• Published 11th Apr 2012
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Wings of Tomorrow ~ Lament of the World - Keeper of Jericho

Waking up in a strange and altered Equestria, Fluttershy must reunite with her friends in order to survive the fast-approaching climax of a civil war that has raged over the land for centuries.

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17. Struggle in Canterlot

Wings of Tomorrow
Lament of the World

17. Struggle in Canterlot

The world had ended, so why had the struggle not stopped? Why were the guards still trying to detain them? Twilight’s thoughts were a chaotic maelstrom, her mind refusing to believe the evidence her senses were giving her. Rarity couldn’t have been shot straight through her body. Rarity couldn’t be laying on the street in an ever-expanding puddle of her own blood. It wasn’t possible, so why were her eyes trying to tell her so?

A surge of pain brought her back to reality. The guards were still pinning her down brusquely to the street, trying to cuff her and seal away her magic. She couldn’t allow that, she had to do something in order to escape, she had to make sure Rarity would be okay. Twilight tried to push herself up, but against four trained guard her muscular strength was worth nothing. With her ribs pressed against the ground, she found it hard to breathe, but ignored that. Her eyes were focused only on Rarity’s unmoving form, while her mind was thinking of any way to escape and help her friends.

It was her fault that they were in trouble now, after all. It was her fault that Rarity had been badly injured. If she hadn’t committed treason and had simply left the dead pegasus and his cargo where they had found him, the guards wouldn’t have had any reason to arrest them. And if they hadn’t, Rarity would never have resisted in order to help Fluttershy, and thus would never have gotten wounded. Yes, all signs pointed to Twilight being the cause of this mess, and she didn’t attempt to deny it. It was the only logical conclusion.

What had she been thinking, she berated herself. Why had she picked tonight, of all times, to get involved in the civil war, when her friends had been with her? How could she so selfishly have put them at risk because of her own stupid decision? She clearly hadn’t thought this through at all, and Rarity and Fluttershy had had to pay the price for it. Princess Celestia would have been ashamed of her if she had known how irresponsible her student had acted. That, Twilight didn’t doubt in the least.

She had to make up for it. It was her fault, her mess, so it fell to her to fix it. She had to give Fluttershy a chance to grab Rarity and make a run for it. Twilight racked her brain for any spell that would help her now. Many came to mind, spells she had cast in her other life, but they were all so hopelessly complicated, while she didn’t have an ounce of experience in advanced casting in this life. It almost brought tears of frustration to the unfortunate unicorn’s eyes.

A panicky squeak from Fluttershy made her brutally aware of the fact that she was running out of time. Every moment she wasted with doing nothing, Rarity was bleeding empty and Fluttershy was getting closer and closer to a terror-induced mental breakdown. She had to act now. Twilight gritted her teeth, steeled herself for what she was about to do and then gathered all the magical power she could find within herself.

With a cry of fury, Twilight reared up on her legs, throwing the guards that were pinning her down off her with the aid of her magic. Her horn glowed brilliantly as she picked up all ten guards at once in her magical grip. To lift such a weight was a feat not many unicorns were capable off. Yet time being in disarray and the lack of experience did not in any way influence the raw magic potential housed inside Twilight’s body. It was that limitless potential and power that she was accessing now, even if she had no idea how to put it to more refined and advanced use.

Her eyes glowed white as she held the guards aloft. She could feel the power of her magic, raw and nearly limitless, coursing through her body, felt it emanating from her horn and heighten her senses. It was exhilarating and breathtaking, and she could only remember one time when she had experienced feelings like these: when she had earned her cutie mark in her other life. Only now she was more in control of her raw power, could in some limited way steer it in the direction she wanted, instead of it controlling her like it had when she had been a filly.

The guards struggled against her powerful, oppressive telekinetic grip, with the unicorns amongst them putting up the most resistance. Spells were fired at her and weapons thrown, but with a second burst of raw magic, Twilight send all ten of them flying, knocking them into walls, disrupting their aim and making their shots miss.

