• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XCIX – All Intents

Good intentions, sometimes, never had a chance to become more.

Twilight had been fully expecting to have a long, eventful morning after helping Rowan Berry with her report on, well, herself. While it was very unlikely that Lord Azure Mist would be convinced by anything positive about Twilight in the missive, nothing unsavory would make its way into the haspadre’s hooves, due to the conjoined efforts.

However, the conversation with Midnight hadn’t come to pass after all, not that either of them had decided to back away from it. But when a summon from Lord Dusk Harvest had appeared, with the annotation of urgency, Twilight had had to answer it in the official capacity and do so without delay.

She was now awaiting with her entourage right before the door to an audience chamber, which could very well be just a small, private room, cozy enough to have two ponies in it for a direct conversation. Twilight imagined that the greatest chambers were being utilized by the hospital, so she wasn’t expecting a place as substantial as the possible, coming conversation.

Whatever the reason for this summon was, it sounded very pressing. Curiosity had Twilight firmly in its clutches, and what better insight was there to receive for the moment than one provided by her companions.

“Do you know why would Lord Dusk Harvest summon me like this?” she inquired, trying to keep her voice adequately low. They were in the open and in a place known for gossip, after all. “I take it something must have happened. You don’t think…?”

Midnight read well into her unfinished sentence, remaining be her side with a perfectly neutral expression of a Nightguardian, but speaking up nonetheless. “That it is due to the Overseer General? No, I don’t think so. Whatever he might think of me, he’s a stallion of his word and a principled one. He wouldn’t mouse you out before the haspadr.”

“ ‘Rat’ is the right verb you’re looking for, Maednoc Wentr,” Rowan Berry corrected the stallion with a small smirk, which nevertheless evaporated a moment later. “He would gain nothing from it, even if he did. You want to help us, not hinder us, your actions against the Lesy speak for it loudly. And him reporting to the Lord that you are looking for information on the Dalli would make him look paranoid, rather than cautious and safeguarding our interests…”

“Then if it is not that – any ideas?” Twilight still asked, but neither batpony had a solid suggestion to share. Which was the more problematic.

Thankfully, she wouldn’t have to wait for much longer. Not from the doorway, actually, but around the corner did Lord Dusk Harvest appear, his goldenrod eyes without some of their, already quite dimmed, light. He wasn’t accompanied by anypony else but a single sentinel, and the haspadr’s gaze immediately landed on Twilight as he made his presence known.

H-Hwalba k-k-knaze, thank you f-for c-coming on s-such a short n-notice…” he greeted her, and even with his stammer it could be told that the matter was weighing on him. “P-please, j-join me. On your o-own if possible, th-this is a rather p-private conversation to be h-h-had,” he insisted.

Twilight wasn’t against this on principle, though she glanced at her entourage to make sure they weren’t suddenly objecting to request. Since they weren’t, indeed, she gestured for them to remain in the corridor and followed the Lord into the chamber, which the sentinel had opened promptly.

Indeed, the said room was small, but prepared for what one could call very direct audiences. The table in the middle could have two, maybe three ponies sitting by it, but it was made of rich wood and actually had been accordingly prepared, possibly just before Twilight’s arrival. The cloth in the Family colors was covering it and on the surface, like a bounty just picked from the trees in the Valleys, fruit were ready to be sampled by the host and his guest.

Even so, something was telling Twilight that the Lord didn’t necessarily have an appetite for a feast. He took his place without delay, inviting her to join him, though still waiting to see if she would partake in the meal herself.

Out of respect for the stallion’s visible perturbation she initially abstained, focusing rather on him and speaking up. “I have arrived promptly, Honored Lord, as you asked. What is the matter? How can I be of help to you?”

The haspadr looked at her for a while, before a slight, sad smile appeared on his lips. “Always r-ready to provide a-aid, aren’t you, H-Honored Princess?”

“That’s who I am, apparently,” she replied, allowing herself a little smile of her own, though recognizing that the atmosphere was far from jubilant.

More so when the stallion continued. “Th-this time I-I-I am afraid y-you might not b-be able to, not t-to the full e-e-extent,” he declared in a forlorn way, and Twilight felt worried for a second that he had somehow learnt of her plans regarding him and his wife. “What I-I am sharing with y-you, I am d-doing so in a-absolute secrecy, a-at least for the m-m-moment. I was a-asked to c-convey a message and a r-r-request, in a quite d-dire s-situation. For u-us, yes, but a-also regarding y-your quest.”

“Oh? What would you mean, Honored Lord?” Twilight asked, unable to contain her interest, as well as the myriad of potential meanings behind the stallion’s words which were already sprouting in her brain. “Did something happen?”

“Well, n-not yet, but… S-something is h-happening…” he revealed, reaching into his stately robes and pulling out a parchment which had already been opened. Clearly a missive which had been received by him earlier that night. “This has b-been sent t-to me b-by hrabiy Soleeced D-Decret… and now w-we have t-to deal with the k-knowledge inside.” There was a pregnant pause that had less to do with establishing dramatic timing and more with the Lord coming to terms with what he was going to reveal before Twilight. “It’s a-about is f-father, haspadr S-Soleeced Slov. His c-c-condition is w-worsening. A-apparently, his dyhawica is g-g-getting more t-troubling and o-out of control, and he is g-growing weaker and w-w-weaker by the n-night…”

Twilight remained silent just long enough to show respect to the topic. Its gravity was not to be overlooked.

“The Honored Lord… is dying?” she asked gently, as what she had been told was more than enough to arrive at this conclusion.

“It s-seems quite l-likely.”

That wasn’t a definite sentence, no, but Twilight didn’t need more information to realize that such a situation was going to become problematic. She, thankfully, found out that her first reaction was to feel this encompassing sadness over the possibility, and empathy towards the whole Family Sunfall. But she couldn’t very well overlook what all of this could mean for her journey, and especially the upcoming vote regarding the diplomatic future of both countries.

Dusk Harvest spotted her trepidation without delay, his initial assumption also about her genuine sorrow. “His a-age is upon h-him, first and f-f-foremost, hwalba k-knaze. B-but he has a-also been s-suffering from th-these breathing p-problems for y-years. You s-saw him during out m-m-meetings, c-coughing and s-struggling to draw b-breath…” He paused, hissing slightly, fighting his emotions and his own affliction. “N-no n-noctral can e-escape their m-mortality, and f-for him it c-c-comes like this…”

Twilight understood the premise well, of course, despite what her reaching alicornhood meant when it came to her own lifespan. But that didn’t mean that anypony ever found it simple and easy to come to terms with another’s passing.

She lowered her voice accordingly, asking the stallion opposite for some clarification. And maybe a sliver of hope, after all. “I take it this isn’t yet made public because… it is not written in stone? There’s a chance this is not his time yet?”

“P-perhaps not, no. B-b-but the situation must be d-dire enough, if the C-Count notified me l-like so.”

“Might I ask if any other Lords could have been informed? Is there any indication of that?”

“N-no, only m-me so far,” the haspadr replied and decided to explain a bit more. “This e-e-exclusivity comes p-partially because I have l-lent the Rodine S-Soleeced a c-couple of our f-foremost healers i-in the matter of b-breathing problems,” Dusk Harvest clarified, placing the message on the table, in equal distance from the two of them. “And th-there is one m-more reason. C-connected to y-you, Honored P-Princess.”

“Me?” Twilight asked, with no lack of surprise.

“Y-yes. Lord S-Sunfall W-Word wishes to s-s-see you,” the Lord revealed the crux of the meeting, placing his hoof against a portion of Noctraliyar script that was clearly mentioning that. “It i-is said th-that it is his s-s-strong desire,” the stallion further claimed, helping Twilight in grasping the message hidden behind the flowing alphabet.

Twilight pondered for a while and actually believed she understood why this was so. She was making a journey around the country, after all, meeting with different ponies and different Lords… and if there would be a change of leadership of one of the Families, then the Lord surely wanted to safeguard his charge’s future. Likely by having her meet him at the end of his life. And, most likely, to advise her to enter some form of an agreement with his son, the Count.

Sunfall Decree… Yes, Twilight recalled him back from the first visit in the Sanctuary. He had looked like a dutiful, if stern individual. And there had been the matter of captain Sunfall Ordain, no? Some form of a rift?

Perhaps many more ponies around were actually hoping that Twilight could, being who she was, deal with rifts and issues of many sorts.

“I… see, Honored Lord. Those are troubling news, for more reasons than just political, of course,” she finally spoke up, realizing that she was staying silent for a bit too long for everypony’s comfort. “I take it that there is a need for immediate travel, then?”

