• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 942 Views, 38 Comments

SSAdventures: Spirit Awakening - Spirit Shift


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"I just want a frigging drink!"

Author's Note:

Just a little something to show you awesome guys that I haven't forgotten about you. Next part's coming soon, I promise.

Like I was saying, the inside was actually much more spacious than you would expect. Pretty pimped out too. I could tell that it was more than just your typical rave club.

The second we opened the doors, the blaring music instantly went to work by slapping all of us in the face and nearly blowing out our eardrums. Lesser ponies would've been annoyed by the sudden volume increase, but me and pedo bear here took it like stallions.

“Not bad,” I said, admiring the music. It was a somewhat quality dubstep track. The timing was a bit off and the resonance could've be better, though.

“Oh bloody ‘ell! My ears! Why is the music so bucking loud?” Blazing Notes screamed, clearly not used to a proper club.

Vinyl smiled at him, completely unfazed. “Hold on a sec.” Using her magic, she shrouded us in a small bubble that blocked off some of the music, “There ya go. This won’t hold up long, so listen. You’ll get used to it soon, it’s actually not that loud.”

“Yeah, seriously. Stop being a wuss,” I added.

“I gotta go on soon so stick around and have fun. Don’t get beat up or thrown out though; cuz if I’m on stage, I ain't helpin ya.”

Blaze finally finished rubbing his ears enough to respond, “Gotcha, I see where the mares are gathering, so I’ll head there. Shift?”

“I’m probably gonna go wander off somewhere and enjoy the show. I’ll come grab you if I need something.”

“What show? You mean my set?” Vinyl asked.

“No. Look, here’s what’s going to happen. Blaze is going to trot up to some mare, probably the fourth or fifth one he’ll try. Then he’s gonna talk her up. Then her colt friend will beat the everliving cuss word out of him. Blaze’ll fight back, probably even win. Then he’ll get jumped, and we’ll have to leave. Now, before this happens, I need to grab a drink. So, Blaze, don’t move,” I smiled excitedly, “I have to see this, and I want to be comfortable while I do.”

I turned and walked away while Blaze looked at Vinyl with a concerned look. Vinyl just shrugged and smiled, “Well, you know him. If he says that’s what’s gonna happen I guess you’re screwed then.”

Blaze lowered his head and pouted, “Shift always could predict when a fight will break out…. Ahh, bugger all! Forget him! After the day I’ve had I need to relax, even if I have to fight something to do so.”

“That’s the spirit!” Vinyl dropped the wall and the music bore down on us again. I stopped listening in on their conversation and dove into the crowd.


“The End”

Everypony looked at Shift with confused looks.

“What?” Shift asked.

“What do you mean, ‘the end’?” asked Twilight.

“Exactly what I meant. My prediction came true and Blaze got his ass kicked. Few other things happened, but they weren't important.”

“Darling, you can’t just end the story there. You have to continue until the end.”

“Seriously? I mean, I can’t remember what happened so you have to tell me. Who was nob who beat me up. Please tell me it was a group and that I didn't get knocked out by a mare,” Blaze added.

Shift chuckled, “Nah, man, it was a group, and it was pretty funny. But you all know how it ends. I grabbed his ass and stuck him on a train. I hate trains so I put Spirit back in control.”

“Yes, but you can’t just end a story like that just because the ending is revealed,” said Twilight. “We need to know how it came about.”

“Well that’s lame.”

“It’s good storytelling,” Rarity rebutted.

Shift groaned, “Fiiiiinnnneeee!”

Frigging crybabies. *sigh* Like I was saying; after I left pedobear here, I dove right--

Alright, let me stop you right there.

Oh my god! What, Blaze?

Hold on, don’t you mean 'oh my Celestia?’

I don’t believe in Celestia.

If you don’t stop referring to me as a pedophile I will murder you.


My word!

Alright! Everpony, shut the hell up!

Good. Blaze, fine. Can we finish this now?

Thank you. I dove into the crowd. I had already gotten used to the sound, so by this point I was simply trying to figure out where the hell the drink table was. I was pretty sure that I saw it earlier, but the damn thing up and disappeared. I was basically just wandering around. Blaze is pretty picky with his first shot so I figured that I had some time. I decided to dance a bit as a way to work around the crowd.

Just because I could. I pulled out a move that I like to call ‘chocolate thunder’.

