face. “My, you were right, Rarity,” she commented. “A most unique flavour, indeed! But very good!” Twilight then proceeded to gladly take another sip.

“Why thank you, Twilight. I’m glad you enjoy it,” Rarity replied, while she dropped two lumps of sugar in her cup and stirred it with her spoon. Smiling, Rarity turned towards Fluttershy and gave her an inquisitive look. “What do you say, Fluttershy? Is it to your liking?”

The yellow pegasus shyly stirred in her own cup, then hesitatingly held the porcelain teacup in her hooves and took a sip. A few seconds passed during which Fluttershy allowed the flavour of the tea to grace her taste buds, and then a small but genuine smile graced her delicate face. “Oh, yes, Twilight is right,” she said softly. “It’s lovely. Though I think I would like one lump of sugar in it… If that’s okay…”

“But of course, darling!” Rarity exclaimed, and she promptly floated the sugar bowl over to her shy friend. Fluttershy took one cube of sugar from the pot and added it to her tea. She stirred for a couple of seconds, then took another sip. A soft hum of approval escaped from between her lips and her smile widened a bit. The unique tea tasted even better when it was a tad sweeter.

Glad that her friends were enjoying her tea, Rarity decided to initiate the conversation again. After taking a ladylike nibble from a cookie, she addressed Fluttershy again. “And how has life in Ponyville been treating you the past few weeks, my dear? Are you adjusting well? I am dreadfully sorry for not being there to lend you a hoof with settling in, but I’m afraid my schedule really didn’t have room for any distractions. But perhaps there is something I may yet be of assistance with?”

“Oh no, Rarity, everything’s fine,” Fluttershy replied quickly, not wanting her dear friend to feel obliged or guilty. “Twilight, Pinkie and Applejack were all the help I needed to get my home back in order. And as far as adjusting goes, to be honest, nothing for me personally has changed a lot. The biggest difference for me personally so far is that I have to do all my chores while wearing clothes.”

“That’s wonderful to hear, darling,” Rarity complimented with a smile. She paused for a moment to take a sip from her tea. “But what about the rest of Ponyville? Sadly, it is rather different from the quaint little town we all remember and love so much. Are you getting used to it yet?”

“Oh, yes, it’s fine,” Fluttershy assured the white unicorn. “It was a bit scary at first, and I still feel somewhat locked in when walking down the streets, but it’s getting better. I don’t really have to go to town very much, there is a lot of things to do at home. And since that hasn’t changed, it makes adjusting to the new Ponyville a lot easier.”

“It helps that for some reason most ponies still have some sort of memory of her,” Twilight added thoughtfully. “Most of them seem to be under the impression that she went on a journey beyond Equestria for many years and only now came back. We kind of went with that story due to the lack of a better alternative. Somehow I don’t think a lot of ponies would believe us if we started telling that Fluttershy came back from a different timeline, rather than a long journey beyond Equestria.”

“Doubtful indeed!” Rarity agreed, and she chuckled softly before taking another sip of tea. Then she flashed another smile at her friends. “Well, if it prevents ponies from asking difficult questions, it’s for the best.” Humming cheerfully, the white unicorn levitated another cookie onto her tea plate. “I take it that our dear Applejack is doing fine as always, so why don’t you tell me how Pinkie Pie is faring these days? Does she still live with you, Fluttershy?”

“Yes, she does,” Fluttershy replied, nodding. “I most certainly am not going to let her go and live in that sorry excuse of a shack ever again!” she added, surprising her two unicorn friends with the assertiveness and firmness in the tone of her voice. Fluttershy even had a frown on her face and a determined look in her eyes. Then she noticed that Twilight and Rarity were looking at her in surprise, and Fluttershy let out a soft ‘meep!’ and hid behind her mane. “B… But if she wants to stay with you or Applejack I wouldn’t mind, of course, Twilight…”

Twilight merely smiled and shook her head, while making a calming gesture with one of her hooves. “It’s alright, Fluttershy. I think Pinkie is fine where she is at the moment. Your cottage is a remnant from the old Ponyville, and she misses the old times more than anypony. So I think living with you will help to improve her condition. It already did.”