“A-almost. Were it n-not for the fact th-that there’s a s-s-storm front coming o-over the Quartz P-P-Panorama, I w-would advise h-heading out t-tomorrow,” the haspadr told her. “N-not that I w-would want to g-g-get rid of you, hwalba k-knaze!”

“No, don’t worry, Honored Lord, I understand,” Twilight told him, not expecting and not sensing any such intents in him. “I take it going straight to the Mountain of Sunfall from here, without detours, remains the quickest option with these weather conditions?”

“T-taking a d-detour through the T-Tuarie doesn’t r-really help g-gain any t-t-time. S-such is the r-reality of life in o-our land,” Dusk Harvest responded, clearly having in mind the advantages of controlled weather in Equestria, and perhaps even feeling that Twilight felt stranded without such options at her disposal. “Still, y-you would n-need to leave at f-first m-moonlight, the n-night after t-tomorrow.”

Which meant that she still had the tomorrow to work with, as she imagined that the situation turning into the worst possible scenario would not let her return to the Mountain of Dusk anytime soon. A shift like that would be grand, as much as Twilight could understand it from her quite stable, Equestrian perspective. Princess Luna’s return had not created an upheaval in the strictest of senses, minus the Nightmare Moon episode. Things would definitely be less stable here.

So… she would find herself at the Mountain of Sunfall after all, but she had Mountain of Mist and Mountain of Shade to visit still, to assure things would go smoothly over at the next Covenant meeting… though those two felt a little far from her current reach.

But was this really the right moment to dwell on her political and diplomatic endeavors? There was an old pony who was likely meeting the end of his life. She had to make that her priority after all.

“I… understand, Lord Dusk Harvest. It is a sad message, regardless of any outcomes we might be discussing. Still, could you explain to me, or perhaps refer to the contents – what is the direct need of me? Does the Lord wish to actually converse with me before he passes on, to the blessed Argentee?” she asked, trying to sound as reverent of the situation as she could.

“P-perhaps. You’re p-presence here is m-most unique, after a-all. Or perhaps h-he is c-c-concerned that his s-son will be… l-less inclined to l-listen to your m-message,” the haspadr pointed out, clearly having something in mind. “While the old h-haspadr is known a-as a wise and d-dutiful ruler, the h-hrabiy has a t-t-tendency to j-judge ponies h-harshly, follow t-traditions without a… h-how could I s-say it?” The stallion thought for a second, reaching for the correct expression. “He’s ‘r-r-reactionary’ in s-some ways. Is that the r-right word, I have l-learnt it at s-some point…”

“If you mean that he is traditional and unswayable, then yes, that could be that,” Twilight responded, already calculating just how exactly would that affect the further talks. Not to mention other matters. “To be fair… I mean – can we talk about this openly, Honored Lord? As openly as this room allows, of course. I understand that discussing the traits of a future leader while the current one is still alive can be seen as undesirable…”

“Y-yes, very a-astute, hwalba k-knaze,” Dusk Harvest admitted, tapping his hoof on the table constantly, maybe to focus enough to try and explain matters without falling victim to his impediment. Blossom wasn’t there to nuzzle his neck, after all, and the tension was getting to the stallion more and more. “But I-I feel v-very comfortable w-with that. I d-don’t dislike Soleeced D-Decret, but I w-worry that he w-would be l-l-less inclined to vote f-for any o-opening of our l-lands and e-even exchanges with Ekwestriya. I w-would even c-call him r-rather i-i-i…!”

The stallion caught himself on the word, unfortunately, thought Twilight hoped she could help by guessing it correctly.

“Isolationist?” she suggested, and the Lord nodded sharply.

“… isolationist,” he still used the expression, prompted to finish the sentence after all, in this constant battle with himself. “N-not to m-m-mention that o-our talks w-would have to be p-postponed.”

“I… see. For how long?” Twilight couldn’t help but ask for a clarification there and then.

Dusk Harvest was anticipating that, himself looking rather uncomfortable about this possibility. “Well, u-until he w-would go through a-a-all of the necessary r-rites for Soleeced D-Decret to t-t-take the circlet, like th-the Ingress and s-so on. It i-is a traditionally l-l-lengthy process, to s-signify its i-importance. O-of course the f-future ruler c-can perform some t-tasks at his I-Iug outright, but he c-c-cannot be treated as an e-equal in the C-Covenant until a-all is o-officially said and d-d-done.”

“Even while we are considering whether we should find ourselves in a direct clash?” Twilight asked once more, and was unapologetic about the question. She knew that Dusk Harvest would understand.

He did. And he grasped the nuance of the problem very well. “Y-yes, s-sadly. Not t-to mention that, in a-a-accordance with t-tradition, he w-would be a-able to still d-declare himself w s-suzirat,” the he pointed out.

“Despite the ‘peace’ that his father invoked the last time? I know that remaining ‘in consideration’ can be done once during the talks, but...”

Tac, and he is n-not his f-father. S-since the d-discussions didn’t c-conclude, he must b-be given a ch-chance to d-declare his intentions and h-his vision of the F-Family’s future,” the haspadr calmly explained.

“That could prolong things even further.”

“Which I-I would say f-favors your side o-of the possible c-conflict, hwalba k-knaze,” the stallion admitted, though without feeling endangered by that.

Still, danger was the name of the game. Longer negotiations did mean that Equestria had more time to prepare for unwanted scenarios. Twilight had every reason to believe that Discord conveyed her message accordingly. Well… every reason but sheer reason, since dealing with the Spirit of Chaos usually exempted that.

Still, she wasn’t here to contemplate strife, but peace. “Could Count… and then Lord Sunfall Decree prompt others to change their minds, ultimately?” she simply had to ask. “He would be a new player on the stage, I imagine at least a couple of Lords would be intrigued about his approach.”

“I d-don’t know h-his agenda e-exactly, but I d-do know something about the said a-approach,” Dusk Harvest revealed, leaning in a little. “Y-you’ve m-met his daughter.”

“Captain Sunfall Ordain, yes, at the Hollow Shade’s outpost. Or Shades’ Hollow outpost,” Twilight responded, covering both sides of that particular matter and with no ill intentions whatsoever.

“Yes, that’s h-her. I sh-shouldn’t know this, b-but I do…” Dusk Harvest began, showing once again that, despite his personal problems, he was more skilled and resourceful than many would expect of a troubled pony like him. “He d-declared that she will b-be marrying a m-much older stallion, the h-h-head of another b-branch of the R-Rodine. He w-wasn’t an outright t-terrible choice, I h-have to say, s-since nopony c-could ever blame him f-for being m-malicious or ill-spirited. He w-was just… much t-too old f-for her, d-despite being a p-powerful member of the b-bloodline. E-especially considering that R-Rodine Soleeced is n-n-not known for o-opulence or vast p-production or a-anything of the sort.”

Twilight nodded, staying engaged in the conversation and hoping to receive insight that Dusk Harvest’s very tone was promising her.

Soleeced N-Nakaze protested. C-citing her p-preferences and p-personal freedoms,” the stallion continued, making a slight face as he revealed more details. “I d-don’t hold it a-a-against her, even if she sh-should remember th-that being an o-only child in s-such a situation w-would carry with i-i-itself certain o-obligations to her b-bloodline…” he commented, and Twilight knew that he was saying it with a heavy heart, himself stuck in a precarious position. “The hrabiy… well, he d-d-didn’t take to it w-well.”

“How ‘not-well’?”

“I might h-have been s-sitting there q-quietly at that t-time, but I l-like to pay a-attention…” the stallion claimed, and Twilight had every reason to believe him. “I s-saw your exchange w-with the S-Soleecedi, at the S-Seat’s meeting hall. Your r-reaction, everypony’s reaction, s-suggested that haspadr S-Soleeced Slov asked a-about his g-g-granddaughter.”

“You’re correct, Honored Lord. The Count referred to her as, if I recall correctly, ‘my father’s granddaughter’. I grasped the depth of such a rift, but I suppose now I understand the nature of the strike which caused it…”

“Well, it w-was him who d-declared to Soleeced N-Nakaze that no d-daughter of his would e-ever forget the d-duties bestowed u-upon her by the W-Will of Neskaza Lunee…” Dusk Harvest did explain, clearly referring to some information that he shouldn’t normally possess. “He w-wasn’t even furious, he j-just stated a f-fact, believing f-firmly in ever w-word he was s-saying. And then he s-s-sent her away. He told her th-that when she b-becomes his d-daughter again, she can c-come back to the palace.”

Twilight felt anger bubbling inside of her, though she tried to contain it for the sake of maintaining a civil conversation. “I… see. Did the Honored Lord not interfere? Yes, it is his son’s daughter, but he is the head of the whole bloodline, is he not? Surely he wouldn’t be for such a treatment of captain Sunfall Ordain?”