Sit down, Shift. Nopony wants to see your chocolate thunder.

Spoilsport. Anyway, I danced a bit to pass the time. Luckily, while I was stealing the spotlight, I finally spotted the drink table. I stopped dancing and trotted in that direction. However, some asshole thought it’d be a good idea to get in my way. He was a green coated earth stallion about an inch and a half taller than me with a shaved mane and goatee.

“Sup, slik. Those were some ballin moves. You got sommin tah prove there, Jay?”

“Shut up, I know it. What’s a jive turkey like you stanin in my way fo, homie?”

He looked at me curiously. “Why’s you talking like that?”

I shrugged, “I dunno you said ‘slik’ and ‘ballin’ so I thought we were talking in ratched.”

“Whateva. I don’t like the way you took the spotlight, ya dig. I’m challenging you to a dance off.”

“OHHHHHHHHHH!” the DJ yelled. “What’s this I hear? A dance off, on my final track? Can this night get any better?”

My rather impressive hearing skills detected a slapping sound, and I realized that the target has begun his route. By my calculations, he would reach the ‘jumped’ point in no less than 30 minutes. I needed to maneuver past this obstacle and retrieve my beverage in order to achieve maximum pleasure while I stand by and watch my friend Blazing Notes get the underworld thrashed from his backside.

“Hey, asshole! Sit the hell down so I can get a motherloving drink and watch my friend get beat the hell up!” I yelled.

I was too late. The prick of a DJ cranked up the music just as I opened my mouth.

The stallion in front of me began busting out a few opening moves. In one move he fell to the ground with all four legs splayed out and somehow rose his body back up without the use of any of them. His last move consisted of him spinning around a bit before pointing towards me, signaling that it was my turn.

“Check that, home-slice!

“Is this a joke? Or do you seriously talk like that normally?” I asked.

The DJ started whooping and cheering to rile up the crowd, “Ohhhhhhssssnap! Earth pony gots da moves! Now lets see what blackie got! Whoop whoop!” The crowd began hollering.

“Da’ hell did he just call me?” Now, I’m no stranger to insults. I can dish them out, and I can take them; with or without profanity even. But I take personal offence to the racist terms. I happen to just be a darker shade of Spirit’s normal coat thank you very much.

Hold on, I’m afraid I don’t follow darling. Exactly what was racist about--

Anyway… I jumped up and decked the DJ. I hopped into the seat and took the mic from his unconscious head. “Vinyl Scratch, please approach the DJ stage. Vinyl Scratch, please approach the DJ stage. It’s your turn to play.”

She quickly made her way up to the stage and threw on a beat that melded with and took over the previous DJ’s. She nabbed the mic from me and yelled out into the stunned crowd, “How’s that for a turnover! DJ Pon3 in the Hizzouse! Mad thanks to Shift here for his part!”

The crowd started cheering and she took off her mic and turned to me with what I assumed was an angry glare. “Dude! What the hell?” she hissed.

“I was offended so I took action,” I said lazily looking down at the fallen DJ.

She facehooved. “Bro, don’t go doing stuff like that or you’ll get kicked out. Now I won’t get to see how this turns out because somepony decided I should go on early.”

“Can’t you see everything from up here? Look I can see the drink table! Looks like they got some fanta,” I said hopping off.

“Make sure it’s not spiked!”


That earth pony from before stepped in front of me as soon as I jumped down. He glared at me so I smirked at him. This made him glare even harder so I let out a small chuckle. By this point he was thoroughly pissed, “Yo, son, you ain't done here. Yous and me gots some unfinished business, capiche?”

“Bro, find an accent, and frggin stick with it!” I yelled. Seriously, everytime he started a new sentence he had a different, equally bad, accent to say it with. It annoyed the hell outta me.

“Aye, what the hay are ye talkin boot? Ah aint got no acksent,” he said, starting scolttish but ending southern.

You’re very good at doing imitations, Shift.

Thanks, yellow horse. I’m better than Spirit anyway.

Since I had enough of the hole I simply shoved my way past him. On the way by I caught a glimpse of his mark, a tongue with a question mark. “Fitting,” I thought. I quickly relocated the drinking table.

I trotted over to the counter of thirst quenching, only to stop when a bunch of mares began crowding it. It took me a second to care, but when I did I noticed that they were all glaring at me.

“I’m never gonna get my drink am I?”