• Published 5th Aug 2014
  • 1,806 Views, 56 Comments

Studying Earth Magic - Richer19

With Big Mac off in Canterlot, Applejack is going to need some help with Applebuck season. Twilight agreed to help her but for some reason refuses to use any magic or her wings. Can Applejack finish the harvest and get to the bottom of this?

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Chapter 3

Suffice it to say, Twilight was flummoxed. How could she not be as far along? As far as she knew she was going at a decent speed and yet Applejack had already gotten that much done. Before she had a chance to ask, there was a ringing sound and Applejack says "Alright then time for lunch." She then started to make her way back to the house with Twilight following close behind.

In Applejack's mind, she was actually surprised by how much progress Twilight had. Still it was slow when compared to her or Big Mac but she honestly thought that her friend would still be on the first tree. However, she did note the look of surprise that passed through Twilight's eyes and she started to wonder if it was wrong of her to be honest about how far she had made. Feeling that it might be best to apologize, she slowed down until she was alongside Twilight before saying "Hay Twi, I know you must be kicking yourself over this but don't beat yourself up too much. Five trees is a great accomplishment for a pony who isn't use to working on a farm."

Twilight perked up a bit and looked at her friend before saying "You really mean that?" She was touched that AJ would be praising her even though it really should be the other way around.

Applejack nods in agreement and adds "You got the technique down so it's just a matter of getting use to it so that it almost becomes second nature. I will tell you my first Applebuck Season I was just like you; slow as molasses on a summer day. But you keep at it and overtime the speed will come to you."

Twilight was a little surprised by Applejack's logic though she had to correct herself in that she should have expected this. She was in Applejack's field of expertise and if she wanted to not only help her friend finish Applebuck season but also get closer to an answer then she would have to take to heart what Applejack was saying.

Eventually the two reached the house to find Granny Smith and Applebloom waiting for them. The two had set up a table with four chairs surrounding it. The table was already holding an assortment of food though Twilight was surprised to find that there wasn't a lot of apple related dishes on the table. In fact the only one was an apple pie that was cooling off in the center. Taking a seat next to Applejack and across from Granny Smith, she asks "How come you don't have a lot of apple flavor dishes?"

Granny chuckled before replying "Why shoot just because apples are our lively hood doesn't mean we only eat them. During Applebuck season, we limit how many apples we use for ourselves so that we have more to sell to other pony folks or store for later."

Applejack nods her head in agreement and adds "Besides, Carrot Top is already finished with her harvest and she donates some carrots for us to eat in return for allowing her some apples when she does her harvest. It's an agreement that helps both our farms get the maximum amount of product without having to starve ourselves and still keep in shape."

Twilight had to admit that she was surprised by this information. She didn't realize how much thought and planning actually went into harvesting apples. It was a thought that made her realize that despite how much she had studied and learned; there were still things even she didn't know. A humbling thought that floated in her head as she began eating her lunch.

The food, while not as good as any apple flavor dishes the family was known for, was still tasty and contained the right nutrients to restore the energy in her body. Applebloom was getting some few extra pointers from Granny Smith about judging how ripe an apple was. From what Twilight could gather, the filly had accidentally sorted some bad apples into the pile that would be sold at the market. Of course given that Applebloom was young and still learning; she didn't get in trouble for it and the apples were sorted back into the pile. Twilight looked over to where Applejack was sitting and found that she had the appearance of solving a challenging math problem. Concerned as well as curious, Twilight asked "Is everything alright AJ?"

Applejack, for a brief moment, appeared startled. She quickly collected herself before saying "Sure Twi. I was just letting my mind drift that is all." Applejack couldn't have the heart to tell her friend that she was actually trying to calculate how long it would take the two to get through the harvest. Sure with Twilight helping it would get done sooner but the pace that she was at would mean that AJ would have to double back and cover her side of the field and that would take up more time. Still aware of Twilight looking at her she adds "Are you sure about not using magic or wings? We won't think less of you if you do."

Twilight took only a moment to consider before saying "I'm sure AJ. I want to help you with the harvest without my magic or wings. Besides its like you said, I got the technique down so I should get into my rhythm soon."

Applejack gave her friend a smile though it was one that didn't reach her eyes. Before the two could continue to talk, the sound of a bell rang out into the air and Granny got up from her seat before saying "Whelp back to work you whippersnappers." She then started to clean up the table with the assistance of Applebloom leaving Applejack and Twilight to make their way back to the field.

As they were walking, Twilight's thoughts continued to swirl around her. In an effort to bring some order back, she asks "So how long did it take before you were able to harvest apples at that speed?"

AJ looks over and replies "Well shoot Twi I have been doing this ever since I got my cutie mark so a couple of years in total. It did take me several months before it became second nature to me." She pauses for a few moments before adding "Still I did have to learn how to buck from scratch and you already appear to have the basics down so I wouldn't worry about trying to match my pace. Just go as fast as you are capable."

Twilight, glad for those words of encouragement gave Applejack a friendly hug before saying "Thanks AJ. I know I can always count on you to be honest with me."

AJ returns the hug and says "Awe Twi it wasn't much but I'm glad you aren't too discouraged. While I would have been fine with you using magic or your wings; I understand the need to challenge yourself. Still, if you need help or anything, you come and find me okay."

Twilight nods in agreement just as the two reach the south field. Splitting up again, Twilight makes her way back to her row and gets to work. Encouraged by Applejack's words and running on the energy from lunch; Twilight was able to finish the rest of the first row. Now with baskets full of apples, she struggles to lift them into the cart without dropping the heavy load or using any spells. It was a challenge for her considering that she wasn't use to hard labor but she was proud that she was able to get all the baskets in without losing too many apples. With the load secure, she straps the cart to her and begins the trek back to the farm where Applebloom and Granny Smith were at.

It was here where Twilight had a struggle as pulling a cart loaded with fruit was not an easy task; especially when she had to be careful not to jostle the cart and cause apples to fall out. As she struggle and pulled, her mind kept telling her to use a spell to make this easier. After all Applejack did give her the okay to use magic and if she did then things would go a lot smoother. Still, even fighting against muscles that weren't used to such actions and her mind attempting to coax her towards the easy route; Twilight wasn't going to be deter from her goal.

So it came to a great relief when she began to see the farm coming into view. The sight of it giving her worn out body the extra energy to make those last few meters. As she got closer, she saw that Applebloom was finished setting up what looked like a stand that had a pitcher and some cups. Getting closer, her mind saw the sweet liquid that was inside that pitcher and she became aware of how dry her throat was.

Pulling the cart up to the barn door, she begins the process of unloading the baskets while Applebloom manages to pour the juice into a cup. She waited until Twilight was finished before presenting the cup and saying "Granny figured you might want a sip of apple juice." Thankful and a bit surprised, Twilight accepts the cup and takes a hearty drink. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the cool liquid ran down her throat and rehydrate her body. Though her muscles still ached, she had managed to complete her first row of trees and that was something to be proud of for a former Canterlot unicorn turned alicorn.

Author's Note:

Hope you like the slightly longer chapter and apologize for the delay.