The unicorn maintained her grip on her opponents, but turned her attention on Fluttershy for the time being. Her glowing white eyes were a frightening sight and made the terrified pegasus cower away from her, but for once Twilight could not put up with the timidity of her dear friend.

“Fluttershy, take Rarity and go!” she commanded, her voice empowered by her magic, something that Twilight was not even aware of. It had happened instinctively, and she had no control over her own abilities beyond basic levitation. Fluttershy didn’t respond, the poor mare could only stare blankly at Twilight, paralyzed by fear. Twilight’s patience snapped. She could feel the guards struggling against her magic that kept them pinned against the ground, and she had no idea how much longer she could keep this up.

“TAKE RARITY AND GO!” she roared, nearly knocking Fluttershy off her feet with the sheer volume of her voice. It worked, however, for Fluttershy finally seemed to come back to reality. She let out a soft whimper of fright, and then scurried over to Rarity as fast as her hooves could carry her.

Satisfied, Twilight turned her full attention back on the guards she still pressed against the ground with her magic. Just at the moment she did this, one of the unicorn guards managed to get off another spell. Twilight noticed the magic bolt in time to react, but couldn’t prevent it tearing through her shoulder. She cried out in pain, but managed to maintain her magical grip despite the bleeding wound.

The lavender unicorn gritted her teeth and put more power into her grip. The prolonged usage of such a great amount of power, combined with the pain from the wound and her inexperience, was beginning to take its toll. She could feel her head begin to throb with pain as a massive headache reared its ugly head. It was not at all unlike that time in her other life when she had lifted an Ursa Minor and a milk tank all the way to the Everfree Forest. The headache she had suffered from that stunt had lasted for three days, and that was back when she actually was very experienced and adept at using magic.

But she had to hold on, for her friends’ sakes. She had to buy enough time for Fluttershy to get away with Rarity. Groaning, Twilight poured even more of her energy into her horn as she struggled to maintain her grip.


Fluttershy hesitatingly put her hooves on Rarity’s fallen form. She didn’t even allow herself to grow ill from the sight of blood, she knew that there was no time for that. Rarity was in genuine danger of dying, and Twilight was giving up her own safety to give her two friends a chance to escape. She couldn’t allow herself to be weak now, Twilight was counting on her to help Rarity. Fluttershy couldn’t let the lavender unicorn down. This entire mess was all her fault to begin with. If she hadn’t insisted on going to see the parade, then her friends wouldn’t have been out here tonight and wouldn’t have gotten injured. She couldn’t faint now or be weak and leave it to Twilight to make up for the mistakes she had made.

The pegasus put her ear to Rarity’s body and was relieved to hear a heartbeat. Fluttershy gently rolled Rarity on her side to take a look at the wound. She knew they had to leave quickly, because Twilight couldn’t hold those guards off forever, but at the same time Fluttershy knew that she couldn’t move Rarity like this. If she did, she might accidentally cause the wound to grow larger, making Rarity lose even more blood.

Fluttershy took the part of Rarity’s dress surrounding the wound between her teeth and, with a sharp pull, tore it away. She quietly apologised to her friend for ruining one of her dresses, but given the circumstances she was sure Rarity would understand. Now that the wound was uncovered, Fluttershy could take a better look at it. A steady stream of blood was leaking out of it, and she could barely supress the urge to throw up. Fluttershy angrily clenched her teeth together and shook her head, forcing herself to stay strong.

Using the strip of cloth she had ripped from the dress, she carefully swiped some of the blood away. Rarity groaned when Fluttershy touched the wound, something Fluttershy took as a good sign. At least her friend could still feel pain, meaning she hadn’t suffered too much blood loss just yet. But that would be but a matter of time, that much soon became clear as Fluttershy examined the injury. Rarity had been struck from the side by some kind of magic bolt, one that had gone straight through her and punched a neat hole as wide as a hazelnut in her. The flesh around the hole had been charred black and looked tainted.

