• Published 26th Aug 2014
  • 503 Views, 33 Comments

The Golden Throne - pokefreak13

Trixie embarks on a journey to defeat King Blueblood and win the title of Queen of Equestria.

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Chapter Five: Ponyville

"So this is Ponyville." Spike gasped in awe at the bustling town.

"They don't even have a wall to protect themselves and they don't seem worried!" Trixie exclaimed.

"Think we'll find a guide to help us up the mountain to Canterlot?" Roseluck questioned.

"I'm sure." the unicorn stated happily.

So the three friends trotted into the unprotected town and gazed in awe at all the shops and ponies who flocked the streets.

"Excuse me!" the earth pony called out to a stallion who was wearing a white shirt with a red bow tie, a sport jacket, and black tight pants held up with skinny suspenders.

"Yes?" the rich brown stallion asked, "Though you must be quick, for I am trying to find my companion."

"Do you know where my friends and I can find a guide who will take up up the mountain to Canterlot?" Rose explained.

"Hmmm, well I met a mare at Sugar Cube Corner who kept telling me how much she enjoys hiking, maybe she can take you to the place you seek." the stallion informed before taking out a silver pocket watch, "Now I must be going, for I'm running out of time." and with that, he shoved the watch into his pocket and galloped off into the bustling streets.

"Weird." Trixie piped up, "But let's go check out Sugar Cube Corner anyways." with that, she, Spike, and a confused Roseluck trotted down the cobble stone road in search of the little bakery.

However, Spike soon stopped once realization hit him in the gut, "Uh guys, where is Sugar Cube Corner anyways?" he questioned.

Trixie shrugged, "Just look for a building that looks like a sweet shop." she exclaimed.

Roseluck looked around at all the simple houses and nodded her head in agreement, "Shouldn't be that hard if the owners decorated their shop all out." she inquired.

"Well that was easy." Spike stated as his mouth watered from the scent of gem cookies.

The small group gazed up at a building that looked almost exactly like a cake. The roof looked like it was made out of chocolate frosting, while the walls looked like sugar cookies.

"Yep." Trixie replied before marching into the bakery, her two friends following behind.

Once they entered, they were ambushed by a pink pony who dragged them over to a booth with a window that overlooked the town square.

"Hello and welcome to Sugar Cube Corner! My name is Pinkie Pie and I can take your order." Pinkie Pie chimed. She wore a light pink skirt, a white blouse, and a dark pink tie with little balloons imprinted on it.

"Actually, we're looking for a pony who'd help us climb the mountain to Canterlot." Roseluck explained politely.

The pink mare grinned and quickly did a salute, "Pinkie Pie, expert mountain climber at your service warriors!" she shouted a little to loudly.

"How did you know that we are warriors?" Spike questioned.

"You're caring weapons and want to go to Canterlot." Pinkie pointed out.

"Anyways," Trixie cut in, "How much do we owe you?" the blue unicorn asked while tightening her blue tie.

"Nothing." Pinkie replied, "Now let's get going, we'll want to reach the mountain before it gets dark."

"W-why?" Spike gulped.

"Oh no reason, it's just suppose to rain tonight, and I'd rather sleep in a nice dry cave then on cold wet grass." Pinkie sang.

So the three companions followed the pink mare out of the bakery and towards the town square.

"Do you think Spitfire will be able to get out of the rain tonight?" Roseluck asked Trixie.

"Why are you still thinking about that thief?" the unicorn snapped back.

"Spitfire was probably just hungry and was terrified of you and Spike because of your weapons."

Suddenly, their guide stopped and spun around to face them, "Are you talking about the Spitfire?" she questioned, her eyes seemed to shrink just by the name.

"Yes, why do you look so scared?" the gardener replied in confusion.

"Cause a few years back she challenged Blueblood to a battle but lost. However, before he could finish her, she fled. Now King Blueblood won't rest until he finally gets to drive his blade into her heart." Pinkie whispered, "Why else do you think he still allows this 'Game' to continue?"

"You mean that once you become King or Queen, you can make it so no warrior can challenge you!?" the dragon gasped in awe.

"Exactly, my bet is Blueblood thinks that Spitfire will once again challenge him to a battle." Pinkie Pie explained before continuing on their track through town square.

However, the others just stared at her in silence as they followed her hoofsteps.

Grandfather must've known about this! Roseluck thought to herself. If he did give Spitfire a job and Blueblood found out, our entire village could've been in trouble!

"That thief was able to escape King Blueblood!" Trixie wondered in awe, "Maybe she isn't too bad after all. Though, I'm still going to have her repay me for my meat she stole."

Spike gazed at the sky and frowned, "If Blueblood is looking for Spitfire, then why haven't I seen his soldiers looking for her?" he questioned.

The moon just rose to the sky and tiny droplets of water started falling from the sky as the small group came towards a large mountain with a steep walkway leading up the mountain.

"Finally! I can't wait to defeat King Blueblood!" Trixie stated excitedly.

Roseluck nodded her head but kept her attention focused on the sky. It's been awhile since she's seen Spitfire, so it was no wounder why the earth pony mare was a little worried.

However, when her pale green eyes drifted to a large cloud, she gasped in amazement as the mare saw a familiar pegasus shooting across the night sky and towards Canterlot. Roseluck wanted to wave the pegasus down, but the call of a pink mare interrupted her.

However, what Roseluck didn't know was that the pegasus did notice her.