• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 944 Views, 38 Comments

SSAdventures: Spirit Awakening - Spirit Shift


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"I do not think this is what you think it is..."

~10 minutes earlier~




This cycle of laughter continued relentlessly as Spirit and Blazing Notes slowly made their way through the town. The dark gray pegasus walked with a depressed posture while the light blue one tumbled along like a midair tumbleweed, literally rolling with laughter.

Blazing Notes himself sported a nice shiner, a bruised lip, and a reddened cheek. “Oh, will you stop!”

In his defense, Spirit did try to climb out of the pit of laughter he fell into, but one look at Blazing Notes’ face sent him back over the edge. “ppppfftttttAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHHA!”

Notes groaned and continued to move forward, with Spirit catching up soon after, still giggling. “I still can’t believe you did that!”

“Did what? I said one thing to her!”

“Yeah, man I really wish I was paying attention to what you said; but somehow, you managed to insult her mother, her father, AND her aunt!”

“It was supposed to be a compliment!!”

“Oh, OHH! What about when you called that other mare fat!”

Notes winced as he touched the bruise on his cheek. “All I said what that I admired her outwardly thick curvature. How is that calling her fat?” he whined.

“BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Spirit fell to the ground all four legs twitching in the air.

“That’s it,” he said, stomping on the ground, “I cannot stand this place, I am going elsewhere.”

Spirit tried to get up but his giggling caused him to stumble. “H-ahahaha-W-what about-hahaaaa Bi? Pfffftttt.”

“He knows how to find us. That gob’s probably got this whole town bugged. I’m going to another city, this ones got me feeling bad about myself right now.”

Spirit shook off the last of his giggles and flew up next to him, “Wait, you’re going to another town just to hit on some fillies?”

Notes looked positively offended. “No, I’m going to another town to hit on same mares. I’m not a pedophile.”

“Wait… then what about that time whe-”

“AHHHH CHICHICHI NEEEYTTTT NO!” he yelled, drawing the attention of some of the ponies walking past. “We, have agreed, not to mention, that particular instance… again,” he hissed. “Now, I am going to Ponyville, are you coming or not?”

“I don’t know, Blaze, Bi gets really mad when we go off without him.”

“You mean he gets mad at you for running off.”

“Yeah, that, but this time he might get mad at you too.”

“Meh, it’s fine. What’s the worst he could do?”

~At this moment elsewhere~

After begrudgingly following the screams of some random mare, Bionic Force trotted through the forest until he stumbled upon a group of timberwolves surrounding an injured pony. Taking the opportunity, he threw out a small silver orb that began spewing out smoke. In less than a 10 seconds, the entire area became filled with the strange vapor. Putting on his goggles to see through the fog, Bionic Force quickly attacked the closest wolf. With one chop he shattered its skull.

Turning quickly, he got the second one by hopping onto its back and snapping its neck, ripping it clean off. Using the head as a shield, he blocked one of the wolves who was biting around wildly; letting go, he let the wolf crush it in his jaws. Backing away, he reached up, grabbed the lower jaw of another Timberwolf, broke two of its teeth off, and stabbed them into the eyes of the first, disorienting both enough so that he could dispatch them easily. Finally, he jumped high into the air and drop kicked the last wolf, crushing it completely.


“I mean, he won’t kill us just because we ran off for a few hours.”

Spirit didn't look convinced. “I know, but I mean Bi gets really mean when he’s mad.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine, let’s go.”

Spirit fidgeted nervously but ran to catch up with his friend. They walked a few blocks before a thought caused Spirit to come to a complete stop. “Wait, how are we getting to Ponyville? Are we flying?”

“No, Spirit, we will take the train, it’s faster.”

Spirit defensively flew high into the air. “Ohhh, no! No way. Trains are stupid. Small, cramped, and stupid. Why can’t we just fly there?”

Blazing Notes continued to trot forward. “A train will get us there in about 30 minutes; flying will take at least an hour and a half.”

Spirit flew down next to him and hovered forward at his pace. “But, Blaaaaaaaazzzzee! I can’t stand being in there, I get stir crazy!”

Blaze groaned. “Yes, believe me, I know. Don’t forget, I had to deal with you after you woke up on the train earlier.”

“See! So, race you to PonyTown?”

“Ponyville, and no need. We’re already here.”

Spirit cocked his head. “Really? We must have walked further than… oh.” Spirit looked up and quickly learned that his friend was referring to the train station, and luckily for them, one had just arrived to take them on their trip.