Fluttershy knew little of injuries caused by magic. She hadn’t even known of magic that could cause such injuries in the first place, and knew nothing about how to treat them. The best she could do was to try and stop the bleeding, or to prevent as much loss of blood as possible. She pressed the piece of cloth against the wound, and it quickly became soaked. Thinking quickly, Fluttershy took her own dress between her teeth and ripped a long strip from it. This put the problem before her hooves of how she was going to wrap the make-shift bandage around her friend with Rarity laying on her side. The unicorn was in no condition to stand up, and Twilight was busy.

“Fluttershy, hurry!” she heard Twilight call out to her. The unicorn sounded desperate, and Fluttershy worriedly glanced over her shoulder at the brave mare who was still pinning their attackers to the ground. Twilight’s entire body was trembling from the strain her spell put on it, and she had her head held low to the ground by this point, as if it took too much strength to hold it up. The wound on Twilight’s shoulder was bleeding almost as badly as Rarity’s, and Fluttershy knew that the unicorn wouldn’t be able to keep her spell up for much longer.

The pegasus mare swallowed hard, muttered an apology to Rarity, and then pulled the white unicorn up in her forelegs as best as she could. Rarity groaned painfully again upon being moved, but Fluttershy pushed onward. She held Rarity steady with one leg as best as she could and used her other foreleg and her muzzle to wrap the strip of cloth around Rarity’s waist. The timid pegasus ripped off two more strips from her dress and quickly and sloppily put them around Rarity as well. It was a terribly sloppy job, and probably wouldn’t help much, but it was all she could do for now.

Fluttershy’s hooves and dress were stained with Rarity’s blood by now, a fact that normally would have made the poor pegasus throw up, but Fluttershy stubbornly remained strong. She crouched down and used all of her might to pull Rarity on her back. The pegasus slowly pushed herself up on her hooves, grunting under Rarity’s extra weight. Her joints and muscles cried out in protest and tears flew freely from her eyes, but Fluttershy refused to give up. Her friends depended on her now. She had to stay strong.

She glanced one last time at Twilight, feeling absolutely terrible about having to leave the lavender unicorn behind, but she knew she had no choice. With a groan, Fluttershy managed to lift one hoof and put it before her other one, and then slowly repeated the process with her other hoof. She strained visible under the effort and the extra weight, but nevertheless she was slowly moving away towards one of the streets that would carry her out of the small square.


Twilight managed to sneak a look at Fluttershy from the corner of her eyes. The brave young pegasus had managed to get Rarity on her back and was carrying her to safety now. That was the good news. The bad news was that Fluttershy’s pace was terribly slow, no faster than even Rainbow Dash’s old tortoise pet. Twilight knew that her feathered friend was giving it her all and could not go any faster, but Twilight also knew that at this rate none of them would make it. Already she felt weak, her skull feeling like it was splitting due to the agonizing headache she was suffering from, and the wound on her shoulder didn’t help much.

Twilight desperately tried to keep up her spell, but her strength was fading rapidly. She couldn’t hold on for much longer, and Fluttershy had barely made it out of the plaza yet. The guards could feel the strength of her spell fading, and were putting up more of a struggle than ever before, making it even more difficult for Twilight to keep all ten of them pinned to the ground. She urged herself on, forcing herself to keep it up for just one more second, again and again. For Fluttershy. For Rarity.

The weakened unicorn by now had to keep her eyes shut in order to continue to focus on her spell, and as of such she didn’t see how another one of the unicorn guards she held pinned down managed to fire off another bolt at her. The attack grazed her left foreleg and Twilight cried out in pain. Her leg, already weakened due to the strain put on it by supporting the spell, could no longer carry her weight and gave away. With a cry of dismay, Twilight fell to her knees. The pain from a second bleeding injury shattered the last of her concentration, and her spell faded away.

The guards, no longer held back by magic, immediately climbed to their hooves. If they had been angry before, Twilight’s stunt had made them positively enraged. Two unicorns each fired a blast of magic at the same time. Twilight, wounded and exhausted, was hit by the two attacks simultaneously and blown of her hooves. The two spells had struck her square in the chest and the unicorn cried out in excruciating pain. She came to a sliding halt on the street a good few feet away from her previous location, nearly slamming into a wall.