“Yes, h-he is the head and he is w-well respected in th-that role. But c-considering the rules and t-traditions of the S-Soleecedi, the hrabiy was h-harsh but did not c-cross any lines, and—”

“Did not cross any lines? With declaring that he has no daughter?” Twilight interrupted after all, recognizing that she had to say something, for the sake of her own conscience.

“I know, I know, of course…” Dusk Harvest replied so fast he didn’t even have the time to stammer at first, a being conciliatory was clearly at the forefront of his mind this time. “It is something th-that is a-assaulting your sensibility. Again – I c-can only convey what I-I know, not ch-change matters. B-besides, I… I c-cannot say that I am not u-understanding of where th-this harshness was c-coming from. The s-stability of one’s I-Iug is vital, e-especially when it c-comes to m-m-maintaining the p-prolongation of the ver…”

He said so, and Twilight had to remain silent out of respect. There was so much underlying sadness to his tone, though only audible to one knowledgeable about the extent of the issue, like herself. Saying anything would be outright disrespectful towards the stallion opposite, she felt.

He was, at least, keen on remaining fair about the topic. “I see b-both sides and their i-issues. I won’t b-be the one to c-c-cast the stone here,” he declared, shaking his head, then returning to the main matter at hoof. “If the s-situation is taking a s-serious turn, then I-I urge and i-implore you to make th-the trip, b-before it is too l-late. And i-if anypony c-could convince Soleeced D-Decret to change his ways, it w-would be you, h-hwalba knaze,” he insisted. Then a sudden glint manifested in his eyes. “Unless…”

“Yes? What did you think of, Honored Lord?” Twilight encouraged the stallion to be open with her. It hadn’t been going too badly so far, after all.

“I have s-seen a portion of your p-power. The m-might of the Divine A-Aspect and, as I-I understand c-correctly, a ‘p-pony gazing b-beyond’,” he referred to the Twilight’s past unicorn form, using that term she could recall from the batpony holy scriptures. “Do you… Do y-you think you c-could try and h-heal Soleeced Slov?”

Twilight stopped herself from grimacing, for it would even deepen her regret. “I’m sorry, Honored Lord, but while healing magic is something I have studied a little, it is a very meticulous branch of our abilities. Equestria relies more heavily on the remedies of the earth ponies and the ingenuity of our medical field, than on pure restorative spells. Mostly since it is a very… precise work, I would call it. One needs to have vast experience, training and a natural talent for it. Besides,” she added, though realizing that every word she was uttering was only draining hope from the batpony opposite, “this is not a sudden injury. This is, as I understand, a chronic condition. Those are ‘chronic’ for us too, Honored Lord, and the best one can offer is respite and making the symptoms less of a burden… But we cannot just halt its terrible progress.”

“I s-see…” the stallion uttered, nodding to himself. “I suppose th-that nothing in l-life is simple, regardless of the h-hours one is awake, or the p-protrusions from their b-body,” he replied, trying to jest and Twilight granted him a small, empathetic smile. Which grew a little as he continued. “P-pity, I was h-hoping a little bit th-that you could a-afterwards help me with m-my s-s-stammer.”

Yes, Twilight did smile out of politeness, though hiding behind a certain hope that she ultimately could aid the Lord. She wasn’t a specialist in such disorders, but she understood how many things in life could come from dark thoughts and bad emotions, piled inside of a pony. Perhaps she could be of service to the haspadr in ways that he wasn’t yet anticipating.

“Believe me, Honored Lord, if only I could…” she told him, nevertheless, seeing that nervous smirk bloom on his muzzle.

“You sh-should measure your k-kindness, hwalba knaze…” he remarked, and she wasn’t entirely sure if he was being serious or not. “The q-quantity of it is g-grand, and the q-quality is exquisite, but even a n-noble soul like y-you cannot fix th-the entire world.”

“I know… but I won’t know just how much I can fix if I don’t push myself a little from time to time,” she remarked, trying to install some courage into the stallion already, in preparation. “It worked well enough the last few nights,” she even added.

Dusk Harvest chuckled and shook his head a little. “You w-w-won’t hear my c-complaining about that. The m-more u-unkind I feel, s-sending you away.”

“You’re not doing that, Honored Lord,” she remarked, pointing at the parchment. “But things don’t always follow plans that we establish. However…”

She had done a quick calculation and decided to add to her words, hoping for this to be a good moment to put some things into motion after all. And, perhaps vaingloriously, hoping that her own plan would actually work out without sudden obstructions. Although, she was already risking not receiving the promised information from the Overseer General by tomorrow.

“… I still have the next night, for better or worse, because we cannot do much more about my departure. Could I hope to meet you, then, Honored Lord? At some point? There are some things I wish to discuss, on the off chance that we shall not have an opportunity to freely converse before the next meeting in the Sanctuary.”

“Oh? Y-yes, of course. D-do you have a s-specific place in m-mind?” the haspadr inquired, genuinely pleased that she wanted to talk a bit more.

“I was thinking in the Dalli, if it would be possible. Somewhere we could oversee a good portion of it, and be close to the magnificent work your kind is doing,” she suggested, having in mind Dusk Tarn’s words. “A hill, maybe, that one could occupy without interrupting any of the work?”

“Th-there are o-overlooks set up, to k-k-keep an eye out for d-dangers and the l-like. This is how w-we spotted your c-c-carriage being under a-attack,” Dusk Harvest replied, rubbing his chin. “There is o-one place I a-am considering. I w-will let you know i-if it would be a-alright to set up a h-half-official meeting th-there. W-would that be a-alright with you, h-hwalba knaze?”

“Definitely! Please, simply be so kind as to pass the message along to my entourage early enough, Honored Lord, so that they know where to take me,” she told the stallion, hoping that he would do it like so. Her plans had a certain timing to them.

The meeting proper came to a close after that exchange, though both of them decided to share at least an orange before leaving the room. Not that Twilight really had an appetite, not after learning of the grim news from the Mountain of Sunfall, but… well, one had to eat and drink after all. However, just as the Lord was about to open the door to the corridor, he paused and looked at her intently.

“I d-don’t think I a-actually need to r-remind you, hwalba k-knaze, but f-forgive me that I d-do – r-refrain from mentioning e-even to your c-companions the real r-reason of your d-d-departure.”

Twilight nodded. She wasn’t keen on lying, but she understood the stakes. This message had been confidential and had to remain as such. “Of course, Honored Lord. My lips are sealed and explanations shall be… diplomatic.”

“… I h-hope that d-does not i-i-inconvenience you, to k-keep matters c-contained like that,” the haspadr said, with utter seriousness that simply had to have something to do with the general impression that Twilight had left so far. The stallion’s gaze was speaking of that and more.

“I don’t enjoy some things that I have to do for the greater good, but do them I shall,” she told him, meaning those words and being rewarded with a nod from the stallion.

“Spoken l-like a responsible l-leader,” he told her, and for some reason it felt even more honoring than receiving praise from Lord Midnight Eye.

Sure enough, Twilight was left alone with her entourage soon enough, as the Lord returned to his last duties for the night. And her companions’ eyes were asking the obvious questions, naturally.

“It seems that we will have to move on from the Mountain earlier than we thought,” Twilight remarked, gesturing for the two to follow, and keeping her voice adequately low. The risk of a gossip-hungry courtier passing by was a real one. “There is an official and rather urgent request from the Sunfall Family for my visit at their Iug,” she told them outright, wishing to focus on the main issue and omit all the ‘unnecessary’ details.

Midnight Wind nodded, clearly trying to discern something from such a state of affairs. “Is that so? Old Lord Sunfall Word got impatient? That is a little unlike him.”

“True… Unless he already heard about what happened here,” Rowan Berry remarked, also engaging her logic and reasoning. “If anything would get him to act quickly, especially at his age, is the knowledge that somepony tackled the supernatural and somehow prevailed. Soleecedi see auspices in such occurrences as bright as the Goddess’ very Sign…”

Twilight was glad that their reasoning went that particular way, and at the same time she was also most intrigued by that perspective. Lord Dusk Harvest hadn’t pointed that motivation out, but she imagined that if the story of the Lesy’s visitation had made it to the Mountain of Sunfall, than curiosity would certainly be piqued. After all, as far as she understood, the Sunfalls were the most pious and devoted to the Immaculate Moon, if the stereotypes held true, of course. They would see Her providence in it.

“What can we expect, if they know of what happened?” Twilight decided to ask, since she would be venturing to the Iug regardless of the true motivations behind the missive.