“Now, Ponyville isn't that far away from here so it should… Spirit?” Blazing Notes noticed that he was slowly backing away. “I asked if you were coming, and you said yes. Now get over here at once,” he demanded, clearly not in the mood to deal with his friend’s resistance.

The pale blue pegasus sighed and reluctantly followed his friend onto the train.


“Spirit! What the bloody hell are you doing!” Blazing Notes yelled as the train zoomed down the tracks.

“What’s it look like? I’m riding the train!”

Blazing Notes stuck his head further out the window, looking up at his idiot of a friend, “You moron! This is not what I meant!”

Spirit ignored the irate musician and whipped the reins attached to his hooves. Somehow he had attached the ends to the front of the train. “HYAH! Faster train. FASTER!!” he ordered.

“You’re insane! GET DOWN!”

Another pony stuck his head out the window to see what the commotion was. What she saw was a blue pegasus riding on the head car, holding two reins that were attached to the very front somehow.“What the hell is he doing up there?”

“I don’t know!”

The pony, whom Blazing Notes recognized as one of the train attendants, glared at him fiercely. “Well get him down! Do you know how dangerous that is!?”

“Don’t you think I would've if I could!?”

As the two ponies argued back and forth about how to fix this, Spirit sat above them on the trains roof, whooping and hollering and having the time of his life.


Blazing Notes sat in front of the train station tapping his front hoof so impatiently that cracks began to form in the concrete below him. The tapping ceased when he finally heard the telltale signs of lopsided and unfocused wing flaps. Spirit clumsily crashed next to him.

Blazing Notes stood up and poked him in his red tinted forehead lump. “I hope that tunnel has your face print on it,” he said simply. Spirit gripped his head in agony, but still let out a pained smile.

“Totally… worth it, would do… again.”

“If you weren't already an idiot, I’d say you were concussed. Come on, we’re wasting marelight.”

Blazing Notes turned around only to leap back when he found himself face to face with what was possibly the only pony that he’s ever seen that was pinker than Soul Heart was. What’s worse, is that she managed to sneak up on him. Obviously this was impossible, as his mare sense would have immediately alerted him of any in the vicinity, and this one certainly would have registered.

The pink pony snorted and giggled. “Oh thanks.” Suddenly she let out a huge gasp. “You have a mare sense… and I have a Pinkie sense. That’s so super amazing,” she gushed.

The pegasus quickly regained his composure.“Wait what, how did you know I have a... you know what, nevermind. Ahem,” he began layering his charm. “My name is Blazing Notes, you may have heard of me I’m a-”

“Oh no wait! Let me guess! You’re a… travelling sales pony?”

Spirit began to giggle, but stopped when Blazing Notes sent a glare his way. “Well you’re half right I-”

“Because we’ve had a lot travelling ponies come through here and not all of them were good guys. We had con pones, non ponies, thief ponies, cheap ponies, creep ponies, mean ponies, cranky ponies--but he wasn't really cranky, he was just lonely--and a donkey. Power ponies, mad ponies, sad ponies, blue ponies, yellow ponies, purple ponies, white ponies, orange ponies, pink ponies, and party ponies!” she finished happily, “Which one are you supposed to be?”

While Spirit was behind him trying to sort out the different categories of ponies using only his two hooves, Blazing Notes just looked downright befuddled. “Umm… which one are you?” he asked uncertainly.

Pinkie giggled, this time even more loudly. “Oh me, I’m the party pony, silly.” She stopped to think for a second before continuing. “I guess I’m also the pink pony. Oh, OHH, I’m also the pick-me-up pony for those sad ponies. I’m also technically a power pony too, and a laughing pony, baking pony, skating pony, shaky pony-”

What was supposed to be a question designed to simply buy him a few seconds to pick up his fallen wits, turned into the trigger that set off yet another tangent from the pony with liquid sugar in place of blood.

Blazing Notes slowly backed up toward his friend. “Spirit?”

Spirit stopped his deep philosophical mental debate over the what he himself would be classified as and returned his focus to reality. “Yeah?”

“She’s still talking.”

“-my friends sometimes call me a crazy pony too, and I guess we can’t forget-”

“Yeah, she sounds fun, why aren't you talking to her?” he asked, confused.

“She appeared out of nowhere! I didnt have time to get line ready!” he hissed.

Spirit looked even more confused. “A… are we going fishing?”

Pinkie zoomed over to Spirit. “Ohh speaking of fishing, you have two pointy teeth. Are you some kind of bat pony, or vampony? We had a few of those running around on Nightmare Night, and there was this one time when we found out our friend Fluttershy, super shy pony by the way, became a Vampire Fruit Bat! It was so fun I thought she was gonna eat us. And then I remember that one time in Holloween Town where-”

Spirit poked his two slightly elongated fangs and looked towards Blazing Notes. “Am I part bat-pony? I always thought my teeth were Shift’s fault.”

