• Published 27th Jul 2014
  • 2,590 Views, 50 Comments

Ghost Town - Dash The Stampede

Twilight's greatest mistake has become Celestia's curse. The Princess wanders through Ponyville's quiet streets, searching for answers and solutions. She'll restore the town or drive herself insane trying.

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A lone pony walked the endless mists of the aetherworld, its body blacked out like the void surrounding it. The pony's echoing hoofsteps reverberated through the void, each slam of the appendages into the ground bearing a repetition only the nothingness could observe. The shape moved and bent around the world it found itself in, as though searching for something just out of reach, as the darkness began to give way to blue. Shadows drifted about as the void filled with the watery blue substance, its advance threatening to overtake the pony-shade. It ran and ran, echoing thunder as it tried to futilely escape the rising tides of bluish oblivion, increasing its speed when the waves started to lap at its hooves. An intense blinding light filled the nothing as the pony-shade was swallowed by the oblivion, its physical being torn to shreds with an ear-wrenching screech.

Princess Celestia awoke to the screech of the pony-shade, jolting her to the side, and into a puddle forming on the carpeted floor. The splash of cold water heightened her senses and forced her upright immediately. Glancing about, trying to catch her breath, Celestia noticed two things. The windows were all open, and all Tartarus was pouring out of the sky. The windows were blown inward, the frames shattered and broken where the locks could not hold up. Rain flew into the building, almost horizontally by the strength of the wind whipping by the building. The storm raged about, lightning and thunder rumbling the building, as water continued to build up on the floor, causing some of the fragments to float away.

The fragments! Celestia jump-started her horn into action, sealing the windows and doors before more water could flow out of the building. Already, she could see pieces of the ponies floating about the main hall and amongst the carpet fibers, the meticulously arranged piles now disrupted by the freak storm. Celestia recalled Twilight speaking about the storms from the Everfree, but there was something more sinister and destructive about this storm. She took note of the poorly crafted clouds, their forms haphazardly shoved into each other to create a conglomerate thunderhead, the concoction far beyond the point of control. Celestia could handle rogue weather, but having exhausted her magic supply restoring the Elements' bodies, she could barely hold all the windows shut.

Straining her vision, Celestia noticed a few scraps of parchment and a quill nearby. Her head started to spin, the effort of holding up so much force taking its toll. Grasping the quill in her hoof, she penned a small letter to Luna, popping it on its way before returning her focus to holding back the storm. Realizing with a start that the sun should have risen already, she fought back the storm's force with a grunt.

Daytime would have to wait.

Luna made her way toward the Crystal Empire, her wings moving at record speed to press her forward through the snowy wastes. Her Guard flew beside her, looks of exhaustion showing true. "Princess, if I may?"

"Yes, Commander?" Luna glanced aside to see Evening's weary eyes gazing back through the flurry.

"Couldn't we have, ah, taken the train, your highness?" Evening flinched, looking forward at Luna's unresponsive face.

"No, Evening. This is a matter of utmost importance, and one that should not be taken lightly. Shining Armor cannot be reached by letter, so we must approach in person. Thus, we are flying there. Fear not, Commander, your squad will do fine, as I oversaw their winter training myself. The fate of Ponyville and my sister depend on us!" Luna turned her attention forward once more, the looming peaks of the Empire's castle just visible on the horizon.

"Understood, Princess." Evening returned to her position, encouraging her guard to push forward.

'I only hope that Tia holds on long enough...' Luna pressed onward, determination in her eyes as the spires cracked through the bleak winter landscape.

The Empire's castle gradually shifted into view, the majestic spires and sparkling walls radiating its regal appearance. Cadence's banner, intertwined with Shining's shield, hung from the tallest balcony, the royal couple standing atop the balcony, observing their empire in its morning routine. The two noticed a shimmer in the distance, punctuated by the flaps of powerful wings as Luna and her guards burst into view through the snowy outside.

"Luna!" Cadence called out, waving over to her with a slight frown. The pink mare shivered, being supported by her husband, as the tears she had shed the day prior began to sneak back out. "Luna! What is this I'm hearing about 'The Great Inflate of Ponyville'? Is Twily okay?" Her features betrayed her curt tone, eyes bloodshot and watering up, Shining's hoof wrapped around her own for support.

Shining looked up at the approaching princess as she alighted upon the balcony, her guards taking landing at her sides. He bowed shortly, before rising up with a contorted look of rage distorting his stoic face. "Is. It. True?" He punctuated each word with a slam of his hoof on the floor, shaking the balcony with its force. "M-mom said...Said that she's...And it's all Celestia's f-fault!" His voice cracked on the last syllable, liquid depression leaking from his eyes as he shook in sadness next to his equally-upset wife. They leaned on each other, embracing and holding close that which they loved. Hooves interlocked, and leaning on each others' shoulders, the couple refocused on Luna, their anger and sadness striking the Princess off-guard.

"I cannot begin to offer my condolences, as I am in working with Celestia to restore your sister - and her townsponies - to their wholesome selves. However, that very goal is at threat from the very ponies that it hurt the most." Luna motioned to follow, turning about and trotting into the castle, the distraught couple staggering behind them. Arriving within the couple's bedroom, Luna sat upon the rug, whist Shining and Cadence took the bed, the guards spreading out around the perimeter. With a sigh, and a heave of her heartstrings, Luna began recounting the chilling experience Twilight and her friends were unwillingly pushed into, leaving no detail hidden. Absolute honesty was the only course to maintain trust between them and her, the story already drawing wracking sobs from the duo. As she finished regaling the tale, ending on the note of the 'cleansing' that Cloudsdale had set in motion, Shining's eyes sparked up with flames of rage and passion.