Twilight’s chest was heaving as she desperately tried to suck in the vital air her lungs were begging for. Stubbornly she tried to force herself to her hooves again, but her legs gave away under her and with a cry of anguish she collapsed on the street. She was still conscious, but her body would no longer obey her, and she could only watch helplessly as the guards approached to arrest her.

“Fluttershy…” she managed to croak with a raspy voice. “R… run…”


When Fluttershy heard Twilight’s first cry of pain, she couldn’t stop herself from looking back to see what was going on. Her eyes widened as she saw the lavender unicorn sink through her knees because of her now injured leg. Then the guards managed to get up again and two of them struck her dear friend right in the chest with their own magic. Fluttershy could feel her jaw drop in horror as she watched Twilight sail through the air and fall into a defeated heap on the street a few feet away.

“Twilight!” she called out, torn between fleeing or staying. Fluttershy knew that Twilight had given everything she had to give her a chance to escape, but Fluttershy also knew that she could never outrun the guards now with Rarity on her back. She wouldn’t get very far, that much was obvious. But when she saw Twilight struggle to get up, only to fall down again and whisper that she had to run, Fluttershy knew she had to at the very least try.

She shut her eyes firmly as she forced herself to turn away from the scene and continue walking with Rarity on her back. The pegasus might as well have saved herself the effort, however, for the next moment a blur of grey and red tackled her from behind. Fluttershy cried out as she was knocked off her feet and rolled over her head, nearly breaking her neck. Rarity was flung from her back and landed with a tortured groan two or three feet away from her.

Dizzy and disoriented, Fluttershy tried to climb to her feet, but the guard who had tackled her calmly walked up to her and wacked her in the head with the blunt end of his spear. Fluttershy wanted to cry out in pain, but no sound left her lips as she fell to the floor.

“Stay down,” she heard a menacing voice growl in her ear, but she couldn’t see the speaker. The world was twisting and turning before her eyes, with nauseating black spots obscuring her vision. Vaguely, she could feel blood trickle down the side of her head from where the guard had struck her.

Fluttershy coughed and tried to move again. She couldn’t give up now, she had to take care of Rarity and Twilight. She had to get them home, where it was safe. Whimpering quietly, she tried to push herself up, but her hooves felt so heavy she could barely move them. Her entire body ached and her head wouldn’t stop spinning. Another agonized moan escaped her throat as she collapsed again. Tears flew from her eyes and mixed with the blood from her head wound, and Fluttershy couldn’t help but sob. She felt weak and helpless to the point where it made her cry. This had to be a nightmare of some kind, but if it was, why hadn’t she woken up by now?

She watched how one of the guards began to drag Rarity’s body back to the others, leaving behind a smear of red on the stones of the street, coming from the white unicorn’s body. The sight sickened Fluttershy, and this time she couldn’t prevent herself from throwing up. Rarity would either die from her injuries or be taken from her. She couldn’t let her happen. Crying and sobbing, Fluttershy again tried to get up.

A cry of pain made her look up. The guards by now had seized Twilight, and they weren’t being too gentle with her, taking no heed of the unicorn’s injuries. They forced Twilight to stand on her hooves despite the hideous wounds on her leg, shoulder and chest. The lavender unicorn was weeping as well, tears of pain and helplessness. One of the guards, an earth pony by the looks of it, moved in to fasten a steel collar with a chain around Twilight’s neck.

Fluttershy saw this, and it triggered images of the collar Princess Celestia had been wearing in her memories. She saw the once beautiful Princess being dragged through the streets, chained, defeated and broken, while booing ponies threw insults and filth at her. She saw Rarity falling to the street, shot down by another pony. She saw Twilight being simultaneously struck in the chest by two blasts of magic and sailing through the air, only to land in a bloody heap on the street. Fluttershy saw it all, and it filled her with rage.