The dark gray pegasus could only sigh, showing that he was obviously worn out. “I… I don’t know, you should ask your brother, not me.”

“You all right?”

“And then we used our keyblades to-”

“No, I can’t even get in a word--no wait, scratch that. I don’t even know what she’s saying anymore! No sense trying to hit on her If I can’t say anything.”

Spirit smiled. “Oh! Alright then.”

“Spirit, what are you doing?”

He was walking up to Pinkie, that’s what he was doing. “Hey Pinkie?”

“Spirit… what are you doing!?” he asked nervously.

“Oh my Celestia, how did you know my name! Are you psychic?”

“Nah, not today. I just wanted to let you know--”

Notes began to panic. “Spirit, what the HELL ARE YOU DOING!”

“--that my handsome friend wants to hit on you,” he said, pointing to the facehoofing pegasus behind him.

“He wants to WHAT?” Like a flash of polychromatic thunder, a cyan pegasus fell from the sky and crashed on the ground right in front of Blazing Notes, and immediately began to glare at him.


“Quiet, you! I’ll deal with him later; but I heard what he said. What gives you the right to come into my town, and threaten to hit one of my best friends!?” she spat, jabbing him in the chest repeatedly as she spoke.

“What, I… we… her…. Look, I wasn't gonna hit her, I swear!”

“Yeah, you better not, or I’ll get the entire town to stomp yo ass!” Trotting back over to Spirit, she looked him up and down. He seemed harmless enough, with that stupid smile pasted on his face. “Nice goggles,” she said, before moving on.

Pinkie nearly fell out laughing at the scene. “Dashie, he didn't say he was gonna hit me , he said hit on me. You know, like ask me out?”

“Meh, same thing.” Dash took to the sky. “So, Pinks, you wanna go grab some lunch?”

“Alright, one sec, Dashie.” Pinkie trotted over and pulled out three homemade invites and handed all of them to Spirit; as Blazing Notes had long since used his fight-or-flight response to escape elsewhere into the city. The only thing in his spot now was his guitar. “Here ya go, give ‘em to your friends. We’ll be waiting~” she sang, bouncing off after her own friend.

Spirit looked down at the gang of papers in his hooves and decided to check out the invitation first, dropping the rest and not even bothering to try and hold them all. “Hey Blaze, we’ve been invited to a welcome party!” he yelled into the sky.

“Are they gone?” asked a faint voice from high above.

“”Well no, they live here. But right now it’s just us.”

High into the air, Blazing Notes gave a sigh of relief before flying down to meet with Spirit. Immediately, he snatched his guitar up and dusted it off feverishly.

“Bi’s gonna be mad at you for leaving that on the ground.”

“Callate pendejo! That chica was hella scary.”

“Oh hey its Mexicolt Blaze, haven't heard that one in a while.”

Blazing Notes glared at him.

“What? I like it, you should do it more often. What’s the point of growing up learning two awesome accents if you only use one!?”

“Moving on,” he said, switching back to his Trottingham dialect. He moved to pick up one of the invites that Spirit let fall. “Seems that Pinkie Pie throws everypony one of these. Doesn't seem very special.”

“No, read the bottom!”

“Each party is tailored especially to the ponies being welcomed, from favorite flavor to favorite activity; including, but not limited to, chemical testing with Twilight, physical fun with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and...” Blazing Notes eyes widened so much that the sparkle in them could be seen by the mare in the moon. “Oh, we are so going to this party.”

“It’s two days from now.”

“Oh,” the colt frowned considerably, “bloody hell, we’ll probably have moved on my then.”

“I know,” he muttered, also a little dejected.

“Oh well, no sense lounging about here, we still have a few hours left until evening. Let’s go, Spirit,” he ordered as he headed back towards the train.

“What about Ponyville?” he asked. Surprisingly enough, they hadn't even made it into the town proper yet; they were still within reach of the station. “I wanna explore, I heard it has a wicked cool cursed forest with even more wickedly cool cursed flowers. I wanna eat a few!”

Already used to Spirits suicidal ramblings, Blazing Notes continued on his way, only bothering to answer the first question. “Well, I heard from Fleur that you and Bi are allowed back in Canterlot now.”


“Yep, so lets go.”

Spirit eagerly flew after his best friend. “Awesome!”


