• Published 26th Aug 2014
  • 501 Views, 33 Comments

The Golden Throne - pokefreak13

Trixie embarks on a journey to defeat King Blueblood and win the title of Queen of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter Two: Attacked

"Now, here's the notice to let you out of the gates, I packed some food, extra clothes, and some healing herbs in Roseluck''s bag and-"

"Grandfather, we'll be fine." Roseluck interrupted.

Greenhooves blushed and scratched the back of his head, "I guess I'm just nervous." he replied.

His granddaughter gave him a small peck on the cheek before being pulled away by an impatient Trixie.

"We'll write to you once we reach Ponyville." the unicorn called over her shoulder before trotting out the door.

"I can't wait to use my sword." the unicorn announced while taking her sword out of it's sheath for the fifth time.

"We're not even at the gates yet." Spike pointed out, strapping his axe on his back.

Roseluck smiled a little as her two partners argued. However, her smile soon vanished once they approached the gates. Unlike her companions, she was a little scared. Roseluck has never been outside of the White Tale woods before. Plus she didn't even know the first thing of sword to sword combat.

"Equestria to Roseluck."

The mare snapped out of her daze and looked at Trixie in confusion.

"The pass?" Trixie questioned, pointing a hoof at two soldiers standing guard next to an iron gate.

"R-right." the mare replied. She quickly dug around the back pocket of her bag. Once she got the pass from her grandfather, Roseluck quickly gave it to one of the guards.

"Go ahead." the guard replied.

Once the iron gate opened, the small group of three were quickly ushered out into the outside. Then, the guards closed the gate.'

"So, do any of you know where to go?" Spike asked.

Roseluck gazed at the river besides them. Suddenly, she had an idea.

"We need to follow this river." the earthpony answered, "That way we don't have to worry about dehydration. Plus my father had a picture of Ponyville and it was next to a river."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" the blue unicorn exclaimed.

The three companions trotted deeper into the forest. Branches clawed at their clothes and fur/scales.

After getting stuck for the fourth time, Spike decided to just take off his shredded shirt, making Roseluck blush a deep shade of red.

"Ugh, Trixie is getting tired of this forest!" the unicorn complained.

"I think we're almost out." Roseluck replied.

"Almost?" Trixie scoffed.

Roseluck was about to snap back, however she was stopped by a horrible smell.

"What's that smell?" Spike asked, plugging his nose.


The group of three stopped in their tacks. Quickly, Spike and Trixie pulled out their weapons while Roseluck picked up a rock.

Suddenly, five creatures jumped out of the treeline. They were seven foot wolves that were covered in twigs and tree branches. There eyes glowed lime green and when they opened their mouths, a horrible stench came out.

"At least I get to use my new sword." Trixie smirked.

"ROOAAR!" the wolves growled, advancing towards their prey.

"I could just breath fire on them." Spike suggested.

"You could start a wildfire." Roseluck reminded.

Suddenly, the seven wolves started to charge at them.

"Attack!" Trixie commanded.

Spike swung his axe at an approaching wolf. The blade smashed right between the wolves eyes, green blood oozed out of the wound and the wolf's eyes rolled up into it's skull. The dragon yanked his axe out of the creature and quickly turned his attention to Roseluck who, for the most part, was holding up pretty well against two wolves with just a rock. However, he didn't want to risk loosing Greenhooves' granddaughter, so he went to help her.

"Take that!" Roseluck shouted, bringing her rock down upon the forest creature's snout. Green blood began to flow out of it's broken snout, and the wolf took two steps back.

But the second wolf pounced upon the mare when she wasn't looking. Roseluck let out a scream and quickly shoved her rock into the beast's mouth. Then from the corner of her eye, she saw Spike throwing his axe right at her captor.

The wolf let out a howl as the blade from the axe dug into his side. The wolf tried desperately to pry the blade from his flesh, however it only made him loose blood faster. Then, Roseluck gave a good strong kick to his chest. The poor creature doubled back, wheezing from the lack of air in his lungs.

Spike grabbed the handle of his axe, now covered in sticky blood, and ripped it away from the wolf's flesh. A large chunk of the wolf's side fell onto the blood soaked ground, exposing the creature's broken ribs. The dragon was about to go in for another attack, however the wolf crumpled to it's injured side and took one last breath.

The beast with the broken snout began to creep towards Roseluck and Spike, who's backs were turned as they checked out the carcase. Trixie saw this and quickly fired a jet of magic at the monster. The wolf's paws were beginning to turn to ice, making it easier for the unicorn to advance towards him. Then Trixie swung her sword and brought the blade down upon the creature's neck.

The wolf thrashed around for a bit, gaining the attention of Trixie's companions and the remaining three wolves, before the blue unicorn pulled her now lime green blade from the creature's flesh. The wolf let out a warning snarl before laying motionless on the lime green floor.

"Grrrrr." the remaining three wolves growled before running away. Leaving the small group of three alone with the four wolf carcases.

"Should we camp here?" Spike asked while harvesting some meat from the fallen wolves.

"What if they come back?" Roseluck asked while whipping some blood off of her forest green shorts.

"Good point." the dragon replied, his claws now full with strips of meat.

"Let's walk until we get out of this pathetic forest, then we can set up camp." Trixie suggested.

Roseluck and Spike nodded their heads in agreement.