Clenching her jaws firmly together, the pegasus forced herself up to her feet, ignoring the screams of protest from her aching muscles and body. She didn’t care about her body or the pain she felt. She only cared about those awful ponies that were hurting her friends, and she wasn’t going to stand for it.


The words, roared on top of her lungs, were accompanied by a fierce glare from her narrowed eyes that would send Discord running away while screaming in fear. The hairs of all ponies present stood on their ends, their manes billowing in a fierce storm wind that wasn’t there at all. The air seemed to ripple, as if it had suddenly become a flat surface of water and somepony had dropped a pebble in it. Fluttershy’s roar echoed a couple of times before fading away, and then there was silence. There was a brief moment during which the world stood still, and nothing could be heard except the gentle flowing of the water from the fountain in the centre of the square.

Then the guards fell over and dropped to the ground one by one, unconscious.


Fluttershy stared in disbelief at the sight before her. The righteous rage she had just now been filled with had vanished entirely. In its place there was only incomprehension. She had not even the slightest clue as to what had just happened. One moment, the guards were mistreating her friends, hurting them and she was shouting at them to stop. The next, they all lay unconsciously on the ground, and all was quiet. What had happened? Had her shouting done this? She couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t Princess Luna, that scary if wonderful Princess who could blow away ponies with nothing but her voice.

Hesitatingly, she made one tiny step forward, afraid that if she moved the guards would suddenly wake up again. When they didn’t, Fluttershy abandoned all caution and ran towards her friends. Figuring out what had happened could wait, for now she was simply glad that it had happened. Her friends were far, far more important.

She checked on Rarity first, since the white unicorn was the least injured of the two unicorns and thus would take the least time to examine. Being flung off Fluttershy’s back and crashing in the street obviously hadn’t done a lot of good to her, but Fluttershy couldn’t find any sign that Rarity’s injuries had grown majorly worse. Pleased with that for now, the timid pegasus hurried over to where Twilight lay.

The lavender unicorn lay crippled and unmoving on the ground, and she was bleeding just as badly as Rarity, if not worse. Twilight’s chest looked especially bad, as if an explosion had torn the skin clean off and ripped open the flesh. Given the nature of offensive magic, that just might have been exactly what had happened. Fluttershy first of all put her ear against her friend, and could hear her still breathing. Relieved, she immediately began to rip more strips of cloth from her dress to have something to bandage Twilight’s injuries with.

The wound on the leg was the easiest, so Fluttershy decided to start with that one. Just as she tied the first knot to secure the bandage, Twilight stirred and opened her eyes. The unicorn’s stamina amazed Fluttershy, who could barely believe that Twilight could still be conscious when her body was in such a state. A wheezed groan escaped the lavender mare’s lips, and her eyes flashed around rapidly in all directions at first, before finally settling on Fluttershy.

“F… Fluttershy?” Twilight managed to whisper, once her vision had become clear enough again for her to recognise the pegasus. Twilight’s gaze drifted around again, and she noticed the fallen guards. The unicorn groaned again and squeezed her eyes shut a couple of times before opening them once more. “W… what…?” she inquired, baffled by the fact that the unconscious guards hadn’t been a figment of her imagination.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Fluttershy whispered soothingly, and she gave Twilight an affectionate nuzzle. “Don’t worry about that for now. Let’s get you fixed up first, we still shouldn’t stay here…”

“Flu… Fluttershy…” Twilight whispered again, moaning in agony as a convulsion ran through her body and caused her excruciating pain. The poor unicorn closed her eyes and began to cry, even though every sob hurt her tortured body. Fluttershy felt her lower lip tremble as she witnessed the sight, for it nearly moved her to tears herself. She tried to remain strong, however, for her friends still depended on her. She lowered her head to give Twilight another nuzzle before she’d continue treating her wounds.


The words were shouted by someone behind her, and they startled Fluttershy so badly that it nearly gave her a heart attack. In the blink of an eye the pegasus had turned around to meet the speaker. Her eyes widened in panic as she saw that the guard who had mocked Rarity, the one who had appeared like the leader of the group, had climbed to his feet again and was now staring at her with undisguised hatred in his eyes. The stallion’s entire body was trembling, and he was sweating profusely, as if he had seen something terrifying.