“You know," began Spirit, "I think I'm gonna start my own sport for train riding."

“Anypony other than you would be dead by now."

"That means I have the highest score, right?"

Ignoring him, Blazing Notes sat down and began to focus, calling forth his all-seeing mare sense. Currently, there were too many to choose from. Of the approximate 500 ponies he could see, at least 300 were mares, and about 175 were worth noticing. Deciding that he had to thin the herd he narrowed his vision to ponies who didn't have their noses stuck in the sky’s plot. This brought the number down considerably. There was one coming out of a shop. one speaking with an invalid, and one… coming right towards him?

Allowing the males to re-enter his sight, Blazing Notes relaxed and smiled when the mare really was running over to him.

“Oh, Snap!” she cried.

“Must recognize me,” he reasoned.

She ran right past him and high hoofed the colt behind him, right in his face. “Itchy is that you?”

Spirit instantly recovered and slammed her into a nearby building, causing several ponies to run away screaming. “Scratchy, what’s up!” he called after her.

Blazing Notes turned and began to ask a question, but found his throat dry when he realized who that mare was. Electric blue mane, white coat, wicked cool sunglasses? This was none other than DJ Pon-3 herself.

Said pony climbed herself out of the broken building and burst out laughing. Trotting over she high hoofed him, for real this time. “Dude, where have you been! I thought you died in that huge explosion.”

“Nah, I got banished… well, kicked out of Canterlot at least… is that the same thing?”

“Woah, rough, where’d you go man?”

Spirit put a hoof to his muzzle in thought. “Mexicolt… then Trottingham… then Mexicolt again.”

“Dude, you have got to stop looking for trouble wherever you go.”

“But it wasn't my fault!” he whined, “Bi was the one who broke into the royal library!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, so whatcha doin back here?”

Blazing Notes dropped out of his stupor and stepped into the conversation. “Hold on, hold on!” he yelled, “Spirit, how the hell do you know, DJ Pon-3? And why the bloody hell did you buck her into a building!”


“DJ Pon-3!”

Spirit cocked his head. “Who’s DJ Pon-3?”

He pointed to the white pony with the huge grin on her face. “Her! How do you know her?!”

“That’s not DJ Pon-3, that’s Scratchy!” he said, smiling like an idiot, completely oblivious to the irritation spewing out of Notes.

Almost robotically, he turned to face the white unicorn, his irritation only doubling when he noticed that she was just barely holding back her laughter. Her cheeks were puffed out, she was biting her lip, and her entire body was shaking, she would likely burst at any second.

“Go ahead, I don’t even care anymore.”

She burst.


Bionic Force finally made his way to the building; it was, as Foxy stated, quite aways in. During his trek, the lone colt had to fight 2 more Timberwolves, a baby manticore, and even went out of his way to beat down a cockatrice.

Bionic Force hated cockatrice.

As he looked over the wide dark brown building, he began feeling disappointed. “Look at that,” he said to nopony, “that building isn't huge. It’s moderately wide if anything.” Stepping forward, he examined the building further. It was fully wooden and had a window on just about all four sides, and seemed like it was only one story tall with a high roof. It was very wide. Looking through the window, he discovered that there were no rooms, just a large area filled to the brim with boxes. In the corner was the creature that Foxy had described; a bipedal, horned beast covered in crimson dragon scales. The colt could tell easily that the scales were real with how they shined even in the dark, not to mention that the heat they radiated caused the air around it to shimmer.

His interest now fully piqued, Bionic Force let a very small smile come to his face. Finally, something new and unknown. One of his reasons for setting out with his brother was just for this reason: to find creatures not yet discovered by even the princesses themselves. Maybe Foxy was on to something when she suggest- HOLD THE HELL UP! he screamed mentally, Something’s wrong here.

Throwing his goggles on, any semblance of a smile that was on his face immediately disappeared, then reappeared as a deep frown twice as long. Trotting over to the front door, Bionic Force blew it open with a heavy buck; immediately gaining the attention of the beast inside.

“Who are you?! Why have you broken down Deep Red’s door!” the beast screamed.

“So your name’s Deep Red?”

“What’s it to you?! Answer Deep Red’s question, runt,” Deep Red snorted out dark black smoke, “before he fries you up! All nice and crispy like.”

Bionic Force was not intimidated. “Heard you’ve been terrorizing the ponies. That true?”

Deep Red grunted and a tuft of fire escaped his nostrils. “What? Did those wimpy townsponies hire some kind of hunter?” The beast growled loudly, “I’ll BURN THEIR TINY VILLAGE DOWN!” he screamed, eventually he took a step forward. “But, Deep Red is gonna start with you!”