“Most certainly,” Rarity agreed. “Why, she looked better than she did in years when I visited three weeks ago. It was a most wonderful sight to see a smile on that face of hers again.” Having finished speaking, Rarity lifted the teapot up from the coffee table with her magic and began refilling everypony’s cups.

“I think she’s getting better,” Fluttershy said quietly, while adding her preferred amount of sugar to her tea. “Earlier this week she even took up baking again, and made me some cupcakes.” The pegasus looked a bit nervous and blushed. “Ehm… They weren’t bad… But she was out of practice…”

“I don’t think she even baked anything in this life until then,” Twilight replied thoughtfully as she rubbed her chin. “So if she became interested again, it’s definitely a good sign. Maybe we could encourage her to start working at Sugar Cube Corner again, it might make her feel even better.”

“It certainly wouldn’t hurt to try, I suppose,” Rarity added, agreeing with her fellow unicorn. “Though of course we shouldn’t push her. She’s already made marvellous progress lately, no need to rush now. We must let her set the pace, with only a friendly nudge now and then to keep her going, should such be necessary.” Her two friends nodded in agreement, and all seemed content to let the subject be for now.

After another moment of silence in which they merely drank their tea, Rarity spoke up again, addressing Twilight this time. “And what of you, Twilight? How has life been treating you recently? Quite good, I might hope?”

Twilight merely smiled in reply at first, since she was chewing on a cookie and it was impolite to talk with your mouth full. “Well, aside from helping Fluttershy from time to time, it’s mostly been business as usual,” she finally answered, after swallowing the baked treat. “Nothing out of the ordinary, just doing my household and my job as always. Not terribly exciting or fascinating, but it brings the necessary bits to the table.”

“And here I was hoping you’d finally would have found some time for yourself again, to do what you truly want,” Rarity muttered, and she sighed. “Oh, where are the days when we had to drag you from behind your books and out of your studies so you would spend some time with us? Now I would give half of my fortune, if not all of it, if it would give you the opportunity to do just that again.”

“That’s very kind and generous of you, Rarity,” Twilight replied. She was still smiling, though the expression had a feeling of sadness to it. “But it’s the way things have to be. Studying won’t earn me any bits to live, even if I had all the necessary books and scrolls at my disposal. Even then it wouldn’t really do me any good, since unicorns aren’t allowed to practice magic outside of basic levitation.”

“Oh, don’t remind me of that dreadful law,” the other unicorn said. Rarity sniffed in disdain and made an impatient gesture with her hoof. “Outlawing magic has to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Why, it would be like forbidding a pegasus to fly! The troubles and pains I had to undergo in order to get the permission to use my gem-finding spell. I even had to pull some strings, otherwise I doubt I would have gotten it, and that would have been truly terrible for my boutique.”

Fluttershy looked at her two friends with obvious curiosity, though she seemed hesitant to speak up, as if she was afraid of the answer she’d get if she asked her question. “Ehm… I actually was kind of wondering about that…” she muttered shyly. “Why would they create such a rule in the first place? I… I mean, using magic is part of what makes a unicorn…”

“It was actually implemented as a safety measure by the Nobles’ Court,” Twilight explained through gritted teeth. The subject clearly didn’t put her in the best of moods. “The only way for a unicorn to practice advanced magic is by joining the army. This way, any strong user of magic will be in their service and can’t be used against them by the opposition.”

“And also, as a side-effect, any talented unicorn who doesn’t support the Republic, such as Twilight here, won’t pose a threat either,” Rarity added, “because they lack any experience or practice with higher levels of magic.”

Twilight blushed nervously. “I’m hardly a magic prodigy here, Rarity,” she objected. The white unicorn held up a hoof in order to silence her.

“Nonsense, darling,” Rarity said calmly, on a tone that made it clear she would accept no other view on the matter. “Shifts in time have no influence on the potential you were born with. And we all know you have it in you to be one of the greatest unicorns of all time, should you be given the chance.”

Twilight seemed to think it over. “Maybe you’re right,” she admitted hesitatingly. “I still have all my memories from my old life, so I remember a lot of what I studied there. But there’s just as much that I’ve forgotten because I didn’t need all that knowledge for my current life…”

“I’m sure it’ll all come back to you should you be given the chance to pick up your books and start practicing again,” Rarity replied. “You could always move to the… Ah… other side, where every unicorn is free to cast whatever spell they like.” Her voice had grown softer upon speaking that last sentence, and her eyes glanced around nervously to make sure nopony was eavesdropping.

