• Published 27th Jul 2014
  • 2,590 Views, 50 Comments

Ghost Town - Dash The Stampede

Twilight's greatest mistake has become Celestia's curse. The Princess wanders through Ponyville's quiet streets, searching for answers and solutions. She'll restore the town or drive herself insane trying.

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False Skies and Little White Lies

Sunlight beamed down on the pleasant town of Ponyville, the early morning dew twinkling on the grass. Birds chirped overhead, the trees coming alive with the rising sun as a lone mare set up a blanket, stretching it out and placing rocks at the corners with a glow of lavender. Setting down her basket, the mare opened a book, turning to her earmarked location and settling down in a comfortable spot. Using her magic, she pulled a crisp dandelion sandwich from the basket and took a large bite, reveling in the crunch of the stalks and the succulent nectar within the flowers.

Yawning, Twilight Sparkle overlooked her homely little town. Ponyville. The town where she first began her journey into the wonders of friendship, and where she met her friends. Warmth flooded her as she thought about her best friends, their faces filling her heart with joy and excitement as she waited for their arrival. The town was still waking up, and getting Rainbow Dash out of bed would be difficult, but that's what Applejack and Pinkie are for. If anyone could rile her out of slumber it would be the two most boisterous mares besides herself. Twilight chuckled, taking another bite of her sandwich. She was amazed at the flavor, everything seemed heightened, she couldn't describe it-- nothing had changed overnight, but her senses seemed sharper, the colors brighter, and the sun always shining strong.

Something twinged in the back of her mind that this was not right, but it was quickly banished by the sight of her five friends cresting the hill below her, headed towards the tree atop the hill, her favorite spot to enjoy a sunrise brunch or catch up on a book in good weather. Their manes fluttered about in the breeze, Rainbow carrying her favorite Wonderbolts blanket, Pinkie bouncing uphill with a tray of cupcakes balanced perfectly on her head. Rarity and Applejack followed, the two deep in discussion about something or other, though Applejack seemed to be on the losing side of the argument. Following behind everypony else, Fluttershy was tending to her animal crew, spreading crumbs for the birds and mice, and leaving carrots for the rabbits. Butterflies floated about her, their gossamer wings reflecting the sunlight in their dance through the field.

Twilight closed her book as her friends approached, their voices ringing through her ears like bells from the heavens, warming her and reminding her why she adored the small town, away from the bustle of a city life, like Canterlot. Thoughts of the Princesses, and their posh socialite nobleponies, the winding streets and labyrinth of stores and restaurants filled her with longing, and she soon began to think about her parents. Their faces flashed through her mind, and she felt their love deep within her heart. Her life was as good as it could get, and as her friends began to set up and take out their breakfast, she saw a shimmering white figure approaching from the skies. Princess Celestia must have gotten her invitation, and was just now coming into view. Twilight smiled.

"This is perfect."

Princess Celestia, The Sun's Regent, floated on a false breeze, her eyes welling up with tears as the sight of Twilight and her crew grew larger on her approach. She could see little blips in the environment that, were somepony desperately trying to find, could perchance happen upon them, but the attention to detail had been immaculate. She would have to thank Luna immensely for her efforts later. For now, the task at hoof still remained at the forefront of her mind. She just had to attend a picnic.

With her little ponies.

With Twilight.

Her breath caught in her throat, guilt and fear welling up within her, but she willed it away as best as she could. She had to be strong, she had to do this. It was easy, just a simple picnic, right?

Her smile faltered.

Will she know?

The sunlight--if she could even call it that-- beat down on her, the rays lacking any of the warmth and magic of her heavenly body, but if her enchantments were cast correctly...there would be no difference. Anxiety began to build within her.

No. She had faith in Luna and her magical abilities, even with Celestia's meager contribution, her sister had truly pulled through in her hour of need. The spell matrix was intertwined with the Elements themselves, the jewels arranged in a circle around the town perimeter. She had confidence in their plan, but she couldn't help feeling as though something was going to go wrong.