"We know what we must do then. Guards!" Shining bellowed, a menagerie of crystal ponies rushing through the doors to their room, standing at attention with weapons held high.

"Yes, Captain! All here, Captain!"

"Good. Ruby Rose! Milky Quartz! Front and center!" Shining called out, a lithe red mare and a white stallion slid out from the ranks, approaching the bed. Both remained silent, a salute being their acknowledgement of the order. "I need you two to ready the sky chariot for immediate transport to Ponyville. It shall be Luna, her guards, and myself. Cadence, honey...I need you here to watch the Empire. Do you think you can do it?" Shining pleaded with Cadence, her eyes settling into determination.

"Of course, Shiny. I'll be sure to have the bed all warmed up for your return!" She smirked, eliciting a blush from Armor, before turning to hug Luna. "Thank you, Luna, for reassuring us and helping us to see that our fears were unfounded."

"'Twas what I would have wanted you to do for me. It is only fair that you hear the whole story from me, rather than the curmudgeons that float around the newsstands." Luna embraced Cadence and Shining in her hooves, before releasing them and trotting toward the hall. "Make haste, Capt- er...Prince! Celestia is in dire need of your assistance, and we cannot afford to dally any longer!" The Princess rushed down to the ground floor, Cadence and Armor trailing by a few flights of steps. Approaching the main gates, the guards opened the doors to reveal an ornate golden sky chariot, its sides lavishly decorated with the classical style of crystal carvings, acting as both aesthetics and as a magic enhancer. The carriage was led by two well-built stallions, their wings flaring and reflecting the shimmers of the sunlight above.

Climbing aboard, the five ponies took their seats, the chariot rumbling as the pegasi began to gain speed. Turning about, Shining waved goodbye to Cadence, her eyes trailing tears as her face set in determination. The chariot rose, soaring into the sky and past the snow barrier, the white fluff sticking to their bodies as the clouds drifted by overhead. Shining Armor glanced to his side, seeing Luna's determined face staring in the direction of Ponyville. The carriage jolted, the exposed air chilling the passengers, and bringing them to huddle closer while Shining placed a barrier around them. The flakes impacted the barrier at a steadily slowing rate, before stopping entirely, giving way to the lush fields of Equestria once more. A darkened behemoth of a cloud formation rose up above the horizon, its massive body rippling with lightning and winds, whipping the lower clouds into swirling funnels. Tornadoes! As the chariot approached Cloudsdale, the city was abuzz with activity, many watching their handiwork taking Ponyville under its rage. As they blew past the cloud city, the winds became more apparent and the chariot jolted numerous times, the drivers forcing themselves to continue.

Realizing their progress would be impeded further while midair, Luna motioned for the guards to lower the chariot to the ground. The wheels crunched over scattering leaves as the first raindrops began to pitter about their hooves, the sight before them striking fear into the hearts of the pegasi. They were masters of the weather, and yet, here was a nigh-impossible feat. Luna gathered Shining and his guards the former erecting a shimmering shield above them, the rain rushing down the sides and into the ground. The barrier could not keep their hooves from sinking into the moist soil however, squelching noises accompanying the occasional thunderclap as the ponies advanced on Ponyville, the Town Hall rising through the torrential rains and winds. The shadows of the buildings, set withing the mists of the raging storm struck fear into Luna and Shining's hearts, aching to discover just how late they were.

Stepping into town, a shred or two of rubber floated past them, racing along the tiny currents. Luna picked each shred out, placing them in her saddlebags. Shining focused on repelling the brute force of the storm, unable to notice the remains floating by. As the five advanced, Shining forced more power into his horn, expanding his shield to encompass an entire building. His shield grew and grew, expanding to cover almost the whole town, his eyes screwed up in concentration. Luna led the way to Town Hall, bursting through the doors with a gasp at the sight before her.

Shining trotted in behind her, their guards trailing. The barrier flickered and died out when he took in what sat before him. Or rather, who. Recognition flashed across Celestia's face as she regarded the newcomers, her eyes glancing down at the slowly-breathing shape on the couch. Shining bit back the tears as he regarded the shape - and its rising and falling chest! With a start, he made for his little sister's form, the mare slumbering in a dreamless rest as Celestia tried to hold him back.

"Careful, Prince Armor! I know you must have questions for me, and I know that I indeed have answers for you. Yes, she is alive..." she motioned to Twilight's body "...But that doesn't mean she's all there. Please, Shining, I ask that you trust me on this and wish for you to join me as I try to explain where I, and subsequently Twilight, went wrong." Taking a seat upon the floor, Celestia motioned for her guests to follow suit. "Come, take a seat, but make haste, this storm worsens by the minute, and I fear for the outcome if we stall too long on solving this." With pursed lips, she glanced about the room. Luna nodded a grim agreement. Taking a deep breath, Celestia began her fateful recounting of the last few days' events.

Shining could only listen and cry as he relived the death of his sister for the second time that day.

Author's Note:

Wow. This was a long time coming. I'm sorry, but it took leaving this by the wayside to come up with inspiration to continue. Might be the same thing for future updates, but I've been thinking it'll be only a couple chapters more.

Thanks for patiently awaiting the continuation of Ghost Town, and I hope to see you all next time!