“I’ve considered it, to be honest,” the other unicorn replied, who also kept her voice quiet. “But I couldn’t. I’d miss my friends too much, and I’d constantly worry if you were all alright. I’ve had enough sleepless nights with just Rainbow Dash to worry about.”

“You have a point there, I’m afraid,” Rarity agreed, and she sighed. “Even though I’ve heard enough about her to know that Rainbow Dash can take care of herself, a lady can’t help but worry about her friends when they’re absent, it seems.”

“I wish I could see her again…” Fluttershy muttered quietly, while looking down and staring at her hooves. Her face went hidden behind her long, pink mane. “I… ehm… I’ve also spent time worrying about her…”

“That’s perfectly fine, Fluttershy,” Rarity assured the timid pegasus. “How could you not? You’ve been friends since you were fillies. Or you were, rather, but I’m certain Rainbow Dash remembers those old times like the rest of us do.”

“If you want to see her, you could always go to the… ah, other side, like Rarity said,” Twilight added, speaking with a low voice once again. “None of us would stop you. Or blame you, for that matter.”

Twilight’s suggestion honestly seemed to catch Fluttershy by surprise, judging from how the pegasus’ eyes widened and the loud gasp that escaped from her lips. “Oh no, I couldn’t!” Fluttershy said quickly. “I have all my little friends and Angel Bunny waiting for me at home, and I just came back. I couldn’t leave them behind and on their own again. I couldn’t!”

“Darling, please, calm yourself,” Rarity said kindly, giving Fluttershy a disarming smile. “Nopony will force you to go anywhere at all. If you wish to stay, that is perfectly alright, and we fully understand. We all have something or somepony that is keeping our hooves tied to this place, even if we don’t exactly agree with how things are run here.”

“It’s true,” Twilight agreed with a nod, while looking at Rarity. “You have your fashion business, as well as your family. Just like Applejack has her family and Sweet Apple Acres to worry about.” She turned her attention to Fluttershy and smiled. “And you have your home and your animal friends. And as for Pinkie, well, I’m not sure how close she is with her family, but up until you arrived, she was simply to depressed to even consider moving.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly, and looked at Twilight while the unicorn drank from her tea. The pegasus expected her lavender friend to add her own reasons for staying here after she had put her teacup back down, but Twilight remained silent.

“And… Ehm… What about you, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, once she understood that the purple unicorn wasn’t going to add anything else. “Why are you staying here?”

To Fluttershy’s surprise, Twilight’s expression darkened. The unicorn gritted her teeth and didn’t immediately reply, while doing her best to avoid looking at Fluttershy directly. “Not because I want to,” she finally said, almost growling the words. Having said those words, she crossed her arms and fell silent again. Fluttershy could only stare at her friend in confusion.

“Ahem,” Rarity interrupted gently, scraping her throat in order to draw Fluttershy’s attention. “Please don’t be upset, Fluttershy, dear,” she said on a soft tone. As she spoke, Rarity kept throwing nervous glances in Twilight’s direction, as if she was afraid of upsetting her fellow unicorn even further. “But for Twilight, this matter is more personal than it is for the rest of us, you see?” She gave Twilight a questioning look. “Darling, is it alright if I tell her?”

For a moment a tensed silence hung between the three friends, but then Twilight sighed deeply and nodded. “I don’t see why not,” she said, albeit reluctantly. “Fluttershy’s my friend, she has the right to know.”

Rarity gave her friend a curt but grateful nod, then turned her attention to Fluttershy again, who was by now looking equally confused and worried. “We all have reasons why we stay here, dear, even though we all would like to help with freeing the Princess,” Rarity began. “Twilight is no different when it comes to that. I daresay she would like to free Princess Celestia more than any of us! Unfortunately, there’s a rather delicate problem that keeps her from doing so… It’s… well, how do I put this…”

“It’s Shining Armour,” Twilight finished in Rarity’s stead. Both of her friends winced as they heard the utter contempt with which she spoke the name, and Fluttershy felt a feeling of dread build up inside her.