Only if you let yourself believe it will.

Steeling herself, Celestia shook her head clear of the anxious worryings and her fears, alighting in the grass beside Twilight. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes as she made eye contact with her student, the mare she had raised from almost birth into Equestria's greatest asset. Now, she would be returning the favor, providing Twilight with her greatest asset: her friendships.

"Hello, Princess! I'm so glad you could make it today!"

Celestia's breath caught in her throat as her protege spoke first, Twilight's voice like the gentlest summer breeze, brightening the day and reminding Celestia of why this would be her hardest task ever. Though she was scared, she knew she had to be strong, both for her little ponies, and for herself. Steeling herself, she wished dearly that Luna could be here as well. She was the one responsible for pulling Celestia out once she was...

It will be quick, Lulu. I promise.

"Hello, Twilight, my student." I'm so sorry. "It is my pleasure. I merely told my clerks to handle the official day-to-day while I joined my little ponies for a morning brunch." I wish there was a way. "Goodness knows I love having some of Applejack's award-winning apples, and there's something about small town cooks that the royal chefs just don't quite match up to." She winked at Pinkie Pie, the mare giggle-snorting in thanks. I love you all.

"Well, shucks, butter me up an' call me a biscuit, if that ain't the nicest thing you've said bout mah apples, Princess." Tossing the Princess an apple, Applejack tipped her hat and flashed a hearty smile. Celestia caught the apple, looking at it with equal parts adoration and sadness. Reaching up, she took a 'bite' of the apple, the texture not unlike compressed clouds. Heavy air filled her mouth and she only prayed that the same could not be said for the six before her. Or for the hundred or so other townsponies. She noticed that the apple kept its colors the entire way through to the core, and her fears subsided. She needed to trust in herself and Luna more, especially in times like this.

"It's delicious as always, Applejack, thank you." A blush crossed Applejack's face as she rubbed her neck.

"Shucks, like I said, yer mighty nice an' we're all honored to know ya!"

"Yeah! I love it when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna come down to Sugarcube Corner in their disguises, buying cakes for themselves when they could just have one made! It's how I test all my new pastry flavors!" Pinkie rambled off, the rest having learned by now to let it run its course.

"My, your coat is absolutely brilliant today, Princess! Pray tell, what conditioner are you using?" Rarity leaned in for the juicy details, but Celestia played along, egging her on and dragging it out.

"Oh, alright, you got me. It's called Tail n' Mane!" Celestia laughed as Rarity took down a note and then began sketching out designs on her notepad.

Rainbow Dash was already finished with her sandwiches, spiraling through the air in her morning training session. Loops and dives, ducks and weaves, Rainbow soared in her element as Fluttershy cheered her on, her animals surrounding her as though in a vigil.

The sight before her filled her with a sense of relief and joy began creeping into her heart as she realized they were all happy. Even if she and Luna could not locate all the pieces of everypony, she could still give the six mares and the townsponies relief and hopefully a better sendoff than Twilight had afforded them.

Her work was almost done. Just a few more loose ends.

"Where is your assistant, Twilight?" Celestia tested the waters, her heartbeat pounding in her ears as she awaited the response.

Twilight cocked her head in confusion. "Assistant? I don't have an assistant, Princess."

Celestia choked back her tears. "Of course, I forgot, I was thinking of those fillies that always romp around your library wreaking havoc, and then cleaning up afterwards." Definitely not a dragon. "Forgive me my error, Twilight. How are you feeling?"

Twilight looked at the scene before her, her friends surrounding her, the sunlight beating down, the birds singing, and the breeze blowing gently. She saw the Princess sitting next to her and the sandwiches before her and deep within her heart, she felt her anxieties disappear. for once in her life, she truly felt at ease. As though she could let go...

"I don't think I could wish for a better day to be alive." Twilight grabbed Celestia's hoof in appreciation, squeezing as she smiled up at her mentor, the Regent of the Sun, Princess Celestia.

"Everything is perfect."