“Inquiry, questions, prayers. And likely no pillows,” Midnight remarked, sounding most excited about the whole prospect. “I mean, I don’t mind the idea of refraining from luxury in the name of the Goddess, but…” He paused, to shrug and roll his eyes. “You know, our lands are not teeming with sheep, clearly through the design of Bogine, to just let the silly creatures roam around and then be eaten by basaltliski and whatnot…” he complained a little more, but in a cheeky tone which almost made Twilight giggle.

Rowan Berry was a little more serious, though no less weary about the subject, actually. “Agreed. I do hope, however, that they will understand the importance of your visit, hwalba knaze, and not force you to be ascetic just because they are like so…”

Twilight pondered for a moment, considering what would be the diplomatic approach. “I… wouldn’t want to be seen as addicted to amenities in their eyes, you know? Still, I hope that asking for an actual comforter would not be seen as overblown?”

She didn’t actually mean the inquiry, but she was clearly being seen as earnest in her words, at least by Midnight. “I… don’t think they will make you sleep on a stone slab, no, but don’t expect anything but the necessary basics, just to be safe. Even the haspadr is living no better than the plebesi at the Mountain…” the stallion remarked, turning to Rowan Berry. “You know, you’re the lupule, have you ever considered that they might be breathing a little too deeply around those geysers and springs of theirs?”

Maednoc Wentr, you know as good as I that those are far from the Iug proper and other settlements…” the healer rebuked, shaking her head.

However, that was enough for Twilight to pause and look at her entourage in sudden interest. “Wait, wait… Geysers and springs? Are they…?” She could actually hear the connections being made in her brain, for she had read about such a geothermal activity before. And it usually meant one thing. “Is the Mountain of Sunfall an... actual volcano?”

“An actual extinct volcano,” Midnight told her, being very particular about stressing that adjective. “It had had its last eruption some time before the Soleecedi made their permanent home there, so a long time ago. But there are other places with such a fiery features about their domain.”

“The Iug being set in a place like that is one of the reasons, I believe, that the Rodine puts such emphasis on the matters spiritual,” Rowan Berry added, wishing to give a greater explanation to Twilight. “I suppose the knowledge of their seemingly precarious position does make one consider matters that could withstand a literal ‘end of the world around’. Focus on preparing one’s soul for what is to come, rather than paying attention to what’s material.”

“That… is an explanation, yes,” Twilight admitted. There was a little shudder which crossed her back at the premise of staying in an actual volcano, though she recognized that it was more likely just an instinctive reaction rather than proper angst over the fact. Surely the Family wouldn’t have a long-standing seat in a place which could wipe them out on its pyroclastic whim.

“Since we are talking about that, it’s worth mentioning that the Mountain of Sunfall is also the highest peak of Noctraliya,” Midnight added just as they were reaching their chambers. “The vistas are to die for, I heard. Or go blind over, actually…”

“That’s… specific,” Twilight admitted, recognizing that tone from the stallion. “Actually, you know, all this time I thought that a Family named as such would live in a less exposed place.”

“Ah, yes, that’s a matter of perspective and understanding of their name. I guess it was actually retained in Ekwestriyar translation,” the stallion remarked with a smile. “It’s easy to explain, however – they are the ones that pay great heed to the moment of sunset, mindful of the fiery sentence upon our lands, and looking forward to the Judging Sun disappearing past the horizon. It heralds the appearance of the Goddess’ Sign…” he began, but it was Rowan Berry who finished, understanding where Midnight was going with his sentence.

“… but they are also those who are most befallen by the Sewira Solee, for her light shines upon their Iug the longest, from morning to sunset. So they believe themselves scrutinized the most, and act mindful of their actions, viewing everything as a part of a great, searing and spiritual design they have to proficiently find themselves in.”

Twilight couldn’t lie and deny that she felt her mouth open a little at the realization. “And they are called Family Sunfall… That’s, actually, quite a clever way of interpreting the vocation, interesting!” She got so engrossed for a moment that she almost forgot that things could take a worse turn for the said Rodine very soon. She contained herself better from then on, also since there were things to accomplish before departure. “I will keep in mind where we are going, and who our hosts shall be like. But we actually will have one more night to work with, due to weather patterns preventing earlier travel. I have already asked for a meeting with the Lord tomorrow. You two know what that means, right?”

“You wish to try and make things work despite the timetable, hwalba knaze?” the lupule and operative in one asked, stepping closer and turning her voice into but a whisper. “Admirable drive, but it won’t be easy…”

“Nothing is ever easy, especially when one has good intentions,” Midnight quipped with a roguish smile. “You think we could pull it off in one night, Twilight. What am I saying – in one conversation, since I doubt we will have much more time than this… You’re a harsh taskmaster.”

“It’s for a good cause,” she told him with a small smile. “I hope you can pass the message along in a proper way. We need to set this meeting up properly, scout the place when Lord Dusk Harvest informs us…”

“Of course. You have us both, hwalba knaze, and we shall do our best,” Rowan Berry declared, and it was clear that she, to some degree, enjoyed the intrigue to be had.

Midnight, likewise, smiled and nodded, fully embracing the scheme.

Which meant that Twilight had to begin moving the pieces. And hope that things wouldn’t get even more convoluted due to her eagerness.

“I have been told you will… be coming over, my lady…” Moonwarden whispered, still too weak to sit up and conserving his strength, but lucid and smiling faintly, keeping his silver eyes on Luna. “Thank you for… reaching out to the hospital in advance… however. And notifying me. I could get things… under control prior to… your arrival.”

Luna was sitting next to the bed and trying not to make it look like too casual of a conversation. Some appearances had to be kept, though… she had no idea for whose sake. She felt like she wouldn’t mind being just like a giddy young mare, sharing a moment with her chosen stallion. If only he would be healthier, because the grey unicorn occupying this bed really didn’t serve anypony.

She tilted her head a little at his words, however. “You know that such a sentence coming from you does sound a little dangerous?”

“Oh… thank providence, I… do hope so. Trying to… project threat is pretty much… the extent of my abilities right now. I need to… sound convincing,” the stallion revealed, simultaneously serious and trying to make a joke. “But, fret not, I do not really mean… my antics right now, my lady. It is more of a… medical concern that I… had in mind.”

“Medical concern? Is something wrong?” Luna latched onto the topic outright, with kind worry. “I was told that your state is stable so far, and—”

“Yes, my lady… It is, do not concern yourself,” Moonwarden interrupted, in the calmest way possible, also considering that raising his voice seemed out of his reach. “It is just that… The ponies monitoring me did notice that… your last visit caused a certain level of… a heightened heart rate. They are trying to… figure it out medically, and I… really do not want for them to… find out the reason that… did actually cause it,” he revealed.

“Oh… Oh!” Luna connected the dots quickly enough, and tried to hide both a giggle and a little blush. “So… You decided to try and calm yourself enough before my visit this time around?”

“Trying to do so… to this moment,” Moonwarden jested again, his smile deepening ever so slightly before wilting on his lips. “I am acting… foolish again, I see… To be fair, I do… blame the medicine. I must be on some… painkillers or some other… pharmaceutical concoctions. I am usually… much more controlled in what I am… saying.”

“I think there maybe lies the problem?” Luna decided to present the issue aloud, having their situation in mind.

The unicorn discerned that much, indeed. “I think there lay the… solution that stopped… either of us from being unreasonable,” he claimed, still hanging onto those doubts of his. “But now you requested of me… to think. And I have been thinking about… it all for far too long by my… fatalistic tastes.”

“I do hope it wasn’t a time wasted, Moonwarden,” Luna expressed her genuine hopes, embellishing them with a smile. “You must know that I’ve been thinking about you for quite some time now, and I’m not regretting it.”

“Well, that just sounds like… some emotional manipulation and pressure…” the stallion rebuked, smirking just a little. His hoof shifted, then rested only a little further from where it had been as he sighed. “Forgive me, I… wanted to fix my monocle and then… actually remembered that I am not wearing one…” he explained his attempt, shaking his head just a little to avoid upsetting the gash on his neck. “Being bedridden is tedious… Who came up with this… idiotic idea?” he remarked sarcastically, letting out a long sigh.

Luna knew. At least, to the extent that the clues and investigation had told her about the situation. But… she didn’t feel like touching upon that yet. It felt just more liberating and even carefree to converse with Moonwarden so semi-casually. Perhaps it was unreasonable, just like the unicorn had warned, but she couldn’t quite stop herself. It made her heart flutter beautifully a little too much.

Also, she wasn’t blind to what he was doing. It was subtle, but there. “Are you trying to repay my words with now emphasizing just how poor and helpless you are? And that I should stop touching upon a complex subject?”

“Am I becoming predictable…? That is even… worse than my loose tongue,” the unicorn responded, but not without a smile. “Do not blame me, my lady, I… After all those years to even… have a shred of hope that things could… progress from my fatuous fantasies and… and feelings is hard to accept and believe,” he admitted, shifting a little with a grimace. “The fact that I even… have hope in the first place seems a little… outlandish.”