Fluttershy squeaked in fright as the guard did one menacing step towards her, and she instinctively backed away one step herself. She felt no rage, anger or sudden strength as she faced down the guard this time. Now there was only pure panic and fear. She had thought that the guards had been taken out, that she could finally tend to her friends, but again fate decided to be cruel and prove her wrong. There was no way she could take down a full-grown stallion who had trained for years to fight. He’d swat her like the fly she was.

“What did you do to my guards, you freak?!” he growled angrily, a menacing scowl on his face as he approached the paralyzed pegasus with wary strides. “I get chills running down my spine simply by looking at you… You, a measly, weak, little pegasus filly, are scaring a proud member of the glorious Republican Army! What sorcery is this?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!”

Fluttershy was too terrified to speak, and even if she hadn’t been she wouldn’t have known the answer to his question in any case. How could he be afraid of her? She was the one who was paralyzed with fear at the moment.

“I’ll get you for this, you royalist scum,” the guard snarled again. He was now only a few feet away from her, and soon would be upon her. But still Fluttershy was too scared to move. “I’ll make you talk, I’ll make you spill the secret of that stunt you just pulled, and then I’ll rip out your tongue to serve as an appetizer for the gryphon ambassador! I’LL BEAT YOU UNTIL ALL THAT’S LEFT OF YOU IS A WEAK, HELPLESS AND SOBBING MESS!”

Fluttershy squeaked and tried to back away, but she tripped over Twilight’s body and fell on her back. She was too afraid to try and get up, and could only watch as the guard loomed over her, dark and dangerous. In his eyes was a glimmer of insanity and madness. He raised his hoof, ready to bring it down crushingly on the whimpering mare underneath him.

“Hey, pal, don’t you remember the rule which the whole universe agreed to?”

The voice came from a pony who had appeared down one of the streets. The newcomer’s features were obscured by the shadows in the street, and all Fluttershy could see were three icy blue lights glowing on the pony’s body, and the outline of two large wings that were keeping the pony upright and hovering a foot above the ground.

The mysterious pegasus lifted one of her forelegs, pointing her hoof at the guard. Just as the guard turned around to face the newcomer, his brow furrowed in confusion at the sudden interruption, a gigantic blast of lightning burst forth from the pegasus’ outstretched hoof. The attack blasted him right of his hooves and into a wall on the other side of the square. When the crackling lightning dispersed, the unfortunate guard’s body was smoking. His exposed skin had been charred black by the high voltage that had coursed through his body, and the steel of his armour had melted because of the lightning’s searing heat. He was alive, if barely.

His mysterious attacker landed gently on the ground and trotted forward, stepping into the square and into the moonlight. Fluttershy, who was staring with wide eyes at the smoking body of the guard, slowly turned her head to look at her unknown saviour. Once she laid her eyes on the mysterious pony, a gasp escaped her lips and her eyes widened even more, this time with recognition.

The mysterious pegasus was a mare, wearing an impressive suit of golden armour and a white cape with her cutie mark on it: a cloud with a rainbow-coloured lightning bolt shooting from it. The three icy blue lights Fluttershy had seen were in fact the three shards of magicite the mare had embedded in her armour: one in each bracelet on her forelegs, and one in the circlet she wore on her head. Her wings, which already had an impressive span on their own, were further increased in size and strength by a mechanical exoskeleton that was attached to them.

The pegasus stepped forward until she stood right next to the defeated guard, and looked down on him with contempt. “Nopony makes Fluttershy cry,” she growled, as she blew a strand of her rainbow-coloured mane out of her face.

From where she lay, Twilight managed to lift her head up slightly so she could look at the pony who had just saved them. It took a moment for her shaking vision to stabilise, but once it did and she could make out the pony’s features, her jaw dropped in utter disbelief.

There, standing triumphantly over the charred guard, was Rainbow Dash.

End of chapter 17.