“Y… your brother?” she said meekly, knowing that it was undoubtedly him who Twilight meant, yet still hoping that she had somehow gotten it wrong. A nod from Twilight smashed all those foolish hopes to pieces.

“Yes, though I haven’t called him that in quite a few years!” Twilight spat bitterly. “Not since he joined the Republican Army, that is!”

Fluttershy gasped again. She had met Twilight’s brother only once, at his wedding with Princess Cadance, but that one time had still left her with a good impression of the unicorn stallion with his white coat and blue mane and tail. She could not believe that such a honourable, fine stallion, who had once been the captain of the Royal Guard and had dedicated his life to protect the Princess, was now in service of the regime that was unjustly imprisoning the same Princess.

Before the pegasus could form any comprehensible word to express her shock, Twilight spoke again. “Do you know what position he holds now?” she asked, before immediately answering her own question. “He’s Marshal Shining Armour! High commander of the entire Republican Army! Beholden to none but the commander-in-chief and the Court Nobles themselves! My own brother is one of the key ponies that keeps those traitorous nobles in power and this farce of a Republic stable!” As she spoke, her expression had grown more and more angry, and her voice louder and louder until she was nearly shouting.

Rarity looked at her fellow unicorn with undisguised compassion, while Fluttershy could only stare with wide eyes at Twilight, who was still fuming and breathing hard after her outburst. The butter-yellow pegasus didn’t know what to say. It had been shocking enough to learn that Twilight’s brother helped keeping Princess Celestia imprisoned, but hearing just how important he was left her completely astonished. At the same time, she couldn’t rhyme this new information with the image she had of the strong, noble Captain of the Royal Guard whose wedding she had attended and helped prepare.

Fluttershy tried to offer words of comfort, but no sound would leave her lips. Twilight didn’t notice. She merely huffed angrily and lay back down on the couch, with her forelegs crossed. An uncomfortable silence fell between the three of them, during which Twilight silently fumed, Rarity busied herself with studying her teacup, and Fluttershy tried to get her voice back.

“Ehm… M… maybe he doesn’t know he’s doing a bad thing?” Fluttershy tried timidly, when she finally regained her voice. “I mean… All ponies seem to think that Princess Celestia is a bad pony who did horrible things… M… Maybe your brother believes that as well, and thinks he’s keeping ponies safe by keeping her in a dungeon?” She offered her friend a hesitant, small smile.

“He was born with dual memories, just like me,” Twilight said tonelessly.

Fluttershy’s smile faded like snow under the sun.

“I don’t know how much he remembers, but at the very least he remembers enough to know that everything the Nobles’ Court says about Princess Celestia is a lie!” Twilight continued, the volume of her voice rising again, and she slammed her hoof down on the couch angrily. “Yet he still went and joined the army, and helps keeping Princess Celestia imprisoned! My own brother!” Fuming, the unicorn took a big sip from her tea in a vain attempt to calm down.

“After Shining Armour joined the army, things grew rather tensed at Twilight’s home, you understand,” Rarity said to Fluttershy, taking over the story from Twilight so the lavender unicorn could calm herself again. “Twilight found it hard to cope with the fact that her brother was now actively helping to torture our beloved Princess, while her parents on the other hoof were proud of their son and didn’t understand why she was so angry with him.”

“My parents don’t remember anything from their former lives,” Twilight explained, the volume of her voice having lowered to normal levels again. She sighed and hung her head in sadness. “And I couldn’t tell them why I was so mad at Shining Armour for joining the army. What could I say? That I remembered living in a different timeline where I was the personal student of Princess Celestia and Shining Armour the Captain of the Royal Guard? That would sound very convincing indeed, coming from the mouth of a filly!”

Rarity, seeing that Twilight’s anger was beginning to well up again, decided to take over telling the story once more. “The changes in time had little effect on Shining Armour’s capabilities as a soldier, apparently, and he began to climb up in rank and make name for himself very quickly,” she said, while absentmindedly stirring her tea. “Then, four years ago, Shining Armour was nominated to become the new commander of the Unicorn Devision, only one rank under Marshal. Naturally, he rushed back home to share this most wonderful news with his family… When the news reached Twilight’s ears, she… ah…” Rarity paused and glanced nervously at Twilight, who was holding her teacup so firmly that Rarity was afraid she’d break it.