“If only I had known that you are carrying this burden. And for so long…”

“But that was my… my point – for you not to know. If anything it… I suppose speaks of the extent… of my restraint,” the stallion commented, turning his head a bit more her way. “A very important… ability to possess when one… commands a power like mine. My… self-permissive tendencies notwithstanding…”

That sounded like an excuse and a joke, but Moonwarden’s tone made the matter anything but. It was clear that the exchange in his own mind stuck with him firmly.

Luna appreciated that much from him. “The extent of that self-permission is also something that you have hidden well.”

The unicorn took the sentence gallantly. “I do fathom that… Still, my lady, for all of my… vainglory…” He paused, closing his eyes and taking a deeper breath, yet still shallow enough not to agitate the healing lung, obviously. “Do you remember the… earful I received from you regarding my… treatment of Summer Rainfall?”

“Without an issue,” Luna told him, quite clearly recalling the exact moment. “Your explanation was clear and persuasive. And plainly prepared in advance. Drawing from your operative days, without a doubt, you’ve actually mentioned that yourself.”

“That I did,” Moonwarden admitted with a little smirk. It wasn’t a secret that he was fondly remembering his younger days as a field agent. “And while I wish not to… charge ahead of what needs to be done, I want you… to know, my lady, that I have… meant every word. At no point… was I trying to deceive you. Whether I was… actually right in my views, is a… different matter, not for me to… judge and assess. In that, I do… surrender myself to you.”

Luna nodded, accepting those words. And being prompted to ask. “Just one of you?”

That was a very short question which would require a very, very long explanation to anypony else present, but the two of them understood the meaning without an issue. It was especially evident when the unicorn smirked.

“I take it the sight of… my very active ‘second nature’ made quite an… impact on you, my lady…” he stated, and Luna could have sworn that she felt two voices in that declaration. “But just as I have… explained to you during our extremely… private meeting – we are not entirely… separate. And, ultimately, we both… agree on crucial matters. It is just that we… sometimes approach topics from different angles. And not the… ‘good’ and ‘evil’ ones, that remains… an extremely limited worldview to me. To us,” he added, nodding slightly to himself. He then closed his eyes and seemingly enjoyed the softness of the pillow underneath his head. “Me, myself… I do consider myself in your power right now. Though I imagine… I will understand the whole extent of that premise when I shall… be up and about again. It is hard to conduct… official business and even a royal examination… when one of the parties is a… vision of frailty, and given quite… potent medicine,” he concluded, with no amount of displeasure over the fact.

Luna decided to lighten up his mood a little. It was likewise making her jubilant, to see him in good humor. Love did that, and more. “You think I should wait for you to be discharged? And who is to say that you won’t just buy the first train ticket you can get your hooves on and abscond from Canterlot?”

Moonwarden looked at her once again, with amusement glinting in his silver eyes. “Only if you would be… in the same railway carriage, my lady… That is a… most fond memory for me,” he remarked, and Luna was already feeling that wondrous tickle in her heart. “Unless, of course… somepony else than you would try and pass… judgment upon me. I do not think… I would be compliant then,” the unicorn quipped, looking to the side for a moment. “I heard that Baltimare is… lovely this time of the year.”

“Which means that you would be going to… Vanhoover?” Luna made a guess, but only got a roguish smile in return, which likely meant that Moonwarden had at least a dozen of locations in mind. “I think you should focus on thinking how you will answer my personal inquest first. We will straighten some things, accordingly. Besides, I shall claim that I know you best out of everypony, so I will reserve for myself this evaluation.”

“That might actually… be true, considering your dangerous excursion,” the stallion agreed, though it was blatant he still considered her actions to have been too risky, despite the success. “It is simultaneously fascinating… and terrifying to have somepony… reach so far into my very mind, into my core. Though… I suppose I cannot think of a better pony to do so…” he so claimed, but then closed his eyes and grimaced. “I need to tell the doctors… to lower the dosage of whatever I am fed. I am… saying way too much.”

“I’m enjoying you being a bit more open. I might actually ask if you could be given some more of those pharmaceutical wonders, so I can squeeze all that hidden knowledge out of you,” Luna playfully suggested, paying great attention to Moonwarden’s reaction.

It was genuine, that much she could tell. “What wicked thought…” he replied, looking deep into her eyes. “I am positively surprised. Do… indulge me more with those…”

That, of all things and despite the stallion’s attempt at making her smile more, caused her expression to wilt. True enough, it was also giving her the perfect opportunity to present the one, other reason for her presence. Actually, she still felt a pang in her heart at the scenario she was even considering discussing.

“If you wish so, Moonwarden, there… is actually a matter I have to discuss, and one could name it quite wicked,” she admitted, sitting a bit closer still.

She realized, also, that she put her hoof on the bed. Quite close to Moonwarden’s own, and this peculiar force in her core was begging and pleading her to reach out. But she had to remain strong, because the matter was serious enough as it was. She… couldn’t allow herself pleasant distractions.

“I… do hope you will give me your insight, now that we can have a moment with each other again.”

The stallion nodded ever so slightly, sparing himself any discomfort. His eyes ventured down a little, as he must have spotted her movement. And, briefly, Luna could spot that shudder which crossed his own hoof, as if his own desire was conspiring with hers…

Still, he instead abstained and responded. “My lady, if… if you need my abilities, they are… all yours. I would advise, however, to wait a little. If that is… possible. I would prefer… to be in a more controlled state. I am concerned whether my… opinions, expressed now, would be… entirely reasonable,” he warned her, meaning his words.

Luna could tell. For all of his plights and the current state, he had her well-being in mind, first and foremost.

If there would be an argument which would prompt her to actually postpone asking about this plan that she had formulated with Elegy and Jade Wind, that would be exactly it.

Could she endanger Moonwarden like this? He was, himself, all too aware that his mental strength was not at its best. And could she actually receive a viable response from him, if she were to ask whether he would want to agree to being a potential bait, and endanger himself once more for her sake?

The worst part was – she was convinced that he would agree, because she believed that nothing could stop him from exercising his loyalty and devotion to her.

Even then, with all of this going through her head, Luna knew that the question had to be asked nevertheless. Because otherwise what was she to do? Sit and wait for things to resolve by themselves? Again? No. Things didn’t know just how to ‘get better’. She wouldn’t repeat that mistake.

“I do see your point, Moonwarden, and I do take into consideration that you are not at your best,” she told the unicorn, not that such a true remark was pleasant to him. “But I need to bring the matter before you nonetheless, it is too vital to stay silent about.”

“Of course. If that is your… will, my lady, do speak. Your servant listens… and tries to stop himself from undue commentary.”

Luna smiled just a little, but that was as much of a good humor as she could retain as she had to touch upon the unpleasant topic. “We have been investigating the attack on you for all this time, Moonwarden. We believe that we might have the exact culprit, but… it will be quite tricky to apprehend him without causing a little bit of a stir.”

“Oh?” the unicorn was genuinely interested. He tried to even sit up a little, but to no avail. He could only hiss at his scarred back. “Right, bad idea…” he complained, shifting slowly to get comfortable once again. It was blatant that losing the fight for a more dignified position wasn’t pleasing him. “As I understand, my lady, I have been targeted by some… major player? Actually…”

He visibly pondered for a while, clearly attempting to recall the details of that fateful night. And it wasn’t a pleasant process, that much was blatant from the bead of sweat which run down from his temple.

Luna had to ask after a proper moment of silence. “Are you… considering something specific, Moonwarden?”

“Nothing,” he told her, hiding much behind this seemingly empty response. “That ‘nothing’ was what… gave me a pause and perhaps… saved me in the end. When I… didn’t find purchase in the… mind before me I stepped back, not… moving like the assailant had hoped…”

“That was crucial, definitely. That, and the portrait in your vest,” Luna told the stallion, as she imagined that nopony had given him such details before, not even her during their strange meeting. He gave her a quizzical look, so she explained further. “The blade hit the piece, Moonwarden. It was covering your heart, and that was the clear target.”

The stallion remained silent briefly, looking somewhere else, then his eyes landed on Luna again and a strange smile tugged at his lips. “How… convenient. But, what is this supposed… to be? A cheap romance novel? Like the… ones you sometimes read on your terrace, my lady…? Pardon my Trottinghamian, my lady, but… that is a load of old cobblers…”

Luna brought a hoof to her chest, as if offended, though she also had to fight an urge to giggle at his very thick accent there and then. “Goodness me, Moonwarden, do such things only happen in subpar works and not also in those you enjoy?” she asked, now recalling well enough that the stallion actually had opinions on the genre.

