• Published 5th Aug 2014
  • 1,805 Views, 56 Comments

Studying Earth Magic - Richer19

With Big Mac off in Canterlot, Applejack is going to need some help with Applebuck season. Twilight agreed to help her but for some reason refuses to use any magic or her wings. Can Applejack finish the harvest and get to the bottom of this?

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Chapter 5

"GOOOOD MOOOOOOORING SWEAT APPLE ACRES" Applejack proclaimed at the top of her lungs as she hears the faint call of the rooster as wells as the barest touch of sunlight on her fur. She throws herself out of the bed and moves to the window to see Celestia's sun just starting to appear over the tree line. She always enjoyed getting up at the crack of dawn, especially when she was looking forward to getting more work done for AppleBucking Season. However, she failed to take into account that there was another pony within earshot and a sudden crash behind her made the farm pony realize that she wasn't alone in her room. Turning around, she saw that half of her bed sheets were hanging off the floor and a quick shuffling showed as rather perturbed Alicorn with a bad case of bedmane. AJ didn't want to but she couldn't help chuckling as Twilight now looked like she did when she was stressing out over an assignment.

Eventually Applejack was able to collect herself as she says "Sorry about that Twi. I forgot you were sleeping in the same room as me." Twilight continue to glare at the farmpony for a few seconds more before letting out a sigh and decided that it wasn't AJ's fault. Twilight should have realized and expected that her friend would get up at an absurd amount of time. While Twilight was more of a night person and chose to sleep in some mornings; she did have to admit that there was a certain kind of beauty that could only happen while watching Celestia's sun rise.

Twilight tried to calm her messy hair down a bit with her hoof before accepting the fact that she would need a quick shower. Seeing the look in her eyes, Applejack moves to her bedroom door and says "Go right ahead Twi. I need to help get breakfast ready and to be honest I generally don't take a shower in the morning since I'm going to get all hot and sweaty anyway." With that said, AJ left the room leaving Twilight with her thoughts split between taking that shower and filing that new fact into her mental folder.

While Twilight was taking a shower, Applejack first made sure that her sister was up before making her way down to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. Even though the sun was just starting to rise above the tree line, AJ could already feel the warm rays reaching her body. She always enjoy mornings like this where Equestria seems to be walking up from its comfortable sleep. She could faintly hear the sound of birds chirping amidst the occasional rooster call.

That tranquility was unfortunately short lived as the rushing hoofsteps of an eager filly resulted in her not watching where she was going and ending up hitting a cabinet. Letting out a small groan, Applebloom rubs her head around the spot where it connected to the cabinet. AJ lets out a sigh before looking down at her little sister and asking "Now what in the hay were you thinking running around the house like that?"
Applebloom, after managing to tame her mild headache, replies "I just wanted to help make breakfast. I figure I could try to get my Cutie Mark in cooking."

Applejack blinks a bit in surprise. Sure her sister was still looking for her Cutie Mark so she should have expected that she would want to try something like this. Yet her memory recalls that Applebloom in addition to her friends had already tried to get their Cutie Marks in cooking. It's hard not to forget coming home to a destroyed kitchen and the smell of burnt...everything.

Still the pleading look in her sister's eyes was enough to melt even the coldest of hearts and AJ was unable to resist the puppy dog look. Letting out a sigh of defeat, she ruffles up Applebloom's mane before saying "Alright I guess you can help me make breakfast just as long as you do what I say." Applebloom lets out a squee of delight before almost hopping along in a very Pinkie Pie manner. Chuckling at her sister's antics, Applejack follows her with a more controlled pace.

After some time, and only a single mishap involving the toaster, the sisters were able to have a hearty breakfast laid out on the table just as Big Mac and Granny Smith were just making their way to the dining room. As expected it wasn't until the Apple family had all sat down that Twilight makes her way to the table with her mane a bit more frazzled than normal. The three earth ponies were a bit perplexed by the way Twilight did her mane but considering that she was trying to do everything by hoof made it understandable. Breakfast was a quiet moment as everypony focused in on the chores that needed to be done as well as the other tasks that needed to be completed. Twilight was thankful for this as it gave her the chance to collect her thoughts and be mentally ready for the what was to come.

Eventually breakfast was finished and the ponies were back to work Granny Smith, along with two other ponies who Twilight had never seen before but assumed they were also helping out with the harvest, make their way back to the barn to do quality control. Applejack mentioned that since the East and West fields were almost done, some of the workers would come help Granny during this part. It helps keeps things moving along. It also frees Applebloom to go and take care of the farm animals as well and do a quick check of said fields. That leaves Applejack and Twilight to deal with the last of the South field. With both of them working, and Twilight adjusting at a strong pace, that task was completed before Celestia's Sun made shadows shorter than the objects they were imitating.

After a quick drink of water with a hint of apple; the two mares make their way to the North Field and this was the field that most ponies saw when they see Sweet Apple Acres. Rows upon Rows of tress stretch as far as the eye could see and unlike the trees in the South field; these tress were in their prime and stood tall like a wall of wood. Twilight had her mouth open in shock, unsure as to if she was able to perform as well as she did back on the South Field. However, the fact that her friend is counting on her and the desire to discover the truth of her research she was willing to do what needed to be done.

Author's Note:

Figured I would post this now. I had this done a while but I hadn't heard back from my editor so I just figure I would give you the unedited version. So sorry for the mistakes.