“I snapped,” Twilight said bluntly, causing Fluttershy to gasp again. “Seeing him standing there, glowing with pride, as he told us the news… Hearing my parents shower him with praise and compliments… It became too much. All my frustration over my own helplessness for saving the princess, my anger at my own brother supporting the very ponies who hurt and imprisoned her… It all became too much.”

She let out a deep sigh again and took another sip from her tea. “I lost control of myself and all my frustration just exploded. I screamed at him that I couldn’t believe he was helping to keep a government based on lies in power, that I couldn’t understand how he could support the ponies who mistreated Princess Celestia so terribly.” Twilight closed her eyes and saw the events of that evening play out in her mind again, as if it had happened only yesterday. She looked terribly upset and hurt because of it all, something that didn’t go unnoticed by her two friends.

Rarity decided to pick up where Twilight had left off, to prevent the lavender mare from having to relive the events any further. “Suffices to say that Twilight’s parents in turn weren’t very pleased with her outburst, and that there was quite a bit of back and forth shouting,” she said, carefully choosing her words to prevent upsetting Twilight any more.

“He didn’t say anything,” Twilight whispered, hurt obvious in her voice. “Even as I screamed in his face and demanded that he’d explain himself to me, he… he didn’t say anything. He just cast his gaze down and remained silent.” She sighed for the fourth time and looked perfectly miserable. “I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t stand the very idea of being related to anypony who would betray my feelings like that! I…” Twilight shut her eyes firmly, fighting against the tears that were struggling to leak out. “I… I rejected him as my brother.”

“W… what…?” Fluttershy stammered, her eyes as wide as the plate under her teacup. Of all that she had been told so far, nothing had shocked her as much as this. Twilight and Shining Armour had been as close as brothers and sisters could be, back when everything was as it was supposed to be. To then hear that her dear friend no longer saw herself as having a brother left Fluttershy speechless, and her heart ached with sympathy for Twilight.

“She hasn’t seen him since,” Rarity said softly, continuing the story because Twilight was in no state of mind to do so. The white unicorn looked with deep sympathy and compassion at her lavender friend.

Twilight sniffed and nodded, while whipping away the few tears that had managed to break through her defence. “I ran away from home that night. I couldn’t live there anymore,” she muttered quietly. “With nowhere else to go, I fled to Ponyville… I went to Sweet Apple Acres, hoping against hope that Applejack would recognise me and would be willing to shelter me for a while.”

A small smile formed on her muzzle as she remembered that fateful night. “She wasn’t too happy about having to get up due to a runaway unicorn banging on her front door in the middle of the night… But she forgave me the instant she saw who I was. She recognised me immediately, and I had never, ever, felt so relieved and happy before in this life…” Twilight took another sip from her tea, as well as a deep breath to try and compose herself.

“Applejack insisted on me staying with her until I had found my hoofing and a place of my own in Ponyville. I managed to get a job at the town hall, and with the bits I earned there I eventually managed to get enough to pay the rent for a house, where I now live,” she continued, and her voice started to shake less and sound more even. “I later read in the newspaper that Shining Armour had accepted the promotion, and that was the last I heard of him until he became Marshal a year and a half ago. He never tried to contact me, nor did my parents. I didn’t even go to his wedding.”

Twilight shrugged unhappily. “And I don’t mind. I can’t forgive him… Nor can I forgive my parents for supporting him,” she whispered. “I know it’s petty. Of course they support him. He’s their son, and he made a great name for himself. I’m just a silly, lowly office clerk who can’t stop living in the past.” It became too much for the unfortunate unicorn, and she finally broke down crying, shedding silent tears while her body shook with every one of her sobs.

Fluttershy and Rarity’s eyes met, and understanding passed between the two friends. They had had enough. They put their teacups back on the coffee table, then got up from their respective sofas and moved over to their weeping friend to pull her in a comforting embrace.

“There, there, darling,” Rarity said soothingly as she patted Twilight on her back. “None of us condemn you for the decisions you made, and we certainly do not think them petty.” Fluttershy nodded in agreement, and she ran one of her hooves through Twilight’s mane to help Rarity with comforting her.

“It is anything but petty, Twilight,” the pegasus said, sounding gentle but firm. “It is actually very serious, and I understand your reasons completely. You were so close to Princess Celestia, after all. I understand how much it must hurt to see your own family support her mistreatment.”