The unicorn rolled his eyes, and would have done much more were it not for his position. “I do not as much enjoy them as… well, draw inspiration from them when the… situation so demands,” he remarked, though something about it was almost abashed. “I would have certainly… preferred a more sophisticated occurrence happening… to my very self,” he complained, but then immediately denied doing so. “Not that I am complaining… that I am still breathing. I think it, actually, serves… her right, if she thinks that she can take my hoof in hers… before I do more in your name, my lady.”

“… what do you mean, Moonwarden?” Luna asked, as she must have lost the thread of his words at some point.

The unicorn’s gaze had turned a little glassy before he spoke up again, though there was much coherence in his voice. “Remember, my lady… An out-of-place filly with a calm smile and… and those big, sapphire blue eyes is… not somepony to shake hooves with,” he claimed, and Luna felt it in her core that he was talking about matters which were going beyond comprehension of regular ponies. “I am, actually… leading the score. And by two points right now, which is… well above the norm. But I am not going to… push my luck further.”

He stayed silent for a brief moment, and Luna respected this silence. It was clearly a reverential one, in the light of awareness of one’s own mortality. Her unique position as an alicorn put her in a specific distance towards it, yet she also felt deference towards matters final. And even a prideful pony like Moonwarden would not consider himself above death, although he had put a tremendous amount of effort when it had come to avoiding it so far.

Regardless, the stallion finally exhaled, shaking his head a little and hissing. “Despite my… private scuffle against the inevitable… my lady, as I understand, my wannabe assassin… Well, they were a… batpony,” he stated, and as much as Luna had been mindful of his state, he was now repaying her with that intense gaze, checking on her state after his words.

But there was no denying the obvious and true, one’s feelings didn’t matter in that regard. “Yes. He was, to be exact,” Luna confirmed, speaking quieter still. “From what I understand, he is a special operative embedded in the Nightguard, right in the Bastion here.”

“Who… perhaps saw me when I was… visiting their Commander…” Moonwarden mused and squinted his eyes. “Years are going by, but… instincts remain sharp. I did have that… remarkable, cold and piercing, feeling that somepony with… a harmful intent was watching. Perhaps… he was preparing, or perhaps waiting for… somepony to give him the right order.”

Luna’s brow furrowed. “You never mentioned that, not that I can right now remember,” she told the unicorn, somewhat displeased about yet another occurrence of him withholding something.

“Par for the course, my… my lady. At some point, one just… accepts the danger. Not that I was not… being cautious from then on, though… not cautious enough, apparently,” he admitted, and not without some shame. “I imagine that it will not be too… facile to get a pony like that to… face our, Equestrian justice.”

“That is exactly the problem we are facing. With the batpony situation being so critical, making an open move could create a chain reaction that would be most complicated to contain, especially with Princess Twilight in Noctraliya,” Luna affirmed, leading the conversation to the crucial point. “So we were considering alternative options on how to extract the said individual without it being a diplomatic incident… or at least one that Noctraliya could do little about.”

“I see…” Moonwarden responded and shifted his head a little to think. “Give me a moment, my lady… I need to take a breather. Conversing with you is… a unique pleasure, but I do get… tired quickly.”

Luna was about to spare him the trouble and reveal the plan in the meantime, but decided to grant him this request, remaining silent and still in her vigil against the stallion’s bed. For his part, he closed his eyes, and it was obvious that he was trying to level his breathing, perhaps calm down. After all, he must have had recalled all vicious memories about the attack which nearly took his life. And even his mental endurance had its limits.

Still, after a few minutes, the unicorn spoke up, revealing that he was also taking this time to strategize. Clearly there was no real rest for the wicked. “Well, my lady, I think that I… have an idea. And we will not have to… make the mountain move, just the… mountain-dweller. Or however the saying goes,” he claimed, again meeting Luna’s gaze. “I imagine the easiest way of getting him in a… position that would stop anypony from trying to… extricate him, because that would mean admitting to giving the… order, would be to catch him during a secondary… attempt at my life.”

Luna grimaced involuntarily. “That… was one of the suggestions. Actually the very one which prompted me to come here.”

“And it was a judicious one,” Moonwarden pointed out, as if he was not dealing with his well-being at all. “In the correct setup, this can be done without… much effort on our part, and without too much danger to me,” he pointed out. “I am sorry that I am taking that into… consideration, but I would want nothing more… than to see the daring pillock in… our grasp with my own eyes.”

“Feeling vengeful, Moonwarden?” Luna asked the quite serious question, but found herself smiling a little while doing so.

“It does not keep me… warm at night, if that is what you are asking about, my… lady,” the stallion replied, and it was clear he would have shrugged were he in a better condition. “But I am not against… entertaining some measure of darker thoughts. Makes the world have… more of a contrast. And it is something to… look forward to, letting the pony know that… his failure was categorical.” He paused, as something caused his brow to furrow. “Ah, but there is just… one matter I am most concerned about.”

Luna nodded, listening carefully to what was to come. “How to do it precisely? A ‘simple’ matter is not necessarily ‘easy’…”

“That is very true, yes, but also…” Moonwarden’s gaze sharpened, and his vast experience as a schemer came to the forefront of the discussion. “If I were a pony to order a hit like this and… my chosen agent would fail almost spectacularly, I would be… one to consider taking care of such a loose thread. Either by eliminating him outright, or… giving him a second chance, but only to then… repay him for his initial failure with a merciless reward… of a blade against his throat. Or even doing so… during his second attempt, just in case, as him being captured would be a… devastating outcome for any intrigue,” he mused aloud, his voice holding a very frigid tone. “In this case, a pony is a problem. Two… of them, actually. No ponies, no problem.”

“Darker thoughts, indeed,” Luna pointed out, but she couldn’t deny a certain, twisted logic and reasoning in them. “Do you think that our foe is quite so vicious?”

“They chose to strike at me,” Moonwarden responded, and there was as much pride as rationale in his sentence. “A batpony attacked me… And I have every reason to believe that I am… considered at least a worthwhile Equestrian in their eyes… since I am so close to you, a Goddess in the flesh. Your Royal Advisor…”

That last part was said in a much more warmer tone than Luna expected, catching her by surprise and causing a deepening blush on her muzzle. Especially since the unicorn’s eyes remained fixated on hers with intensity that spoke of a deep feeling.

She was caught by the moment so much that she almost completely missed how forlorn that title had sounded in his lips.

And the stallion continued, following his grim logic even while having this private moment with her. “If that attack was a planned action, and not a bout… of desperation, then it even stronger betrays a certain… disregard and said desperation. And a… desperate pony is a dangerous one.”

“I… suppose so, yes…” Luna responded, but she couldn’t quite focus on Moonwarden’s words.

Seemingly without a reason, at least at first. But then she grasped that some strange feeling had just been registered by her mind and flesh. A warmth. A small measure of closeness that she hadn’t figured out till this moment. And she had no idea when exactly it had happened.

But after a small, measured breath she finally looked down, towards the source of the peculiar comfort. And she immediately found out that, during this remarkably bleak exchange regarding daring schemes, grim concepts and the very mortality, her hoof had found Moonwarden’s and was still holding it, with gentle and caring intent. Or it had been the other way around, with the stallion having sought to give and receive support, but that part seemed insubstantial.

What was transparent, however, was the fact that the stallion also hadn’t recognized that it had happened, if his widening gaze was of any indication.

“Oh dear!” he exclaimed as much as his state allowed him. And then… clearly wanted to pull back, but hesitated for that one more heartbeat before actually managing to shift his hoof away.

Not that it was facile. Simple things, as Luna had just reminded them both, were not always easy. As much as Moonwarden’s own hoof didn’t want to listen, she held on to the fleeting moment with slightly more confidence than she thought she exerted.

Was she wrong to do so? Were either of them?

The unicorn thought so, apparently. “I am… Oh, I am dreadfully sorry, I… I didn’t…”

If there was one thing which could make the embarrassment in the room ever the more clear, it was Moonwarden abbreviating. And then there was Luna, feeling distinctively like an abashed filly which had just stolen one of Tia’s favorite cookies. And it was not a feeling that she was finding easy to contain.

Yes, she had already had regrets about not taking certain steps regarding the stallion before her. She would even consider herself having been quite daring in her thinking, about… about kissing him. But she now realized that even this little, innocent gesture was enough to cause her heart to beat and beep, faster and faster.

Actually, that was the stallion’s heart. The machinery was clearly betraying that both of their hearts were quite aflutter, which was… strangely romantic to Luna. She found it very hard to remember both having ever felt something like this and having experienced such a delicate form of courtship, shown in this simplest of ways.

