• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
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observer of dimensions


A surprise attack and hasty warp lands a guardian and his ghost on a strange planet inhabited by beings long believed to be creatures of myth. Interestingly enough they have more in common then anyone would believe and with the ever encroaching darkness it is good to find friends to face it with.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 186 )

Interesting start. It could use some editing and indentation at the start of paragraphs, but an interesting start none the less. Considering Destiny isn't out for a hair over a month, I'm curious to see what you'll do with it. Tentative thumbs up and add to my "read later" list.

Been considering a Destiny fic myself, once I am able to write again.

4792522 I would strongly suggest doing a Destiny fic when you are able to. I'm not the best of writers even when I edit the best I can I miss stuff and so far I have only seen two MLP/Destiny things. One is my fic and the other is a art piece.

You should really continue this. I like how you put effort into your work and it's showing.
But please, take your time. A few words that need to be fixed but overall this is a good story. If I may ask, what class is he?

4994445 Thanks. Im currently writing the next ch though it is taking some time to do since...well the game itself is distracting me :pinkiehappy::twilightblush: Nox-23 is a Titian (he is based off my character in the game.) the rest of his description will be given soon. By the way I have been thinking since Destiny is a social game why not have other people's characters is my story. So if you want just give me a name, class, preferred subclass and race. I will be putting this in my AN notes at the end of the next ch

Thank you again for the comment. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

4994734 My character is also a Titan and is a robot as well:rainbowkiss:
I call him Chrysto-12. Hope you have update soon:twilightsmile:
By the way, he has white eyes and a black face with red mouth glow.

4994734 By the way, he has illyrian type 3 gauntlets, firebreaker type two chst armor, illyrian type 1 boots, illyrian type 0 helmet, and a mark of command waist band, and he is a striker subclass.

Should I also describe his race, features, and armor?

Well now that I actually read the comments the answer is yes anyways

Race: Exo
Name: SERVICE TAG B449 (Winter)
Class: Hunter
Subclass: Blade Dancer
Discription: Red eyes and mouth,small devil horn looking things on head, black everything else.
Bio: comes from unknown past yatta yatta yatta:ajbemused:, doesn't talk much, enjoys long long walks to ease "stress", has high temper. Overall a mysterious person.

5009713 Information has be taken though I still need gender. thank you for participating :pinkiehappy:

Oh yeah I was really tired. Anyways, he is male. Ok thanks.

I'm liking this story so far! I hope you don't mind me throwing my own character into the mix, hoping it'll show up in it (I don't actually own Destiny yet, but this is definitely the character I'm going to make in it.)
NAME: Ohmei (Romanticized Pig Latin for "Mo")
RACE: Human
CLASS: Warlock (Now ALL the classes are represented!)
SUBCLASS: Voidwalker

Caucasian (pale complexion).
Short Spiked Dark Brown Hair (white-blonde when using magic).
Brown Eyes (glow dark purple when using magic).
Limps on right leg which was accidentally made slightly shorter due to an error made by his Ghost after finding and Resurrecting him.
Carries Pistol and Scout Rifle.
Wears a thin burgundy trench coat with a dark blue armband bearing the image of a dragon (his favorite fictional animal)

A loner due to being vilified by common citizens of The Last City for learning and using Void Magic (mainly used by Hive Wizards to slaughter said citizens)
and has trouble both being around and opening up to other people, including other Guardians, because of it.

He is very kind and likes to joke (despite not being around other people for them to hear), but is deeply ashamed of his tendency to swear profusely when angry or during battle (again, despite not being around other people for them to hear). (Shown in expletives like @#$%! and so on)

He has lately been afraid to use his Magic because of the way he was treated in the City for having it, despite the many benefits it would give in battle. He also has a soft spot for animals, and enjoys being around them.

And that should do it! (this looks a lot like a Dungeons and Dragons character sheet. I may have gone a bit overboard with this, haven't I?)

No, I think you put way too much effort into that description. Jk actually it seems like a very good discription I cant wait to see what he will do story.