“You know, I hear a lot of huff-huff, but not a lot of puff-puff. If you’re gonna spit fire then do it,” he taunted.

The effect was immediate; Deep Red instantly spat a large burst of red hot flames that completely engulfed the small colt’s frame. However, once the flames stopped, Deep Red was stunned to see that the pony was none worse for wear. In fact, he was completely unharmed, and looking closely one could see a faint clear barrier around him.

Bionic Force actually looked disappointed. “Yeah, thought so. Real dragon flame is several hundred degrees hotter. Minimum. So now that that’s out of the way, I’m going to ask you a question. Who gave you that suit?”

Even though he was somewhat shocked that the pony was still alive Deep Red growled loudly, “Deep Red has nothing to say to you!”

Bionic Force began rummaging around in his saddle bag. “Oh, I think you do. You see, I like having my questions answered, and I get irritated when they’re not. I’m also slightly upset that you’re just some lump in a bionic suit made from dragon scales, rather than some undiscovered creature. Combine the two, and that means I’m pissed.” As he talked he pulled out a red box that was larger than his hoof, and sat it on the ground next to him. “However, I might not be pissed, if you answer my question. Now for the second time: who made and gave you… that suit?”

“Why do you want to know?!”

“I want to know how he, or she, incorporated dragon scales into the suit and where they got the scales. I suspect magic, but ya know, curiosity. Now, before I ask again. I will tell you this.” He gestured to the box. It slowly began unfolding until pieces were moving a rapid pace. By the end of this, a large cannon sat next to the earth pony, its barrel as large as the colt’s own body.

“This… is a photon cannon,” he stated simply, “It can pierce dragon scales as if they were the air itself. Now. Who... made you… that... suit?”

The sight of the cannon sent shivers down Deep Red’s spine; he wanted to just run down the pony, but the gun pointing right at him kept him back. After weighing his options, his shoulders sagged and he fell to the ground, defeated. “Alright! Alright! Don’t kill me, I’ll tell you.”

The cannon began charging, golden light emanated from deep within the gun. “Better hurry, the gun’s already activated.”

Before Red could spill the beans, the roof to his home ripped off, exposing a large crimson dragon at least as big as the building itself. The dragon looked at the two figures before glaring directly at the minotaur wearing matching scales. He spoke in a deep, booming voice. “Wretch, how dare you!” he growled, fire spewing forth at his every word.

The colt looked back towards Red, seemingly unaffected by the dragons arrival. “Now that’s dragonfire! Learn how it’s done.”

The dragon continued. “So you are the one who’s taken my scales! And you have the gall to wear them as your own! You will pay!”

The once proud Minotaur fell back on his rump and nearly pissed himself in fear. “N-N-NO! I swear it wasn’t me! It was--”

“SILENCE!” the dragon screamed, causing Deep Red to fall completely to the ground and crawl himself over to Bionic Force. Even on his knees he was still slightly taller than him. “P-p-p-please, help! Use your laser thing or whatever. I’ll tell you everything,” he whimpered.

The colt scoffed. “You know what’s the most messed up thing? Not that this dragon came out of nowhere, but the fact that you actually believed I had a photon cannon.”

“What?! You don’t!”

“Pfft! Nah, it’s just a bluff I keep with me, something to scare my enemies.” Next to him the light inside of the gun died down and, after a few seconds, started back up again. Like a toy that had been reset.

The dragon, tired of waiting, grabbed the minotaur with his large claw. He screamed the entire way, cursing and yelling for help. “I will have my hide back!” he said, tossing the sacred beast into his maw and swallowing him whole.

Force looked down and kicked some dirt on the ground. “Damn, I didn't get the name of who made that suit… oh well.” Looking up, he realized the dragon was looking directly at him now. “What?”

The dragon snorted, and unlike Deep Red’s puny puffs, an entire black cloud was released. “That thief who took my scales woke me up from my slumber, therefore, that puny pony town will also pay for that thief’s crimes.”

“Oh, alright. I… guess I should stop you then?” Reaching into his pack once more, Bionic Force pulled out large blue colored box and sat it next to him.

“This... is a laser beam cannon.”

Author's Note:

This is probably one of my favorite chapters so far lol As you can plainly see we get the best of each character in this one. Spirit being suicidal, Notes being hopeless and Force being a hole. :rainbowkiss: It's... so beautiful. Also references. It's pretty obvious to see that I referenced another one of my stories.

(totallynotaplugnote) If you... uh... wanna go check that out... that'd be great. No pressure or anything.