“We also understand how uncomfortable it makes you to be angry at your parents,” Rarity added, still holding her fellow unicorn warmly in her forelegs. “It’s hard to blame them for their actions when they don’t remember, they’ve simply been indoctrinated like everypony else in this mad version of Equestria. It doesn’t make your anger for their support of Shining Armour any less valid, though, especially since that brother of yours has no excuse for his choice at all.”

Twilight didn’t respond, she was content with simply basking in the warmth and comfort given to her by her friends while she cried her heart out. Their embrace and caressing of her mane and back had a soothing, calming effect on her troubled mind.

As they comforted the purple unicorn, Fluttershy glanced nervously at Rarity. “So, ehm, the reason she didn’t join the… um… other side… Is it also because of…?” she asked quietly, hoping that her question wouldn’t hurt Twilight any further.

Rarity sighed, but nodded affirmatively. “Even if she rejects him as such, Shining Armour is still her brother… And our dear Twilight can’t bring herself to fight her own family, not even for the sake of Princess Celestia,” she explained, speaking in hushed whispers. “Which is what unavoidably would happen were she to join at Rainbow Dash’s side…”

Fluttershy nodded in understanding, and both mares looked down at the unhappy unicorn with pity and compassion. No further words were said, as both Fluttershy and Rarity focussed on comforting the distressed Twilight by embracing and holding her, bathing her in the warmth of their friendship. Twilight didn’t protest, on the contrary, she gave in to it completely and was grateful to her friends for their efforts. It strengthened and warmed her to know that even massive distortions in time had not been capable of breaking apart the friendship they shared.

Eventually, when Twilight had stopped crying, Rarity spoke again. “Shining Armour will be at the parade,” she said, feeling awful for having to bring up that sore subject again, but knowing it to be necessary.

“I know,” Twilight replied simply, and she sat up on her rump, wiping the last of her tears from her eyes. “And so will we.”

“Ah, yes, speaking of which,” Rarity muttered, turning her attention to Fluttershy. “Are you still determined to go, darling?” she asked. “I’ve managed to reserve some VIP seats for us, from where we’ll have a good view of the height of the… ah… spectacle… But I wouldn’t mind or blame you in the slightest should you have changed your mind, Fluttershy, my dear. It truly isn’t something I’d want you to see.”

“Oh, I know I probably will feel very bad because of it,” Fluttershy replied quietly, and she rubbed her hooves together nervously. “And I’ll probably regret it afterwards… B… But I still want to go see the parade. I have to see the Princess for myself… I just… have to…” She made a helpless gesture with her hooves, feeling silly for not being able to explain why she wanted to go see the most awful event in all of Equestria so badly.

Twilight, however, placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder and looked at her with understanding in her eyes. “I know how you feel,” she said, with a voice that was just as quiet as Fluttershy’s. “I had the same reason for going to see it when I was a filly… I knew I’d be horrified by what I’d see, but I still felt I had to. I just had to see with my own eyes what they made the Princess go through… As if to convince myself that it was real, that ponies could really do such awful things to somepony as wonderful as Princess Celestia…”

Fluttershy nodded wordlessly. Twilight had worded her feelings on the matter perfectly, and there was nothing more she could add to it.

Rarity sighed. “Well, if you’re both quite sure, I won’t stop you,” she said, though she was obviously not too happy about the entire idea. The white unicorn glanced at the antique clock that stood on the chimney. “We’ll get ready at dusk so that we can go find our seats before the streets get to crowded. There’s still a couple of hours until then, so in the meantime, why don’t I show you the house and the room where you’ll be staying for the duration of your visit? You can take a look at the dresses I’ve prepared for the both of you for tonight as well then, while we’re there.”

“I don’t see why not,” Twilight answered, and she looked around the room again. “I’m curious about seeing more of your house, Rarity.”

“Oh, yes, that would be lovely,” Fluttershy agreed quickly, happy to leave the unpleasant subjects be for now.

“Well then, let’s be on our way!” Rarity declared with a smile. The three mares quickly but deftly drank their teacups empty, and then Fluttershy and Twilight followed Rarity out of the lounge room as the white unicorn took them for a tour around her impressive residence.

End of chapter 14.