5023434 I pretty much got it planned out the intros on the three characters that I have been given. Though the problem is as I am of a different mind I may do something you do not want your character to do. Tell me and Ill do what I can to change it if it doesn't completely mess with what I have planned in the long run. With that said I will not kill any Oc's off unless given permission or asked by the creator of the OC. I may incapacitate and I may injure them to an existent but I will not kill them. I just don't feel right to invite you to make an oc then have say 'oh, he dead' The killing I'll save for my creations :pinkiecrazy:

And he has those little rectangular ear-like plates on the sides of his head :twilightsmile:

Ok then well when you think of my charcetor think of the way Spartans did in the battle of three hundred. Much like me he would rather die on the battlefields with honor then as an old man of natural causes. He sees other lives as more important than his. But he definetly does not like social behaviors. its not his thing.
(P.s. I don't know how you do that thing where you have someones name in front of your message and its green :derpytongue2::derpytongue2:Pls tell me how :) )

5029211 Isn't it a bit weird that all our characters are antisocial in some way? Not that I'm complaining or anything. :unsuresweetie:

I guess its a side effect from being revived in a completely new world with all of the people we knew and loved gone. Though It could easily come from the fact that most baronies would most likely be shy and not want to talk to anyone fearing theynmight treat you horribly if they found out you were a brony. Though it is only a hypothesis it is most likely the case in which I take no shame.

But yes it is a bit weird.

5029211 there should be a double arrow pointing to the right next to the trashcan icon. That is the reply button. When you want to reply click that on the comment you want to reply too.

5030707 no problem. When I started to write I had the same Problem trying to figure out all the mechanics. The nine removed comments on my oldest fic here is a testament to that.

5031456 oh wow. Yeah I do have question. Ok maybe two. First xbox 360 ps3 ps4 xbox one or pc. Second when's the next update on this story.

5031456. Oh and one last thing what is the manliest science known to mankind

5031492 ps3. The chapter itself is finished so I just have to edit should be out tonight. And for the last one...I don't know lol

5031661 Dang I have the xbox 360 version. Oh and answer to the last question, Explosionalogy. Lol.

5029325 yea, I'm honestly thinking of making a clan since I haven't seen one MLP related ones.

Bravo encore encore. Good job.:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

A few typos but otherwise good chapter. Yo may want to be a little more descriptive if you can but it's alright if you can't. :twilightblush: Just don't keep us waiting so long:flutterrage: lol

5033403 I can give you an armor discription tomarrow when I wake up if you want. My connection is crap right now.also I know it would make it take longer if when you edit don't just skim through it. Otherwise like I said keep up with the gud job.

You uh, misspelled ponies in the chapter title, you may want to look at that :twilightsheepish:

5036238 thanks. the named title was a last minute thing. Wasn't really looking at it as I typed it.:twilightblush:

This was a good chapter. And you fixed the title, too! :twilightsheepish:

5037741 what do you mean there was nothing wrong with the title to begin with :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright: lol:twilightblush:

I thought you you messed the title up on purpose as joke Lol.:facehoof:

5038520 to my shame, no... I had just posted the chapter then realized that I didn't name it so I typed the first thing that came to my mind...and I didn't even look at it afterword. Just saved the change then logged out. :facehoof:

5037412 No problem dude, great story btw, im loving it so far :pinkiehappy:

My hunter is a female human with sliver hair and red eyes preferred subclass is the bladedancer maximizing agility and invisibility. My gear consists of Suros Regime:auto rifle,Hide and Seek-42:shot gun and The Swarm:LMG and notable armor Lucky Raspberry:chest armorand Venom of Ikaheka and Polar Oak: shader the rest is purple gear. My ship is theQuite Content Damsel

So after I watched nerdcubeds video on how to snooker I went to bed and when I did I had this weird dream. Ok so I had the ability to create an infinite amount of snooker balls and I was at my old school with my first crush and then the vex invaded and while fighting valiantly (throwing a bunch of snooker balls at a goblin) my crush gets killed and I lose consciousness but i hear and see an old version of winter yell NOOOooo.... and then I wake up being dragged into the desert by winter who's looking at a map and then I actually wake up. This isn't weird right? Should I see a psychiatrist?

I guess I might as well say what I am to, im a Titan, human, male, brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian, uses hand cannon, fusion rifle and lmg,, my sub class is the melee slam thin I don't know what it's called. I hope that is descriptive enough.

5043907 ok I have it recorded but do you want a name for your OC? also I too have that ship and am currently using it.:twilightsmile:

5052064 I don't think so. I have weird dreams too but I and just shrug it off. It just happens. Though I can't remember any of them. I heard dreams are affected by what you eat before sleeping.

5052982 Ok It is recorded. Do you want to make a name too?

5053196 well only if you eat something sugary. Plus I took a nap and a I had a similar dream except my crush was actually a vex queen that I banged only to find out that she only needed me to create more vex.

5053175 off the top of my head I can't think of anything so I will leave it to your discretion just run it by me when you come up with something.

5053199 Oh and when's the next chapter? I don't mean to rush because I know how it is to be very busy but the freaking cliff hangers man!

5053410 don't know yet just started. I will try and get some more done each day but I may end up doing some 'research' that will take up some hours as well.
I can say there will be action in this one.

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