Moonwarden knew what was on her mind, and it had nothing to do with his craft. “I… Uhm… Medicine, I guess,” he tried to explain why it had happened, though it was both a lost cause and a blatant deflection.

“Yes, right, of course,” Luna responded, and she couldn’t at first recognize the tone she used. It was actually a mixture of blatant disregard and red-muzzled discomposure. And she wasn’t the medicated pony in this very room.

There was a peculiar pause afterwards, during which both of them were transparently fighting the urge to accept what had just happened and seek more of it.

Luna found herself petrified at the urge building in her to just lean forward, finding it almost intrusive, but oh so irresistible. However, Moonwarden, himself looking at her with intent which bordered on amatory madness, finally overcame the feeling, though clearly to the displeasure of his heart which sped up once again.

“I… What I was considering is that… well, there must not be a delay in our actions… since the longer a thread stays loose the more… dangerous it becomes,” he forced the sentence out, as a distraction from the previous distraction.

Luna took a deep breath, trying to focus once again, and finding it very difficult and somewhat annoying. Especially since Moonwarden’s words could be interpreted in regards to their more current predicament.

“I see,” she finally replied. “So we would have to act promptly.”




That wasn’t the brightest form of conversation, but what was there to do when both of them had to reluctantly step away from the pleasant moment? Luna found herself gritting her teeth, almost, as feeling even such a small thing was causing a whirlwind of feelings inside of her. Actually, she wanted to act promptly, in some way.

And the stallion was faring no better, clearly. So much so that at that particular moment there was a commotion by the room’s door. Luna managed to only turn her head and then one of doctor Silver Scalpel’s nurses glanced in, a burly stallion of wheat mane and a serious expression.

“Your Majesty? Ah, you are still here,” he commented, stepping in with little reluctance. “So sorry, but the hospital system notified us of an elevated heart rate from the patient. I’m going to have to do a check-up.”

Luna wanted to explain, but the earth pony was already by the machinery, watching the readings in a remorseless way. It was… annoying, to be interrupted like such, but she had enough awareness to recognize that the nurse’s job was to take care of the patient’s well-being regardless of anypony else present.

If anything, that spoke of the quality of ponies that the good doctor had posted by Moonwarden. And there obviously was at least some truth to the claim that they could take on a griffon if necessary, if the pony’s size was of any indication. Honestly, he had the aura of a hired thug about him, rather than a caretaker.

Luna glanced at her faithful servant. Despite his situation and position, his eyes were following the intruder with an almost murderous intent, as he was clearly peeved at anypony coming in during this vital and emotional meeting. And it was possibly one of the sweetest expressions she could expect of the unicorn, all things considered.

The nurse was quick, at least, turning to Luna when he finished making sure that things hadn’t been actually deteriorating. “I… take it that this was quite an important discussion so far, Your Majesty, but please refrain from causing too much excitement to mister Moonwarden, the doctor is clear about that. The healing process is a vital thing and needs to be maintained accordingly. And if anypony deserves rest, also from his official duties, it is this very patient.”

“Yes, of course, my apologies,” Luna replied, despite knowing what had truly caused that particular spike in the heart rate.

“We advise not to prolong the visit, as well,” was the nurse’s firm last sentence before he left the room.

And no sooner had he done that and the door clicked than Moonwarden’s voice resounded. “Disrespectful boor, he does not… deserve your expression of regret, my… lady.”

“He’s not wrong, this is for the good of your health,” Luna told the upset unicorn, staying close to the bed for a moment longer. “I hope I… didn’t cause you discomfort,” she added.

Knowing that she didn’t really mean those words, because surely even the unicorn’s reluctance must have melted in that wondrous moment. And, indeed, Moonwarden let her known that there wasn’t any ache in what had happened, quite the opposite.

“My lady, I have dreamt of a moment like this… for so long. If anything… it was far too pleasing,” the stallion admitted, though embarrassed to be doing so. “The warmth of your hoof lingers on… on mine. The texture, the shape, I…” He paused, taking a deep breath to calm himself, as the machinery could soon cause the caregiver to return. “This shall be imprinted in my memory… and I do not think I can… let anypony wash that hoof for a while…”

He tried to make such a joke and Luna appreciated it. “Should I understand that you are… warming up to certain scenarios, then?” she daringly asked, and received an amused look back.

“So much so it is… clearly affecting the healing process,” the stallion quipped, shaking his head once again. “How about I… manage to get out of this accursed bed first? Then I can… at least try to look my best and make this… somewhat worth your while, my lady.”

“You know that such a… close relation is not always about things being at their very pristine and best? It’s about being with and for that other pony regardless of anything…” she retorted, quite pleased with her argument. “Like in moments of doubt, you know? In a secret chamber, on the train, above a chessboard, or like—”

“Like now?”

“… yes, Moonwarden. Like now,” she told him, minding not at all the gentle interruption.

She also caused another surge of beeping. And if machines could translate emotions, that was surely yet another confirmation of the depth of the stallion’s feeling.

“My lady…” the unicorn spoke, his voice shaky and his eyes boring into hers. “You are a benevolent numen, without a doubt… I remain unworthy to receive… your attention.”

“Well… It lies with you to convince yourself,” Luna told him, smiling kindly and feeling her cheeks burning and her eyes watering just a little in the storm of the feelings in her. “And I do hope you will. I think even a pony like you deserves a chance at some little happiness in life.”

“Not the whole world can be fixed, repaired, healed… and restored,” the stallion claimed still, even if it was a losing fight. “Sometimes things just… happen, and we need to deal with the… consequences of fate’s dark humour... And sometimes even our… greatest plans and preparations just… do not prevail. Good intentions and… so on.”

“And just the fear that we won’t succeed should stop us from trying?”

Luna beamed at that little, joyous spark awakening in Moonwarden’s silver gaze.

“No. Never.”

Author's Note:

Greetings, everyone.

Just leaving a little note here in an apology over the chapter's delay. A broken toe and a busted PC both have a way of interfering with life's tempo. :twilightblush:

Here's hoping things will go smoother from now on.


Comments ( 30 )

The death of a lord seems likely to be a significant challenge for Twilight in the coming nights. I cannot help but think Sunfall Ordain may yet play a significant role in this, perhaps this trip may set into motions that see her become the new Lord in spite of her Father.

Gulheru #2 · Sunday · · ·


It might be a great turmoil, indeed. :pinkiesmile:

redmar #3 · Sunday · · ·

It's clear that the situation at mountain Sunfall is mos urgent and that it cancause quite the upheavel for the political games being played. Of course Sunfall Decree's argument with his daughter could have a huge impact on his standing with the other lords. I hope however that Midnight Wind's talk with Twilight won't be delayed too much. I expect that the journey to mountain of Sunfall would be the latest moment they could have.
The fact that Moonwarden himself came up with the same idea to capture the assasin already signals his approval but he does raise some proper concerns about the assasin being a liability. Azure Mist is not the pony to leave loose threads hanging.

Gulheru #4 · Sunday · · ·


Some things seem to be hanging by a thread. :twilightsmile:

Numinos #5 · Sunday · · ·

Just how many chapters are we waiting for The Talk? : )

Another great chapter. The pieces are moving...

However, the conversation with Midnight hadn’t come to pass after all, not that either of them had decided to back away from it. But when a summon from Lord Dusk Harvest had appeared, with the annotation of urgency, Twilight had had to answer it in the official capacity and do so without delay.


I guess this answers the question about which mountain Twilight will be visiting next. It's unfortunate that it had to be made due to the potential death of the lug's current lord. If it does come to pass that Sunfall Decree will need to become their new lord, hopefully Twilight will be able to make some sort of connection and maintain the decision of Sunfall Word. It will be interesting to see if Twilight's final actions at the Mountain of Dusk bear the desired fruit.

She realized, also, that she put her hoof on the bed. Quite close to Moonwarden’s own, and this peculiar force in her core was begging and pleading her to reach out.

Don't you DARE do it, Luna! We need this story to preserve its Teen rating.

But after a small, measured breath she finally looked down, towards the source of the peculiar comfort. And she immediately found out that, during this remarkably bleak exchange regarding daring schemes, grim concepts and the very mortality, her hoof had found Moonwarden’s and was still holding it, with gentle and caring intent. Or it had been the other way around, with the stallion having sought to give and receive support, but that part seemed insubstantial.

“Oh dear!” he exclaimed as much as his state allowed him. And then… clearly wanted to pull back, but hesitated for that one more heartbeat before actually managing to shift his hoof away.

Oh dear, indeed! Well...it was fun while it lasted. I shall not be surprised to see an M upon viewing the next update.
I know it's a stupid joke, but it always makes me laugh and I refuse to stop making it

A broken toe and a busted PC both have a way of interfering with life's tempo.

Hopefully your toe has fully healed. I can't help but wonder if the two are connected. I know I've wanted to punt kick my laptop on occasion when it was being particularly slow, even though I had to acquiesce that doing so would only exacerbate the issue.

Gulheru #7 · Monday · · ·


Not too many... You just need to be teased well enough prior. And enough fear should build that things might take a bad turn before the chance so happens. :twilightsmile:


Things might get complicated, the rating stays and no, I have not kicked my trusted machine which caused the injury. But the two things happened one after the other and it really messed up my mental schedules. :twilightblush:

bkam #8 · Monday · · ·

Last chapter before we hit another major milestone. :pinkiehappy:

However, the conversation with Midnight hadn’t come to pass after all, not that either of them had decided to back away from it. But when a summon from Lord Dusk Harvest had appeared, with the annotation of urgency, Twilight had had to answer it in the official capacity and do so without delay.


Also, I hope this summons isn't anything to severe, in-spite of the urgency.

“ H-Hwalba k-k-knaze , thank you f-for c-coming on s-such a short n-notice…” he greeted her, and even with his stammer it could be told that the matter was weighing on him. “P-please, j-join me. On your o-own if possible, th-this is a rather p-private conversation to be h-h-had,” he insisted.

“The Honored Lord… is dying?” she asked gently, as what she had been told was more than enough to arrive at this conclusion.

“It s-seems quite l-likely.”

Well this ought to make things interesting.

“You’re correct, Honored Lord. The Count referred to her as, if I recall correctly, ‘my father’s granddaughter. I grasped the depth of such a rift, but I suppose now I understand the nature of the strike which caused it…”

Is it bad that I already don't like Sunfall Decree?

“You sh-should measure your k-kindness, hwalba knaze …” he remarked, and she wasn’t entirely sure if he was being serious or not. “The q-quantity of it is g-grand, and the q-quality is exquisite, but even a n-noble soul like y-you cannot fix th-the entire world.”

“I know… but I won’t know just how much I can fix if I don’t push myself a little from time to time,” she remarked, trying to install some courage into the stallion already, in preparation. “It worked well enough the last few nights,” she even added.

And this is why we love Twilight.

“Inquiry, questions, prayers. And likely no pillows,” Midnight remarked, sounding most excited about the whole prospect..

This is clearly going to be the worst part of their trip to see the Sunfalls.

Which meant that Twilight had to begin moving the pieces. And hope that things wouldn’t get even more convoluted due to her eagerness.

Well this ought to be interesting.


That whole scene between Luna and Moonwarden was adorable, and I think you did an amazing job with it, Gulheru.

Greetings, everyone.

Just leaving a little note here in an apology over the chapter's delay. A broken toe and a busted PC both have a way of interfering with life's tempo. :twilightblush:

Here's hoping things will go smoother from now on.


Given how much you were spoiling us with chapter updates, don't worry about it, you're life matters more then us and these horse words. I hope you are feeling better though.

It would seem we are both of the same thinking, I must wonder how many more methods of interruption Gulheru will be able to come up with.

Gulheru #9 · Monday · · ·


My life is horse words! :pinkiecrazy:

No, but seriously, I am much better now. Hopefully I can get back to the regular schedule. I prefer when life is just a little bit predictible. :twilightsheepish:

If this story was original fiction, I'd say it could be published as its own novel with a good chance of success. It's creative, fantastical, thrilling, and tense. My literal only complaint with the story is that the Luna and Moonwarden sections are the brussel sprouts to the rest of the story's mac n cheese: just basically a romance side-arc with more politics and without the worldbuilding of the main plot.

Gulheru #11 · Monday · · ·


Hey, it's alright not liking the sprouts as much as it is to like them. Sometimes you need the sprouts to realize just how much you like mac 'n' cheese in contrast, and that's also fine.

I'll take both. :raritywink:

Excellent as always. Twilight’s next destination promises to be interesting indeed, and I can’t help but imagine how panicked the assassins boss will be should he be captured. Hope your toe feels better, and I shall await the next chapter as long as it takes.

Gulheru #13 · Monday · · ·


It shouldn't take as long, I sincerely hope. :twilightsheepish:

However, the conversation with Midnight hadn’t come to pass after all, not that either of them had decided to back away from it. But when a summon from Lord Dusk Harvest had appeared, with the annotation of urgency, Twilight had had to answer it in the official capacity and do so without delay.

Curse you :fluttershbad:

at this point it is starting to feel like a running joke that has been going on for the majority of this story 😅:facehoof:

if Twilight is indeed caring a foal as has been hinted at that she might be :twilightoops:
they really should get talking, but after reading over 1 million words of this story i feel a can safely say Twilight is gonna find out that she is caring a foal before Midnight can tell his story ( if she indeed are with foal, way to few hints about it still) 😅:ajbemused:

but great chapter over all :)
going to be intersting to see if Twilight can get somewhat to the bottom of what is going on with the Lord and the Lady

and damn the Sunfall is living on top of a Vulcano :rainbowderp:

like the counter :rainbowlaugh:


Hey, listen, we all have our weaknesses, mine is tormenting the readers. :pinkiehappy:


hey no kink shaming here, whatever floats your boat :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright::rainbowlaugh:

hopefully, maybe when we get to 1,5 or 2 mil words, he will finally tell her, and she will start Twilighting and figure out some kinda subplot that neither Rowen og Midnight had seen themself becuase they where right in the middle of it and then they start to uncover a whole lot of stuff....


... maybe? :scootangel:



*Panicked laughter* :twilightsheepish:


Hehe, you guys thought that Midnight's business was the last of my plots. :raritywink:

well hopefully not :rainbowderp:
the Midnight plot is just starting to build up so much that seems really important, like it feels like the gods are actively working against them :twilightoops:

there are still a lot of unanswered questions, and some questions are in a way answered for the reader but because the information is spread out over multiple characters they are still unanswered even to the read :rainbowderp:

- mystic ponys that have mindwiped and feed Twilight liquid silver drink thingy.
- ancient being that got the hots for Twilight, and want to do it the old ways with her.
- Azure mist and what ever is going on there. ( but i feel like that is tied to mulitple events both main- and subplots)
- Midnight Eye ( but he seems to be tied to Azure mist and the Midnight Wind plot)
- then there is our lovely Sunfall in Hollow Shades (been missing her)
- Luna and Moonwarden
- then we got that prophecy that we got agedes ago.
- then we got the plot of missing love between the Lord and Lady
-Rowan Barry something is going to happen here, maybe Twilight will end up liking her so much that they will form a herd :rainbowderp:
-at somepoint Twilight is going to remember all the mindwipe stuff that happened to her, and ohh boy thats gonna be one hell of a shock for her :twilightoops:

Luna and Moonwarden. That was touching I smiled the whole way through it.

Off to another mountain. A pious one at that. What could possibly go wrong?


Anything. Everything. :twilightsmile:

Bregon #23 · Yesterday · · ·

Yay! Twilight will soon be visiting another of the Seven Mountains! Sunfall Decree intrigues me as a character, unfortunately what little we know about him is not good. Who knows maybe Twilight will be able to not only get him on her side, but also change his mind about his daughter....


Can she really fix the whole world, however? :twilightsmile:

I mean, the next chapter is #100, might be a good time, just saying.


Ah, you know, I never pay attention to those numbers. :rainbowlaugh:

Alas, with luck we might get it before #200 then.

“That I did,” Moonwarden admitted with a little smirk. It wasn’t a secret that he was fondly remembering his younger days as a field agent. “And while I wish not to… charge ahead of what needs to be done, I want you… to know, my lady, that I have… meant every word. At no point… was I trying to deceive you. Whether I was… actually right in my views, is a… different matter, not for me to… judge and assess. In that, I do… surrender myself to you.

This quote gives me hope for Moonwarden; his encounter with Luna in his core has shaken him, shocking his conscience back to life like an EKG. However frail, however faint it may still be, it's still alive, and he's trying to listen to it. It's up to him to decide whether or not to obey it (and Luna), but at least he's not just ignoring it anymore. Moonwarden has a fighting chance to redeem himself, which is good because him and Luna were just too cute this chapter (hoof-holding, how lewd!) and I want to see more of that without having to grit my teeth at Luna romancing a ponified Littlefinger.


It's not every day someone visits you right in your very core and sees you for what you really are... :pinkiesmile:

More importantly, I genuinely feel like she showed Moonwarden who he really is. All his pretensions to being a higher breed of sociopath, a more refined manipulator, a monster who was still capable of restraining himself from hurting Good People, were revealed as empty words. His whitewash was cleansed away, revealing the rotten tomb underneath. But I have hope; after all, recognizing that there is a problem is the first step to solving it.

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